So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you
that's b/c you ARE white



300 million people in a non homogeneous society. The only privilege anymore is either political patronage and/or money.  Much like it occurred in Rome during the latter stages. 
The only people who have a claim against the rest of society are Black Americans and Native Americans because they were literally kept back for hundreds of years. The latter's society simply being decimated. Multi generational oppression does have a prolonged effect.

Everybody else can go cry a river with " my ancestors were oppressed while building the RR's in the US in the 1800's" or " my country was colonized by the US for all of 50 years"..yada yada

You want  to see real ingrained privilege visit Europe / South America/ the Middle East. 
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you
that's b/c you ARE white



300 million people in a non homogeneous society. The only privilege anymore is either political patronage and/or money.  Much like it occurred in Rome during the latter stages. 
The only people who have a claim against the rest of society are Black Americans and Native Americans because they were literally kept back for hundreds of years. The latter's society simply being decimated. Multi generational oppression does have a prolonged effect.

Everybody else can go cry a river with " my ancestors were oppressed while building the RR's in the US in the 1800's" or " my country was colonized by the US for all of 50 years"..yada yada

You want  to see real ingrained privilege visit Europe / South America/ the Middle East. 
I just can't agree that minorities have the odds against them even when they're doing well...
I can't think of a single time the color of my skin has had any effect on my life, to the point where I don't consider my race or anyone else's race at all in my daily life. Until I go online, then there are race threads everywhere

Seriously though, race is a non-issue in my world, maybe it's because I live in New York and my summer home growing up was in South Carolina so that's become my gauge for another part of the American spectrum, and as far as southern states go I'm sure SC is pretty mild
I just can't agree that minorities have the odds against them even when they're doing well...
I can't think of a single time the color of my skin has had any effect on my life, to the point where I don't consider my race or anyone else's race at all in my daily life. Until I go online, then there are race threads everywhere

Seriously though, race is a non-issue in my world, maybe it's because I live in New York and my summer home growing up was in South Carolina so that's become my gauge for another part of the American spectrum, and as far as southern states go I'm sure SC is pretty mild
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Im Not You


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 
Race will always be a factor in America, but class is a far greater factor in terms of the oppurtunities presented.  The richest girl in my private high school was black, her father owned the largest black wall street firm and is currently engaged to Tyra Banks.  This chick was not a particualarly adept student, probably on the lower end aptitude wise for my competitive, private high school.  She still got into basically every Ivy league college she applied too though and it sure wasn't cause of her B-student self.

At the end of the day, the Color of Money>>>Color of race

but in America if you aren't white you will be treated differently at times regardless of how much money you have

If you are white you will be treated diff in other situations. White person in the "hood"? they the first to get robbed.
White person at a pick up game? Last to be picked unless they got a shot

Everyone gets treated diff thats just the way the world works but getting money and providing for yourself has nothing to do with your race unless you are just lazy which is the case with most people.
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Im Not You


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 
Race will always be a factor in America, but class is a far greater factor in terms of the oppurtunities presented.  The richest girl in my private high school was black, her father owned the largest black wall street firm and is currently engaged to Tyra Banks.  This chick was not a particualarly adept student, probably on the lower end aptitude wise for my competitive, private high school.  She still got into basically every Ivy league college she applied too though and it sure wasn't cause of her B-student self.

At the end of the day, the Color of Money>>>Color of race

but in America if you aren't white you will be treated differently at times regardless of how much money you have

If you are white you will be treated diff in other situations. White person in the "hood"? they the first to get robbed.
White person at a pick up game? Last to be picked unless they got a shot

Everyone gets treated diff thats just the way the world works but getting money and providing for yourself has nothing to do with your race unless you are just lazy which is the case with most people.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader

I know of a similar situation when I was growing up.  Actually it was the same pretty much.
Basically that mother is just depressed with here life.  She thinks everything should be given to her.  She didn't accomplish what she wanted to growing up, and she wants to live her life through her child.  Her husband is probably @%!$!%# the maid, and that daughter will most likely grow up and hate her mother.  Sad, sad individual. 

I hope you said F that man, and captured your dreams with the knowledge God gave you.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader

I know of a similar situation when I was growing up.  Actually it was the same pretty much.
Basically that mother is just depressed with here life.  She thinks everything should be given to her.  She didn't accomplish what she wanted to growing up, and she wants to live her life through her child.  Her husband is probably @%!$!%# the maid, and that daughter will most likely grow up and hate her mother.  Sad, sad individual. 

I hope you said F that man, and captured your dreams with the knowledge God gave you.
My family had a nice house, a pool in the yard, and a vacation home.

I worked two jobs in highschool while being a three sport athlete (football, basketball and track.) I've been working since I was 12. I bought my own car with no help from my parents when I was 16. When I went to college I worked 40 hours a week and got my bachelor's degree in under three years. Did they help me pay for college or anything for that matter? No. When I decided I was going out to L.A. after I graduated I didn't get a dime from them or any help moving. Now I live in NYC working in the Commisioner's Office for the MLB so things turned out ok.

My parents never got me a job, never bought me anything they thought I didn't need, and never was I spoiled like the kids around me. And that's my experience.
My family had a nice house, a pool in the yard, and a vacation home.

I worked two jobs in highschool while being a three sport athlete (football, basketball and track.) I've been working since I was 12. I bought my own car with no help from my parents when I was 16. When I went to college I worked 40 hours a week and got my bachelor's degree in under three years. Did they help me pay for college or anything for that matter? No. When I decided I was going out to L.A. after I graduated I didn't get a dime from them or any help moving. Now I live in NYC working in the Commisioner's Office for the MLB so things turned out ok.

My parents never got me a job, never bought me anything they thought I didn't need, and never was I spoiled like the kids around me. And that's my experience.
Originally Posted by msaba07

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

I was raised by a single mother for the majority of my life ... I've come home to pink slips on the door ... I've seen people shot and killed in front of me ... I've hung out with the white crowd, black crowd, brown crowd yellow crowd etc... I've "dressed black," "dressed white," and in turn, dressing "white" turned into dressing "black" in my area ... all that %$%! is irrelevant ...

When it comes down to it, my mom stayed on me harder than some of my friends moms ... and that's not a knock against their moms, but it is what it is ... maybe it comes from my mother having both parents in her household when she was growing up ... i was always taught manners and respect ... i was always taught hard work pays off and to watch my mouth around adults ... i was taught solid decision making ... even when i put myself in bad situations, i was always the first person to say "lets get out of here" or suggest we do something else to simply lessen the chance of getting caught ...

I had one objective in life and that was to graduate college ... I did it for my mother first and myself second ... my mom took out student loans for me and promised i would never have to pay as long as i graduated ... i was always that kid whose report card was held because the tuition wasn't paid ... i was always that kid who had the new iversons or jordans though ...

i owe my entire life to my mother ... and the truth is, they just dont build them like her ... she is one of a kind ... she understood what was important for me and i will never forget that ... the biggest problem with kids these days is their support structure doesnt include someone like my mother ... people just dont have the drive because its a lot easier to have the government pay for everything and then blame someone else for their shortfalls ...

All this is true....

We both had somewhat of a similar upbringing....

Although I had more freedom to run the streets and less pressure about school due to my mothers situation...

Us being the same age sometimes I see you where I feel like I should be...

Glad you've made it where you are and you still grinding...

I always wondered what it would be like to have everything growing up... college paid for... no REAL worries or stress... It's a blessing to say the least....

I had to grow up quicker than most kids...

But at the same time my upbringing made me who I am today.... And I wouldn't change it for anyone or anything...

on another note...

Someone else already said it but being the only white dude in the hood isn't easy either...
Originally Posted by msaba07

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

I was raised by a single mother for the majority of my life ... I've come home to pink slips on the door ... I've seen people shot and killed in front of me ... I've hung out with the white crowd, black crowd, brown crowd yellow crowd etc... I've "dressed black," "dressed white," and in turn, dressing "white" turned into dressing "black" in my area ... all that %$%! is irrelevant ...

When it comes down to it, my mom stayed on me harder than some of my friends moms ... and that's not a knock against their moms, but it is what it is ... maybe it comes from my mother having both parents in her household when she was growing up ... i was always taught manners and respect ... i was always taught hard work pays off and to watch my mouth around adults ... i was taught solid decision making ... even when i put myself in bad situations, i was always the first person to say "lets get out of here" or suggest we do something else to simply lessen the chance of getting caught ...

I had one objective in life and that was to graduate college ... I did it for my mother first and myself second ... my mom took out student loans for me and promised i would never have to pay as long as i graduated ... i was always that kid whose report card was held because the tuition wasn't paid ... i was always that kid who had the new iversons or jordans though ...

i owe my entire life to my mother ... and the truth is, they just dont build them like her ... she is one of a kind ... she understood what was important for me and i will never forget that ... the biggest problem with kids these days is their support structure doesnt include someone like my mother ... people just dont have the drive because its a lot easier to have the government pay for everything and then blame someone else for their shortfalls ...

All this is true....

We both had somewhat of a similar upbringing....

Although I had more freedom to run the streets and less pressure about school due to my mothers situation...

Us being the same age sometimes I see you where I feel like I should be...

Glad you've made it where you are and you still grinding...

I always wondered what it would be like to have everything growing up... college paid for... no REAL worries or stress... It's a blessing to say the least....

I had to grow up quicker than most kids...

But at the same time my upbringing made me who I am today.... And I wouldn't change it for anyone or anything...

on another note...

Someone else already said it but being the only white dude in the hood isn't easy either...
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

My family had a nice house, a pool in the yard, and a vacation home.

I worked two jobs in highschool while being a three sport athlete (football, basketball and track.) I've been working since I was 12. I bought my own car with no help from my parents when I was 16. When I went to college I worked 40 hours a week and got my bachelor's degree in under three years. Did they help me pay for college or anything for that matter? No. When I decided I was going out to L.A. after I graduated I didn't get a dime from them or any help moving. Now I live in NYC working in the Commisioner's Office for the MLB so things turned out ok.

My parents never got me a job, never bought me anything they thought I didn't need, and never was I spoiled like the kids around me. And that's my experience.
Props to you sir 
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

My family had a nice house, a pool in the yard, and a vacation home.

I worked two jobs in highschool while being a three sport athlete (football, basketball and track.) I've been working since I was 12. I bought my own car with no help from my parents when I was 16. When I went to college I worked 40 hours a week and got my bachelor's degree in under three years. Did they help me pay for college or anything for that matter? No. When I decided I was going out to L.A. after I graduated I didn't get a dime from them or any help moving. Now I live in NYC working in the Commisioner's Office for the MLB so things turned out ok.

My parents never got me a job, never bought me anything they thought I didn't need, and never was I spoiled like the kids around me. And that's my experience.
Props to you sir 
Maybe I'm not the one to post in this thread ... Cuz the day my mother threw me some money "just because" is the day i watch a pig fly in frozen hell ... if it wasnt my birthday or christmas or my father didnt let me act like i was working and overpaid me just because he liked spending time with me, i wasnt getting $#** ...

i remember rockin the off-color dress pants to school ... had that different material than everyone else in grade school ... but you still couldnt tell me $#** ...
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