Somali Pirates execute 4 Americans

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom


we got somalian pirates that love pizza parties. LOVE pizza. Parties.



my man
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Definitely not your mom, but you are definitely a child.  Keep getting your bigot on, every post you make makes you look more like a fool.

Why you so worried about me and my NT rep tho? 4 americans die big deal. thousands of somalians die every year because of the mpact on their fishing environment.
They got what they deserved. I'm throwng a pizza party in celebration, you are not invited 
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by SuperPirate

Yes they deserve to die for passing out bibles. I hate christians and they way they try and push their religion on everyone.

Some people really don't care for your beliefs, but the bible had nothing to do with it.

Its the fact that they were in the waters in the first place why they were kidnapped.

And this reminds me why I don't browse NT much anymore.  NT has really fallen off over the years.
Thanks for this prolific input mom
Definitely not your mom, but you are definitely a child.  Keep getting your bigot on, every post you make makes you look more like a fool.

Why you so worried about me and my NT rep tho? 4 americans die big deal. thousands of somalians die every year because of the mpact on their fishing environment.
They got what they deserved. I'm throwng a pizza party in celebration, you are not invited 
I'm not sympathizing with the pirates but these dudes were turned into this because of alot of western nations dumping waste in there waters and folks coming around with bibles trying to takeover and mess the country over in more. These dudes who used to be fisherman gotta resort to this to eat.
I'm not sympathizing with the pirates but these dudes were turned into this because of alot of western nations dumping waste in there waters and folks coming around with bibles trying to takeover and mess the country over in more. These dudes who used to be fisherman gotta resort to this to eat.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
It's really none of our business - its not our country.  We're spending MILLIONS of taxpayers money everyday that we are in Afghanistan and Iraq.  That money can easily be used to better our economy, education system, etc.  Instead of spending countless amount of money and poking our nose where it doesn't belong we should OURSELVES first.  The US should not be world police. 
And as far the people that were killed by the Pirates.  Someone mentioned that they aren't trying to convert people...why the hell would they be in a non-christian country handing bibles?  What other reason could it be?  Finding a home for the bible?  
  Who does that?
Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
It's really none of our business - its not our country.  We're spending MILLIONS of taxpayers money everyday that we are in Afghanistan and Iraq.  That money can easily be used to better our economy, education system, etc.  Instead of spending countless amount of money and poking our nose where it doesn't belong we should OURSELVES first.  The US should not be world police. 
And as far the people that were killed by the Pirates.  Someone mentioned that they aren't trying to convert people...why the hell would they be in a non-christian country handing bibles?  What other reason could it be?  Finding a home for the bible?  
  Who does that?
Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
The issue is deeper than whether it's "alright" or not for these people to be doing this. That's an extremely simplistic and child-like take on this issue. It's not as easily explained as "oh they're hijacking ships? let's blow them up! USA!"
The area around the Horn of Africa being dangerous waters and a veritable Wild West is not a justification for these attacks but, rather, an explanation as to why these attacks are happening. What you should really question is WHY these Somalians have to turn to piracy in the first place. When foreign corporations are coming through your backyard and literally destroying your way of life via overfishing and chemical dump, it becomes a little clearer as to who the real villains in this story are. Piracy in the Horn of Africa is a desperate reaction to an impossible situation for the people there. If they can't fish, they can't make money to feed themselves and their families. That is all those fisherman have ever known to do. If they manage to take a ship, they have the possibility of making some lucrative amount of money that is otherwise impossible to attain in their country. They also risk their lives in the process.

Your opinion of the US going over to foreign lands to "incorporate a government" is EXACTLY what's wrong with the entire situation. When was it okay for us to be Big Brother and police the world? I understand the thought behind wanting to remove a group that's unfriendly to the US but I am not for the US going around bringing their hellfire whenever they please. You bring up the Taliban but who was it that empowered the Taliban in the first place? That's right, the US. Then a few members of al-Qaeda attack the US and we're suddenly fighting decade long wars in two countries and various proxy wars in the area? Is that a proper reaction? Like getting slapped by someone and reacting by shooting them with a gun.

You question why people want the US to "bow down" to every country with evil intentions but I believe we've already bowed down as a people to the country with the evilest intentions of all. We're the ones raping their lands for our own selfish needs and we're the ones taking countless civilian lives in these various wars. For every suicide bomber that levels a mosque, there's a drone attack that takes out an entire village.

I like being safe too but at what cost? The ironic thing is, I agree with you that it's unfair the good people of those countries can't be safe. I just share a differing opinion as to who is dangerous.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
The issue is deeper than whether it's "alright" or not for these people to be doing this. That's an extremely simplistic and child-like take on this issue. It's not as easily explained as "oh they're hijacking ships? let's blow them up! USA!"
The area around the Horn of Africa being dangerous waters and a veritable Wild West is not a justification for these attacks but, rather, an explanation as to why these attacks are happening. What you should really question is WHY these Somalians have to turn to piracy in the first place. When foreign corporations are coming through your backyard and literally destroying your way of life via overfishing and chemical dump, it becomes a little clearer as to who the real villains in this story are. Piracy in the Horn of Africa is a desperate reaction to an impossible situation for the people there. If they can't fish, they can't make money to feed themselves and their families. That is all those fisherman have ever known to do. If they manage to take a ship, they have the possibility of making some lucrative amount of money that is otherwise impossible to attain in their country. They also risk their lives in the process.

Your opinion of the US going over to foreign lands to "incorporate a government" is EXACTLY what's wrong with the entire situation. When was it okay for us to be Big Brother and police the world? I understand the thought behind wanting to remove a group that's unfriendly to the US but I am not for the US going around bringing their hellfire whenever they please. You bring up the Taliban but who was it that empowered the Taliban in the first place? That's right, the US. Then a few members of al-Qaeda attack the US and we're suddenly fighting decade long wars in two countries and various proxy wars in the area? Is that a proper reaction? Like getting slapped by someone and reacting by shooting them with a gun.

You question why people want the US to "bow down" to every country with evil intentions but I believe we've already bowed down as a people to the country with the evilest intentions of all. We're the ones raping their lands for our own selfish needs and we're the ones taking countless civilian lives in these various wars. For every suicide bomber that levels a mosque, there's a drone attack that takes out an entire village.

I like being safe too but at what cost? The ironic thing is, I agree with you that it's unfair the good people of those countries can't be safe. I just share a differing opinion as to who is dangerous.
Once again, you don't really know what goes on inside of all those bases.  You would probably be surprised.

Your fighting the little man's fight. And that's good for you, but you way too far removed to just throw out broad statements based on what you see in the media.

You should write your Congressman or maybe take your own advice and travel to do your own research.

Does it really matter what they do on those bases? Why are we building our military outfits on other peoples land in the first place. Answer that.

Write my Congressman?
  The same person that has a financial interest in spreading the Military-Industrial Complex?

Who exactly do they classify as "US troops"?  There are multiple countries on that list that seem peculiar to me including China and Russia.

We have troops in Hong Kong.

It doesn't matter if you agree with their views or not but wth? These people lost their lives for no reason and you have no sympathy because of their beliefs? 

I do believe in God but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't care if someone with different beliefs died. I'd feel sympathy for them even if they had opposite views of mine

It's dudes like you that give atheists a bad name.

I'm not an Atheist, I believe in G-d. I just think people should exercise their common sense. These people had no business over there passing out bibles in that area considering its history. I don't have sympathy for the choice they made, not because of their beliefs.

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.

Oh lord, you sound just like my brother-in-law. That's why I asked if you were a Jarhead. Willing to terrorize people in their own countries?

I swear some of ya'll need to come out of this bubble you live in.
Once again, you don't really know what goes on inside of all those bases.  You would probably be surprised.

Your fighting the little man's fight. And that's good for you, but you way too far removed to just throw out broad statements based on what you see in the media.

You should write your Congressman or maybe take your own advice and travel to do your own research.

Does it really matter what they do on those bases? Why are we building our military outfits on other peoples land in the first place. Answer that.

Write my Congressman?
  The same person that has a financial interest in spreading the Military-Industrial Complex?

Who exactly do they classify as "US troops"?  There are multiple countries on that list that seem peculiar to me including China and Russia.

We have troops in Hong Kong.

It doesn't matter if you agree with their views or not but wth? These people lost their lives for no reason and you have no sympathy because of their beliefs? 

I do believe in God but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't care if someone with different beliefs died. I'd feel sympathy for them even if they had opposite views of mine

It's dudes like you that give atheists a bad name.

I'm not an Atheist, I believe in G-d. I just think people should exercise their common sense. These people had no business over there passing out bibles in that area considering its history. I don't have sympathy for the choice they made, not because of their beliefs.

This is literally the reason the USMC exists. Their hymn goes "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli"

Send in the Marines, shoot anyone with a weapon on sight, sieze anything valuable that pirates could use to pay for rebuilding, and burn the pirates villages & boats to the ground. Problem solved.

Oh lord, you sound just like my brother-in-law. That's why I asked if you were a Jarhead. Willing to terrorize people in their own countries?

I swear some of ya'll need to come out of this bubble you live in.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
It's really none of our business - its not our country.  We're spending MILLIONS of taxpayers money everyday that we are in Afghanistan and Iraq.  That money can easily be used to better our economy, education system, etc.  Instead of spending countless amount of money and poking our nose where it doesn't belong we should OURSELVES first.  The US should not be world police. 
And as far the people that were killed by the Pirates.  Someone mentioned that they aren't trying to convert people...why the hell would they be in a non-christian country handing bibles?  What other reason could it be?  Finding a home for the bible?  
  Who does that?
Preach on my man, couldnt have said it better myself.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Jay02

Ok the question is should we just let them take over any ships that pass by? Hell no. Whether they should have been there or not, why is it alright.

We got people like Rashi saying its alright because its dangerous territory. If your in a dangerous place you're free to kill. Then when the U.S. goes over to places like Afghanistan or Iraq to incorporate a government and education so the people arent brought up to be suicide bombers we got guys like Rashi saying we shouldnt be in Afghanistan. Let the Tailban do what they do.

Someone a few pages back said what did the Taliban ever do to us. 9/11? And dont feed me with conspiracy %*%@.

Idk why so many people on here wants the U.S. to bow down to every country that has evil intentions. I like being safe personally. And I dont think its fair that the good people in these countries cant be safe.
It's really none of our business - its not our country.  We're spending MILLIONS of taxpayers money everyday that we are in Afghanistan and Iraq.  That money can easily be used to better our economy, education system, etc.  Instead of spending countless amount of money and poking our nose where it doesn't belong we should OURSELVES first.  The US should not be world police. 
And as far the people that were killed by the Pirates.  Someone mentioned that they aren't trying to convert people...why the hell would they be in a non-christian country handing bibles?  What other reason could it be?  Finding a home for the bible?  
  Who does that?
Preach on my man, couldnt have said it better myself.
I can't get over how some of you think they were really just "finding homes for bibles" as opposed to evangelizing

Like bibles are stray cats or something 
I also heard that 2 Somali Pirates died. So what exactly happened?

I do not have anything else new to add to what has already been said. Yes, of course piracy is wrong and this act by the Somali pirates is unjustifiable. However, the root causes go beyond what you see on the surface.

In the context of this struggle, you have the great capitalist powers, through their multinationals organizations and companies, which guarantee easy access to raw materials, exploit cheap labour, find outlets for the capital they accumulate and finally to control strategic zones for the development of trade in areas such as off the coasts of Somalia.

To maximize profits, they continue today to subjugate these countries like Somalia in a less crude but equally despicable manner through neoliberal policies of their own where the natives are left with no resources or distribution of wealth. What do you expect will become of the people and what do you think they will resort to to survive???
I can't get over how some of you think they were really just "finding homes for bibles" as opposed to evangelizing

Like bibles are stray cats or something 
I also heard that 2 Somali Pirates died. So what exactly happened?

I do not have anything else new to add to what has already been said. Yes, of course piracy is wrong and this act by the Somali pirates is unjustifiable. However, the root causes go beyond what you see on the surface.

In the context of this struggle, you have the great capitalist powers, through their multinationals organizations and companies, which guarantee easy access to raw materials, exploit cheap labour, find outlets for the capital they accumulate and finally to control strategic zones for the development of trade in areas such as off the coasts of Somalia.

To maximize profits, they continue today to subjugate these countries like Somalia in a less crude but equally despicable manner through neoliberal policies of their own where the natives are left with no resources or distribution of wealth. What do you expect will become of the people and what do you think they will resort to to survive???
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