So they tryna say Obama done goof'd?

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Can't wait for a Mormon POTUS.


Consider yourself the Cubs fan of Presidental elections then
mitt actually got a good chance.
his own party is reluctant to embrace him,   he'll win the nomination due to having the best shot at beating obama but i don't see him winning.

it's going to be interesting to see if alot of the red states warm to him considering he's a mormon,  and mormon + traditional christian republican base normally wouldn't be a match
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by JD214

This dude Obuma is a clown.

08 election was bad, both candidates sucked. 12 will be the same, The Rebuplican Party doesn't have anyone strong enough to go against

Having Romney as a president.

I'll never vote...

Are you even of age?

Im a republican so naturally I hate obuma and his ultra liberal agenda, but my wife is black so go ahead and try to play the race card with me...
Originally Posted by mikykr20

Im a republican so naturally I hate obuma and his ultra liberal agenda, but my wife is black so go ahead and try to play the race card with me...

What does your wife being black have to do with anything?  
Originally Posted by cap1229

It's really hard to respect republicians or anybody who would vote republican. Really hard. Family included.

I feel the same toward democrats.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by mikykr20

Im a republican so naturally I hate obuma and his ultra liberal agenda, but my wife is black so go ahead and try to play the race card with me...

What does your wife being black have to do with anything?  
"________ is my opinion... i'm not racist though, my wife is black."


4 pages of ignorance in this thread. Everyone with access to an internet connection all of a sudden thinks they have the "inside scoop" on politics.
I hate politics...

but why would i be surprised about a politician poltic-ing? That's what they all do...

...and i'm still not voting for one of the republican candidates
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by mikykr20

Im a republican so naturally I hate obuma and his ultra liberal agenda, but my wife is black so go ahead and try to play the race card with me...

What does your wife being black have to do with anything?  
"________ is my opinion... i'm not racist though, my wife is black."


Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by mikykr20

Im a republican so naturally I hate obuma and his ultra liberal agenda, but my wife is black so go ahead and try to play the race card with me...

What does your wife being black have to do with anything?  
"________ is my opinion... i'm not racist though, my wife is black."


Let's try to pick things off one by one

1. Obama was born in the United States.. The State Department, and Department of Defense do EXTENSIVE background checks of all presidential candidates. And with that so do all his political opponents, if he was not born in the U.S., and there were some shreds of credible evidence you think his rivals wouldn't have "outed" him? The political capital it would create for the opposition party (In this case Republicans) would be immense, as a scandal of epic proportions, not seen on any level of the United States before has been committed by the Democrats.. Would immensely help Republicans... You don't think they'd already have him out of office if he really wasn't born in America and party in the political capital it created?

2. Obama is nowhere near the most liberal president.. He has been nowhere near a socialist... And the fact that many people use socialism like it is a bad word, when they in fact happily practice in socialism in their everyday life throughout the day is the fun part of people not knowing what their government does.

3. The top 10% of wage earners OWN 71% of WEALTH in the country.... Complaining that the top 10% pay 71% of taxes is idiotic when it is within range of how much wealth they own of all American wage earner wealth..  It is ironically the fair share.

4. Obama has cut more taxes than George W. Bush & Ronald Reagan in their first term. (While Reagan and Bush cut a more drastic percentage targeted at a certain sector, to be objective in a historical sense)

5. The 50% of HOUSEHOLDS not paying taxes is for one basic reason... They don't make enough money... When you add in Social Security Tax, State tax, Local tax, payroll taxes, etc... That money effectively moves families going from paycheck to paycheck to less than paycheck to paycheck.. A person making $23K in a year, say is paying $2K in all those previously mentioned taxes.. Then what do you want them to do, pay 15% fed tax as well? Oh that's right you want the bottom 50% who has less than 10% of the wealth in this country (very inflated number, some studies have it as low as 3% of all national wealth is held by the bottom 50%) to foot 50% of federal taxes because you think that is fair.. A Tax Policy Center Study indicated a married family at the poverty level paid 7.7% of their income on payroll taxes in 2007 (before payroll taxes were cut to ease the recession)

6. Taxes are at a 60 year low.
Oh look another NT Political thread filled with dumb comments and of course, the race card being pulled out. How typical
Originally Posted by Essential1

Let's try to pick things off one by one

1. Obama was born in the United States.. The State Department, and Department of Defense do EXTENSIVE background checks of all presidential candidates. And with that so do all his political opponents, if he was not born in the U.S., and there were some shreds of credible evidence you think his rivals wouldn't have "outed" him? The political capital it would create for the opposition party (In this case Republicans) would be immense, as a scandal of epic proportions, not seen on any level of the United States before has been committed by the Democrats.. Would immensely help Republicans... You don't think they'd already have him out of office if he really wasn't born in America and party in the political capital it created?

2. Obama is nowhere near the most liberal president.. He has been nowhere near a socialist... And the fact that many people use socialism like it is a bad word, when they in fact happily practice in socialism in their everyday life throughout the day is the fun part of people not knowing what their government does.

3. The top 10% of wage earners OWN 71% of WEALTH in the country.... Complaining that the top 10% pay 71% of taxes is idiotic when it is within range of how much wealth they own of all American wage earner wealth..  It is ironically the fair share.

4. Obama has cut more taxes than George W. Bush & Ronald Reagan in their first term. (While Reagan and Bush cut a more drastic percentage targeted at a certain sector, to be objective in a historical sense)

5. The 50% of HOUSEHOLDS not paying taxes is for one basic reason... They don't make enough money... When you add in Social Security Tax, State tax, Local tax, payroll taxes, etc... That money effectively moves families going from paycheck to paycheck to less than paycheck to paycheck.. A person making $23K in a year, say is paying $2K in all those previously mentioned taxes.. Then what do you want them to do, pay 15% fed tax as well? Oh that's right you want the bottom 50% who has less than 10% of the wealth in this country (very inflated number, some studies have it as low as 3% of all national wealth is held by the bottom 50%) to foot 50% of federal taxes because you think that is fair.. A Tax Policy Center Study indicated a married family at the poverty level paid 7.7% of their income on payroll taxes in 2007 (before payroll taxes were cut to ease the recession)

6. Taxes are at a 60 year low.

Where is your proof?
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by Dimelo
"This is my last election. After the election I will have more flexibility."
They acting like he said he was going to cut somebody **** off.

I'm going to be completely honest, I would have more respect for folks if they just came out and said they don't like President Obama because he's black and they don't like having a black president instead of repeatedly coming out with all this nonsense and foolery. Its embarrassing, I'd rather America be racist than stupid.
Why does it have to be racism though? I can't stand the man because he's a democrat, just as I couldn't stand Clinton, Gore or any overtly democratic flag waver. Ever thought about that being a possibility?
The problem in a America these days is people are too dedicated to their political parties, so even if they know their party candidates suck !@$% they still will say they are better than their opponent. George Washington said "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." a lot of these people who claim that their party is doing whats best for America are fools. Dedication to ones party is the worse thing that one can do because when the right candidate comes it who could possibly be of an opposing party, a political party shroud would be over our eyes keeping us from really seeing whats what.
He already has the power to kill and detain U.S. citizens indefinitely. What is worse than that?

Moreover, if you consume more resources, you should pay more taxes.

Stop worrying about what other people consume. Mind your business.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but not one person here actually mentioned what the real "controversy" is about.  Obama said...

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space,
Originally Posted by mikykr20

Originally Posted by Essential1

Let's try to pick things off one by one

1. Obama was born in the United States.. The State Department, and Department of Defense do EXTENSIVE background checks of all presidential candidates. And with that so do all his political opponents, if he was not born in the U.S., and there were some shreds of credible evidence you think his rivals wouldn't have "outed" him? The political capital it would create for the opposition party (In this case Republicans) would be immense, as a scandal of epic proportions, not seen on any level of the United States before has been committed by the Democrats.. Would immensely help Republicans... You don't think they'd already have him out of office if he really wasn't born in America and party in the political capital it created?

2. Obama is nowhere near the most liberal president.. He has been nowhere near a socialist... And the fact that many people use socialism like it is a bad word, when they in fact happily practice in socialism in their everyday life throughout the day is the fun part of people not knowing what their government does.

3. The top 10% of wage earners OWN 71% of WEALTH in the country.... Complaining that the top 10% pay 71% of taxes is idiotic when it is within range of how much wealth they own of all American wage earner wealth..  It is ironically the fair share.

4. Obama has cut more taxes than George W. Bush & Ronald Reagan in their first term. (While Reagan and Bush cut a more drastic percentage targeted at a certain sector, to be objective in a historical sense)

5. The 50% of HOUSEHOLDS not paying taxes is for one basic reason... They don't make enough money... When you add in Social Security Tax, State tax, Local tax, payroll taxes, etc... That money effectively moves families going from paycheck to paycheck to less than paycheck to paycheck.. A person making $23K in a year, say is paying $2K in all those previously mentioned taxes.. Then what do you want them to do, pay 15% fed tax as well? Oh that's right you want the bottom 50% who has less than 10% of the wealth in this country (very inflated number, some studies have it as low as 3% of all national wealth is held by the bottom 50%) to foot 50% of federal taxes because you think that is fair.. A Tax Policy Center Study indicated a married family at the poverty level paid 7.7% of their income on payroll taxes in 2007 (before payroll taxes were cut to ease the recession)

6. Taxes are at a 60 year low.

Where is your proof?

1.  Come on man pretty obvious

2. Ask any historian.  Ask a number of professors about where Obama fits on the ideological spectrum. They will tell you he has been a president who believes in liberal causes, but has governed from the center right..  Half his policies have been previous republican ideas. "Obamacare" was a republican idea in the 1990s, the mandate is even more of a republican idea. START treaty = republican. Bailouts originally republican. Last time there was a huge banking crisis, the liberal president actually took over the banks.
2a. Now as for your life being filled with Socialism;  if you use the internet (which you do) you participated in socialism.. The food you eat is regulated by the FDA, paid by taxpayer money, the roads you drive, sidewalks you walk, the streetlights all funded by taxes, administered by organizations that use taxes as their main source of revenue.. I could go on and on. For you to think that a massive amount of your life contains a component of socialism would be ignoring not only what socialism does, but the services the government actually provides.

3. http://www.faculty.fairfi...n/income&wealth.htm.       Fairfield university has the number of wealth owned by Top 10% at 71.2%.  By that metric if the top 10% who pays 71% of the federal taxes, owns  71.2% of the nation's wealth that is extremely fair.. It isn't fair how the income is distributed, but to say that if you earn 71.2% of the wealth in country that 71.2% of taxes paid is unfair is laughable.   USC professor..  "With those caveats in mind, we can still safely say that the top 10% of the world's adults control about 85% of global household wealth -- defined very broadly as all assets (not just financial assets), minus debts. That compares with a figure of 69.8% for the top 10% for the United States. The only industrialized democracy with a higher concentration of wealth in the top 10% than the United States is Switzerland at 71.3%."

So I have given you 2 different colleges.  1 at 71%,  1 at 69.8%. 

4.  http://www.thedailybeast....h-did-in-first-term.html


The Tax Policy Center last week released an analysis called “Historical Federal Income Tax Rates for a Family of Four.
2. Ask any historian.  Ask a number of professors about where Obama fits on the ideological spectrum. They will tell you he has been a president who believes in liberal causes, but has governed from the center right..  Half his policies have been previous republican ideas. "Obamacare" was a republican idea in the 1990s, the mandate is even more of a republican idea. START treaty = republican. Bailouts originally republican. Last time there was a huge banking crisis, the liberal president actually took over the banks.
2a. Now as for your life being filled with Socialism;  if you use the internet (which you do) you participated in socialism.. The food you eat is regulated by the FDA, paid by taxpayer money, the roads you drive, sidewalks you walk, the streetlights all funded by taxes, administered by organizations that use taxes as their main source of revenue.. I could go on and on. For you to think that a massive amount of your life contains a component of socialism would be ignoring not only what socialism does, but the services the government actually provides.

So basically, you are affirming that Obama = NeoCon on top of sending tens of thousands of troops to kill innocent people, correct? What is the difference between Obama and the Republicans other than issues pertaining to abortion and having a theocracy? Both love government mandated health care, both love war, both love to take away civil rights, both love higher taxes (just on different groups)

Actually the food I eat isn't regulated by the FDA. I get most of my food through a Co-Op that is delivered from the Amish country in Pennsylvania. I grow my own produce, the meat and raw milk/cheese I buy my family isn't FDA or USDA approved. Also, I can guarantee the the food I buy and feed my family is a hell of a lot cleaner than the stuff you put in your body that is "regulated" by the FDA.
Damn, this !*%$ derailed fast lol.

Lessons learned on NT: Never post any personal pics. Never contradict yourself them detectives is on it. Never start a political thread.
Originally Posted by Essential1

4. Obama has cut more taxes than George W. Bush & Ronald Reagan in their first term. (While Reagan and Bush cut a more drastic percentage targeted at a certain sector, to be objective in a historical sense)
Prove this!  Are you talking about the 2% payroll tax cut? $400 working tax credit? 
GW Bush is the reason why we're still paying historical low taxes today.  All OBAMA. has done is extend and extend again GW Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.  Tell me what tax legislation that Obama has introduced and passed into law?  I am waiting....

This is what GW Bush gave to the American people in 2003.... his first term!  

1. AMT Tax relief by increasing the exemption amounts

2. Qualified Dividends and Long Term Capital Gains are taxed at 15% or lower

3. Increased the Section 179 Depreciation expense

4. Marriage tax penalty relief

5. Tax rates lowered and expansion of the 10% rate bracket

6. Increased child tax credit 

So again tell me how Obama has cut more taxes...


 Saw your response... and just like I thought. 

4.  http://www.thedailybeast....h-did-in-first-term.html

Obama has cut taxes to lower levels than Bush did, says Linden. This is because, of course, Obama thus far has extended all of the Bush tax cuts and then cut taxes on top of that. His original stimulus bill in 2009 had $290 billion in Making Work Pay tax cuts. His speech Thursday night before Congress advocated for another $175 billion in payroll tax cuts, which come on top of $110 billion from last December’s budget deal. Speeded-up expensing for business adds another $10 billion or so.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Essential1

4. Obama has cut more taxes than George W. Bush & Ronald Reagan in their first term. (While Reagan and Bush cut a more drastic percentage targeted at a certain sector, to be objective in a historical sense)
Prove this!  Are you talking about the 2% payroll tax cut? $400 working tax credit? 
GW Bush is the reason why we're still paying historical low taxes today.  All OBAMA. has done is extend and extend again GW Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.  Tell me what tax legislation that Obama has introduced and passed into law?  I am waiting....

This is what GW Bush gave to the American people in 2003.... his first term!  

1. AMT Tax relief by increasing the exemption amounts

2. Qualified Dividends and Long Term Capital Gains are taxed at 15% or lower

3. Increased the Section 179 Depreciation expense

4. Marriage tax penalty relief

5. Tax rates lowered and expansion of the 10% rate bracket

6. Increased child tax credit 

So again tell me how Obama has cut more taxes...


 Saw your response... and just like I thought. 

4.  http://www.thedailybeast....h-did-in-first-term.html

Obama has cut taxes to lower levels than Bush did, says Linden. This is because, of course, Obama thus far has extended all of the Bush tax cuts and then cut taxes on top of that. His original stimulus bill in 2009 had $290 billion in Making Work Pay tax cuts. His speech Thursday night before Congress advocated for another $175 billion in payroll tax cuts, which come on top of $110 billion from last December’s budget deal. Speeded-up expensing for business adds another $10 billion or so.
Those are political tax cuts. In other words, they didn't allow them to go up as much as they were supposed to so therefore it was a cut.

We'll also forget about the invisible taxes that were promoted like the Cash-for-Clunkers which promoted people to trade in their paid for cars for new car payments to keep the auto industry going and the fees that large financial institutions have implemented to keep them solvent as a result of Dodd-Frank. Next will be homeowners having to pay more for FHA loans rather than just limit the number allowed to take them out.
forgive me for not being able to follow this storybetter, but i see what folks are mad about as far as waiting to do something when he doesnt have to worry aboutgetting votes ....

but what is controversial as to what Obama is gonna do?
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