Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Rip Michael c Rupert. If you don't know who he is he was/is one of the pioneers of this awakening. Whether you know it or not, if you are on the path, this man has effected your life. He helped open the doors for the awakening. For me personally, his doc "Collapse" was one of the first vids I saw that helped take my blindfold off so I feel a deep connection with the man.

I do not buy that he committed suicide. There's a new doc vice about how he completely gave away all his goods and money and went off the grid and found his spiritual awakening. Watch the doc. Feel the bliss and know that they got him at the right time so he would be labeled a loon and not a martyr.
I created a Michael C. Ruppert thread today, linking that Vice doc.

I dont believe a ************* thing they try to tell us, however after watching the first couple parts of that documentary, I wouldn't necessarily rule out suicide as a possibility, unfortunately.

We'll never really know.

I created a Michael C. Ruppert thread today, linking that Vice doc.

I dont believe a ************* thing they try to tell us, however after watching the first couple parts of that documentary, I wouldn't necessarily rule out suicide as a possibility, unfortunately.

We'll never really know.


I understand how that would be the mass perception. To me everything he said and did was completely sane. We're conditioned to think otherwise because our current society only works if we're unaware and disconnected to the only thing that matters; mother earth. Understanding that connection leads only to love. Love for yourself, love for all humans, love for all living beings and love for the planet.

Not saying all of that means he wouldn't commit suicide, because anything is possivle. But after watching the vice series in its entirety, I highly doubt he offed himself.
@hallywoodxo Sometimes I agree with the stuff you post, then sometimes you post stuff that feels off to me. And then sometimes you post gems like that last one and really shed a new light on some stagnant thoughts of mine. It's posts like that that make wading through all the enlightenment crap online worth it. Ramble on.

allstardope allstardope

Because of our disconnect between our senses we don't understand that light is essentially frequencies that carry information. So light can be seen, smelled, heard, felt, and tasted to process information.

Using simple science, light is just a frequency that can be increased or decreased and observed as a wavelength. The ratio I think for our reality is, the lower the vibration the more perceivable matter it has. The higher the vibration the less perceivable matter it has. Love being the highest vibration, can't be understood in terms of matter. Everything else is a distortion of this original frequency/light.

I'm trying to find a way to prove this, but I think our thoughts have tangible weight. They have a frequency as well. There for our lower vibrational thoughts yield things more enamored in matter. Vice versa as well. If something has more matter, it makes it heavier to take off/lift/ascend. So strive for thoughts of light/to be light.

I remember, many years ago now it seems, learning wave functions. You take a formula like F(x) = Af(Bx-C)+D and plug in various numbers and you could take that and graph out waves of various sizes and amplitudes on an x-y axis. Knowing that what we perceive with our five senses was either wave or vibrational frequencies I remember thinking if someone knew the numbers to plug in, if they knew the correct combination of formulas, they could visually and physically create just about anything made of matter on earth. Literally everything we experience has a frequency which can be expressed as a numerical equation similar to the formula above. It's like our reality is programable. Thinking even further on it, what would be the mechanism for manifesting these equations, if you knew them? Through what process do I introduce my formulas into wolrd? It's always the mechanism I get hung up on when it comes to trying to understand some of this spiritual stuff. Anyway, I say all that to say trigonometry and calculus can be very enlightening to a already open mind. There were a number of other mathematical phenomenon that shed light on the fact this could easily be one giant computer program. A prison of light as you say.

As far as our thoughts. Are you familiar with quantum physics? Essentially at a quantum, or very tiny sub atomic, level these frequencies or wave lengths exist as a collection of probabilities. Its like a book with no words on the pages, it could be nothing or it could literally be an infinite number of stories, giberish, numbers, pictures, ect. It isn't until scientists introduce a conscious observer to these quantum particles that they collapse into a solid state, or into a single thing out of the infinite possibilities it previously was. So it is essentially our thoughts, or our mind that collapses the infinite number of possibilities that are the many particles of the universe into a defined physical reality. Scientist are not able to understand how or why past a certain point (in terms of size) particles no longer behave according to quantum physics, where our mind can manipulate things in a sense, and start behaving according to classical physics or the laws of physics where our mind has little affect on matter. That threshold is key imo. Wave function collapse, quantum superposition, quantum decoherence, Schrodingers cat, can all be very enlightening topics if viewed from a spiritual perspective.

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@Frank Matthews

Any time you disagree, let me know man. Some of the most profound stuff I've learned is people exposing flaws in my arguments.

At any rate I'm extremely familiar with everything you discussed up there. Especially how matter ceases to exist with out human observation. At some point I had to give it up, I felt like there was no goal. I just kept breaking things down to a point I had a whole bunch of fringe ideas with no cohesion. For me that's when things took a spiritual turn. Imagine tracing your family tree all the way back to your first member, but never meeting them. That's what I felt like I was doing with math/physics. At some point our generation will probably prove higher dimensions and other entities exist, but will have no idea what their relation is to them.

Going back to what you were saying about matter existing only with observation, that's part of this being a prison planet. The show always has to go on because if people stop watching, then this dimension fades away as the higher frequencies are ushered in. So red being the lowest chakra/frequency is used in all the fast food places as one of the first measures to keep you locked in this frequency.

Something to check out is the concept of matter being evil. It creates an illusion of limited availability when it doesn't exist at all and it's just dead space yet people spend a life time hoarding it
Have any of ya'll read Hamlet's Mill?

I slept on a used $20 copy and now everything I see is in the $100 range..
Frank/Hallywood - good stuff yall. Im headed into work but I'll formulate my thoughts on this later today.

Ben - I only watched the first two episodes but he says himself, that he moved to Colorado, literally, to die or to commit suicide. Not saying he did it, but he certainly spoke of it.

I guess him speaking on it could have given somebody else the green light to stage it.. You never know.
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So what exactly did Michael C. Ruppert do? Blow the whistle on gov agency's and then got found after "committing suicide" correct?

Anyone care to up video or link to his documentary or important videos, thank you :smokin
So what exactly did Michael C. Ruppert do? Blow the whistle on gov agency's and then got found after "committing suicide" correct?

Anyone care to up video or link to his documentary or important videos, thank you
How to embed via the iPad? I'll post the vids.

He was a narcotics officer that blew the whistle on the CIA bringing in drugs into the country 30 years ago. Recently he decided to stop being an activist and sold all his ****, moved to the mountains and embarked on his spiritual journey off the grid. That's what the newest vice docs of him are about. Him in the wilderness., the website he founded, is reporting via its co-founder that for now it seems all legit. He claims he personally spoke with mcr plenty of times about his fixation with suicide.

I suspect foul play since after the vice docs he could be easily labeled as a loon now instead of a martyr. Also, he has been through the worst **** ever as far as death threats go and the gov trying to destroy his entire life. Who knows tho. He was 60 years old. Maybe he was done with all of this.

Or he tupac'd it and faked his death lol. I mean, the only news source reporting this is the news website he founded.
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How to embed via the iPad? I'll post the vids.

He was a narcotics officer that blew the whistle on the CIA bringing in drugs into the country 30 years ago. Recently he decided to stop being an activist and sold all his ****, moved to the mountains and embarked on his spiritual journey off the grid. That's what the newest vice docs of him are about. Him in the wilderness., the website he founded, is reporting via its co-founder that for now it seems all legit. He claims he personally spoke with mcr plenty of times about his fixation with suicide.

I suspect foul play since after the vice docs he could be easily labeled as a loon now instead of a martyr. Also, he has been through the worst **** ever as far as death threats go and the gov trying to destroy his entire life. Who knows tho. He was 60 years old. Maybe he was done with all of this.

Or he tupac'd it and faked his death lol. I mean, the only news source reporting this is the news website he founded.

Repped @Nazdrowie

You tap on the little film reel just above where you write your reply and paste the link in and submit.

Did he also create a documentary? Or just vice interviews etc...
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is he one of those that when interviewed was always adamant about how he'd never commit dat?

you know - some of these people say stuff like "if i'm ever found dead of'll know its foul play"

i feel i heard him like that on a rogan interview but i could be wrong
is he one of those that when interviewed was always adamant about how he'd never commit dat?

you know - some of these people say stuff like "if i'm ever found dead of'll know its foul play"

i feel i heard him like that on a rogan interview but i could be wrong

watch the first episode of the Vice documentary.

he sold all his possessions, paid all his debts, and broke - moved to Colorado to "either die or commit suicide."

PSR J1841-0500 is a pulsar, an ultra-light, ultra-speedy star that can complete a rotation in as little as half a millisecond. Such a ludicrous speed causes immensely bright rays of light (known as pulses) to shoot out at regular intervals. However, back in 2009, researchers noticed that the regular pulses of light simply stopped. If this had happened with our Sun, we’d have been too busy freezing to death to really notice. But pulsar stars regularly shut down, typically only for a few minutes at a time. However, PSR J1841-0500 shut off (and stayed off) for 580 days. After a while, researchers all but declared the star dead. Then, in August 2011, the star reappeared, regularly pulsating again like nothing ever happened. No one is sure why the star turned off, what caused it to turn back on, or if it was still rotating (albeit far more slowly) during its break. Its reappearance, however, opens up the possibility that more pulsar stars out there could slow down and vanish at any time, effectively catching their breath without actually drying up and dying.

PSR J1841-0500 is a pulsar, an ultra-light, ultra-speedy star that can complete a rotation in as little as half a millisecond. Such a ludicrous speed causes immensely bright rays of light (known as pulses) to shoot out at regular intervals. However, back in 2009, researchers noticed that the regular pulses of light simply stopped. If this had happened with our Sun, we’d have been too busy freezing to death to really notice. But pulsar stars regularly shut down, typically only for a few minutes at a time. However, PSR J1841-0500 shut off (and stayed off) for 580 days. After a while, researchers all but declared the star dead. Then, in August 2011, the star reappeared, regularly pulsating again like nothing ever happened. No one is sure why the star turned off, what caused it to turn back on, or if it was still rotating (albeit far more slowly) during its break. Its reappearance, however, opens up the possibility that more pulsar stars out there could slow down and vanish at any time, effectively catching their breath without actually drying up and dying.

Yooo! This is wild.
Idk if its just me but is there something im not seeing that personal accountability doesnt seem to matter in a lot of instances. I know the question seems kind of broad but theres so many things i see in my daily life and just stories upon stories i hear from people about problems they have, which probably could have been averted had they not participated or made the decision they made. I know alot of issues and dealings with people have to be looked at on a case by case basis but some of the reason i hear people use with regards to some issues they have. One of my boys got a picture from some girl he was talking to and she got mad and went all crazy cause the picture got out there. Im not defending him cause it is messed up on his part, but did it ever cross her mind that maybe i shouldnt do this cause x y o z could happen. Also i relate this to products offered by big corps i know the people who run them are money hungry and could care less about people as long as they buy buy buy. But people complain about some of them as if they are forcing us to buy their products. Again not defending them because they do evil crazy **** and the lobbying and money they throw at politicians and all that. How is it that we somehow whether its consciously or subconsciously jusify getting mad when we have alot of say in alot of matters. People get mad at bank fees, well manage the money on your on or better handel your budget. Try and avoid over drafts fees. Do people just not care and we have to accept it. I tend to think very black and white about alot of things but im in no way unaware of the grey area. But theres just so much things people do while being consciously aware of what they are doing and know the possible consequences that may happen, but they somehow try to justify to themselves and everyone that they are at no fault. Humans why do we do this ahhhhhh.
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