Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Speaking of The Alchemist...

Do any of ya'll just sort of reflect on life and trace the "coincidences" that led you directly to where you are right now?

It's mind blowing. That book changed my entire outlook on life. 

How could you not be spiritual or not understand there are forces at work which can't be seen or explained logically by modern "science"?

Have you ever thought or said to yourself "my life could be a book or a movie"? That's because it is.

I've been thinking about the role of every person I've ever encountered in life...every conversation...every pivotal moment...both good and bad and how if a SINGLE one of them had been changes the entire domino effect of everything that's bought me to this point in time. That **** is heavy. How you can you truly realize that and NOT believe that God, Allah, the creator, the universe ...whatever the hell you want to call it...exists? I don't care what you call it or how you visualize CANNOT deny that there are forces at work for all of us...and the closer we reach towards it...the more it responds back to us.

I'm surrounded by an incredible group of friends that are all supremely talented in what they do...and I'm on the path with them to creating something that's going to change all of our lives. The circumstances in how these people entered my life are extremely bizarre. There's a fine line between coincidences and omens. You learn how to spot them and your life WILL change.
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drop dat cid - a strong dose
don't be a wimp

with some mesc if you can find it!

Right now I'm just sticking to I might get some Peyote and do a different extraction but that's it until I get some Mimosa Hostillis root bark and extract DMT. I would do shrooms if I had the chance but a low dose for starters.

Man I wanna mess with some psychedelics but I don't wanna be that guy that gets some bad **** and ends up going nuts.

If your just looking to get high your WASTING your time and messing with the wrong stuff bruh. Do some research before messing with psychedelics.
Speaking of The Alchemist...

Do any of ya'll just sort of reflect on life and trace the "coincidences" that led you directly to where you are right now?

It's mind blowing. That book changed my entire outlook on life. 

How could you not be spiritual or not understand there are forces at work which can't be seen or explained logically by modern "science"?

Have you ever thought or said to yourself "my life could be a book or a movie"? That's because it is.

I've been thinking about the role of every person I've ever encountered in life...every conversation...every pivotal moment...both good and bad and how if a SINGLE one of them had been changes the entire domino effect of everything that's bought me to this point in time. That **** is heavy. How you can you truly realize that and NOT believe that God, Allah, the creator, the universe ...whatever the hell you want to call it...exists? I don't care what you call it or how you visualize CANNOT deny that there are forces at work for all of us...and the closer we reach towards it...the more it responds back to us.

I'm surrounded by an incredible group of friends that are all supremely talented in what they do...and I'm on the path with them to creating something that's going to change all of our lives. The circumstances in how these people entered my life are extremely bizarre. There's a fine line between coincidences and omens. You learn how to spot them and your life WILL change.

:smokin feel you on all of this. I really can relate to "my life could be a book or a movie". I look to learn from every person I meet and just keep advancing. I like to think of my life like a strong healthy stock - all the dips get bought up. I know JRS will understand
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Yeah psychs ain't for having fun. Maybe shrooms in the right environment. I've said this in here before probably but I've never had the "movie psychedelic" experience before. I've never seen cartoons flying or little green men running a train on a fairy. There has been a visual element to my experiences but the most profound effects have been on my train of thought. I go into a DEEP wormhole of thoughts. 

I've heard horror stories of people having bad trips and in 90% of those stories...the person had recently gone through some tough times and had severe PTSD. If you haven't worked out the kinks in your mind in your sober state...don't try psychs...or you WILL see whatever demons are buried and they WILL be very visual. I've been fortunate enough to not have a bad trip...but I have always had a bit of a morbid mentality anyway. I've always gone into an experience with the thought process that if I do have a bad was meant to be and to face it head on.
Speaking of The Alchemist...

Do any of ya'll just sort of reflect on life and trace the "coincidences" that led you directly to where you are right now?

It's mind blowing. That book changed my entire outlook on life. 

How could you not be spiritual or not understand there are forces at work which can't be seen or explained logically by modern "science"?

Have you ever thought or said to yourself "my life could be a book or a movie"? That's because it is.

I've been thinking about the role of every person I've ever encountered in life...every conversation...every pivotal moment...both good and bad and how if a SINGLE one of them had been changes the entire domino effect of everything that's bought me to this point in time. That **** is heavy. How you can you truly realize that and NOT believe that God, Allah, the creator, the universe ...whatever the hell you want to call it...exists? I don't care what you call it or how you visualize CANNOT deny that there are forces at work for all of us...and the closer we reach towards it...the more it responds back to us.

I'm surrounded by an incredible group of friends that are all supremely talented in what they do...and I'm on the path with them to creating something that's going to change all of our lives. The circumstances in how these people entered my life are extremely bizarre. There's a fine line between coincidences and omens. You learn how to spot them and your life WILL change.

Meh. To me the existence of a creator or some benevolent overseeing force is just the human way of dealing with the fact that we have absolutely no clue of our true purpose for being here.

What about people that have terrible lives? Ppl that go through traumatic **** for absolutely no reason. They deserved that? Were they supposed to learn some lesson for being ****** over by the circumstances of life? Some deserve to live better lives than others? My thing is it's cool to sit up in your canopy & think all is swell & some big brother or force is looking out for you when the rest of the world is burning.

Believe whatever you believe, I'm not knocking that at all but I just can't get down with the "the closer we reach towards it, the more it responds back to us" that **** is bologna
Believe what you want as well. 

I probably would have typed the same **** you did verbatim 5 years ago.
We get put in situations based on our past lives, thoughts and actions. We're tested to see where we lie in the Universe. Have we grown, are we developing, do we make the same foolish mistakes. It's our job to be aware and remember why we're here. Live purely. Be grateful. Don't get angry when things don't go your way instead learn and see why there's a better path for you at that moment. See synchronicity acknowledge it and be thankful.

I like that Wiz. Being a healthy stock chart with the dips getting bought. That's a way of life worth striving for. Constantly growing and learning and not letting the minor setbacks graduate into something major.

We're gonna be ok. Have some faith. Trust the Universe. Love your neighbors and peace will run through us all in due time.
We get put in situations based on our past lives, thoughts and actions. We're tested to see where we lie in the Universe. Have we grown, are we developing, do we make the same foolish mistakes. It's our job to be aware and remember why we're here. Live purely. Be grateful. Don't get angry when things don't go your way instead learn and see why there's a better path for you at that moment. See synchronicity acknowledge it and be thankful.

I like that Wiz. Being a healthy stock chart with the dips getting bought. That's a way of life worth striving for. Constantly growing and learning and not letting the minor setbacks graduate into something major.

We're gonna be ok. Have some faith. Trust the Universe. Love your neighbors and peace will run through us all in due time.

In your post you wrote "it's our job to be aware, and remember why we're here"

Do you mind if I ask you? Why are we here?, in your opinion.
Each person has their own unique reasoning but on a grander scale I think we're here to experience, explore and make amends w our past. I don't think there's some huge meaning of life. I think the meaning is to just live and make the best of what's available.

Just take a few minutes to meditate and think about what you're afraid of and why and what you love what's your passion and why. Thats a decent start to figuring out one's journey.

Think about it. I made this thread high as can be when I was bored one day and it's connected us together helping us grow. Synchronicity is real.
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Each person has their own unique reasoning but on a grander scale I think we're here to experience, explore and make amends w our past. I don't think there's some huge meaning of life. I think the meaning is to just live and make the best of what's available.

Just take a few minutes to meditate and think about what you're afraid of and why and what you love what's your passion and why. Thats a decent start to figuring out one's journey.

Think about it. I made this thread high as can be when I was bored one day and it's connected us together helping us grow. Synchronicity is real.

Dope answer
I don't think there is a right answer to these questions. It's easy for us to have the privileged thoughts about the purpose, fate, destiny etc. when you aren't the kid born in Africa with aids or even just a kid in California born mentally handicapped. We're survivalists by nature and we've evolved to the point where surviving isn't what we do anymore. I think we're just bored as **** and trapped in our consciousness (for better or for worse, you can argue both sides) and we let our imaginations run wild searching for fulfillment because we no longer fulfill the needs of our biological happiness, we now rely on material possessions and entertainment for that, all while ignoring our basic human reward systems.
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Again, that too was just a privileged thought of my own lol. Just adding to the discussion.

If humans truly wanted to believe we all have a higher purpose, I think it would be for us privileged folks to eliminate all suffering for all beings so everyone on earth has a chance to fulfill said "purpose" and enjoy life to its fundamental fullness.
Again, that too was just a privileged thought of my own lol. Just adding to the discussion.

If humans truly wanted to believe we all have a higher purpose, I think it would be for us privileged folks to eliminate all suffering for all beings so everyone on earth has a chance to fulfill said "purpose" and enjoy life to its fundamental fullness.

That's how you know "humans" don't believe we have a higher purpose, "humans" believe that some are chosen and some are not.
That in order for one man to profit another man must take a loss. In order for peace there must be war, for order we must have chaos. That's what humans believe, that's what humans are programmed with rather. Yin Yanged to the fullest.
Again, that too was just a privileged thought of my own lol. Just adding to the discussion.

If humans truly wanted to believe we all have a higher purpose, I think it would be for us privileged folks to eliminate all suffering for all beings so everyone on earth has a chance to fulfill said "purpose" and enjoy life to its fundamental fullness.
I think that might be the collective goal of our existence. To get us to rise to that new vibration where we don't need to entertain the materialism, greed, lust, etc. that is abundant today.

It's an interesting discussion either way. One thing we can agree on, is to live happily and positively as best as we could.
ain't no one no da answer to that b, not even dem smart cats.........

I think that might be the collective goal of our existence. To get us to rise to that new vibration where we don't need to entertain the materialism, greed, lust, etc. that is abundant today.

It's an interesting discussion either way. One thing we can agree on, is to live happily and positively as best as we could.

Fist bump to that.

We're still young in comparison to the universe itself. We have no other intelligent species to learn from or to compare to. The folly of man is our natural addictive nature to our natural negative behaviors; lust, greed, gluttony etc. But I believe we are on the right track. All we needed was to invent the interwebz.

Maybe another thousand years from now we will have the utopia we envision. Just the fact that there is this thread on this type of website is proof of that. We are learning how to handle this human experience and our off spring will be the kids that quickly become the majority in this thinking unless the kill it off again like in the flower child era, only this time technology will be what keeps us off that higher frequency.

The old ***** will die off and us Michael Jackson babies will heal the world lulz srs tho
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Fist bump to that.

We're still young in comparison to the universe itself. We have no other intelligent species to learn from or to compare to. The folly of man is our natural addictive nature to our natural negative behaviors; lust, greed, gluttony etc. But I believe we are on the right track. All we needed was to invent the interwebz.

I politely disagree. I think we"re older then "this" universe. Using time to understand the origin is one of the first mistakes in trying to understand it.

For the person who asked about god up there, I think the best way I've heard it described is that humans are god unfolded upon its self. God is an infinite amount of potential that our consciousness brings light to.

Our brains are the matrix that everyone speaks of. They provide us with logic/reason. Logic is essentially the devil because it is the anti-creator so to speak. The Christ was crucified at Calvary(the head) because you're understanding of self can only go so far within the physical body. The Christ had to be crucified.
Forgive me for being vague :tongue: . Took 2 grams of shrooms with my boys on the 4th. cruising through the bay feeling like i was giving life to everything. Everyone was on what i was on, idk how to describe it lol but i was on me. Felt like we are finally making it in America. Confidence shooting through the roof. Made me realize that i have what i thought i lacked. 

on another note, the ladies were feeling the boy too. I swear the **** i did is what you see in the movies. yeah it's like that. 

Life is good. I'm grateful for everything and everyone in my life. Good or bad, wouldn't change it. 

My birthday coming up on the 8th too. About to be 19 and i feel im heading down the right path.

Never give up y'all. I believe in YOU. 


Always positive outcome i hear from all my friends stories of shrooms !! :pimp: :pimp:

could it really be all that good. ive been a bit more curious about it lately.

- much luv, stay freshhh !! :smokin :smokin
I politely disagree. I think we"re older then "this" universe. Using time to understand the origin is one of the first mistakes in trying to understand it.

For the person who asked about god up there, I think the best way I've heard it described is that humans are god unfolded upon its self. God is an infinite amount of potential that our consciousness brings light to.

Our brains are the matrix that everyone speaks of. They provide us with logic/reason. Logic is essentially the devil because it is the anti-creator so to speak. The Christ was crucified at Calvary(the head) because you're understanding of self can only go so far within the physical body. The Christ had to be crucified.

My main point wasn't about our origins, just that we simply don't have any other sentient being that is comparable to us that we can learn from. At least that we can see visibly. Who knows if there are forces that guide our choices.

I'm with jay electronica, I think we've "terrorized the sky for 25 millennia", but I don't dwell on that cause we will never know those answers. I just want to do my best to take care of the planet while I'm here so generations after have a sustainable one to live on.
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My main point wasn't about our origins, just that we simply don't have any other sentient being that is comparable to us that we can learn from. At least that we can see visibly. Who knows if there are forces that guide our choices.

I'm with jay electronica, I think we've "terrorized the sky for 25 millennia", but I don't dwell on that cause we will never know those answers. I just want to do my best to take care of the planet while I'm here so generations after have a sustainable one to live on.

I can't do nothing but respect that man.
Just now catching up to the thread alot of great great discussion, been on vacation in dominican republic, One day i was hanging out with my uncle who lives a couple blocks away from the president of the country, then hanging out with cousins that have to scrap to eat dinner, and seeing the rich and the poverty sides. Crazy crazy experience and all i kept thinking was man why does it have to be this way and hopefully the future this gap is something that doesnt exist. The one positive thing i came away with everyday still got a couple days left is that even kids in what we would consider bad situations is that they were able to have a smile on there face and despite how they lived they were still nice and humble and seeing things like that is what gives me hope. I would love to one day open up a center of some kind and spread alot of the teaching and awareness of things were all learning and even if only one kid gets the message i will be happy and maybe it could help spread to others the power of positivity and love.
As you may know in working on a vegetable garden and some stuff is flowering so the past two days I've been periodically checking them and keep seeing the same lovely be going from flower to flower doing his job. It breaks my heart knowing that bees are dying because of Monsanto. And it sickens me to know they're developing GM bees to withstand the pesticides and poison. Einstein said we'd have 4 years to live after the bees became extinct. But no one cares. No one even knows about Monsanto and why we should be concerned for our planet. I owe it to Ska for breaking down the plot if The Happening as the plants being the earth 'a antibodies to kill off the human virus. Such an intelligent species with unlimited potential but we let ourselves be consumed by distractions ignorance and primal emotions. We do t stop and think enough about the warth's smallest creatures and their jobs. Just watching that bee go from flower to flower pollinating my crops made me feel so grateful and at one w the earth. I love bees man. They're so cool.
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