Some cool bits on Phil Jackson's new book comparing Jordan to Bryant

came in here expecting kobe stans to make outrageous claims and provide lulz

leaving disappointed, yet pleasantly surprised that it didn't really happen

Phil will continue to publish books with bits n' pieces of Kobe/MJ comparisons, n' people are gonna buy em, he stays winning

why do i get the feeling that some dudes in here think that all kobe fans think kobe is better than jordan?

im not sure if anyone on this board even thinks that
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Nobody ever thought Kobe was better than Mike, not even Kobe.

This made me laugh, because in a way this is SO true :lol:

Deep down inside, you have to believe that Kobe himself thinks he isn't better than Jordan. Or else why would he try so hard to surpass MJ is almost every category? Dude is incredibly insecure when he's compared against MJ.

The sad part about it all is that Kobe did this to himself :smh:

Still a top 5 player in the history of the NBA.

EDIT: This should seriously end this Kobe vs MJ debate,0,5279814.htmlstory
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Phil basically saying what we've all known...

Jordan is better. 

He said Jordan let the game come to him...

Phil just letting the shots go. 

Kobe talked a good game...

I remember I use to listen to Kobe talk sometimes and think to myself, did this guy study Michael as a child? I mean game is one thing, but the dude had his mannerisms, the way he spoke and everything. 

It was way worse than Nas and Rakim. 
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Y'all haters are reaching :lol:

Probably not going to be better than Jordan?

Big deal

Basically no player can make the claim that their better than Jordan either
kobe wasnt as good as mike? wow phil just changed everything with this book.   

sad that someone who could have any NBA job feels the need to do this
* Jackson's words to Jordan after he showed up in the coach's office in 1995 hoping to return to basketball after a failed attempt at a baseball career: "Well, I think we've got a uniform here that might fit you."


Nobody ever thought Kobe was better than Mike, not even Kobe.

Uhh, you must not live in SoCal then.

came in here expecting kobe stans to make outrageous claims and provide lulz

leaving disappointed, yet pleasantly surprised that it didn't really happen

I skimmed through hoping to find the same. :frown:
Not reading any of your comments, because Phil's quotes and what he's written says it all. I'll take his word for it, he's coached both and he's the only one on the planet who has the credentials to make the comparison.

He's just reassuring everything I already thought and knew tho. Thanks Phil. Will read the book.

Surprised ACBoyz hasn't came running in here ranting tho lol.
does every player whos ever tried to or tries to take over a game get compared to jordan or is it just kobe that we compare?

even phil can see it
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