Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Dr. Steven Greer : The Truth About the End of NASA's Shuttle Program

Everything You Know IS Wrong 2012 / Bigfoot / UFO Congress /

The Star That Shouldn’t Exist

The star in question is called SDSS J102915 +172927. The odd names do serve a purpose though, as they are typically coordinates for where the star can be found in the sky.

In 2011, a team of European astronomers discovered this star in the constellation Leo. It is a small star – only about 80% the size of our sun – and is believed to be around 13 billion years old. Since the universe as we know it is itself thought to be around 13.7 billion years old, this is considered one of the oldest surviving stars. Nothing is particularly unusual about this star … except that according all of our theories, it shouldn’t even exist. The star is made up of 99.99993% hydrogen and helium, elements that are too light to condense and form a star on their own. When these figures are put into any star formation super computer simulation, the result always comes back that such a star is not possible. Astronomers are puzzled as to how such a star could have formed without the aid of heavier elements – research is ongoing.
Question guys:
First and foremost, I believe in aliens, but I've talked to a few people who believe that humans were made by aliens. I can see that, but what is the goal and why? A few have said for gold and it is a good conductor of energy. Ok, but why would they need humans to do that considering they are superior intellectually? They get the gold and then what?
you make some good points, but honestly, anything is possible. gold is an excellent conductor, it doesnt corrode and it reflects heat. its a very interesting substance, yet we're dumb enough to make jewelry out of it and actually WEAR it on our face when we could put it to better use. i feel like we're basically smaller, less concious versions of our creator. you know how they say we only use like 20% of our brain? is it possible that we're limited that way? maybe we're getting dumber and dumber as years go by.. its possible that our intelligence peaked thousands of years ago!
you make some good points, but honestly, anything is possible. gold is an excellent conductor, it doesnt corrode and it reflects heat. its a very interesting substance, yet we're dumb enough to make jewelry out of it and actually WEAR it on our face when we could put it to better use. i feel like we're basically smaller, less concious versions of our creator. you know how they say we only use like 20% of our brain? is it possible that we're limited that way? maybe we're getting dumber and dumber as years go by.. its possible that our intelligence peaked thousands of years ago!

I believe this, we were much more advanced mentally and spiritually and for some reason we lost that.
you make some good points, but honestly, anything is possible. gold is an excellent conductor, it doesnt corrode and it reflects heat. its a very interesting substance, yet we're dumb enough to make jewelry out of it and actually WEAR it on our face when we could put it to better use. i feel like we're basically smaller, less concious versions of our creator. you know how they say we only use like 20% of our brain? is it possible that we're limited that way? maybe we're getting dumber and dumber as years go by.. its possible that our intelligence peaked thousands of years ago!
I believe this, we were much more advanced mentally and spiritually and for some reason we lost that.
when we talk about "our creators" all i can think about is that thing in the movie prometheus when dude was said something to the robot about being able to make him because they had the technology to make him, and dude responded and was like you want answers for your being but what if you heard the same thing about yourself in that the creators made you just because they could"
I think as a species we all are suffering from brain atrophy. If you don't use it you loose it.

I truly believe this is why artistic expression is important but has been in decline systematically to keep people prisoners of their logical portion brain / mind.
I think as a species we all are suffering from brain atrophy. If you don't use it you loose it.
I truly believe this is why artistic expression is important but has been in decline systematically to keep people prisoners of their logical portion brain / mind.

I think as a species we all are suffering from brain atrophy. If you don't use it you loose it.
I truly believe this is why artistic expression is important but has been in decline systematically to keep people prisoners of their logical portion brain / mind.

Lots of ancient and mansonic use art to hide their knowledge in plain site, from symbolism in churches, ancient ruins, and even modern places and buildings. I thought is that they are trying to limit people's creativeness so they can continue hiding their knowledge in plain site.
Anybody in the Bay see two suns today at sunset. Some of my friends on facebook are saying it looked like that and they don't know **** about this second sun stuff. 
^Yo I thought I was the only one who saw something today! I wasn't sure because the sun was still too bright but I caught a glance of something in front of the sun.
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So does she at least try to answer the questions posed in the book?
Who are we?
Where did we come from?
What is our purpose on Earth?
Are these questions answered if so can some one say what she said. Or just cliff notes the book in what the alien said about earth?=

So here's the book in a nutshell:

Humans are basically what an alien refers to as immortal spiritual beings aka IS-BE's. The body is just a house for the soul. The alien encountered in Roswell is an IS-BE as well, but from a different galactic civilization. This civilization has been moinitoring earth for almost all of time to ensure we don't destroy the planet. This civilization is so advanced they've managed to implant IS-BE's into "non-biological" bodies and travel through the universe with out the worries that any type of biological body incur. At the beginning of time all IS-BE's are God essentially, and what ever they believe in the spiritual world crosses over into the physical world as matter aka the universe, hence the constant expanding of the universe. Their beliefs and constant expansion of the universe is a merely a product out of boredom. As the IS-BE's get bored they develop games and what not to divert the boredom, these games get so intricate that people forget they're playing a game. IS-BE's begin to fight over control of the game. Tensions arise and earth becomes a prison. It's chosen because the creators of the game can manipulate the IS-BE's by amnesia and diverting space travel due to the limits of the human body. Supposedly as humans age they start to remember former parts of their IS-BE life but then they die and the process starts all over. The alien that crashed explained all of this to a nurse telepathically. She gives them some advances in technology, but says due to the allegiance of her own military she can't reveal all the technology plus earth doesn't have a lot of the natural resources to show her everything. Eventually, the military authorities of the USA are unhappy with the alien denying their requests to help and she leaves the doll-body she was inhabiting and returns to her IS-BE galactic civilization. The nurse closes the book with a few footnotes and what she thought of the situation.

In conclusion, this a very brief summary and is missing a lot of the facts, character synopsis but it was the best I could do from a mobile.

Hopefully that helps, ill try and answer any other specific questions if there are any.
i'm a little confused about the meaning of "untouchables"... i'm not finished with the video but basically Ariel told her that they are doomed to be on earth forever?
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^Yo I thought I was the only one who saw something today! I wasn't sure because the sun was still too bright but I caught a glance of something in front of the sun.

like this?

if so, i've seen it too in september, and i even took a pic but it def looked more like a reflection imo :nerd:
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^No nothing like that. Like I said the sun is oddly too bright and it's hard to see. I only caught a glance at it.

I thought this photo early today. Is it just me off there's something off about it photo?


I took this one a couple of weeks ago.


you guys for real?

I'm not really sure what I saw. I need to really get a better look, perhaps when I go to the hills where there's an open plane I can get a decent look and take pictures.
I think as a species we all are suffering from brain atrophy. If you don't use it you loose it.
I truly believe this is why artistic expression is important but has been in decline systematically to keep people prisoners of their logical portion brain / mind.

I believe that, but for a different reason. I believe we are not as strong intellectually because it has a lot to do with diet. I've done numerous research on diet and exercise has an impact on the brain. For example, the modern man is intellectually superior to past ancestors with the increased in take of dietary fats ie meat. Previous ancestors had a vegetable based diet, as modern man increased the amount of intake of fats, the size of the skull started to increase to house a bigger brain and less prominent features like wisdom teeth.
we're digressing as a society because we don't care about anything important. we create too little, we consume too much ****, we harbor ill will and relent toward others instead of showering them with love. we live in a world surrounded by illusions, so much so, we have become the ultimate illusion. the human being used to be capable of immense power, but now we're content with buying crap we don't need and living in a world that doesn't exist. instead of reading, we obsess over what celebrities are doing and who they're doing what with. it's a terrible cycle humanity is in and we need to desperately break free if we were to ever fly. the notion of something being impossible is the saddest catastrophe that affects humanity today because fact of the matter is, once we remove all doubt, we are capable of doing truly tremendous things.

ironically, i say this as i'm getting ready to leave the house and buy nba 2k13...
we're digressing as a society because we don't care about anything important. we create too little, we consume too much ****, we harbor ill will and relent toward others instead of showering them with love. we live in a world surrounded by illusions, so much so, we have become the ultimate illusion. the human being used to be capable of immense power, but now we're content with buying crap we don't need and living in a world that doesn't exist. instead of reading, we obsess over what celebrities are doing and who they're doing what with. it's a terrible cycle humanity is in and we need to desperately break free if we were to ever fly. the notion of something being impossible is the saddest catastrophe that affects humanity today because fact of the matter is, once we remove all doubt, we are capable of doing truly tremendous things.


ironically, i say this as i'm getting ready to leave the house and buy nba 2k13...

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