So, the people at Precious Moments aren't huge fans of my work.

you sir are very creative.

its good to see someone from NT with a REAL sense of humor and actually putting it to good use.

everyone here just posts overused instagram/twitter memes and beat em to the ground or start to cry about anything semi provocative. 

i also dig the originality and creativity that you bring to your photoshops, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
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My sarcasm detector was low today. :lol: Are you going to post new updates anytime soon?

Like I said, we will see. Who knows? It may not be worth the fight, you know? Who wants to fight someone that has the power of being 'Your One Stop Holy Sacrament Token Gift Shop"?

you sir are very creative.

its good to see someone from NT with a REAL sense of humor and actually putting it to good use.

everyone here just posts overused instagram/twitter memes and beat em to the ground or start to cry about anything semi provocative. 

i also dig the originality and creativity that you bring to your photoshops, your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, man. Memes really aren't my thing. I'll contribute to memes that originate here, but for the most part memes aren't funny by definition. Memes just aren't my thing. I did find irony in someone named Rustlenomics being critical of memes though.

I'd also like to argue that a Photoshopped conjoined twin figurine (or would that be two figurines? I mean you wouldn't call TLC's Abby and Brittany "her") isn't exactly an example of putting humor to good use. :tongue:

This is funny stuff. Subversive and sharp

Im glad you've got a lawyer friend to talk to about this, because you are definitely in the clear here.
It may not be worth putting the tmblr back up, but this is clearly parody, and would be covered by fair-use exception

If I had one recommendation, it would be to alter the font of the logo somewhat, so that it was less similar to the true logo. Further, consider making your title (preciouser moments) more distinct as well
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Twisted and somewhat dark humor. Many were tasteless. No surprise that a company whose laurels lie on innocence happen to take exception to an adulteration of their work.

This is cool stuff. I like it. Subversive and sharp

Im glad you've got a lawyer friend to talk to about this, because you are definitely in the clear here.
It may not be worth putting the tmblr back up, but this is clearly parody, and would be covered by fair-use exception

If I had one recommendation, it would be to alter the font of the logo somewhat, so that it was less similar to the true logo. Further, consider making your title (preciouser moments) more distinct as well

Thanks for the insight and compliments. I too thought about changing the logo up. Chances are I will start this up again under a different title (Even Preciouser Moments???) and make it clear that it is parody and satire. As odd as this sounds, I almost feel like the more over-the-top I make the images, the less chance Precious Moments will have a problem with them. Also, I somehow had the foresight to save the .PSDs (Photoshop files) of these. I did this in the event that I ever had to change just the logo.

This is cool stuff. I like it. Subversive and sharp

Im glad you've got a lawyer friend to talk to about this, because you are definitely in the clear here.
It may not be worth putting the tmblr back up, but this is clearly parody, and would be covered by fair-use exception

If I had one recommendation, it would be to alter the font of the logo somewhat, so that it was less similar to the true logo. Further, consider making your title (preciouser moments) more distinct as well

Thanks for the insight and compliments. I too thought about changing the logo up. Chances are I will start this up again under a different title (Even Preciouser Moments???) and make it clear that it is parody and satire. As odd as this sounds, I almost feel like the more over-the-top I make the images, the less chance Precious Moments will have a problem with them. Also, I somehow had the foresight to save the .PSDs (Photoshop files) of these. I did this in the event that I ever had to change just the logo.

100% correct. The further your creation deviates from the original, the less the Intellectual Property owner can assert a claim of misuse. This is true for the "spirit" of the property, as well as the visual look.

If your pictures looked unchanged, but you had altered the spirit or purpose of the image, it still counts as parody. In your case, you have both altered the image and you have parodied the spirit. Good to go
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I wish Phylicia Rashad would have come at me for my Tumblr instead of Precious Moments. I still have disdain for Clair Huxtable. This was Photoshop put to good use and to rid the world of an evil.








Just fight it man. They won't win in court. Parody is protected. You aren't selling the statues and even if you were it would still be protected under satire. Don't let corporations boss you around couldn't help but be reminded of this

Just fight it man. They won't win in court. Parody is protected. You aren't selling the statues and even if you were it would still be protected under satire. Don't let corporations boss you around couldn't help but be reminded of this

Fight it for what? And with what money? He's not making anything off the blog, there's no point. Also OP will likely lose on the precious moments logo. Adding "er" at the end wont save you. I'd say let it go man, not worth the time, money or headache.
Yeah, you could fight this and win if you cared.

At least be sure to get it on google images or make 4chan aware so they can run with it.

I can totally see why they sent you the c&d though.

This is pure gold man :rofl: :rofl: Thanks. Keep making them if the inspiration ever hits you and just upload them to other places. Cuz at the least if this catches on to like twitter the ppl at Precious Moments won't be able to stop it.

Too many to comment on how funny they are :lol:
these are hilarious!!! i think the only thing you'd need to do is add a disclaimer either on the image (it would probably be better were they on the image) or the site, and you'd probably be ok; as it is its seems kind of a dubious claim...they most likely sent it with all the legalese as a scare tactic

I wish Phylicia Rashad would have come at me for my Tumblr instead of Precious Moments. I still have disdain for Clair Huxtable. This was Photoshop put to good use and to rid the world of an evil.









cold-blooded! what do you have against claire?!?!
Twisted and somewhat dark humor. Many were tasteless. No surprise that a company whose laurels lie on innocence happen to take exception to an adulteration of their work.

This. What are you trying to accomplish with these?

I don't think the whole sexualized portrayal of what appear to be children is at all funny. Pretty disgusting in my opinion. You're getting a bunch of teenage males to laugh on the internet - good job. I wouldn't be proud of that sort of output as my "work," but maybe I'm old fashioned.
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