Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I read an article a long time ago that our suns and volcanoes are stargates that can take you to other planets and dimensions and that you need to lift your vibrations to a higher level to be able to enter them and survive

There was a UFO sighting in Mexico a few weeks ago and there was a UFO sighting near the sun a few days ago

IMO it looks like similar UFOs in both videos

Seen some stuff posted earlier regarding Admiral Byrd and "operation highjump" so I thought I would leave this here....

Interesting enough, the discovery was heavily documented both by the US and recently de-classified NAZI docs.

The Nazi's went so far as to even map out and name the regions in this "inner earth"

Alot of compelling evidence in this particular story... definitely not your run of the mill UFO story.

Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth


We’ve all heard tales of Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe and even setting up bases in Neuschwabenland. Some have also heard of Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s altercation with entranched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. A video has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta! (Translation here)





More detail: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rodney Cluff on his website has a copy of a letter (with translation) supposedly sent from a Karl Unger that was aboard the U-boat 209 (commanded by Heinrich Brodda) saying that they had reached the inner earth and would not be coming back!

If that seems too unbelievable, compare with those maps, this map done by the famed Tyrolean cartographer and artist Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society beginning in 1966. It clearly shows the continent of Antarctica without its cover of ice. The intriguing detail here is that there are underwater passageways that run nearly the entire length of the continent and seem to converge at the exact location identified as the opening into the hollow earth!

The Hollow Earth: “Truth is stranger than ficiton, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” - Mark Twain

links: (The admirals diary :nerd: )


coasttocoast a.m.

Wednesday November 14, 2012

First Hour: Author Tony Burroughs talks about how to use intention to manifest good in your life.

Second Hour: Archeo-astronomer and independent researcher on the American Southwest, Gary A. David, will discuss a cave discovered in the Grand Canyon which contained Egyptian artifacts and other out-of-place artifacts, as well as Hopi Prophecy, the 'Ant People' and Native cultures' interpretations of End Times.
The geometry of vibration & light

It is essential to understand that VIBRATION travels in 90 degree golden mean spirals and looks identical to the image below. This vibration is outside of space/time although it is frequently referred to as a SOUND. Yet it is really the "sound outside of sound" and is technically the golden mean infinite spiral of the unmanifest creation vibration. You will never see this shape in nature, yet everywhere it is implied.


Light, however, IS manifest and travels in Fibonacci spirals which forms the images below. The light is copying the creation vibration above with curved lines which we see as light. You may also notice that the Fibonacci spirals form hearts or even apples. This is where the expression "apple of your eye" comes from.


Notice that there are two lines, coming from opposite directions. This pattern is also reflected in galaxies, which in a macro sense are also "eyes".


This is why our eyes are oval and not round, and why tree leaves take this shape for photosynthesis. In order to pick up light, our eyes must emulate the shape that light takes as it travels. This is the vesica piscis.


There is of course no such thing as the macrocosmos or the microcosmos.

They are both manifestations of the same wave signature.

As above, so below.

There's more here
^^^ that reminded me of a random canibus line 
"color is vibration, vibration is sound, sound resonates thru the mouth"
The geometry of vibration & light
It is essential to understand that VIBRATION travels in 90 degree golden mean spirals and looks identical to the image below. This vibration is outside of space/time although it is frequently referred to as a SOUND. Yet it is really the "sound outside of sound" and is technically the golden mean infinite spiral of the unmanifest creation vibration. You will never see this shape in nature, yet everywhere it is implied.

Light, however, IS manifest and travels in Fibonacci spirals which forms the images below. The light is copying the creation vibration above with curved lines which we see as light. You may also notice that the Fibonacci spirals form hearts or even apples. This is where the expression "apple of your eye" comes from.

Notice that there are two lines, coming from opposite directions. This pattern is also reflected in galaxies, which in a macro sense are also "eyes".

This is why our eyes are oval and not round, and why tree leaves take this shape for photosynthesis. In order to pick up light, our eyes must emulate the shape that light takes as it travels. This is the vesica piscis.

There is of course no such thing as the macrocosmos or the microcosmos.
They are both manifestations of the same wave signature.
As above, so below.
There's more here
Ancient Hermetic principles...

Familiarize yourself...

Sir Francis Bacon knew the truth in regards to Masonic teachings. 

Not only that...but Sir Francis Bacon served a purpose by entering Rosicrucian symbols into the King James Bible.

Think about it...most of Shakespeare's plays were written by Bacon (some even say Bacon was really Shakespeare)...and the first edition of the King James Bible also included Luciferian symbols. The language of the plays and the Bible were eerily similar...these people did a great job in deceiving the masses

Read the works of Manly P. Hall.

King James Bible published in 1611...revised in 1650. The new revised version omitted many of the Rosicrucian and Luciferian symbols, but by then it was too late...the people had been initiated. 

Who was King James really? Do some research...

What were the editors of the Hebraic roots Bible really trying to hid? 

Most of the preachers today know the truth but keep the congregation blind and ignorant. All for profit gain...

Now you see why religion is the opium of the people... 
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coasttocoast a.m.

Friday November 16, 2012

In the first half, George Noory welcomes author, clairvoyant, and earth mysteries investigator Betsey Lewis for a discussion on the paranormal and UFO encounters. Open Lines to follow.

Oldest Stone Spear Tips Found: Came About 200,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

New evidence from a recently-published scientific study indicates that humans started crafting stone-tipped weapons 200,000 years earlier than previously believed. A team of scientists that included researchers from Arizona State University, the University of Toronto, and the University of Cape Town have uncovered signs of hafting, or the art of attaching a stone tip to a spear, at an archaeological site in South Africa called Kathu Pan 1. Hafting was a significant advancement in human weaponry and hunting since it made spears more lethal and durable.

"There is a reason that modern bow-hunters tip their arrows with razor-sharp edges. These cutting tips are extremely lethal when compared to the effects from a sharpened stick. Early humans learned this fact earlier than previously thought," said co-author of the study Benjamin Schoville, who is affiliated with the Institute of Human Origins, a research center of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University.

Hafting was previously attributed to Homo sapiens and Neanderthals around 300,000 years ago, but the new findings indicate that a shared ancestor between the two, Homo heidelbergensis, was practicing the craft 500,000 years ago.
We are using the earths resources 50% faster than it can regenerate itself.

We are the meek that shall inherit the earth that we are destroying.

Everyone else will be space colonizing.

Which clearly isn't too far off...

Star Trek, Wall-E, Repo Man, Gattaca etc. are just used to desensitize humans to the new wave...

Close yourself off from music and images that are seeping into your subconscious and taking you away from the ultimate goal.

Court jester logic...who is really in control?

Understand what Love really is/means now, you will need to ascend to your higher soul/consciousness to get through what is ahead.

The real battle is not physical but almost completely spiritual. You are your own enemy and when you conquer whats battling you, you will feel brand new and ready for the new age.
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