So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Upper middle class white guy here

My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his parents who are incredibly wealthy. My grandparents pay for all the grand children's post secondary school. (We do live in Canada though so our education is subsidized and its only 6000$ a year for any post secondary also theres only 5 of us). Everyone in my family basically owns their own business and is quite successful from it. We're known pretty well throughout my city. However, in my family not everything is just handed down. Sure my dad will help me with bills here and there if I'm in extreme need, which is not often but its never a hand out, always an advance. It's embarrassing for me to ask to be honest so I'd rather go without then ask for help. Anytime I've needed money for something you best believe I've had to pay him back. I've always gotten the necessities but never any luxuries. If i wanted a Nintendo I got a paper route, saved up and bought it. if I wanted a video game I chopped wood all day. If I wanted something bad enough he made me work for it. Which I hated at first but now I'm thankful for now. Gave me a much better attitude towards life, and money.

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  The only thing I regularly get to do is make use of his private beach. Which comes in verrrrry handy haha. I don't live with him I have a house rented out with a couple of my friends and currently goto school for engineering. But when I'm out of school I definitely plan to get in on the family business on the side to make some extra bucks. I try to be with him as much as possible during renovations or purchases and negotiations to pick up on stuff.

I had a car to drive until I was old enough to buy my own which I saved up and did. When he felt I was old enough to buy my own he stopped letting me use it. Now I drive a honda CRV. When he figured I was old enough to be out on my own I was out. I work two jobs to afford insurance, rent, my phone. groceries and my girlfriend. The odd time I go over for dinner, or we go for lunch, or I stop by my grand parents for food as well. They live in a multimillion dollar house which is extremely beautiful. They also live on a large pond and sometimes allow me to have people over to chill out or have pond hockey tournaments on. They're actually putting in a movie theatre room very soon, I'm hoping its going to be done before gears of war 3 comes out
. They're the sweetest old people you've ever met and love when people come around.

Anyways since I've been on my own its a bit of a struggle, but its necessary to allow you appreciate things and put everything in perspective. 
Actually his favourite thing to do is call up me and tell me he bought me a brand new (insert new car or toy here) and then go on to say that it'll be be mine....... eventually. Once he's dead that is. Until then its his. Or that hes going on a trip somewhere and ask if I wanted to go. Then tell me that its x amount of dollars and ask if I have it, otherwise I cant go. Hes pretty ridiculous haha.
Upper middle class white guy here

My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his parents who are incredibly wealthy. My grandparents pay for all the grand children's post secondary school. (We do live in Canada though so our education is subsidized and its only 6000$ a year for any post secondary also theres only 5 of us). Everyone in my family basically owns their own business and is quite successful from it. We're known pretty well throughout my city. However, in my family not everything is just handed down. Sure my dad will help me with bills here and there if I'm in extreme need, which is not often but its never a hand out, always an advance. It's embarrassing for me to ask to be honest so I'd rather go without then ask for help. Anytime I've needed money for something you best believe I've had to pay him back. I've always gotten the necessities but never any luxuries. If i wanted a Nintendo I got a paper route, saved up and bought it. if I wanted a video game I chopped wood all day. If I wanted something bad enough he made me work for it. Which I hated at first but now I'm thankful for now. Gave me a much better attitude towards life, and money.

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  The only thing I regularly get to do is make use of his private beach. Which comes in verrrrry handy haha. I don't live with him I have a house rented out with a couple of my friends and currently goto school for engineering. But when I'm out of school I definitely plan to get in on the family business on the side to make some extra bucks. I try to be with him as much as possible during renovations or purchases and negotiations to pick up on stuff.

I had a car to drive until I was old enough to buy my own which I saved up and did. When he felt I was old enough to buy my own he stopped letting me use it. Now I drive a honda CRV. When he figured I was old enough to be out on my own I was out. I work two jobs to afford insurance, rent, my phone. groceries and my girlfriend. The odd time I go over for dinner, or we go for lunch, or I stop by my grand parents for food as well. They live in a multimillion dollar house which is extremely beautiful. They also live on a large pond and sometimes allow me to have people over to chill out or have pond hockey tournaments on. They're actually putting in a movie theatre room very soon, I'm hoping its going to be done before gears of war 3 comes out
. They're the sweetest old people you've ever met and love when people come around.

Anyways since I've been on my own its a bit of a struggle, but its necessary to allow you appreciate things and put everything in perspective. 
Actually his favourite thing to do is call up me and tell me he bought me a brand new (insert new car or toy here) and then go on to say that it'll be be mine....... eventually. Once he's dead that is. Until then its his. Or that hes going on a trip somewhere and ask if I wanted to go. Then tell me that its x amount of dollars and ask if I have it, otherwise I cant go. Hes pretty ridiculous haha.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by Furrell

Not true at all.
Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by Furrell

Not true at all.
Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  
Well.. I fall under the category so I figure I'll do the Q&A

Q: Did you go to college?

A: I got a  D1 scholarship to play football. I left after a year and a half and go to a local school now, but will be transferring to another football school in the summer.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: Pretty much my mom, dad worked a lot  and traveled and wasn't around much.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: Mostly white folks, not a lot do as well as my family has, I don't tend to get along with many of the spoiled  kids I went to high school with. We have some minorities around but as we got older many of them seemed to want to separate themselves from the whites, especially the black kids. I don't want to sound politically incorrect in saying it but a lot of the black kids that went to my mostly white high school wanted to distance themselves, and frowned upon the black kids that involved and surrounded themselves with white kids and other races.

I had a group of friends that had four or five white guys, three black guys, and one asian guy. As we got older two of the black guys became harsh towards us and began to only hang out with other black kids. I guess maybe as we got older they became more "racially aware" of issues in the past and present and didn't want to be seen with us. I don't really understand this whole thing, as there was no issue between all of us it just seemed there was a falling out. In middle school and early high school, everyone just meshed together like race didn't exist, and by the end of high school there were tables in the lunch room where many of the minority students moved to. Yes, I know what this sounds like, but really it was just kind of a separation by groups of students. We still had one or two minority guys at our table as did others, but these large groups formed.

I want to avoid the tl;dr crowd, but I think I get part this whole 'phenomenon' to an extent. Often times in a primarily white school I think that black kids get the 'gangsta' stereotype, no matter what kind of kid they are. I think after hearing stupid comments like that all the time a barrier forms.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: My dad works in a group holdings firm, and my mom works as a kindergarten teacher.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: White girls, one half japanese girl and one half filipino. All over the map on types of white girls, mostly sorority type girls though.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: Only child.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Somewhat. My mom is much more religious than I am. We've had some major issues as a family that one or both of my parents don't know about. I think people don't realize that it doesn't matter what kind of socioeconomic status you have, you still have issues.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Not a criminal one, but I realllly can't afford another speeding ticket

I hope my thoughts haven't offended anyone, I think we do all realize that life is all a matter of perspective and I think trying to see from another person's point of view is a way to better yourself, even if it does seem ridiculous.
Well.. I fall under the category so I figure I'll do the Q&A

Q: Did you go to college?

A: I got a  D1 scholarship to play football. I left after a year and a half and go to a local school now, but will be transferring to another football school in the summer.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: Pretty much my mom, dad worked a lot  and traveled and wasn't around much.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: Mostly white folks, not a lot do as well as my family has, I don't tend to get along with many of the spoiled  kids I went to high school with. We have some minorities around but as we got older many of them seemed to want to separate themselves from the whites, especially the black kids. I don't want to sound politically incorrect in saying it but a lot of the black kids that went to my mostly white high school wanted to distance themselves, and frowned upon the black kids that involved and surrounded themselves with white kids and other races.

I had a group of friends that had four or five white guys, three black guys, and one asian guy. As we got older two of the black guys became harsh towards us and began to only hang out with other black kids. I guess maybe as we got older they became more "racially aware" of issues in the past and present and didn't want to be seen with us. I don't really understand this whole thing, as there was no issue between all of us it just seemed there was a falling out. In middle school and early high school, everyone just meshed together like race didn't exist, and by the end of high school there were tables in the lunch room where many of the minority students moved to. Yes, I know what this sounds like, but really it was just kind of a separation by groups of students. We still had one or two minority guys at our table as did others, but these large groups formed.

I want to avoid the tl;dr crowd, but I think I get part this whole 'phenomenon' to an extent. Often times in a primarily white school I think that black kids get the 'gangsta' stereotype, no matter what kind of kid they are. I think after hearing stupid comments like that all the time a barrier forms.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: My dad works in a group holdings firm, and my mom works as a kindergarten teacher.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: White girls, one half japanese girl and one half filipino. All over the map on types of white girls, mostly sorority type girls though.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: Only child.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Somewhat. My mom is much more religious than I am. We've had some major issues as a family that one or both of my parents don't know about. I think people don't realize that it doesn't matter what kind of socioeconomic status you have, you still have issues.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Not a criminal one, but I realllly can't afford another speeding ticket

I hope my thoughts haven't offended anyone, I think we do all realize that life is all a matter of perspective and I think trying to see from another person's point of view is a way to better yourself, even if it does seem ridiculous.
Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
I wouldn't consider my potential 5-10k debt serious at all lol, it is going to be very manageable IMO. Less than a car note but can provide much more opportunities, definitely can justify the cost lol
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
I wouldn't consider my potential 5-10k debt serious at all lol, it is going to be very manageable IMO. Less than a car note but can provide much more opportunities, definitely can justify the cost lol
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
I wouldn't consider my potential 5-10k debt serious at all lol, it is going to be very manageable IMO. Less than a car note but can provide much more opportunities, definitely can justify the cost lol
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by salbah3

Originally Posted by Furrell

Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
This! I have never received grants for education...ever! The household makes enough to not receive grants but not enough to fully offset the cost of education. I do have to take out loans but I have accumulated enough to offset most of it upon graduation and thus I will have debt of probably under 5k, 10k at the most depending on the cost of tuition next year. Don't get me wrong though, I fully appreciate the support my parents provide me and the opportunity to pursue whatever I want in college.  

Yeah this is true when it comes to paying for college.  That debt is serious.  
I wouldn't consider my potential 5-10k debt serious at all lol, it is going to be very manageable IMO. Less than a car note but can provide much more opportunities, definitely can justify the cost lol
Originally Posted by EnZo007

Upper middle class white guy here

My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his parents who are incredibly wealthy. My grandparents pay for all the grand children's post secondary school. (We do live in Canada though so our education is subsidized and its only 6000$ a year for any post secondary also theres only 5 of us). Everyone in my family basically owns their own business and is quite successful from it. We're known pretty well throughout my city. However, in my family not everything is just handed down. Sure my dad will help me with bills here and there if I'm in extreme need, which is not often but its never a hand out, always an advance. It's embarrassing for me to ask to be honest so I'd rather go without then ask for help. Anytime I've needed money for something you best believe I've had to pay him back. I've always gotten the necessities but never any luxuries. If i wanted a Nintendo I got a paper route, saved up and bought it. if I wanted a video game I chopped wood all day. If I wanted something bad enough he made me work for it. Which I hated at first but now I'm thankful for now. Gave me a much better attitude towards life, and money.

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  The only thing I regularly get to do is make use of his private beach. Which comes in verrrrry handy haha. I don't live with him I have a house rented out with a couple of my friends and currently goto school for engineering. But when I'm out of school I definitely plan to get in on the family business on the side to make some extra bucks. I try to be with him as much as possible during renovations or purchases and negotiations to pick up on stuff.

I had a car to drive until I was old enough to buy my own which I saved up and did. When he felt I was old enough to buy my own he stopped letting me use it. Now I drive a honda CRV. When he figured I was old enough to be out on my own I was out. I work two jobs to afford insurance, rent, my phone. groceries and my girlfriend. The odd time I go over for dinner, or we go for lunch, or I stop by my grand parents for food as well. They live in a multimillion dollar house which is extremely beautiful. They also live on a large pond and sometimes allow me to have people over to chill out or have pond hockey tournaments on. They're actually putting in a movie theatre room very soon, I'm hoping its going to be done before gears of war 3 comes out
. They're the sweetest old people you've ever met and love when people come around.

Anyways since I've been on my own its a bit of a struggle, but its necessary to allow you appreciate things and put everything in perspective. 
Actually his favourite thing to do is call up me and tell me he bought me a brand new (insert new car or toy here) and then go on to say that it'll be be mine....... eventually. Once he's dead that is. Until then its his. Or that hes going on a trip somewhere and ask if I wanted to go. Then tell me that its x amount of dollars and ask if I have it, otherwise I cant go. Hes pretty ridiculous haha.
Im jelly
Originally Posted by EnZo007

Upper middle class white guy here

My dad basically owns a bunch of property and homes and has tons of investments. He regularly flips houses, and rents to various companies or tenants. Safe to say hes incredibly smart with money and knows exactly what to do with it. He learned this from his parents who are incredibly wealthy. My grandparents pay for all the grand children's post secondary school. (We do live in Canada though so our education is subsidized and its only 6000$ a year for any post secondary also theres only 5 of us). Everyone in my family basically owns their own business and is quite successful from it. We're known pretty well throughout my city. However, in my family not everything is just handed down. Sure my dad will help me with bills here and there if I'm in extreme need, which is not often but its never a hand out, always an advance. It's embarrassing for me to ask to be honest so I'd rather go without then ask for help. Anytime I've needed money for something you best believe I've had to pay him back. I've always gotten the necessities but never any luxuries. If i wanted a Nintendo I got a paper route, saved up and bought it. if I wanted a video game I chopped wood all day. If I wanted something bad enough he made me work for it. Which I hated at first but now I'm thankful for now. Gave me a much better attitude towards life, and money.

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  The only thing I regularly get to do is make use of his private beach. Which comes in verrrrry handy haha. I don't live with him I have a house rented out with a couple of my friends and currently goto school for engineering. But when I'm out of school I definitely plan to get in on the family business on the side to make some extra bucks. I try to be with him as much as possible during renovations or purchases and negotiations to pick up on stuff.

I had a car to drive until I was old enough to buy my own which I saved up and did. When he felt I was old enough to buy my own he stopped letting me use it. Now I drive a honda CRV. When he figured I was old enough to be out on my own I was out. I work two jobs to afford insurance, rent, my phone. groceries and my girlfriend. The odd time I go over for dinner, or we go for lunch, or I stop by my grand parents for food as well. They live in a multimillion dollar house which is extremely beautiful. They also live on a large pond and sometimes allow me to have people over to chill out or have pond hockey tournaments on. They're actually putting in a movie theatre room very soon, I'm hoping its going to be done before gears of war 3 comes out
. They're the sweetest old people you've ever met and love when people come around.

Anyways since I've been on my own its a bit of a struggle, but its necessary to allow you appreciate things and put everything in perspective. 
Actually his favourite thing to do is call up me and tell me he bought me a brand new (insert new car or toy here) and then go on to say that it'll be be mine....... eventually. Once he's dead that is. Until then its his. Or that hes going on a trip somewhere and ask if I wanted to go. Then tell me that its x amount of dollars and ask if I have it, otherwise I cant go. Hes pretty ridiculous haha.
Im jelly
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.
MBA's have a leg up on non MBA grads in the F500 world. H/Y/S MBA grads have a leg up amongst the MBA crowd even though they may not be the best MBA grads. How far do you want to take this?
The last few years Harvard MBA admin counsel has been picking " well rounded", "unique experience" types over the corp experience types. So now these folks have a leg up on all the corp exp heavy types. Should the corp exp types now claim that it's harder for them? It is, is it not?

The truth is everyone has to find their edge in society. Society isn't fair to anyone but those at the top where they couldn't give less of a #!#! whether it was fair. They can buy their way in. 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.
MBA's have a leg up on non MBA grads in the F500 world. H/Y/S MBA grads have a leg up amongst the MBA crowd even though they may not be the best MBA grads. How far do you want to take this?
The last few years Harvard MBA admin counsel has been picking " well rounded", "unique experience" types over the corp experience types. So now these folks have a leg up on all the corp exp heavy types. Should the corp exp types now claim that it's harder for them? It is, is it not?

The truth is everyone has to find their edge in society. Society isn't fair to anyone but those at the top where they couldn't give less of a #!#! whether it was fair. They can buy their way in. 
no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.
no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.
Originally Posted by EnZo007

Upper middle class white guy here

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  
Originally Posted by EnZo007

Upper middle class white guy here

Hes taught me the value of a dollar, even if there is plenty of where it came from not to throw any of it away. He's not cheap, but not wasteful. If he feels something is worth purchasing he does. He never makes impulse buys or uninformed decisions. He takes care of all his important issues first and If he has something left over he'll reward himself with it. He's got nice cars, nice houses, boats and all that jazz. But I rarely get to use any of it haha his opinion is it's all his and he earned it and if I wanted stuff that sorta stuff I better make something of myself and get it my own way. Rest assured his money is not MY money and he makes it very clear.  
We have a beautiful 5 floor house on an elevated exclusive street overlooking the park and the pond close to downtown Toronto (I live in Canada). My backyard is the grass yard itself - not very big, then theres the ravine. it leads down to the pond where I play ice hockey in the winter, i like it in the evenings when the sky is gorgeous with stars, and canoe in the summer, when I bring a dime girl out for a picnic on the water. I have a view of Toronto's skyline from my balcony (my room has a balcony) and backyard. My sister's room is two floors and she has her own washroom. we have a vacation home up north where i spend time in the summer. Im studying business in university in downtown Toronto. My parents have their own business closeby to our house. Since Im the oldest kid Im taking over their business. I just turned 20 years old. Im tall and handsome and play ball - very casually, every summer evening though with my boys in the hood. I made the university varsity team without ever playing organized ball in my life. I didnt pursue basketball, choosing to focus on academics instead. I can do simple dunk variations without even trying. I have athletic genes - my dad was ranked #1 tennis player in Poland at one time.
We have a beautiful 5 floor house on an elevated exclusive street overlooking the park and the pond close to downtown Toronto (I live in Canada). My backyard is the grass yard itself - not very big, then theres the ravine. it leads down to the pond where I play ice hockey in the winter, i like it in the evenings when the sky is gorgeous with stars, and canoe in the summer, when I bring a dime girl out for a picnic on the water. I have a view of Toronto's skyline from my balcony (my room has a balcony) and backyard. My sister's room is two floors and she has her own washroom. we have a vacation home up north where i spend time in the summer. Im studying business in university in downtown Toronto. My parents have their own business closeby to our house. Since Im the oldest kid Im taking over their business. I just turned 20 years old. Im tall and handsome and play ball - very casually, every summer evening though with my boys in the hood. I made the university varsity team without ever playing organized ball in my life. I didnt pursue basketball, choosing to focus on academics instead. I can do simple dunk variations without even trying. I have athletic genes - my dad was ranked #1 tennis player in Poland at one time.
Originally Posted by Rocky437

We have a beautiful 5 floor house on an elevated exclusive street overlooking the park and the pond close to downtown Toronto (I live in Canada). My backyard is the grass yard itself - not very big, then theres the ravine. it leads down to the pond where I play ice hockey in the winter, i like it in the evenings when the sky is gorgeous with stars, and canoe in the summer, when I bring a dime girl out for a picnic on the water. I have a view of Toronto's skyline from my balcony (my room has a balcony) and backyard. My sister's room is two floors and she has her own washroom. we have a vacation home up north where i spend time in the summer. Im studying business in university in downtown Toronto. My parents have their own business closeby to our house. Since Im the oldest kid Im taking over their business. I just turned 20 years old. Im tall and handsome and play ball - very casually, every summer evening though with my boys in the hood. I made the university varsity team without ever playing organized ball in my life. I didnt pursue basketball, choosing to focus on academics instead. I can do simple dunk variations without even trying. I have athletic genes - my dad was ranked #1 tennis player in Poland at one time.
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