Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Yo have Anybody else seen any strange orange balls of light flying around...
Yooooo, i saw some of these the other night. It was bright orange and it streaked through the sky and it disappeared really quick. It was about the size of a tennis ball from where i was standing. My cousin saw some too on a different direction from where i was looking. 
Yooooo, i saw some of these the other night. It was bright orange and it streaked through the sky and it disappeared really quick. It was about the size of a tennis ball from where i was standing. My cousin saw some too on a different direction from where i was looking. 

Saw the same exact thing thing this summer. And it wasnt a shooting star because the thing never disintegrated into nothing. It just kept goin.
Saw the same exact thing thing this summer. And it wasnt a shooting star because the thing never disintegrated into nothing. It just kept goin.

I keep my eyes peeled for stuff like that. Yall lucky to be in the right places at the right times to be able to question stuff like that. Im to the point where I see something bright in the sky that looks suspicious, I will tail it til I confirm its a plane, helicopter or something else.
^ Word. Since my last incident, I keep my eyes on the night skies. Especially when I'm getting in real late.
I've was thinking...The only thing this whole 12/21/2012 thing really did was give everyone a reason to get really ****** up that night. It even falls on a Friday night.
Hey bro you wanna get ****** up like its the end of the world? Yes, yes I do.
The bars gonna be crazy, can't wait.
really though, imagine all the single girls wanting it one more time before the world ends..

coasttocoast a.m
Wednesday October 31, 2012

George Noory hosts the annual "Ghost to Ghost AM" Halloween show, where callers and guests share tales of ghostly encounters, and contact with the afterworld.

Bigfoot does exist, claim scientists

Former Editor of 'The Roswell Morning Dispatch' Recalls Events From Historic UFO Crash | INTERVIEW

UFO Flies Into Popocatépetl Volcano Mexico
I know that volcano in Mexico . This has been happening for a lot years or even more. I knew a lot of stories from cousin and other family member's about UFOs going into the volcano and strange lights flying across the night sky.My uncle has old VHS tape that shows UFOs going inside the volcano ( I actually seen the video) but he lost the video . The town that my family lives is Atlixco Puebla . Many people in the town have similar stories about UFOs .

Just zoom out and you will see the volcano .
coasttocoast a.m.

Friday November 2, 2012

George Noory will be joined by Richard C. Hoagland, who will discuss methane on Mars, new images from Curiosity that reveal artifacts, and secret experiments that have been carried out by the Mars rover. Open Lines follows.

First time, Indian army reports UFOs/humaoid robots and publishes pics, says its no aircraft.


* New Delhi and Prime Minister notified.
* Unidentified Luminous Objects, verified not to be drones, or satellites.
* Mobile radar brought to the area, did not pick up anything.
* A drone sent out to chase could not catch up, after the drone reached it max altitude.
* Seperate scientific investication made it clear its not cometc or planets, still unidentified.
* A 4 foot tall robot like humanoid photographed walking in the mountain, then became airborne and left.
coasttocoast a.m.
Friday November 2, 2012
George Noory will be joined by Richard C. Hoagland, who will discuss methane on Mars, new images from Curiosity that reveal artifacts, and secret experiments that have been carried out by the Mars rover. Open Lines follows.
First time, Indian army reports UFOs/humaoid robots and publishes pics, says its no aircraft.
* New Delhi and Prime Minister notified.
* Unidentified Luminous Objects, verified not to be drones, or satellites.
* Mobile radar brought to the area, did not pick up anything.
* A drone sent out to chase could not catch up, after the drone reached it max altitude.
* Seperate scientific investication made it clear its not cometc or planets, still unidentified.
* A 4 foot tall robot like humanoid photographed walking in the mountain, then became airborne and left.

a couple of days ago me and my girl saw something coming down from the sky that was like an orange ball with a trail of smoke behind it, then a couple of nights ago im looking up and we see some black machine flying through the sky with no lights, almost like it didnt want to be seen.. so i been keeping my eyes out for anything strange.. 2 nights ago i saw the moon and it had one star directly on top of it and two more to the side of that middle star.. i just saw that video and i saw jupiter, the moon and the sun... so wassup with this nibiru thing? is that the stars i saw over the moon?
I read a few of these on Reddit.

These are links to various Wiki articles or, I'll post a tidbit of the story and a link. All real life unsolved mysteries.

Benjaman Kyle
Benjaman Kyle, pictured above, is missing.

Benjaman Kyle also lives in Savannah, Georgia. If you had his address, you could go visit him, and he’d be there, doing whatever he does each day.

But if you go to the Doe Network, an organization which helps locate missing people, he’ll be there. In fact, his case file is 1007UMGA and can be seen here. But unlike most everyone else in the Doe Network’s database, Kyle is not in there because no one knows where he is — but rather, because no one knows who he is.

The Keddie Murders

In 1981 Glenna Sharp, her son John (15), his friend Dana (17), were found beyond brutally murdered by Glenna's Eldest daughter Sheila (she found them, not murdered them). They had been staying in Cabin 28 in the Keddie resort. Sheila had stayed with her friends in Cabin 27 and found the bodies in the morning. Her sister, Tina (12) was missing and her remains were later found some 28 miles away after an anonymous tip was called in. The twist here is that in Cabin 28 there were also 3 small children found alive and unharmed in their bedroom.

The Boat in the Middle of Nowhere

If there is a middle of nowhere, it is Bouvet Island, a 19 square mile piece of land in the South Atlantic, uninhabited and covered by glacial ice. It is the world’s most remote island, nearly 1,000 miles from another swath of land (a sector of Antarctica called Queen Maud Land). The island is 1,400 miles from the nearest inhabited land mass (Tristan da Cunha, another remote island) and 1,600 miles from South Africa — roughly the distance from Paris to Moscow.

But the island’s biggest oddity came to light in 1964, when a boat, pictured right (in the lower-right corner of the picture), was discovered on the island, without explanation.

Taman Shud Murder

They think he was poisoned, but they don't know with what. They don't know who the guy was because he had no ID on him and all his clothes had the tags ripped off. Then there's the brown suitcase, the fact that he was seen alive, a full day earlier in the same spot they found his body, oh and the strange number code they don't understand.

Peep this reddit post for more:
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idk if this has been posted but if anybody has an hour and a half to kill, peep this

I read a few of these on Reddit.
These are links to various Wiki articles or, I'll post a tidbit of the story and a link. All real life unsolved mysteries.
Benjaman Kyle
Benjaman Kyle, pictured above, is missing.
Benjaman Kyle also lives in Savannah, Georgia. If you had his address, you could go visit him, and he’d be there, doing whatever he does each day.
But if you go to the Doe Network, an organization which helps locate missing people, he’ll be there. In fact, his case file is 1007UMGA and can be seen here. But unlike most everyone else in the Doe Network’s database, Kyle is not in there because no one knows where he is — but rather, because no one knows who he is.
The Keddie Murders
In 1981 Glenna Sharp, her son John (15), his friend Dana (17), were found beyond brutally murdered by Glenna's Eldest daughter Sheila (she found them, not murdered them). They had been staying in Cabin 28 in the Keddie resort. Sheila had stayed with her friends in Cabin 27 and found the bodies in the morning. Her sister, Tina (12) was missing and her remains were later found some 28 miles away after an anonymous tip was called in. The twist here is that in Cabin 28 there were also 3 small children found alive and unharmed in their bedroom.
The Boat in the Middle of Nowhere
If there is a middle of nowhere, it is Bouvet Island, a 19 square mile piece of land in the South Atlantic, uninhabited and covered by glacial ice. It is the world’s most remote island, nearly 1,000 miles from another swath of land (a sector of Antarctica called Queen Maud Land). The island is 1,400 miles from the nearest inhabited land mass (Tristan da Cunha, another remote island) and 1,600 miles from South Africa — roughly the distance from Paris to Moscow.
But the island’s biggest oddity came to light in 1964, when a boat, pictured right (in the lower-right corner of the picture), was discovered on the island, without explanation.

Taman Shud Murder

They think he was poisoned, but they don't know with what. They don't know who the guy was because he had no ID on him and all his clothes had the tags ripped off. Then there's the brown suitcase, the fact that he was seen alive, a full day earlier in the same spot they found his body, oh and the strange number code they don't understand.
Peep this reddit post for more:

:wow: @ these.

Last one i've read of before.
How come "UFO'S" always have lights? What if the beings come from a solar system of constant daylight? Their eyes (if they even have them) process light differently, like see in inverted colors? Therefore no use for lights on their vehicle (if they even use vehicles).
that would require a system with multiple suns (probably more than two) and i dont see why they would process light differently if its just normal sun light. . . . .

now if somehow developed with nothing but dark matter/energy around them, THAT would flip our world upside down, real talk, we wouldnt even be able to detect them
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