Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Hallywood, nah, that wasn't the vid. It was this one guy talking bout how he did some research. It was posted on this thread before. I will look for it.
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This is a GREAT listen to someone who experienced it... Sydal goes deep into details about why he chose to use it and how it's changed his life... The interview will start at like 8 minutes... Highly suggest it... They talk wrestling, but as more if a background subject...


:nerd: Anyone ever try ayahuasca?

Please share your experience(s).

This is a GREAT listen to someone who experienced it... Sydal goes deep into details about why he chose to use it and how it's changed his life... The interview will start at like 8 minutes... Highly suggest it... They talk wrestling, but as more if a background subject...

Haunted Collector John Zaffis has a creepy collection of possessed pictures, dolls, and other items... many of which he received from his aunt and uncle, famous paranormal investigators, Ed & Lorraine Warren ("The Conjuring" movies are based on their cases). Hear some of the creepy tales behind the specific items, how John got started collecting in the first place, and why he's often called upon to assist with exorcisms! This is one scary episode you're not gonna wanna listen to alone!

Haunted Collector John Zaffis on Talk Is Jericho - EP319 via @PodcastOne
This is a GREAT listen to someone who experienced it... Sydal goes deep into details about why he chose to use it and how it's changed his life... The interview will start at like 8 minutes... Highly suggest it... They talk wrestling, but as more if a background subject...
Man I recommend this podcast at least once a month to SOMEONE.

Hope no NT brethren went to vegas on this guys word.[/Video]
This guy is a nut[/video]
[Video]He was putting out on point picks up until recently.

The guy was actually was putting out some interesting information early on. He seems to have lost himself along the way.

Now, there are a handful of guys who all drop the same videos about the same subject singing the same "wake up" song. I don't know if they're all paid shills or what but they are clearly stealing from the same source and passing that information off as their own while trying to garner Fame or Fortune.
I don't get it, what his goal is, perhaps it's just intentionally misguiding folks but RFG is definitely lost in the sauce, and completely vapid and increasingly vain.[/video]
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He was putting out on point picks up until recently.

The guy was actually was putting out some interesting information early on. He seems to have lost himself along the way.

Now, there are a handful of guys who all drop the same videos about the same subject singing the same "wake up" song. I don't know if they're all paid shills or what but they are clearly stealing from the same source and passing that information off as their own while trying to garner Fame or Fortune.
I don't get it, what his goal is, perhaps it's just intentionally misguiding folks but RFG is definitely lost in the sauce, and completely vapid and increasingly vain.

Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day.
He was putting out on point picks up until recently.

The guy was actually was putting out some interesting information early on. He seems to have lost himself along the way.

Now, there are a handful of guys who all drop the same videos about the same subject singing the same "wake up" song. I don't know if they're all paid shills or what but they are clearly stealing from the same source and passing that information off as their own while trying to garner Fame or Fortune.
I don't get it, what his goal is, perhaps it's just intentionally misguiding folks but RFG is definitely lost in the sauce, and completely vapid and increasingly vain.
I honestly think the script was changed. Starting with the Bridgewater injury, then the handling of Adrian Peterson's situation and a few other things. 

I don't check for a lot of his other stuff but he's got a firm understanding of numerology and mythology. One thing he hasn't expressed strongly is how they are attempting to re write history through mass rituals in entertainment and sports. (X men days of future past is probably the best movie I have seen that speaks to the concept) I think this is the first time their hand was forced to go to a Plan B to maintain the "legitimacy" of the sport. In turn, the number 44 is popping up everywhere. The law of 44 speaks to a messianic energy that's being ushered in on the planet. I think the changing of the script allowed another avenue for this law to express itself naturally.

- Just to illustrate a little further, The bee's are dying at an alarming rate. When the bees go we go. If i own and run the system, I am going to do what it takes to maintain it. I come out with a movie where the beloved character is named bumblebee(transformers). Because of this movie a mass population subconsciously agrees that the bees should stay because we love them. A subliminal effort is made to maintain the system. If memory serves me correct Bumble Bee always goes through a dramatic situation where he almost dies. I think this is intentional to fit the reality of the situation. Once you peel back the veil you see an infinite amount of archetypal references made in movies to promote a certain agenda. Notice in even this commercial the subliminal undertones they imply with the 44 and bee energy predicated under the idea of "I want what i see" even though yo dont consciously acknowledge the bee per say. c 

Going back to last years superbowl. A lot of people got caught up on the significance of the Black Panther 50 year anniversary. I think if we take a mythological approach we have a better understanding of what happened. Jesus is also known as Yeshua Pantera. Pantera means son of the Panther. Everyone is familair with Jesus being an allegory for Christ consciousness. The bronco is a white horse which many says the hippocampus bares resemblance too. The hippocampus is responsible for memory. Ideally, you would want your memory and christ consciousness to work hand in hand. Therefore you see the first rift constructed just by placing them in opposition through a mass ritual called the superbowl. Then you see the panther trampled by the horse aka you see christ consciousness trampled by the memories that everyone bared witness to during that game. 

Men Lie women lie number's don't. When i call up a 405 number looking for @a-friend  but he say's yo it's KL i know Im still speaking to the same energy. It's not different wit the sports. If I wanna attempt to rewrite history, all i gotta do is call up the numbers that shared the historical/mythological numerical value. If I can get the mass population to agree to it, then i've effectively rewrote history for the time being.

People are cracking the code of the matrix and it forced their hand. 
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^I'm not familiar with the specifics of exactly what you are talking about but i definitely agree about archetypal depictions in various forms of media. Seems like almost all major motion pictures have this second layer to them, specifically regarding the interplay between mind, body and spirit that we all deal with, knowingly or not. I see allusions to it litterally everywhere, even the various religious stories seem to have this same secind layer to it. I wish i was more familiar with the symbology/allegory so i could grasp what was being conveyed a little better.

Ive been meaning to deleve more into what you mentioned in a previous post about the planets, metals and alchemy cause i get the sense this has the same story of mind, body and spirit embeded in it. The salt, sulfur and mercury of alchemy represent aspects of human nature or consciousness/spirit from what i understand.
He was putting out on point picks up until recently.

The guy was actually was putting out some interesting information early on. He seems to have lost himself along the way.

Now, there are a handful of guys who all drop the same videos about the same subject singing the same "wake up" song. I don't know if they're all paid shills or what but they are clearly stealing from the same source and passing that information off as their own while trying to garner Fame or Fortune.

I don't get it, what his goal is, perhaps it's just intentionally misguiding folks but RFG is definitely lost in the sauce, and completely vapid and increasingly vain.

I honestly think the script was changed. Starting with the Bridgewater injury, then the handling of Adrian Peterson's situation and a few other things. 

I don't check for a lot of his other stuff but he's got a firm understanding of numerology and mythology. One thing he hasn't expressed strongly is how they are attempting to re write history through mass rituals in entertainment and sports. (X men days of future past is probably the best movie I have seen that speaks to the concept) I think this is the first time their hand was forced to go to a Plan B to maintain the "legitimacy" of the sport. In turn, the number 44 is popping up everywhere. The law of 44 speaks to a messianic energy that's being ushered in on the planet. I think the changing of the script allowed another avenue for this law to express itself naturally.

- Just to illustrate a little further, The bee's are dying at an alarming rate. When the bees go we go. If i own and run the system, I am going to do what it takes to maintain it. I come out with a movie where the beloved character is named bumblebee(transformers). Because of this movie a mass population subconsciously agrees that the bees should stay because we love them. A subliminal effort is made to maintain the system. If memory serves me correct Bumble Bee always goes through a dramatic situation where he almost dies. I think this is intentional to fit the reality of the situation. Once you peel back the veil you see an infinite amount of archetypal references made in movies to promote a certain agenda. Notice in even this commercial the subliminal undertones they imply with the 44 and bee energy predicated under the idea of "I want what i see" even though yo dont consciously acknowledge the bee per say. c 

Going back to last years superbowl. A lot of people got caught up on the significance of the Black Panther 50 year anniversary. I think if we take a mythological approach we have a better understanding of what happened. Jesus is also known as Yeshua Pantera. Pantera means son of the Panther. Everyone is familair with Jesus being an allegory for Christ consciousness. The bronco is a white horse which many says the hippocampus bares resemblance too. The hippocampus is responsible for memory. Ideally, you would want your memory and christ consciousness to work hand in hand. Therefore you see the first rift constructed just by placing them in opposition through a mass ritual called the superbowl. Then you see the panther trampled by the horse aka you see christ consciousness trampled by the memories that everyone bared witness to during that game. 

Men Lie women lie number's don't. When i call up a 405 number looking for @a-friend
 but he say's yo it's KL i know Im still speaking to the same energy. It's not different wit the sports. If I wanna attempt to rewrite history, all i gotta do is call up the numbers that shared the historical/mythological numerical value. If I can get the mass population to agree to it, then i've effectively rewrote history for the time being.

People are cracking the code of the matrix and it forced their hand. 

Nice post.
First let me say that what I posted in regards to how I feel about dude isn't a result of his SB picks being wrong. I've listened to a lot of his stuff from the beginning and just the person I see now isn't the same guy I saw them. People change and evolve but it normally takes a upswing when your courting the material and life he claims. He's so negative and abrasive and he fights with other guys who have the same "message and information" as him and that has become more important than his information, he sees himself and he Loves what he sees, and I don't like that persona's energy.

Felt like I said more than I intended there but hey....

As for the SB and the "script change"

I'm not sure if the script changed though, I believe it may have been misread and misinterpreted. I mean it makes sense with what you are saying and how it could have been but, I'm still not being convinced that these sports are rigged.

I don't think they are rigged at all.
I believe that the outcome is set as is with anything in life and that you can tap into the numbers of a Sporting event the same as you can with any subject, and begin to see the pattern and therefore deduce the outcome.

I think they just got it wrong.
I don't think it changed.
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^I'm not familiar with the specifics of exactly what you are talking about but i definitely agree about archetypal depictions in various forms of media. Seems like almost all major motion pictures have this second layer to them, specifically regarding the interplay between mind, body and spirit that we all deal with, knowingly or not. I see allusions to it litterally everywhere, even the various religious stories seem to have this same secind layer to it. I wish i was more familiar with the symbology/allegory so i could grasp what was being conveyed a little better.

Ive been meaning to deleve more into what you mentioned in a previous post about the planets, metals and alchemy cause i get the sense this has the same story of mind, body and spirit embeded in it. The salt, sulfur and mercury of alchemy represent aspects of human nature or consciousness/spirit from what i understand.
That's a really good place to start to familiarize yourself with archetypal motifs. This video is a good introduction into the movies aspect of it.

This book is a good summation of alchemy, astrology, the spirit and how they all connect. 
Nice post.
First let me say that what I posted in regards to how I feel about dude isn't a result of his SB picks being wrong. I've listened to a lot of his stuff from the beginning and just the person I see now isn't the same guy I saw them. People change and evolve but it normally takes a upswing when your courting the material and life he claims. He's so negative and abrasive and he fights with other guys who have the same "message and information" as him and that has become more important than his information, he sees himself and he Loves what he sees, and I don't like that persona's energy.

Felt like I said more than I intended there but hey....

As for the SB and the "script change"

I'm not sure if the script changed though, I believe it may have been misread and misinterpreted. I mean it makes sense with what you are saying and how it could have been but, I'm still not being convinced that these sports are rigged.

I don't think they are rigged at all.
I believe that the outcome is set as is with anything in life and that you can tap into the numbers of a Sporting event the same as you can with any subject, and begin to see the pattern and therefore deduce the outcome.

I think they just got it wrong.
I don't think it changed.
I am right there with you. In regards to RFG i think he's still like 23 or something. I look back at the zealousness i moved with thinking i "knew" certain things at that age and all i can do now is look back and laugh. That's part of the hero's journey. I think it would do him well to have an elder in his corner. Nonetheless he'll figure out the point of being "conscious" is to enjoy your life. He'll have to examine at some point he's immersed in a cess pool of ignorance.

In regards to the sports being rigged, i go back and forth. I'll never forget the time i saw this on Live TV. Still doesnt sit right with me knowing a player of his calibur.

I also think about some of the things that happened when I was a kid between the lakers and kings. But then I ask myself what would be the incentive to let a team like the spurs win. It doesn't generate the revenue or interest a lakers vs celtics would. Its a 50/50 and I could honestly believe either side of it. I know for this superbowl a lot of things just didnt add up. I know theres freak injuries out there, but as someone whose tore their ACL/meniscus its hard for me to wrap my mind around him doing it in the reported scenario. I found it extrmely interesting that happened right after ol boy dropped his prediction video. I think he was on to something when he broke down the hykso narrative that they were supposedly reenacting. I wouldve like to see him keep down that path. 

See what I mean.

My man just dropped that Video, he can't let it go.

He's walking a very dangerous walk, Godspeed to him.
I look back at the zealousness i moved with thinking i "knew" certain things at that age and all i can do now is look back and laugh. That's part of the hero's journey.
Live and Learn, he'll figure it out.

He's definitely going through it.

Always good to hear from you C. Pop in more often.

Good lookin, I'm definitely gonna give those a look. Post more often brotha

See what I mean.

My man just dropped that Video, he can't let it go.
He's walking a very dangerous walk, Godspeed to him.

Maybe it's me, but I always felt like all the over the top dramatics he does, all the negativity, all the defensiveness, the low brow manner in which he generally carries himself was just an act. Like it's not believable to me. I don't follow him all that closely, or at all really, outside of whats posted here, but some of what I have seen him talk about leads me to believe he knows things which should almost certainly lead him to know better than to seriously behave/think the way he does in his videos, if that makes sense. There was a comment on one of his videos saying that he is "casting spells" with all the repetitive speech, hand gestures and curse words he uses. I don't know about any of that stuff but like I said, his demeanor comes off as an act to me for some reason.
Is there any sports betters out there that actually get rich off applying the same numerology techniques? I'd be interested to see.

I've hit big on the books this year, mainly ufc (hit 10 racks on a parlay in December), but I've applied mathematical techniques I learned from Daily Fantasy gurus that were former stock brokers and mathematicians that have paid off in fantasy football.

It's actually a huge trend in the industry. Stock brokers and mathematicians are quitting their careers and making way more money betting on sports and playing daily fantasy sports like draft kings.
Always good to hear from you C. Pop in more often.
Good lookin, I'm definitely gonna give those a look. Post more often brotha
Glad to see both of yall are doing well. This is from a project I'm working on. I haven't started promoting or editing it yet as a complete project but here's some of the excerpts. 

The souldier boy Chris brown beef. Plenty of false flagging going on.
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