Somali Pirates execute 4 Americans

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.

You really think these cats are trying to be Robin Hood?
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.

You really think these cats are trying to be Robin Hood?
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
Right, so now we know why they do it.  But we already knew that.
Doesn't make it right, doesn't justify it, doesn't make it any less savage, doesn't displace responsibility.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

The pirate in the video said it best. When people are hungry they'll find a way to eat.
Right, so now we know why they do it.  But we already knew that.
Doesn't make it right, doesn't justify it, doesn't make it any less savage, doesn't displace responsibility.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Definitely not your mom, but you are definitely a child.  Keep getting your bigot on, every post you make makes you look more like a fool.
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Definitely not your mom, but you are definitely a child.  Keep getting your bigot on, every post you make makes you look more like a fool.
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Originally Posted by cartune

Drizzyd wrote:

Who the +%+# grows up to be a pirate nowadays?

Excuse my ignorance but what do these 'pirates' gain out of this?
Who the +%+# grows up to be a gangmember?

Damn my dude, you an ex-pirate or something? 
Soundin real salty.. again can anyone inform me why they become pirates and what they gain out of it? Im sure there are more than just the Somali ones that have been in the news the past year or two. I really dont know much about it all.

Do you know how poor somalia is? No-one there has ambitions to be a pirate. Unlike 2pac who had ambitions to be a rydah.

And they gain food/money to feed themselves/famibly. The horn of Africa is pretty much a free zone. It is some of the most dangerous waters in the world and these people knew that before going in.

The got what they deserved.
But my dude,what did they gain from killing these people huh? It's not like this was a huge oil or cargo tanker that they hijacked. These people were just entertaining their passion by sailing around the world.
You act as if you can just somehow bypass Somali waters. If you're trying to get to the mediteranean/red sea,you're going to have to sail through Somali waters. That's why there are soo many ships being hijacked. You can't just sail around that area to get by.

These people didn't deserve to die under any circumstance 
 @ you for trying to justify murder by saying that it's a "free zone" and "oh they shouldn't have been there".
 They didn't want to kill them. The were there meal ticket. The hostages KILLED two of my brothers btw. So of course @@@% hit the fan. And yes there's plenty of ways to avoid the horn of africa.




Edit: Deserved to die, though?
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by Drizzyd

Originally Posted by cartune

Drizzyd wrote:

Who the +%+# grows up to be a pirate nowadays?

Excuse my ignorance but what do these 'pirates' gain out of this?
Who the +%+# grows up to be a gangmember?

Damn my dude, you an ex-pirate or something? 
Soundin real salty.. again can anyone inform me why they become pirates and what they gain out of it? Im sure there are more than just the Somali ones that have been in the news the past year or two. I really dont know much about it all.

Do you know how poor somalia is? No-one there has ambitions to be a pirate. Unlike 2pac who had ambitions to be a rydah.

And they gain food/money to feed themselves/famibly. The horn of Africa is pretty much a free zone. It is some of the most dangerous waters in the world and these people knew that before going in.

The got what they deserved.
But my dude,what did they gain from killing these people huh? It's not like this was a huge oil or cargo tanker that they hijacked. These people were just entertaining their passion by sailing around the world.
You act as if you can just somehow bypass Somali waters. If you're trying to get to the mediteranean/red sea,you're going to have to sail through Somali waters. That's why there are soo many ships being hijacked. You can't just sail around that area to get by.

These people didn't deserve to die under any circumstance 
 @ you for trying to justify murder by saying that it's a "free zone" and "oh they shouldn't have been there".
 They didn't want to kill them. The were there meal ticket. The hostages KILLED two of my brothers btw. So of course @@@% hit the fan. And yes there's plenty of ways to avoid the horn of africa.




Edit: Deserved to die, though?
These 4 executions bare nothing to the dozens of people who starve to death in Somalia everyday because their resources have been hi-jacked and toxined. Forget a bible, give these people back their resources so they can live sustainable lives.
These 4 executions bare nothing to the dozens of people who starve to death in Somalia everyday because their resources have been hi-jacked and toxined. Forget a bible, give these people back their resources so they can live sustainable lives.
This was a stupid for the pirates to do for two reasons.

1. Those people didn't deserve to die.
2. Killing them now justifies killing pirates. Those responsible for the murder of the yachters are gonna see a lot of their countrymen killed because of their killing hostages.

Harming rich white people is a dumb thing to do when you're black and the pirates are gonna be killed wholesale now - apparently these guys weren't up on game.
This was a stupid for the pirates to do for two reasons.

1. Those people didn't deserve to die.
2. Killing them now justifies killing pirates. Those responsible for the murder of the yachters are gonna see a lot of their countrymen killed because of their killing hostages.

Harming rich white people is a dumb thing to do when you're black and the pirates are gonna be killed wholesale now - apparently these guys weren't up on game.
Originally Posted by Nash

This was a stupid for the pirates to do for two reasons.

1. Those people didn't deserve to die.
2. Killing them now justifies killing pirates. Those responsible for the murder of the yachters are gonna see a lot of their countrymen killed because of their killing hostages.

Harming rich white people is a dumb thing to do when you're black and the pirates are gonna be killed wholesale now - apparently these guys weren't up on game.
Originally Posted by Nash

This was a stupid for the pirates to do for two reasons.

1. Those people didn't deserve to die.
2. Killing them now justifies killing pirates. Those responsible for the murder of the yachters are gonna see a lot of their countrymen killed because of their killing hostages.

Harming rich white people is a dumb thing to do when you're black and the pirates are gonna be killed wholesale now - apparently these guys weren't up on game.
Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom


we got somalian pirates that love pizza parties. LOVE pizza. Parties.



my man
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