Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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The monk who sold his Ferrari, the alchemist, paths to god:living the bhagavad gita and training in compassion are books that I can't get enough of and I wouldn't mind reading them over and over again.
I've been meaning to read it, but ultimately have been sleeping on the Alchemist.

I know it's a short read.

Gonna go cop that ish right now, off the strength of both y'all mentioning it/re-reminding me.
Tao of Jeet Kune Do and Thrive Foods are my current reading material

My go to books are the alchemist, the four agreements, the little prince, the manual of the warrior of light
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Little Prince is a classic. We read it in high school and I wound up keeping a small cutout of the hat slash boa constrictor eating the elephant in my wallet. Had a great teacher freshman year that was instrumental to my literary path.
If you guys get a chance you should really listen to this episode, not really some of the far out there stuff like dmt and mushrooms and things of that nature, but man as far as life and people and overall good discussions and ideas go this one is amazing.

The joe rogan experience is one of the first things that helped open my eyes up. Listened to the furst 400 episodes he had religiously. I'm more of a duncan trussell guy these days but props to joe, he has helped me a lot.
The joe rogan experience is one of the first things that helped open my eyes up. Listened to the furst 400 episodes he had religiously. I'm more of a duncan trussell guy these days but props to joe, he has helped me a lot.

I've been listening to every single Duncan Trussell, that dude is freaking amazing man. Im almost done with all of them but listen to several more then once, there all so good. Those episodes and several Terrance Mckenna talks and youll be on your way i believe.
What do you guys think of simulation theory, i feel that off all things even above aliens and other universes, that is a crazy one. Some of the support for it is that if technology keeps going at the pace it is, it would then be possible to create a reality that would be impossible to differentiate from this current one, which then begs to question how do we know we aren't in one now. Moving on to tech that could make that possible are things like the oculus rift. If you don't know what it is look it up, but basically it's a Virtual reality headset for games. The first developer version worked amazingly well. Putting it one made you feel like you were in the world of the game. They also have a device for pc games called the omni directional treadmill which you sort of step inside with special shoes and you run and walk and control the game with your movements. It's usually paired with the oculus rift and a gun controller and provides almost full imersion in a virtual universe. So now that we have devices like those, and there are many other virtual reality devices being worked one like vest you wear and you can feel stuff that happens in the game and also a haptic feedback glove for games. I don't have anything against these tools that once worked out will provide some insanse experiences. But with video games know being capable of triggering emotions that one would experience with other people, and you have games like second life and the sims. Once those headsets and other virtual reality accesories get so good graphically and people will be playing them. It's going to get to a point where there is no longer a single reality, it may not apply to everybody but they will be realites non the less. One funny thing is that im open to the idea that the entire world and the universe is a simulation. I mean look at how much of human behavior other people have been able to figure out, studies on that and the power that knowledge has and in the hands of mal intended people they are sort of controlling and simulating a version of their reality. There are alot of metaphors in life that sort of make the possibility of this all being a simulation of some sort not seem so crazy. Either way whether it is a simulation or not just live good and spread love, and if you can enjoy the beautiful things this life has to offer, be it all a simulation or not.
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Forgive me for being vague 
. Took 2 grams of shrooms with my boys on the 4th. cruising through the bay feeling like i was giving life to everything. Everyone was on what i was on, idk how to describe it lol but i was on me. Felt like we are finally making it in America. Confidence shooting through the roof. Made me realize that i have what i thought i lacked. 

on another note, the ladies were feeling the boy too. I swear the **** i did is what you see in the movies. yeah it's like that. 

Life is good. I'm grateful for everything and everyone in my life. Good or bad, wouldn't change it. 

My birthday coming up on the 8th too. About to be 19 and i feel im heading down the right path.

Never give up y'all. I believe in YOU. 

i spent three days on an awesome resort starring at the cleanest and most serene water imaginable in Turks and Caicos . everywhere on the resort had a chill vibe that welcomed meditation. didn't really meditate much obviously but simply being in the water and at that beach which was so clean and lovely was a phenomenal experience. it might sound like dumb and touristy but on the resort they had coconut trees and today before we left we asked one of the workers to knock down some coconuts for us and the simple act of drinking that fresh and delicious water out of the coconut while walking around felt like heaven, like the way humans ought to always live. just wish there was a quicker more efficient mode of transportation to travel the earth than flying or driving.

btw i love listening to Jamaicans speak and sing. one of the bartenders there was awesome, dude kept singing these random freestyles that were so awesome. really cool experience.
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Turks (stayed at Beaches more of a chilled out family resort/place to take your girl or roll through w a large group of friends) is beautiful. On my list for sure to revisit in the future. Pretty decent, under 2gs got a nice room and food and drinks were all inclusive. had some amazing sushi down there. but that vibe is so cool. lot of the workers there are jamaican and we all vibed well. really am a fan of that culture and accent. easy to pick up anything you want too. although the green is a little dank and chocolatey.
Ive taken 5 grams. Unforgettable, ego gone i was one with everything. Wouldn't do it again for a while tho.
Man I wanna mess with some psychedelics but I don't wanna be that guy that gets some bad **** and ends up going nuts.
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