I own a gun, and personally, I hope that I never have to fire it at a living person.

For those of you who think that every gun owner is "looking forward" to using it are dead wrong. You guys are nothing more than scared, ignorant individuals. Normal, sane gun owners, will NEVER shoot up a school. They will never disrespect the power and responsibility that comes with owning a weapon that can take someone's life just by the pull of a trigger.

What you should be worried about are the criminals of the world and those who suffer from mental issues. The former is tough to regulate, but I think performing more strict psych evaluations for gun purchases is a good idea. A gun ban is probably the dumbest solution out there right now. I bet criminals are just licking their chops at the idea of a gun ban so they can start profiting off that stuff.
The same can be said about gun owners, you know.

You may be afraid to get your *** kicked, straight up man to man.


Did you just say that if a burglar breaks into your house, you shouldn't use your weapon but instead, throw down with fists to determine the winner?
The same can be said about gun owners, you know.

You may be afraid to get your *** kicked, straight up man to man.

This is real life. Not Deebo and Craig fighting in the streets. The minute you expect fairness from your adversaries, you've lost before you threw the first punch...and more than likely because they pulled first.
So let me get this straight guys.

Ur gonna sit up in a $100k+ , $70k worth of cars and appliances and whatever else you got

With your family ( Wife and kids for example)

Knowing that criminals use guns to get what they want

And forsake protecting ur family because some other person in the world (not you) made a bad decision with weapons?

What does that say about your decision making as an individual? As a protector of your family? As a property owner?

Look guys.

it's too late. guns already exist. You have to find a way to co exist, or petition your government to wage a war on guns. Yet another never ending war like the one on terror, drugs, gangs etc.

I'm pretty sure they'll have no qualm about it since it will create jobs and stimulate the economy :rolleyes

If I need to own an arsenal of guns as if I am preparing for war, I will move out of the neighborhood and live somewhere else. The chances are higher that your kid will sneak into your room and accidentally fire the gun killing himself or another family member than a criminal breaking in.
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^If your kiddies or anyone else besides you can get the gun without your consent, your not doing it right. point blank.
Why do some many people believe that guns will protect them from deranged shooters or criminals? Shouldn't people be investing in vests instead?

I don't think stricter gun laws are going to change anything. It's not about criminals vs law abiding citizens. It's about the prepared vs the unprepared.

Are we going to require teachers to go through some kind of combat training? Are we going to become like Israel, where almost everyone has to serve

in the military?
Why do some many people believe that guns will protect them from deranged shooters or criminals? Shouldn't people be investing in vests instead?
I don't think stricter gun laws are going to change anything. It's not about criminals vs law abiding citizens. It's about the prepared vs the unprepared.
Are we going to require teachers to go through some kind of combat training? Are we going to become like Israel, where almost everyone has to serve
in the military?

Do they make bulletproof full body protectors, or just vest( torso region)??

I guess we all need Black Panther to make us vibranium coated clothes or we all walk around in hot heavy armor all day.
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Let it happen. At least then everybody will quit holding their breath about the real issue and how bigots really feel.
This was an attack on smalltown perfect little white christmas america.
Honestly the country is reacting as if unicorn blood has been spilled.
Somehow their blood is worth more than all the little brown babies blood that gets spilled daily and more voluminous.
You think the world would cry about the girls killed by walking over landmines, the baby soldiers trained to kill or be killed. No.
They don't matter to you all because the 3rd world is not the same as your commercialized, sit on the couch with your technology and comment on how to fix the ills of the world inbetween episodes of your favorite dvr'd shows.
And you guys wonder why the rest of the world looks at the US with disgust.

You have a lot of hate in your heart, man. I'm sincere in saying that I really hope you find peace somewhere. That post really disturbed me.
Let it happen. At least then everybody will quit holding their breath about the real issue and how bigots really feel.
This was an attack on smalltown perfect little white christmas america.
Honestly the country is reacting as if unicorn blood has been spilled.
Somehow their blood is worth more than all the little brown babies blood that gets spilled daily and more voluminous.
You think the world would cry about the girls killed by walking over landmines, the baby soldiers trained to kill or be killed. No.
They don't matter to you all because the 3rd world is not the same as your commercialized, sit on the couch with your technology and comment on how to fix the ills of the world inbetween episodes of your favorite dvr'd shows.
And you guys wonder why the rest of the world looks at the US with disgust.
Seeing the forest through the trees, isn't easy for some.

Let some brothers from Bed Stuy roll up into that county, then start applying for hunting licenses. Watch them start to want to extend the waiting period to a few years.

This whole No gun repeal thing  has everything to do with the fear of reprisal, just as it was back during WWII, if they armed those Black soldiers. 

Back then they thought that if the Black soldiers were given the right to kill Nazi's, who were white men mind you, they'd want to bring the rifles home, then start defending Black people against White racists back in America as well.

The good ol' boys had to be protected.

Did you just say that if a burglar breaks into your house, you shouldn't use your weapon but instead, throw down with fists to determine the winner?
I don't live in fear of any burglar.

I don't expect any burglar to try and enter my home.

That what if, doesn't exist for me.
You have a lot of hate in your heart, man. I'm sincere in saying that I really hope you find peace somewhere. That post really disturbed me.

You don't know what's in my heart.

You don't know history

You don't know people/
^If your kiddies or anyone else besides you can get the gun without your consent, your not doing it right. point blank.

I'm just saying that kids are more observant than you think and it really doesn't have anything to do with consent. Kids snoop around the house, crack the door open to see what dad is doing in his room, etc.
Why do some many people believe that guns will protect them from deranged shooters or criminals? Shouldn't people be investing in vests instead?

So you would prefer to take 4 shots to the chest while wearing a vest, which can still be penetrated, rather than being armed and able to stop the threat on you/your family's lives?

Here's a great link that has gathered all types of gun info with sources cited that is a good read for both pro and anti gun people.
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“As with guns, some auto deaths are caused by people who break laws or behave irresponsibly. But we don’t shrug and say, “Cars don’t kill people, drunks do.” Instead, we have required seat belts, air bags, child seats and crash safety standards. We have introduced limited licenses for young drivers and tried to curb the use of mobile phones while driving. All this has reduced America’s traffic fatality rate per mile driven by nearly 90 percent since the 1950s. Some of you are alive today because of those auto safety regulations. And if we don’t treat guns in the same serious way, some of you and some of your children will die because of our failure.”
this quote summarizes my argument for gun control, it needs stricter regulations. The 2nd amendment is outdated.
Yes. Thank you. I don't support an all-out ban. That is a knee-jerk reaction. Felt the same way back in 2007, and still stand behind that today. Evil people will always find ways to do evil things. My argument is to inact further regulations and checks to limit those who carry. The mental health situation in our country is atrocious. And no one wants to hold accountability for their actions or lack thereof. Always wanting to blame their problems on someone else.

Off-topic, but there is a commercial that just astounds me everyday that I hear it on the radio. Something about AT&T's fast download/streaming speeds and some mom that doesn't want to pay attention to her kid so she sticks him in front of a tablet to watch a movie. To me, this is the definition of parenting today. I can't speak on parenting in-depth, as I don't know what it's like to have a child. But if you make the decision to have one, be a parent from day 1 to their 18th birthday. What is the average age of these people that have committed these acts? Parents need to get back to being parents and be present in their lives. If you see they are struggling, find the help they need.

Obviously, these are my personal opinions and do not encompass all of the problems and factors pertaining to these events in the last 4-5 years. But there is a growing trend, and I, for one, want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. I miss my friends dearly and really hope our nation's leaders finally get it together. I suggest checking out or
I'm just saying that kids are more observant than you think and it really doesn't have anything to do with consent. Kids snoop around the house, crack the door open to see what dad is doing in his room, etc.

I understand.

I just don't understand how accountability is always totally thrown out in situations like this.

A kid that learns early on in life that you can't do everything you want, self control typically will go further in life.

I knew were the liquor was but i didn't get shi faced at home afterschool. I had self control. Obviously the shooter didn't.

There are a lot of things I can do but I don't.

People honestly have a saturated view of the power of individual choice.

That's all we are in life...the choices we made, make and will make in the future. People need to not feel helpless and realize there power.
Yes. Thank you. I don't support an all-out ban. That is a knee-jerk reaction. Felt the same way back in 2007, and still stand behind that today. Evil people will always find ways to do evil things. My argument is to inact further regulations and checks to limit those who carry. The mental health situation in our country is atrocious. And no one wants to hold accountability for their actions or lack thereof. Always wanting to blame their problems on someone else.

Off-topic, but there is a commercial that just astounds me everyday that I hear it on the radio. Something about AT&T's fast download/streaming speeds and some mom that doesn't want to pay attention to her kid so she sticks him in front of a tablet to watch a movie. To me, this is the definition of parenting today. I can't speak on parenting in-depth, as I don't know what it's like to have a child. But if you make the decision to have one, be a parent from day 1 to their 18th birthday. What is the average age of these people that have committed these acts? Parents need to get back to being parents and be present in their lives. If you see they are struggling, find the help they need.

Obviously, these are my personal opinions and do not encompass all of the problems and factors pertaining to these events in the last 4-5 years. But there is a growing trend, and I, for one, want to be a part of the solution, not the problem. I miss my friends dearly and really hope our nation's leaders finally get it together. I suggest checking out or

And i think about the parents that would dope their kids up so they won't be "rowdy" out in public etc. It's a kid and that's what kid's do. We are seeing the negative results of trying to automate everything in life ( child behavior w/ drugs in this instance). That kid is gonna be dependent on something and not develop normally.
And i think about the parents that would dope their kids up so they won't be "rowdy" out in public etc. It's a kid and that's what kid's do. We are seeing the negative results of trying to automate everything in life ( child behavior w/ drugs in this instance). That kid is gonna be dependent on something and not develop normally.
Not saying that medication is the end-all, be-all of it. That was not my argument at all. Every person is different, and every situation/event is different. Nothing is completely unavoidable; we'd live in an extremely sheltered society. But parents need to be held more accountable. And seeking out some sort of medical/psychological help is a start.
Not saying that medication is the end-all, be-all of it. That was not my argument at all. Every person is different, and every situation/event is different. Nothing is completely unavoidable; we'd live in an extremely sheltered society. But parents need to be held more accountable. And seeking out some sort of medical/psychological help is a start.
i know but thats part of the problem. But children need to learn accountability as well. They are going to be adults soon.

People always say oh it's too soon, they're too young to understand. Then when they get older an go off, we still continue to make excuses for them. When does it end
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i know but thats part of the problem. But children need to learn accountability as well. They are going to be adults soon
Can tell we're going to run in circles here. We can agree that something has to change, and accountability is one of the factors.
Can tell we're going to run in circles here. We can agree that something has to change, and accountability is one of the factors.

Don't speak for me man. You never know what we agree on by telling me how im gonna respond. You don't know yet because we haven't talked about anything yet.

very anti productive to the discussion.
Don't speak for me man. You never know what we agree on by telling me how im gonna respond. You don't know yet because we haven't talked about anything yet.
very anti productive to the discussion.
Ha, wow. Well I stated my case.
How some of you turned this into a racial thing is beyond me. As for a law, guns are not the only thing that kill people. 911 was done with box cutters and the balls to do it. The unibomber used chemicals and cow SHlT. People will find a way if they want. Maybe too soon to say this but if that guy wanted to kill his mother and those school kids he could of done it with a bat and a plastic bag. The will to kill overcomes all.

People have the right to own a weapon. If it were taken away people who want it will still find a way to own one. Same with drugs, prostitutes, and booze
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I never understood why

Increased gun safety has to mean a total ban on gun
but here we are

Black and white country of ours

Why not implement non-lethal ammunition??...give civilians guns with rubber bulllets and let law enforcers carry live don't need to take someone's life to protect yourself, shoot them with a rubber bullet and call the cops.
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