Somali Pirates execute 4 Americans

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by rashi

Hey Fox News, why were the Americans there in the first place?
To pass out bibles. 

*keeps mouth shut*

well if they were that typa people, you know where they'd end up. not tryna get religious or nothing but on the other hand shouldnt have been out there.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by rashi

Hey Fox News, why were the Americans there in the first place?
To pass out bibles. 

*keeps mouth shut*

well if they were that typa people, you know where they'd end up. not tryna get religious or nothing but on the other hand shouldnt have been out there.
Originally Posted by rashi

Once again, you don't really know what goes on inside of all those bases.  You would probably be surprised.

Your fighting the little man's fight. And that's good for you, but you way too far removed to just throw out broad statements based on what you see in the media.

You should write your Congressman or maybe take your own advice and travel to do your own research.

Does it really matter what they do on those bases? Why are we building our military outfits on other peoples land in the first place. Answer that.

Write my Congressman?
  The same person that has a financial interest in spreading the Military-Industrial Complex?

You definitely have a interest in the bases, so it must matter.

We build bases for millions of reasons, mostly for training host nations, hell I know of one that is strictly for vacations.  The Austrians welcome the money and tourism that our military brings.

Is that what he/she told you?
Originally Posted by rashi

Once again, you don't really know what goes on inside of all those bases.  You would probably be surprised.

Your fighting the little man's fight. And that's good for you, but you way too far removed to just throw out broad statements based on what you see in the media.

You should write your Congressman or maybe take your own advice and travel to do your own research.

Does it really matter what they do on those bases? Why are we building our military outfits on other peoples land in the first place. Answer that.

Write my Congressman?
  The same person that has a financial interest in spreading the Military-Industrial Complex?

You definitely have a interest in the bases, so it must matter.

We build bases for millions of reasons, mostly for training host nations, hell I know of one that is strictly for vacations.  The Austrians welcome the money and tourism that our military brings.

Is that what he/she told you?
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.



at your avy too.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AR Guy

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.



at your avy too.
RIP to the Americans and I feel bad for them dying and the pain their families are going through.

However, what the hell were they thinking? That's like me walking around Iraq or Afganastan all by myself with no type of weapon or protection, or me walking around in a bad area flashing money and wearing some nice shoes while sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm putting myself out there as a target and am asking to get it regardless of if i deserve it or not. Same with this situation, if you know those waters are dangerous and have read about Somali pirates before then why would you put your life at risk like that?
RIP to the Americans and I feel bad for them dying and the pain their families are going through.

However, what the hell were they thinking? That's like me walking around Iraq or Afganastan all by myself with no type of weapon or protection, or me walking around in a bad area flashing money and wearing some nice shoes while sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm putting myself out there as a target and am asking to get it regardless of if i deserve it or not. Same with this situation, if you know those waters are dangerous and have read about Somali pirates before then why would you put your life at risk like that?
Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by rashi

Hey Fox News, why were the Americans there in the first place?
To pass out bibles. 

*keeps mouth shut*

well if they were that typa people, you know where they'd end up. not tryna get religious or nothing but on the other hand shouldnt have been out there.
We have no clue where they'll end up.  They could have been passing out bibles but also touching kids on the side.

My mans
probably down there waiting for 'em.
Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Toy Collector123

Originally Posted by rashi

Hey Fox News, why were the Americans there in the first place?
To pass out bibles. 

*keeps mouth shut*

well if they were that typa people, you know where they'd end up. not tryna get religious or nothing but on the other hand shouldnt have been out there.
We have no clue where they'll end up.  They could have been passing out bibles but also touching kids on the side.

My mans
probably down there waiting for 'em.
They knew the risk, they took it, they suffered the consequences. 

I hate that the Amercians were killed, and I hope that these murderers and thieves are bought to justice.
They knew the risk, they took it, they suffered the consequences. 

I hate that the Amercians were killed, and I hope that these murderers and thieves are bought to justice.

While sailing around the world, the Adams were delivering Bibles to hospitals and schools in dangerous locations, Schmit said. "It was their mission in life and nothing was going to deter Scott."

"There are many places in the world where Christian missionaries are facing the possibility of capture and torture and death," Schmit added.

"Most of the people who embark on those kinds of missions are well aware of (the dangers). They're surrounded by prayer and uplifted by their friends and family. ... If they feel called, they typically go."

Schmit said the Adams didn't feel comfortable arming themselves while in dangerous waters. Scott Adams had noted, among other things, that "if you take a firearm on board and you stop at certain ports, your boat can be confiscated along with your cargo, so he didn't want to risk that."

While sailing around the world, the Adams were delivering Bibles to hospitals and schools in dangerous locations, Schmit said. "It was their mission in life and nothing was going to deter Scott."

"There are many places in the world where Christian missionaries are facing the possibility of capture and torture and death," Schmit added.

"Most of the people who embark on those kinds of missions are well aware of (the dangers). They're surrounded by prayer and uplifted by their friends and family. ... If they feel called, they typically go."

Schmit said the Adams didn't feel comfortable arming themselves while in dangerous waters. Scott Adams had noted, among other things, that "if you take a firearm on board and you stop at certain ports, your boat can be confiscated along with your cargo, so he didn't want to risk that."
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.

You really think these cats are trying to be Robin Hood?

Did I say that?

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
Right, so now we know why they do it.  But we already knew that.
Doesn't make it right, doesn't justify it, doesn't make it any less savage, doesn't displace responsibility.

And I didn't justify it, make it less savage, or make it right. Just acknowledging what I said.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.

You really think these cats are trying to be Robin Hood?

Did I say that?

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
Right, so now we know why they do it.  But we already knew that.
Doesn't make it right, doesn't justify it, doesn't make it any less savage, doesn't displace responsibility.

And I didn't justify it, make it less savage, or make it right. Just acknowledging what I said.
Don't believe the media, they can make ANYONE look bad.

Same way these pirates were ruthless savages until people began to realize they were protecting their home land from Western countries.
Don't believe the media, they can make ANYONE look bad.

Same way these pirates were ruthless savages until people began to realize they were protecting their home land from Western countries.
Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.

And what do you think our intentions are? 
Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.

And what do you think our intentions are? 
We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.
At what point did I say it was "ok", bro? I just said I don't have sympathy for people who make ridiculous decisions. I'm not justifying actions of the Somali people, but at the same I understand it was done. Plus, you can bet your +** that this Fascist Corporate Media Outlet isn't telling us the whole story.

Do you listen to yourself? The United States "incorporating" government and education? Why is the government doing this? Governments dont do things for the people they do things that are in THEIR interest.

You definitely have a interest in the bases, so it must matter.

We build bases for millions of reasons, mostly for training host nations, hell I know of one that is strictly for vacations.  The Austrians welcome the money and tourism that our military brings.

Is that what he/she told you?

Good job, dude. You are justifying the illegal occupation of foreign lands, and the killing of innocent people which includes women and children under the guise of "doing something 'good' in the best interest of this government". How do you sleep at night?
We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.
At what point did I say it was "ok", bro? I just said I don't have sympathy for people who make ridiculous decisions. I'm not justifying actions of the Somali people, but at the same I understand it was done. Plus, you can bet your +** that this Fascist Corporate Media Outlet isn't telling us the whole story.

Do you listen to yourself? The United States "incorporating" government and education? Why is the government doing this? Governments dont do things for the people they do things that are in THEIR interest.

You definitely have a interest in the bases, so it must matter.

We build bases for millions of reasons, mostly for training host nations, hell I know of one that is strictly for vacations.  The Austrians welcome the money and tourism that our military brings.

Is that what he/she told you?

Good job, dude. You are justifying the illegal occupation of foreign lands, and the killing of innocent people which includes women and children under the guise of "doing something 'good' in the best interest of this government". How do you sleep at night?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

RIP to the Americans and I feel bad for them dying and the pain their families are going through.

However, what the hell were they thinking? That's like me walking around Iraq or Afganastan all by myself with no type of weapon or protection, or me walking around in a bad area flashing money and wearing some nice shoes while sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm putting myself out there as a target and am asking to get it regardless of if i deserve it or not. Same with this situation, if you know those waters are dangerous and have read about Somali pirates before then why would you put your life at risk like that?

exactly my thoughts
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