Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I tried to loo at it this morning but I just couldn't get up at 7am :lol:. But know I see. They are using the chemtrails to block it. All the planes that I see up there are all under the sun spraying. I look the opposite direction and those planes aren't over there. Hmmm
Damn, I should always have a camera with me :smh:

Just saw my first UFO.

At first i thought it was 4 ballons in the air but then the 4 white circular shaped objects were coming together, then spreading apart.

They were moving slowly, then they made a 180 degree turn and disappeared fast.

Jaw, dropped.

I will be looking at the local news tonight to see if anyone reported it.


I posted these pictures on my thread about chemtrails. I thought I should share it on here. I was taking pictures of chemtrails outside my house and while I was making the thread during the night and notice the UFO on the picture but I didn't see it at the time when I took the pictures.
mj faked his death like tupac and is hiding under the skin of the weeknd oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh mind blow :smh: :x:x

go watch sci fi channel or something bud
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pacquiao and mayweather will never fight because..yup u guessed it, illuminati wont let it happen !!

mind blowwwn yet?:rolleyes
kinda talking with my buddy today

why would aliens come to us, i think about it like this. if we were aware of someone/something and were completely superior to it why would you go find it

these aliens have the technology to get here and "observe us" or whatever they are doing

why would they come here/what motive would they have

were inferior to them

they have better technology and are far more advanced 

the only reason i can see them coming here is to take over the earth
these aliens have the technology to get here and "observe us" or whatever they are doing
why would they come here/what motive would they have

were inferior to them
they have better technology and are far more advanced 

the only reason i can see them coming here is to take over the earth

why, because this is what man will do if/when we get the chance to colonize another planet?
If this planet behind the sun thing is real, what happens if they do tell us? There's really nothing that we can do. Sometimes I think what if this nibiru/planet x actually hits earth and the left over radiation turns the dead into zombies? I mean this planet would be legit alien, so we don't know what it's carrying.
kinda talking with my buddy today

why would aliens come to us, i think about it like this. if we were aware of someone/something and were completely superior to it why would you go find it

these aliens have the technology to get here and "observe us" or whatever they are doing

why would they come here/what motive would they have

were inferior to them

they have better technology and are far more advanced 

the only reason i can see them coming here is to take over the earth
Well we don't understand why or how we even got to this planet so how in the hell does anyone THINK they'll just stumble upon some logical explanation as to why aliens would or wouldn't visit us.

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing. - Socrates
If this planet behind the sun thing is real, what happens if they do tell us? There's really nothing that we can do. Sometimes I think what if this nibiru/planet x actually hits earth and the left over radiation turns the dead into zombies? I mean this planet would be legit alien, so we don't know what it's carrying.
This is my concern, if it really is there, can't we nuke that MF into #Bolivian when it gets close enough?! 
kinda talking with my buddy today

why would aliens come to us, i think about it like this. if we were aware of someone/something and were completely superior to it why would you go find it

these aliens have the technology to get here and "observe us" or whatever they are doing

why would they come here/what motive would they have

were inferior to them

they have better technology and are far more advanced 

the only reason i can see them coming here is to take over the earth
apparently we are already at war with certain species. there have been "documented" accounts of dog fights and exchanges of fire with species like the greys. supposedly, there are a huge secret underground base under the Denver airport that is the control center for keeping hostile aliens away from earth.
apparently we are already at war with certain species. there have been "documented" accounts of dog fights and exchanges of fire with species like the greys. supposedly, there are a huge secret underground base under the Denver airport that is the control center for keeping hostile aliens away from earth.
those denver airport murals are scary man..

but dang, thats a pretty intense situation right there..
that Socrates quote on the last page is exactly what I've always believed. Nice to see it written so simple and clear.
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