So NT, do you applaud at the end of films or when the plane lands safely?

Feb 20, 2009
I live in the UK and we don't really do this here.. I hear that people often applaud at the end of a movie in America though?

So.. do you?
I don't. I, however, have been to a few movies where people felt the need to applaud at the end of the movie. I was just seating there like wth.
i havent been to the movies since Vantage Point and noone clapped. movie was
LOL WTH? where did you hear this at? I've never clap for neither events

europeans and all these crazy things they be hearing about america...
never when the plane landed

only time I've ever seen people clap at the movies is like at the midnight showing for superhero movies
Originally Posted by cangn

LOL WTH? where did you hear this at? I've never clap for neither events

europeans and all these crazy things they be hearing about america...
I have no idea
I thought it didn't sound right, sowanted to ask some actual Americans.
I clap at the end of a good movie. So does everybody else when I go. But not on planes
I'm in ATL.

I went to see X-Men at the midnight show.....MAD heads were clapping.

I've also been on numerous flights (outside of the country) and heads STAY clappin upon landing...

I only see why people would, when a pilot lands smoothly in the middle of a storm.
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