Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Check out this one too.

Also I was reading an article from 2011 on NASA's website about how 2012 won't happen because the black hole in the milky way was not close enough. But just last week they found a new black hole in the milky way. Guess they didnt see that coming either.
"Obama was to make an announce on the incoming brown drawf star some call Nibiru, the week before the debates, the press has the sealed announcement tapes & have been putting off by the White House since the Northern Hemisphere doesn’t have the same full view as the southern hemisphere has & people can see it especially at sun rise & sun set. It is my opinion this election & the dirty tactics from sides to rig the election will concede with a the same outcome as Bush’s first election of the Floridian chads, therefore riots & declaration of Martial Law in heavy bi-racial states first then the rest. At that time he will announce the incoming brown dwarf star & possible polar shift which he can then lead the urban sheep into inland Camps….!
For everyone that is going to discredit Nibiru & me for telling you the truth, so be it…we don’t know exactly when we will all start to see it, it will be seen around Thanksgiving time & after by the naked eye…so the financial collapse, the dollar collapse & the racial/religious wars along with Nibiru passing with a possible Polar shift will be a time of great peril that 7 billion people will ever know. So if your not prepared & toting gun/ammo/food/water/heat source & alternative shelter you will fall prey to the elements."
"Obama was to make an announce on the incoming brown drawf star some call Nibiru, the week before the debates, the press has the sealed announcement tapes & have been putting off by the White House since the Northern Hemisphere doesn’t have the same full view as the southern hemisphere has & people can see it especially at sun rise & sun set. It is my opinion this election & the dirty tactics from sides to rig the election will concede with a the same outcome as Bush’s first election of the Floridian chads, therefore riots & declaration of Martial Law in heavy bi-racial states first then the rest. At that time he will announce the incoming brown dwarf star & possible polar shift which he can then lead the urban sheep into inland Camps….!
For everyone that is going to discredit Nibiru & me for telling you the truth, so be it…we don’t know exactly when we will all start to see it, it will be seen around Thanksgiving time & after by the naked eye…so the financial collapse, the dollar collapse & the racial/religious wars along with Nibiru passing with a possible Polar shift will be a time of great peril that 7 billion people will ever know. So if your not prepared & toting gun/ammo/food/water/heat source & alternative shelter you will fall prey to the elements."

"Obama was to make an announce on the incoming brown drawf star some call Nibiru, the week before the debates, the press has the sealed announcement tapes & have been putting off by the White House since the Northern Hemisphere doesn’t have the same full view as the southern hemisphere has & people can see it especially at sun rise & sun set. It is my opinion this election & the dirty tactics from sides to rig the election will concede with a the same outcome as Bush’s first election of the Floridian chads, therefore riots & declaration of Martial Law in heavy bi-racial states first then the rest. At that time he will announce the incoming brown dwarf star & possible polar shift which he can then lead the urban sheep into inland Camps….!
For everyone that is going to discredit Nibiru & me for telling you the truth, so be it…we don’t know exactly when we will all start to see it, it will be seen around Thanksgiving time & after by the naked eye…so the financial collapse, the dollar collapse & the racial/religious wars along with Nibiru passing with a possible Polar shift will be a time of great peril that 7 billion people will ever know. So if your not prepared & toting gun/ammo/food/water/heat source & alternative shelter you will fall prey to the elements."

Interesting...this thread
coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday October 14, 2012

First Hour: Journalist Bill Wasik and veterinarian Monica Murphy will discuss the history, science, and cultural mythology of rabies and how it can help shed light on the wave of emerging diseases, from AIDS to SARS to avian flu.

Second Hour: Joining Ian Punnett, author, journalist, and star of Ancient Aliens, Philip Coppens, will demonstrate that there is substantial evidence that civilization is far older, far more advanced, and far more special than is currently accepted.
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun carbon dated to 25,000 years old.

Italian archaeologists Dr. Ricarrdo Brett and Niccolo Bisconti discovered an organic material sample (a leaf) on the top of the concrete blocks that cover Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in June 2012. Carbon dating was performed in Lab in Kiev, Ukraine with astonishing result: 24.800 years +/- 200 years. This carbon dating puts the pyramid 20 thousand years before the Sumerian and Babylonian “civilizations. In other words, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun dates back to a time when organized human civilizations were not supposed to exist.

coasttocoast a.m

Monday October 15, 2012

Second Hour: One of the world’s foremost researchers and writers on the subject of ancient mysteries, Adrian Gilbert, will discuss the magical powers of objects such as the Ark of the Covenant and the Stone of Destiny, which he claims is linked to the pyramids of Egypt, and the Druids.
ESO set to make astounding disclosure!

"European astronomers have used facilities at ESO’s La Silla Observatory to discover a remarkable exoplanet. The results will appear online in the journal Nature on 17 October 2012.

ESO will hold an online press conference to announce the results and assess their impact, offering journalists the opportunity to discuss with the scientists. The conference will take place on Tuesday 16 October 2012 at 16:00 CEST."

Focus on the words, 'remarkable exoplanet', 'announce the result and assess their (results') impact'. TPTB in astronomy and astrophysics are extremely tight lipped about this.
I can truly say this much, the media conference shall evoke a shock and awe effect, the likes of which have not been discussed in many many years. Be prepared and listen, watch the web, tweeter feeds, emailing lists and what not, because come tomorrow, we will be floored!
I suggest reading Why Darkness Matters...

Yeah I knew those were twice the length than what was only sticking out of the soil. What was that video about, trying to prove they could have been moved without trees to roll them on? That video someone posted about debunking the AA show, the guy said the land was once full of trees and that the natives used them all to move the stones. Where are the stumps? Did they use all of the baby trees as well? What about the seeds? Im not buying it.
"2012 video from a future man"

It is about the so -called "2012 video from a future man" . It is said that in early 2007 the video has existed, which includes up to 6 hours of video shot with a DV, showing the global catastrophe beginning from the December 21, 2012 to the December 23.The sky was quite dark and there are a lot of strange apertures and lights in it with lots of people rushing to escape. . . . . .it's totally a mess and terrible.Those who actually have seen the video are very few around the world, as governments all over the world have blocked the video,and those spreading on the Internet have also been completely deleted for a long time. It is said that Some people who have seen this video made a few screenshots, spreading them through the Internet, and it is believed that they are 100% true. Here are some sceenshots from" 2012 video from a future man". Many people who are concerned about 2012 are eagerly looking for this video everywhere, trying everything possible to get it. But it seems that it is very difficult. I would like to ask , does "2012 video from a future man" really exist? Did someone from the future year of 2012 really took the great catastrophe, then return to current time to pass it to us ?
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I've was thinking...The only thing this whole 12/21/2012 thing really did was give everyone a reason to get really ****** up that night. It even falls on a Friday night.

Hey bro you wanna get ****** up like its the end of the world? Yes, yes I do.

The bars gonna be crazy, can't wait.
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