So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

I'll tell chicks straight up front I'm a charming a-hole.

They love me for it.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

We can't make you do anything, YOU choose to let us effect you

If I changed due to the women in my life I would be on some Joker status
thats far from the truth...if that was the case than all the bitter guys on here should be mad at themselves and not the girls that broke theirhearts and made them not trust just happen to be a step above them for not letting women get to you...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

We can't make you do anything, YOU choose to let us effect you

If I changed due to the women in my life I would be on some Joker status
thats far from the truth...if that was the case than all the bitter guys on here should be mad at themselves and not the girls that broke their hearts and made them not trust just happen to be a step above them for not letting women get to you...
that goes both ways. All women that got done dirty by guys should be made at themselves & not adopt that whole all men are dogs type attitude.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

We can't make you do anything, YOU choose to let us effect you

If I changed due to the women in my life I would be on some Joker status
thats far from the truth...if that was the case than all the bitter guys on here should be mad at themselves and not the girls that broke their hearts and made them not trust just happen to be a step above them for not letting women get to you...
that goes both ways. All women that got done dirty by guys should be made at themselves & not adopt that whole all men are dogs type attitude.

i'm saying its wrong either way...why should i be mad at me cuz you played me? i'm mad at you cuz i trusted you...
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going on in her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunites to be with her because you have to study, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will try to make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.

That's very true. I think too many dudes are overeager which gets them shutdown. There is a difference between treating people with respect and beingovereager or desperate for a person's attention.
i hate $$@#%%!%...but my bf can be a huge @%!!$*! to everyone except for me and his friends... i love him tho
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

depends on the chick...but in general, i SWEAR every female i know has dated an a-hole at one point in their dating years...and it's not a bad thing because adversity provides growth and a chance to know what you want in a mate.

where they lose cred is when they complain about lame guys and then date em anyway.

some of these "a-holes" really got isses for real...inferiority complexes..and a lotta the chicks think they can change they get long-d------- and then cry when the dude does it to their best friends...

i've seen women get with

-dudes who intentionally keep em on the side and they knowingly go along with it.
-dudes who are broke and werent doing anything to improve the situation. it's a difference between being broke and working towards achieving goals
-abusive dudes

it's a difference between being a real man and checking your woman when she does something wrong..but cats be wild....


It's like a catch-22 for females---they want to change a man, but get all upset and angered when they get treated wrong finding out that they cant changehim. Then they go looking for that same type of dude usually ending up in the same result. And it be those types saying that they cant keep a dude

The whole thing is funny to me. Thats why I dont even sweat it no more---I'm a nice guy because growing up in the South I was raised and brought up thatway. Dont get it twisted, I have a backbone but I'm not gonna change for anyone. I'm just gonna do me and accomplish my goals in life and not worrybout that female nonsense. I know my value as a man will increase heavily as I get older regardless of how"nice" or cocky my whole persona is percieved by women.

And I advise all my other "nice guys" to take heed to my statements.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

they want to marry a nice guy, but they want to %+%! an a hole
nah, they wanna marry him too...

Pretty much.

They say nice guys finish last: WRONG, they don't finish at all.

Anything a girl says do the Opposite.

I want a polite guy = Be rude as hell
Money doesn't mean anything = Better make atleast 100 g's
I like sensitive guys = You better not even shed a tear over onions


Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going on in her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunities to be with her because you have to study, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will try to make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.
Real Talk.
Girls just wanna have a good time, just because I can make her laugh and we can have a fun/wild night don't make me no $!%+@+@.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

We can't make you do anything, YOU choose to let us effect you

If I changed due to the women in my life I would be on some Joker status
thats far from the truth...if that was the case than all the bitter guys on here should be mad at themselves and not the girls that broke their hearts and made them not trust just happen to be a step above them for not letting women get to you...
that goes both ways. All women that got done dirty by guys should be made at themselves & not adopt that whole all men are dogs type attitude.

i'm saying its wrong either way...why should i be mad at me cuz you played me? i'm mad at you cuz i trusted you...
"why should I be mad at myself for letting myself lose an arm? I'm mad at that lion for biting my arm off"
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going on in her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunities to be with her because you have to study, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will try to make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.
Real Talk.
Real talk my !%%.
I can't stand all of this role reversal. Y'all want to be respected for the men that you claim to be but don'twanna act like it. I'm sorry, I'm the girl and that's how it is. If I wanted to date a female, I'd change lanes. That's not how it workswhen you're the one pursuing. You don't try to get next to me and then act all indifferent. *+!# that! It's happened far too often and it'salways funny when guys get butthurt because they're trying to play a game that they can't begin to know the rules to. I mean, if chicks are throwingthemselves at you, then you have every right to be like that...but if you're trying to get next to a lady, you have to show her you want to be next to her.There's no game involved in that. If you're a man, be a man. If she's a real woman, she's gonna go show you that and you'll BOTH be happy.But if you're a real man going after some hoodrats or you're a pansy trying to push up next to a real woman, that's not gonna work.

I hate to get corny and cliche with this old !%% song reference but these little boys are chasing waterfalls like it ain't nothin' these days. Gaugeyour target and act accordingly. Don't try to conquer what you're not ready for because you'll get your feelings hurt.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Girls just wanna have a good time, just because I can make her laugh and we can have a fun/wild night don't make me no $!%+@+@.


wats wrong with their skin?
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