Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I posted a link earlier in the page and all y'all got out of it was Trump. You hate him so much you can't take your emotions out and realize whats going on?


Go through that thread.
Look at the damn Date. 11.06.17

04/10/2020 is the date. That's what people are predicting because of the numbers 4, 10 and 20 being dropped. We are right there. Lets see what happens.

ok Im done. Ask questions now. If you havent watched the isaac Kappy video posted. Don't say a word to me.

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Got trump up here
Like he playing chess
While everyone playin checkers
This just too wild to believe

What’s wild?

Everything they’ve been saying has been accurate since 2017. What else do you want??????

It’s almost like you didn’t read anything I’ve posted or done your own research.

So adrenochrome isn’t real?

Epstein didn’t have an island with a list of everyone who visited pedo island???

I think you need to refrain from posting in here.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican that podcast you posted covers Q. I listened to it yesterday. Larry Johnson speaking some **** on there.
Pizza Gate isn’t real?

So you don’t believe any of this?


How about this.... Ellen thinks she’s untouchable. It’s right in your face.

Cmon man.

They say they got her already and this is why Alex Baldwin is doing her TV Show.

Looking through all of Ellen’s tweets since her “quarantine” you can tell she’s so frantic and anxious and just not herself. She’s clearly trying to get communication across to her sick pedo community, just need to look closely but it’s not so hard to see through it. She definitely doesn’t look like her normal self and sure as hell is not acting like it, ***** is scared
What’s wild?

Everything they’ve been saying has been accurate since 2017. What else do you want??????

It’s almost like you didn’t read anything I’ve posted or done your own research.

So adrenochrome isn’t real?

Epstein didn’t have an island with a list of everyone who visited pedo island???

I think you need to refrain from posting in here.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican that podcast you posted covers Q. I listened to it yesterday. Larry Johnson speaking some **** on there.
Calm down
Keep ur shirt on
I just mean trump being the mastermind
Is hard to believe
always wonder why qanon doesn’t mention Trump’s ties to the “deep state”, known pedophiles and his own assault accusations

qanon seems to have a vendetta against Hollywood and “the left”

however much truth is there is clouded in propaganda and disinformation and what appears to be a campaign to prop trump up as some great savior. it appears that someone working with trump is feeding Q or is Q.

the Bible references make it even better because if you truly take a hard look at it, Trump would be the antichrist the Bible warns against.

Paul writes that this Man of Sin will possess a number of characteristics. These include "sitting in the temple", opposing himself against anything that is worshiped, claiming divine authority,[9] working all kinds of counterfeit miracles and signs,[10] and doing all kinds of evil.[11] Paul notes that "the mystery of lawlessness"[12] (though not the Man of Sin himself) was working in secret already during his day and will continue to function until being destroyed on the Last Day.[13] His identity is to be revealed after that which is restraining him is removed.[7][13]

The term is also often applied to prophecies regarding a "Little horn" power in Daniel 7.[14] Daniel 9:27 mentions an "abomination that causes desolations" setting itself up in a "wing" or a "pinnacle" of the temple.[15] Some scholars interpret this as referring to the Antichrist.[16] Some commentators also view the verses prior to this as referring to the Antichrist.[17] Jesus references the abomination from Daniel 9:27, 11:31,[18] and 12:11[19]in Matthew 24:15[20] and Mark 13:14[21] when he warns about the destruction of Jerusalem. Daniel 11:36-37[22] speaks of a self exalting king, considered by some to be the Antichrist.[23]

sometimes the truth is right there in plain site 🤷🏽‍♂️
Best method to use tumeric to cleanse the third eye
In terms of third eye awakening it has the ability to remove toxins from the pineal gland and the brain. Obtain turmeric root in powder form and mix with water to make a liquidy paste. Take this paste and apply on the forehead in a thick layer.

Third Eye cleansing and Tumeric | Third Eye - Haritaki

did u get my link? you never answered back.
Sometimes this conspiracy stuff
Be so out there
Like tin foil hat stuff
And makes u even question
If folks are just looking too hard
And too much
At everything
Mostly yes. Especially with the numerology, you can search for coincidences UNTIL you find them....

confirmation bias at its best

I’m not a anti-conspiracy guy, I’m actually into them as much as you all if not more, but I’m older and been reading this stuff for decades now...after you’ve gone through the rabbit holes you realize 95% of it is ********, just crazy people trying to connect the dots to expose something greater then them...

but the 5% is legit enoughto make you sift and sort through the rest of the 95% bs.

Conspiracies and the actions attached to them are so out of most regular ol’ citizens depth to comprehend anyways....alot of things are kept behind closed doors and away from the feeble minded for a reason.....

I used to jump at all the theories and conspiracies, than I just realized without any subtantial proof of said stories....they are just that....stories. Me personally i can’t be spreading and perpetuating stories with no facts or truth to them...

now you doing what “they” what you to do, spreading disinformation and misinformation to dillute the truth with all these wacky theories.

if anyone in this thread is serious about conspiracy and wants to go beyond the level of “youtube conspirators” you MUST read this book. It’s ESSENTIAL for anyone claiming conspiracy.

Like bro if you ain’t read this book we can’t even talk conspiracy, you not even a baby lol. And I know alot of ppl in here have read it, you can tell who has and who hasn’t.
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