Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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the smirk he has after saying that...idk

i skiped thru the vid and it landed right there...aint that weird tho 
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Idk if its just me but is there something im not seeing that personal accountability doesnt seem to matter in a lot of instances. I know the question seems kind of broad but theres so many things i see in my daily life and just stories upon stories i hear from people about problems they have, which probably could have been averted had they not participated or made the decision they made. I know alot of issues and dealings with people have to be looked at on a case by case basis but some of the reason i hear people use with regards to some issues they have. One of my boys got a picture from some girl he was talking to and she got mad and went all crazy cause the picture got out there. Im not defending him cause it is messed up on his part, but did it ever cross her mind that maybe i shouldnt do this cause x y o z could happen. Also i relate this to products offered by big corps i know the people who run them are money hungry and could care less about people as long as they buy buy buy. But people complain about some of them as if they are forcing us to buy their products. Again not defending them because they do evil crazy **** and the lobbying and money they throw at politicians and all that. How is it that we somehow whether its consciously or subconsciously jusify getting mad when we have alot of say in alot of matters. People get mad at bank fees, well manage the money on your on or better handel your budget. Try and avoid over drafts fees. Do people just not care and we have to accept it. I tend to think very black and white about alot of things but im in no way unaware of the grey area. But theres just so much things people do while being consciously aware of what they are doing and know the possible consequences that may happen, but they somehow try to justify to themselves and everyone that they are at no fault. Humans why do we do this ahhhhhh.

The answer is simple. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Become aware in all subjects. Then make the change. Starts with your dollar. Don't watch tv. Don't go to the movies. Pirate that ****. Don't go to Safeway. Don't go target. Go to your local farmers market. Stop consuming. Stop buying **** you don't need. Jordan's, iPhones, 70 inch flat screens. I understand it's hard to do because look what website brought us all here; one dedicated to the blind sheep obsession of shoes.

These corporations are evil. They want you dumb, sick, unhappy dependent on their corporations and slaving away to buy **** you don't need. I took the approach of not buying material goods if they aren't karma free. And that only came with upping my awareness and compassion and realizing there is no such thing as us and them. There's only us; earthlings. So if you're directly or indirectly contributing to the abuse of human kind, animals and planet earth, then you are part of the problem. Want to fix those things? Disconnect yourself from the system, change yourself and that's the ultimate middle finger to them.

Sounds crazy because we were purposely raised the opposite way, but I feel in my heart all of what I said is absolute truth, not my truth, but absolute truth for all of us. I won't tell people how to live, but I can show people documents, documentaries, and podcasts and once they are aware and they know how they can make a difference, the choice will be up to them.

After I learned the truth and figured out that I was part of the problem, the change was easy. Can't live with myself knowing I'm contributing to the evil in the world.

Not saying shoes and phones aren't cool, but I know there is a better way to do it then to have people suffering because I was brainwashed into wanting some crap that does nothing for me.

They don't give a **** about you. They only care about money. If we change how we spend our money they will have to change. It's simple capitalism. They will have to make karma free good if we're demanding it. They'll have to change the menus and ingredients at fast food places if were not buying that poison.

It's all possible and I'm very optimistic.
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The answer is simple. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Become aware in all subjects. Then make the change. Starts with your dollar. Don't watch tv. Don't go to the movies. Pirate that ****. Don't go to Safeway. Don't go target. Go to your local farmers market. Stop consuming. Stop buying **** you don't need. Jordan's, iPhones, 70 inch flat screens. I understand it's hard to do because look what website brought us all here; one dedicated to the blind sheep obsession of shoes.

These corporations are evil. They want you dumb, sick, unhappy dependent on their corporations and slaving away to buy **** you don't need. I took the approach of not buying material goods if they aren't karma free. And that only came with upping my awareness and compassion and realizing there is no such thing as us and them. There's only us; earthlings. So if you're directly or indirectly contributing to the abuse of human kind, animals and planet earth, then you are part of the problem. Want to fix those things? Disconnect yourself from the system, change yourself and that's the ultimate middle finger to them.

Sounds crazy because we were purposely raised the opposite way, but I feel in my heart all of what I said is absolute truth, not my truth, but absolute truth for all of us. I won't tell people how to live, but I can show people documents, documentaries, and podcasts and once they are aware and they know how they can make a difference, the choice will be up to them.

After I learned the truth and figured out that I was part of the problem, the change was easy. Can't live with myself knowing I'm contributing to the evil in the world.

Not saying shoes and phones aren't cool, but I know there is a better way to do it then to have people suffering because I was brainwashed into wanting some crap that does nothing for me.

They don't give a **** about you. They only care about money. If we change how we spend our money they will have to change. It's simple capitalism. They will have to make karma free good if we're demanding it. They'll have to change the menus and ingredients at fast food places if were not buying that poison.

It's all possible and I'm very optimistic.

Thanks for that, i realize and agree with alot of what you said, my long rant was more because i struggle to believe that there are so many delusional people and just overall clueless people. I cling on with hope that people will start to want to learn and get educated on as much and work and contribute and help not only themselves and everyone else. Those who seek it shall find it i guess.
i just had a dream where i was in a classroom. The teacher an older man, seemed very wise, told me i was dreaming and to look outside. The windows were covered with a curtain, as i pulled them open all i could see was what i could only imagine, space. There was a grid like pattern and all these numbers, formulas. All i remember is 5n that's it but i know there were more numbers and symbols everywhere.  Thoughts?? 
i just had a dream where i was in a classroom. The teacher an older man, seemed very wise, told me i was dreaming and to look outside. The windows were covered with a curtain, as i pulled them open all i could see was what i could only imagine, space. There was a grid like pattern and all these numbers, formulas. All i remember is 5n that's it but i know there were more numbers and symbols everywhere.  Thoughts?? 

I'd say that's for you to interpret. Our dreams usually reflect something our subconscious is trying to communicate to us. So the symbols in your dream can have different meanings to different people. On top of that, it begans the vicious cycle of "vicarious atonement" where we make it someone else's burden to free our minds. Were all guilty of this so need to stress it. I'd recommend writing your dreams down. You'll remember them better, opening the door to lucidity but also a lot of times the meaning of our dreams won't have a purpose until months down the line.

From the outside looking in, it seems pretty straight forward. A source of wisdom is saying pull back the veil to understand what everything is about. Numbers and symbols are used to encode stuff.
That's pretty dope that you're dreaming about stuff like that though. It's a sign your subconscious mind is pondering stuff like that

I'm down for organizing the summit. Seems like we could have a cool thought provoking time. I saw first week in May mentioned. I think we should allow a little more time to get the details together so maybe more towards the middle/end of May. What's everyone's thoughts on a date?
thought this was dope from cormega

The greatest thought...the supreme being
The greatest
The greatest weakness...lack of faith
The greatest certainty...change
The greatest sickness...fear
The greatest danger...ignorance
The greatest force...truth
The greatest good...peace
The greatest enemy...pride, hate, ego
The greatest victory...self control
Do you guys think life has actual purpose. A large number of peoples live revolve around either material things or other things man created that at one point didnt exist. I dont have a problem with people dedicating their lives to these kinds of things because it keeps many happy and for some becomes a source for motivation. But being that these things came to be because someone made, created or thought it up, had that not happened would a person living for X thing have nothing to live for. I think about other parts of the world where the notion of living for something doesn't even exist so the idea that we are born for x or y or live for x or y isnt global. Because there are so many human beings that in itself should be enough evidence that we cant be here for no reason at all but like the example i gave above albiet somewhat a blanket general example the things didnt exist. If an almighty came down and said that there isnt a specific purpose for our existence other then to live and love one another im cool with that. But with so many examples of reasons to live or pursue x y or z being conceptualized by other humans before us. If they werent here would there then be any reason to do anything other then eat sleep and reproduce.

Just realized that entire block of text could be summed to is life just the the rules, limits and ideas we create or is their bigger external from us signifigance ?
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