Socially Awkward Habits That You Do, Post Them.

This is all I can thik of but I'm sure I have more

-Look down when I walk so I dont step on cracks.
-I CAN'T be in a room with drawers ot cabinets open.
-Can't stand socks in the bed.
-Conversate with myself in my head.
Originally Posted by aveezytheBEAST

When I eat i always wipe my mouth with a napkin everytime food goes in my mouth. Idk I guess i feel like theres food leftover around my lips.

I constantly lick my lips in the morning and wipe them to check if I have something on them even though there's nothing there.
I curl my whenever I get nervous or something like that. Gets really awkward when you're on the spotlight and everyone is watching you like "yo, wth is he doing?"
I rub the tip of my fingers on my scalp and then proceed to smell them.
- Whenever I'm in line at the store and a magazine is backwards or upside down, I'll fix it.
- When someone is walking behind me and I see they're walking at a faster pace, I'll either speed up, or stop and let them pass me. (I hate being stuck behind people that walk slow)

- I slap the tops of doorways (not every time, but often, and no matter where I'm at)

- Me and my friends used to do this thing where if we're walking (in a group) and another group is walking towards us, we wouldn't make room on the sidewalk.. in other words make them walk in the street or dirt or whatever. 
several  times in the past I noticed people looking at me smiling for no reason and it was either male or female. Or they'll just be staring at me and in my head I'm just like "+!%?". Now I'm always lookin around lookin like I'm paranoid.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

-i have some sort of anxiety attack whenever people are looking at my things... i dont know i dont like people looking at my phone, or in my room, or in my notebook... not that im hiding anything it just feels invasive and makes me uncomfortable.

Thought it was just me. A friend of mine has adhd and I hate having him in my room especially. I dont even like people using my computer..

- If im going somewhere while listening to a song that im really into I have to finish the song before i get out.

- If someone has been behind me in traffic for the last two or three turns I have to circle around before I can pull into my driveway.

- Whenever I'm caught talking to myself I'll desperately resort
to singing loudly to let you know that I was actually singing.

If I have enough time I grab my phone and act like im talking to someone

- If im grocery shopping and I take something off the shelf to purchase I have to move the product behind it forward but I only do it if no one sees me

- I'll go down an aisle if I see mass

- If I see an acquaintance and dont receive the response i was expecting i no longer greet them

- Give a nod to Black dudes
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I don't just take off my shirt. I pretty much strip naked while I'm on the toilet.

This. Especially if it's bubble guts central.
When Im chewing a minty gum I'll breathe in really deep and loud just to feel the minty fresh girl HATES it...but its such a bad habit...I don't even notice I do it
When I'm in the elevator by myself I make ugly/funny/crazy faces, cuss to myself and basically act crazy up until right before the doors open.

Then I'm calm whenever someone gets in.
-When I greet someone, if they don't respond, whether its  because they didn't hear me or just don't want to talk I'll continue the conversation anyway.
Me: Hey, sup?
Person: (walks on by)
Me: Me? Nothin' much...same ol', same ol'

- When its applicable I always say, "Little ____ never killed anyone....cept' for that one time"

- Always thinking about something funny that happened so I'm always smiling by myself.

- Just to be that guy, whenever someone comes up to me and says something like "GMS listen to this, this is so great/awesome/amazing!" I always say,
"Is it everything dreams are made of....NO, dreams are only made by the brainhavingtostayactiveinaninatcivestate (the last part I say real fast for emphasis).

- Intentionally mess up sayings. "Man, I'm so hungry! I could ride a MickeyDs....BigMac..."

-Work song lyrics into conversations. Some girl was talking once " and I" (I cut her off) " T....Y?"
This girl was walking ahead of me "Hey ___, come and talk to me. (under my breath) I really wanna know you.....
idk if its socially awkward, but when im in someones house i REFUSE to open/use anything thats brand new
sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

idk if its socially awkward, but when im in someones house i REFUSE to open/use anything thats brand new
 thats called being thoughtful and respectful. 
Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

lol, sid, i do the same, but its punt kicking a toddler through a plate-glass storefront lol
ill lick my lips and then pucker them up to my nosrtil to smell my saliva...
i dont know why i do it
Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

YES! this is tied into my other obsession.. ever since i can remember, when i'm @ church i've always wanted to faint & go into convulsions or something completely lunatic like that, just so people would think i'm possessed. idfk why i think it, but i have the same exact thought each & every time. i've told my mother before & she thinks i'm insane... i just think it'd be cool to freak the hell out of people.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

YES! this is tied into my other obsession.. ever since i can remember, when i'm @ church i've always wanted to faint & go into convulsions or something completely lunatic like that, just so people would think i'm possessed. idfk why i think it, but i have the same exact thought each & every time. i've told my mother before & she thinks i'm insane... i just think it'd be cool to freak the hell out of people.

We call that catching that holy ghost.
Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

YES! this is tied into my other obsession.. ever since i can remember, when i'm @ church i've always wanted to faint & go into convulsions or something completely lunatic like that, just so people would think i'm possessed. idfk why i think it, but i have the same exact thought each & every time. i've told my mother before & she thinks i'm insane... i just think it'd be cool to freak the hell out of people.

We call that catching that holy ghost.

set that scenario in a catholic church... ain't nobody catching the holy ghost in those services, man.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

YES! this is tied into my other obsession.. ever since i can remember, when i'm @ church i've always wanted to faint & go into convulsions or something completely lunatic like that, just so people would think i'm possessed. idfk why i think it, but i have the same exact thought each & every time. i've told my mother before & she thinks i'm insane... i just think it'd be cool to freak the hell out of people.

We call that catching that holy ghost.

set that scenario in a catholic church... ain't nobody catching the holy ghost in those services, man.

In or out of church, youd catch somethin alright...
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Sid Nasty

sometimes when im out in public and im super bored, i think of the worst possible thing i could do that would just shock everyone. example, if im out in a crowded mall i wonder what would happen if i just pushed some little kid down the stairs as hard as i could.

YES! this is tied into my other obsession.. ever since i can remember, when i'm @ church i've always wanted to faint & go into convulsions or something completely lunatic like that, just so people would think i'm possessed. idfk why i think it, but i have the same exact thought each & every time. i've told my mother before & she thinks i'm insane... i just think it'd be cool to freak the hell out of people.

We call that catching that holy ghost.

set that scenario in a catholic church... ain't nobody catching the holy ghost in those services, man.

In or out of church, youd catch somethin alright...


Spoiler [+]
dat mass > ny & cali
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Diego

In or out of church, youd catch somethin alright...

wait, did i just take that the wrong way? going off on all sorts of tangents..

Not what I had in mind, but we could go there too.

/Daily Simpage
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