Somali Pirate Gang No Match For US Crew Members. Pirate Movement Has Been Shamed

@ them taking back the ship.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Yeah they got it back...savages

I'm saying, dudes that have been sailing for a minute be the type of dudes that aren't the type you wanna @(#* with...

Dudes spend most of their lives at sea, they have to be a lil crazy in the head to do that, and THESE are the dudes you want to @(#* with??

Go hijack a Royal Caribbean or a Carnival cruise line, not a ship full of sailors that get a kick out of confrontation.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

And they saying it was only 4 of them...What the #$@! was they thinking?

We need a new fail pic just for this thread, because this fail is of epic proportions....
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Go hijack a Royal Caribbean or a Carnival cruise line, not a ship full of sailors that get a kick out of confrontation.
The pirates were overtaken? Awesome. I wish there was video of this somewhere.. i can't help but picturing something out of Peter Pan when I hear pirates.
that woulda been funny if the Sailors turned around and jacked their ship and made those Somali's swim back to land
i really didnt believe der were pirates.... My first year seminar class was talking about how their were really modern-day pirates. I thought it was a jokeuntil now
. I really dont feel like taking vacations on a cruise ship ANYTIME SOON!
This +#*% just keep getting better.They took the ship back....unarmed

We some bad mother @#+%*@@ in this country
that American swag

Captain sitting in the cabin smoking a cuban saying "you gotta come harder than that muddasucka."
A crew of 20 managed to fight off a crew of 4 to save the ship? Why couldn't this have been the case on one of those planes hijacked on 9/11 when thehijackers were armed with toothbrush knives?
this pirate thing has been pretty lucrative so far, considering all they have is a few chops and a rocket launcher, creeping up in a fishing boat...

i want to know how to get in, i'm sure we could pull this off a little better than they could...
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