Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Humans have killed their next step in evolution. We keep our weak alive, allow our sick to reproduce, and caiter to people who contribute nothing to humanity. Darwinism has not been allowed to take its course with us. I would even go out on a limb and say that we are going in reverse..... Just a thought....

Maybe physically but what would be stopping our brains from evolving? Isn't that what's most important anyway? Because of our brains stuff like this will be possible. Nanotechnology will be very real.

Here's a link that's goes a bit more I'm depth about what a respirocyte is.

Then there is the “nanolung.” An interesting design alternative to augmentation infusions is a therapeutic population of respirocytes that loads and unloads at an artificial nanolung, a diamondoid pressure tank implanted in the chest, which exchanges gases directly with the natural lungs or with an external gas supply such as an air hose. Assuming 80% storage volume at ~1000 atm, an unobtrusive 250 cm3 nanolung could provide 0.3-7 hours O2 supply, depending on exertion level. By sacrificing one entire natural lung to make room in the thorax, a 3250 cm3 nanolung extends oxygen supply to 4-87 hours. A less-conservative nanolung design could allow you to survive for up to 5 days without drawing a breath.]

Wouldn't you consider surviving 5 days without breathing evolving physically?
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coasttocoast a.m.

Monday September 24, 2012

Author, lecturer and aerospace engineer, Mike Bara, will discuss how the Moon is littered with ancient artifacts which suggest that it was once inhabited by an extra-terrestrial civilization. He will also examine the mystery of what happened to the builders of these structures.


I saw these "clouds" out side my house early today on my way to the gym. They look un-natural for some reason. I just thought I should share it. :nerd:

Cool pics, where is this at.?


I saw these "clouds" out side my house early today on my way to the gym. They look un-natural for some reason. I just thought I should share it. :nerd:

I actually saw something like similar over my house last week thursday. I was outside playing with my little brother and I saw it. Ironically enough I saw a jet leaving chemtrails just above them.
i've been staring up into the night sky for over 30 years & i've never been sure

Me and my boys saw something in the sky like 2 years ago. It was Easter sunday and we had just finished :smokin. My boy was smoking a cig and looking out his window and was like "yoo come see this!" We all rushed to the window and saw little white balls(orbs) coming from behind a building and floating up into the sky. At first it was like a dozen of them but soon they became at least 100 just floating diagonally into a cloud. Of course one of us said to record it but we were in too much shock to act. I managed to record a video of the last one floating up into the cloud though. We thought it was going to be end of the world so we ran downstairs to see if anyone else had seen it. As soon as we got out the building and looked up, a black military helicopter flew over our neighborhood. Craziest part is that as the white balls were floating into the cloud, the cloud just kept on growing and growing.

Til this day people think we are lying when we tell this story, but how is it possible for 4 of us to see the same exact thing and it not be real? I live in the Bronx btw.
I saw this the other day, was actually looking towards the BX, since I live on the northern tip of Manhattan. I looked up at the sky and saw lots of stars, but there was one especially, that was brighter and a little bigger than the rest. So I focused my attention on it, and noticed that it was just hovering. It moved a bit, not much, but you can tell that it wasn't stationarty. There were some blue beams also glowing from it, but it would shine every now and then. I was in front of my building for almost 30 mins just analyzing it. All these details were faint, so you really had to focus on details to capture it all.
wth you guys have stories too? ^^ lol

i guess i'll share my story 

last Friday me and a chick were at a really nice view of my city, i wanted to look at the stars but there were none. But then i notice this really bright light and it would fade then become really bright, at one point it faded and not too far from it another light brightened up 
. Those two lights would just keep fading and brightening up, I've never seen anything like it. I live in the IE of cali btw
wth you guys have stories too? ^^ lol

i guess i'll share my story 

last Friday me and a chick were at a really nice view of my city, i wanted to look at the stars but there were none. But then i notice this really bright light and it would fade then become really bright, at one point it faded and not too far from it another light brightened up :wow: . Those two lights would just keep fading and brightening up, I've never seen anything like it. I live in the IE of cali btw

I've seen "lights" with irregular movement also. I always say to myself it must be a plane but then it moves in a weird fashion. People always want to see things but hardly look up at the sky. You'll be surprised what you actually see.

I.e. The UFO which was seen in the Bronx right before Hurricane Irene struck.
I saw this the other day, was actually looking towards the BX, since I live on the northern tip of Manhattan. I looked up at the sky and saw lots of stars, but there was one especially, that was brighter and a little bigger than the rest. So I focused my attention on it, and noticed that it was just hovering. It moved a bit, not much, but you can tell that it wasn't stationarty. There were some blue beams also glowing from it, but it would shine every now and then. I was in front of my building for almost 30 mins just analyzing it. All these details were faint, so you really had to focus on details to capture it all.

Last weekend? Friday into Saturday morning the sky was busy.

I'm pretty sure I saw a UFO last night, at around 2 AM

Then we definitely saw the same thing. I work uptown in the Bronx and last night there were a few "stars" brighter than others. It was extremely clear. I was looking up at the sky all night. It was about 2 or 3 of them blinking all night.
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That article was written on the 21st and stated that the colonels were going to disclose the info on Saturday . Where da info at? :nerd:

Yea, thats why i posted it. Hopefully the info did come out. I'll post it if i find it.
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every time i read something about how someone saw a ufo in the bronx it brings back a weird memory.. i use to live on 192nd nd valentine when i use to stay in the bx.. in the middle of poe park nd fordham.. i dont remember how old i was but i couldnt have been older than 8. im looking outside my window at night because i couldnt sleep nd there was always a bunch of stars in the sky.. i remember that a star kept moving in between all the stars.. i would look away nd put my head in my pillow because i thought i was seeing thingss, but everytime i would look there it was moving around in a weird way. it wasnt a plane because it would shoot around then come to a complete stop between the stars, then it would move slowly around until it would stop again, then it would move pretty fast around the stars.. i still remember that ****. idk if i was dreaming but i remember that it didnt have any weird lights or anything like that.. just a regular looking star that would keep moving around
Last weekend? Friday into Saturday morning the sky was busy.
Then we definitely saw the same thing. I work uptown in the Bronx and last night there were a few "stars" brighter than others. It was extremely clear. I was looking up at the sky all night. It was about 2 or 3 of them blinking all night.

Definitely man. The sky is cloudy tonight, but I will definitely be looking up into the sky more often. My boy has told me accounts of things he's seen too, he lives around Valentine too.
coasttocoast a.m.

Thursday September 27, 2012

Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, will discuss a report of another underground pyramid near Mount McKinley, Alaska, new DNA research on the blood of three modern African groups, a cancer link to GMO corn, and encounters with 'angelic light.'

Will listen.
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