Soccer Players Are the Best Athletes In Sports vol. No Contest

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You can make a case for just about any major sport other than baseball. I won't sit up here and argue it across sports. Each sports requires the expertise of different athletic aspects. So I won't say X Athletes are better than Y athletes. They all are freaks.
Basically this. Entertaining such a discussion would require breaking down each sport into its athletic requirements and then seeing which one sport has the most requirements, which would then give us an idea of the best all-around athlete. For example, soccer requires speed, lower body strength, incredible coordination, balance, flexibility, agility, stamina, etc. 
 @ the NBA being more physical than pro soccer. Can't seriously think a sport that calls touch fouls is more physical than a sport where TACKLING is key. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
They have very limited hand-eye coordination. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
They have very limited hand-eye coordination. 
How could you possibly know that?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
They have very limited hand-eye coordination. 
The opposite could be said for other athletes.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
They have very limited hand-eye coordination. 
Tell that to a keeper. And I dunno, maybe it's cause I played a lot of sports growing up, but I think my hand-eye coordination is just fine.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Durden7

Considering soccer only involves half the body, I cant consider soccer players to be the best athletes.

So soccer players dont use their heads or chests to control the ball? Oh.
They have very limited hand-eye coordination. 
you lack sports knowledge my son.
How could you possibly know that?
Because their career is a sport that does not allow the use of their hands.

Tell that to a keeper. And I dunno, maybe it's cause I played a lot of sports growing up, but I think my hand-eye coordination is just fine.
A keeper is a specialized position.  His or her duties do not summarize the qualities needed for the sport in general.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You can make a case for just about any major sport other than baseball. I won't sit up here and argue it across sports. Each sports requires the expertise of different athletic aspects. So I won't say X Athletes are better than Y athletes. They all are freaks.
Basically this. Entertaining such a discussion would require breaking down each sport into its athletic requirements and then seeing which one sport has the most requirements, which would then give us an idea of the best all-around athlete. For example, soccer requires speed, lower body strength, incredible coordination, balance, flexibility, agility, stamina, etc. 
 @ the NBA being more physical than pro soccer. Can't seriously think a sport that calls touch fouls is more physical than a sport where TACKLING is key. 
Not sure if serious...honestly...I am not sure if anyone in this thread claiming that soccer players are even close athletically to any of the other sports named in this thread are serious...

"tackling" in mean...sliding to kick the ball away right???

Any contact results in a yellow card in the "matches" that I have seen and even worse...some clown will fall down on the ground and and do the stop, drop and roll like he has been shot...waiting for the ref to pull a red card...resulting in the "tackler" being removed from the game, as well as the next game...

Oh yeah...then the gun-shot victim gets up and runs off to continue running his marathon while he waits 10-15 minutes to touch the ball again...

air jordan has skinny legs so what.
Ronaldo is faster thaN chad ocho cinco ( chad went to practice with em in madrid) so what.
Many of you think you have to be tall and strong to be the best athlete.
If that were the case NFL offensive linemen would be the best.
The truth is NFl players have thr strongest upper body while soccer playes have the strongest lower.

Also why people picking on the greastest athlete in the world...Messi ( you favorite athletes favorite athelete (ask kobe)) That fool is fast and skilled. I can pick great talented smaller dudes in the NbA too ( Rondo, westbrook, mvp rose, c paul and my favorite the answer iverson... Etc etc
Drogba, Maicon, Puyol, Rooney, and Gattuso could probably whoop those dudes any day.

Having played diff sports leads me to believe that the best athletes (regardless on bench reps, size and 40 times) are:

Soccer midfielders
NFL corners
Soccer strikers
NBA guards
Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

air jordan has skinny legs so what.
Ronaldo is faster thaN chad ocho cinco ( chad went to practice with em in madrid) so what.
Many of you think you have to be tall and strong to be the best athlete.
If that were the case NFL offensive linemen would be the best.
The truth is NFl players have thr strongest upper body while soccer playes have the strongest lower.

Also why people picking on the greastest athlete in the world...Messi. I can pick great talented short dudes in the NbA too ( Rondo, westbrook, rose, c paul and my favorite the answer iverson... Etc etc
Drogba, Maicon, Puyol, Rooney, and Gattuso could probably whoop those dudes any day.

Having played diff sports leads me to believe that the best athletes (regardless on bench reps, size and 40 times) are:

Soccer midfielders
NFL corners
Soccer strikers
NBA guards
listen don't kid yourself about soccer players having the strongest lower body.  do you think any soccer player can squat 450+ lbs? maybe only robert carlos in his prime.

NFL Players and possibly NHL players are the most powerful, explosive and gifted athletes in the world outside of Track and Field. 

Soccer and basketball pros both are decently strong, but their game is all about cardio.

Boxers go through crazy training as well.  Fighting for 12 rounds is comparable to running a marathon.
Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You can make a case for just about any major sport other than baseball. I won't sit up here and argue it across sports. Each sports requires the expertise of different athletic aspects. So I won't say X Athletes are better than Y athletes. They all are freaks.
Basically this. Entertaining such a discussion would require breaking down each sport into its athletic requirements and then seeing which one sport has the most requirements, which would then give us an idea of the best all-around athlete. For example, soccer requires speed, lower body strength, incredible coordination, balance, flexibility, agility, stamina, etc. 
 @ the NBA being more physical than pro soccer. Can't seriously think a sport that calls touch fouls is more physical than a sport where TACKLING is key. 
Not sure if serious...honestly...I am not sure if anyone in this thread claiming that soccer players are even close athletically to any of the other sports named in this thread are serious...

"tackling" in mean...sliding to kick the ball away right???

Any contact results in a yellow card in the "matches" that I have seen and even worse...some clown will fall down on the ground and and do the stop, drop and roll like he has been shot...waiting for the ref to pull a red card...resulting in the "tackler" being removed from the game, as well as the next game...

Oh yeah...then the gun-shot victim gets up and runs off to continue running his marathon while he waits 10-15 minutes to touch the ball again...

Stop watching and try playing. When you're running full speed and someone also running full speed dives towards your legs with their cleats you won't be  

Too many sideline critics in this thread whose sports experience is no doubt is limited to pick up games in the driveway...
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

air jordan has skinny legs so what.
Ronaldo is faster thaN chad ocho cinco ( chad went to practice with em in madrid) so what.
Many of you think you have to be tall and strong to be the best athlete.
If that were the case NFL offensive linemen would be the best.
The truth is NFl players have thr strongest upper body while soccer playes have the strongest lower.

Also why people picking on the greastest athlete in the world...Messi. I can pick great talented short dudes in the NbA too ( Rondo, westbrook, rose, c paul and my favorite the answer iverson... Etc etc
Drogba, Maicon, Puyol, Rooney, and Gattuso could probably whoop those dudes any day.

Having played diff sports leads me to believe that the best athletes (regardless on bench reps, size and 40 times) are:

Soccer midfielders
NFL corners
Soccer strikers
NBA guards
listen don't kid yourself about soccer players having the strongest lower body.  do you think any soccer player can squat 450+ lbs? maybe only robert carlos in his prime.

NFL Players and possibly NHL players are the most powerful, explosive and gifted athletes in the world outside of Track and Field. 

Soccer and basketball pros both are decently strong, but their game is all about cardio.

Boxers go through crazy training as well.  Fighting for 12 rounds is comparable to running a marathon.

Come on son hockey players are using ice inertia. They are skilled but fast dudes in soccer are running and controlling a ball on grass.Dude thr NFL is super specialized. A linemen may squat a ton but cant run while devon hester or my boy heyward bey can run like the wind but cant squat even as much as Messi or even half what rooney can squat.Like is said go ask Ocho cinco, Ovechkin, Kobe, Dirk and Olajuwan which sport has the greatest collection of great athletes.
ice inertia? that's more applicable to figure skating, right? like with the spinning in place?
Have you played Ice Hockey? Do you know why an average shift is :45 seconds? Its one the more physically gruelling sports to play. You need to be a savage to play pro hockey or football.

..and lineman can run. For their size their freakishly quick. 300 lb dudes chasing down 220 lb QBs every sunday, tell me they cannot run again.

Messi probably squats as much as a field goal kicker. Rooney is a beast, but he was an amateur boxer.

There's dudes like Dimitar Berbatov who are quoted saying they never lift weights. Soccer players train for pace. Almost all of the training is on the pitch and not in the weight room.

lol @ "go ask these players". No @+!+, they appreciate soccer, just as I do. Its the sport I watch the most, maybe just like those guys. But it doesn't automatically mean they're the most superior atheletes, its just a bad $+$ sport that sped up globalization.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by AJIIIpLATINum

air jordan has skinny legs so what.
Ronaldo is faster thaN chad ocho cinco ( chad went to practice with em in madrid) so what.
Many of you think you have to be tall and strong to be the best athlete.
If that were the case NFL offensive linemen would be the best.
The truth is NFl players have thr strongest upper body while soccer playes have the strongest lower.

Also why people picking on the greastest athlete in the world...Messi. I can pick great talented short dudes in the NbA too ( Rondo, westbrook, rose, c paul and my favorite the answer iverson... Etc etc
Drogba, Maicon, Puyol, Rooney, and Gattuso could probably whoop those dudes any day.

Having played diff sports leads me to believe that the best athletes (regardless on bench reps, size and 40 times) are:

Soccer midfielders
NFL corners
Soccer strikers
NBA guards
listen don't kid yourself about soccer players having the strongest lower body.  do you think any soccer player can squat 450+ lbs? maybe only robert carlos in his prime.

NFL Players and possibly NHL players are the most powerful, explosive and gifted athletes in the world outside of Track and Field. 

Soccer and basketball pros both are decently strong, but their game is all about cardio.

Boxers go through crazy training as well.  Fighting for 12 rounds is comparable to running a marathon.

Weight lifting and strength training is a huge part of professional basketball. Who you kidding? Most college players have to spend serious time in the weight room before the can knock around with the likes of Dwight and LeBron n em.

NHL players are not the most explosive or gifted athletes, at all. Skilled, coordinated and well conditioned yes but NFL and NBA players will smoke them in sprints, verticals and lateral movement (the basis of explosiveness). They spend the majority of their athletic lives balancing on a thin blade on sheets of ice. Being fast on ice does not automatically translate to being fast on land.
According to, an average soccer player runs 6 miles during the course of a game. That breaks down to a little less than 4mph. Which means soccer players are standing around a LOT more than people think.
lol @ thinking nba players lift as much as football players.

nhl players are just as explosive as nfl players. anyone who powerlifts can jump just as high as an nba player. have you ever seen olympic weight lifters jump after a big squat or deadlift? those guys all have 40" box jumps.

if you've played hockey and done the training you know its a lot of box jumping and cleans. its ALL about explosion.
first and foremost 
at this thread having "legs" no pun intended ...

soccer is not difficult ... in fact, everyone on two legs can play soccer ... as long as you can get your cardio up, you can play soccer ... think back to how many kids couldn't play kickball in grade school ... there was maybe one of them "lee me alon" dudes with two left feet who stood and watched ... even the most awkward kids can kick a ball and run ...

that being said, these vaginas playing soccer couldnt last 3 seconds on a football field ... they couldnt hit a lick in baseball ... they couldnt shoot a basketball ... every single person playing any of the three major sports could play soccer at a relatively decent level ...

and dont get me started on hockey ... most underrated sport on the planet ... not only do you have to have your stamina up, but you have to be able to control a puck while skating on ice ...

but all of what i just typed is irrelevant because the greatest athletes on earth are versatile ... Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete ever ... Deion Sanders and Bo Jackson were great ATHLETES ... none of these garbage $@@ soccer players are touching any of them ... hell, Jeremy Bloom is a better athlete than every single soccer player in the world ...
Where did I say they lift as much as football players?

I know college hockey players that are beasts on skates and get smoked by pickup athletes easily.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Where did I say they lift as much as football players?

I know college hockey players that are beasts on skates and get smoked by pickup athletes easily.
Any athlete pursuing the dream is in a weight room.   "Weight lifting and strength training is a huge part of professional basketball" no @!#+.  But they're not training in the same way manner as an football or hockey player. 

I did not say that basketball players don't lift weights at all, I said they're decently strong but not as strong/powerful/explosive as a football or hockey player.

and knowing some college hockey players who lost a race to some basketball players completely nullifies sports science and training regiments.  of course.
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