So you liked 'Dumb & Dumber', 'Anchorman' & 'Superbad'? Now see 'The Room'...

Jun 30, 2008
"I have now seen Mr. Tommy Wiseau's cinematic tour-de-force, 'The Room' three times. With each viewing, 'The Room' becomes more complexly entangled in and inseparable from my own life. I no longer know where The Room ends and I begin.It is, without question, the worst film ever made. But this comment is in no way meant to be discouraging. Because while The Room is the worst movie ever made it is also the greatest way to spend a blisteringly fast 100 minutes in the dark. Simply put, 'The Room' will change your life.It's not just the dreadful acting or the sub-normal screenplay or the bewildering direction or the musical score so soaked in melodrama that you will throw up on yourself or the lunatic-making cinematography; no, there is something so magically wrong with this movie that it can only be the product of divine intervention. If you took the greatest filmmakers in history and gave them all the task of purposefully creating a film as spectacularly horrible as this not one of them, with all their knowledge and skill, could make anything that could even be considered as a contender. Not one line or scene would rival any moment in The Room.The centerpiece of this filmic holocaust is Mr. Tommy Wiseau himself. Without him, it would still be the worst movie ever made, but with him it is the greatest worst movie ever made."

An under-the-radar comedy classic, I promise you NT
Uh, no. Adult Swim already tried to get me the past 2 April Fools days. I'll be damned if I let you trick me into watching this.
are you serious??? funny movies usually look funny in the previews, not dramatic. Looks cheesy and cheap too. who is the dude with long hair??? LMAO
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

are you serious??? funny movies usually look funny in the previews, not dramatic. Looks cheesy and cheap too. who is the dude with long hair??? LMAO
Are you ******ed???? 
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

are you serious??? funny movies usually look funny in the previews, not dramatic. Looks cheesy and cheap too. who is the dude with long hair??? LMAO
2 days ago
Tommy Wiseau looks like "worm tongue" from Lord of The Rings- The Two Towers. Google worm tongue in Images and you'll see they were seperated at birth.
I think he looks more like a villian than a romantic lead.
I love how nobody bothers to correct them when they can't even imitate a chicken in these scenes.
Gonna try and attend one of the midnight shows they have every month or something like that in Hollywood.

"Oh hi doggie."
Wow. I actually saw this film last week. It made me laugh a few times at first because damn near EVERYTHING about it was ridiculous, but it was ultimately a complete waste of time. There are movies out there that are so horrible that they are hilarious, but this one...ran out of steam on the laughter scale pretty damn quick.

Much of the film consisted of tossing the football around and soft-core porn.
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