Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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How do we fight back? I know it is just going to be worse for us

You know this is something I think about a lot. I often to get that minuscule feeling that ill let the powers to be handle it and it'll trickle down and get better to me clearly that isn't the case. I know at this point in human history the people you, I, our brothers and sisters are going to have to be the ones who initiate change. Thing is I really have no idea how to start the "revolution." With that said in the end I believe everything will be ok, and if it isn't okay then it isn't the end.
Interesting theory circulating that the meteor was actually shot down...

Not sure I whole heartedly believe it, but I find it highly improbable that a meteor that has been traveling across the universe at that speed through space for that long just happens to break up before certain impact....

Particle accelerator?
How do we fight back? I know it is just going to be worse for us
You know this is something I think about a lot. I often to get that minuscule feeling that ill let the powers to be handle it and it'll trickle down and get better to me clearly that isn't the case. I know at this point in human history the people you, I, our brothers and sisters are going to have to be the ones who initiate change. Thing is I really have no idea how to start the "revolution." With that said in the end I believe everything will be ok, and if it isn't okay then it isn't the end.
Brother, that has been my most constant thought for the past few days. I'm at a "now what" point, but i'm just being patient. I too feel everything will be fine in the end
Brother, that has been my most constant thought for the past few days. I'm at a "now what" point, but i'm just being patient. I too feel everything will be fine in the end

Glad to see people are elevating their levels of consciousness and shifting from now now now/materialistic wealth ideology to spirituality and worrying about the welfare of mankind
Brother, that has been my most constant thought for the past few days. I'm at a "now what" point, but i'm just being patient. I too feel everything will be fine in the end

Glad to see people are elevating their levels of consciousness and shifting from now now now/materialistic wealth ideology to spirituality and worrying about the welfare of mankind

I feel that what is meant to be will be. The creator(s) will do what is best in the end for us. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I plan to save up a couple bucks and move where I can live simply. Thinking a Mediterranean climate on/near the water. I can get my exercise running and swimming. I can grow my own food and filter my own water. Gather a bunch of books to read and continue to advance spiritually and consciously. Start a family and get away from the "rat race". 3-5 years down the line...

I am really contemplating if I want to disappear off the grid when I make this move.
If anything, I am excited for my post-life ventures. Till then, I'm just making the most out of this life, and attempting to connect with my inner self.
I feel that what is meant to be will be. The creator(s) will do what is best in the end for us. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I plan to save up a couple bucks and move where I can live simply. Thinking a Mediterranean climate on/near the water. I can get my exercise running and swimming. I can grow my own food and filter my own water. Gather a bunch of books to read and continue to advance spiritually and consciously. Start a family and get away from the "rat race". 3-5 years down the line...

I am really contemplating if I want to disappear off the grid when I make this move.
Holy **** bruh, I've been planning on making the exact same move. I'm looking at New Zealand pretty heavy. There's a few things I'd like to get in order before I do. I want to be more saavy living off the land. Also, the disconnect between you and everyone you care about in the rat race is a difficult one to adjust to. I dropped out of a top ten college to start towards the path. The back lash from friends and family has been hard at times. Nonetheless, happiness isn't easy to obtain, and I think that's for a reason.
I was discussing with a friend of mine how happiness comes from the word happenstance, therefore it's an idea that is obtainable but also always fleeting therefore it's more practical to pursue contentness and comfortability. Best of luck to you on the path to simplicity and moving closer to what we were originally intended for.

What genre of music does everyone listen to?

I'm liking some r&b and classic rock now. I used to be into strictly hip hop/rap but I stopped listening about a year ago when I noticed my behavior was aggressive. Man I am such a different (better IMO) person since.
Not sure if you're looking for music to help your path but if so check out jay Electronica, the underachievers mixtape, ab-soul

Aside from the personal above references for me it's been everything. Much like you I got tired of rap and started looking elsewhere. As far as classic rock I'd recommend radio head
The LAST POPE Prophecy

Looks like its coming to pass as we speak

I really wish people would stop with the end of the world talk. If you look up Apocolypse it simply means the end of an age/era. So if this means the end of a corrupt Vatican that hides many secrets about man and his true origin and meaning then I'm all for it
[edit] Legend
In medieval times the appearance of a caul on a newborn baby was seen as a sign of good luck. It was considered an omen that the child was destined for greatness. Gathering the caul onto paper was considered an important tradition of childbirth: the midwife would rub a sheet of paper across the baby's head and face, pressing the material of the caul onto the paper. The caul would then be presented to the mother, to be kept as an heirloom. Other medieval European traditions linked being born with the caul to the ability to defend fertility and the harvest against the forces of evil, particularly witches and sorcerers.[1]

Over the course of European history, a popular legend developed suggesting that possession of a baby's caul would give its bearer good luck and protect that person from death by drowning. Cauls were therefore highly prized by sailors. Medieval women often sold these cauls to sailors for large sums of money; a caul was regarded as a valuable talisman.

I was born with a caul, which was advertised for sale, in the newspapers, at the low price of fifteen guineas. Whether sea-going people were short of money about that time, or were short of faith and preferred cork jackets, I don't know; all I know is, that there was but one solitary bidding, and that was from an attorney connected with the bill-broking business, who offered two pounds in cash, and the balance in sherry, but declined to be guaranteed from drowning on any higher bargain. Consequently the advertisement was withdrawn at a dead loss ... and ten years afterwards, the caul was put up in a raffle down in our part of the country, to fifty members at half-a-crown a head, the winner to spend five shillings. I was present myself, and I remember to have felt quite uncomfortable and confused, at a part of myself being disposed of in that way. The caul was won, I recollect, by an old lady with a hand-basket.... It is a fact which will be long remembered as remarkable down there, that she was never drowned, but died triumphantly in bed, at ninety-two. (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield)

In the film Oscar and Lucinda, Oscar is presented, by his estranged father, with the caul that was upon his head at birth. Oscar has a phobia of the ocean and of water in general, linked to the death of his mother when he was a child. He carries this caul with him until he dies, ironically, by drowning.

Other legends also developed. One popular legend went that a caulbearer would be able to see the future or have dreams that come to pass.

Negative associations with the birth caul are rare, but in several European countries a child being born with a caul was a sign that the child may become a vampire. As a preventative measure, the caul was removed before the child was able to eat any of it, and then it was destroyed.

The most common portent of good luck in recent centuries is that the baby born with a caul will never drown, the second most common myth is from Scotland and that believes the child will be fey, or psychic. Another British meaning is that the child will travel its entire life and never tire.

Also an important myth hails from ancient Egypt, and that story claims the newborn baby is destined for the cult of Isis, again a mystically inclined fate.

Also if twins are both born with cauls it meant that they are marked by a demon and their souls are already damned.

I was born like this and its kinda a pain in the butt sometimes when random people want to talk aat 3 in the morning
^^^^^Good stuff, I'm going to watch this tomorrow... I know its going to be good, my immortal tech bias is already salivating...
I really wish people would stop with the end of the world talk. If you look up Apocolypse it simply means the end of an age/era. So if this means the end of a corrupt Vatican that hides many secrets about man and his true origin and meaning then I'm all for it

We wont know til it goes down. But one thing we do know is that everything that has a beginning has an end. Maybe not the end of earth, but what we know earth to be.
giants, they def. existed hundreds of years ago

:x Why does the smithsonian and other historical museums refuse to document this?!
why does the government keep killing people? the difference between the group of people we let represent america and the hitlers, chaves, castros, nd north korea , is they actually have an influence is most decisions the president makes.. america is represented by government who rely on media, sports, entertainment, and corporations that sell things to back up how great they are. its all garbage,we are all living at the same time.. we're not accounted for, just another tax monkey.. why are we letting people we never see run our everyday lives? martin luther king nd malcolm x fought for freedom with the bible in their hand, but that revolution came to a conclusion once their rifles cleared the confusion.. man we all got to have an independent mind state and conform to society.. but who the hell knows wats the right way to act? who gets to decide wats socially acceptable? is the understanding of each other frabricated or is this really how we think?  yea let me stop.. cant change anything, unless i become famous or get alot of money, my star wont shine for long.. wonder whats next sometimes. dam you uncle sam
Dope drunk rant.. we let the people we cant even see run our lives because we ha e no choice.. they have supreme money.. independent mind state is dope, just make sure your bettering someones life...
[edit] Legend
In medieval times the appearance of a caul on a newborn baby was seen as a sign of good luck. It was considered an omen that the child was destined for greatness. Gathering the caul onto paper was considered an important tradition of childbirth: the midwife would rub a sheet of paper across the baby's head and face, pressing the material of the caul onto the paper. The caul would then be presented to the mother, to be kept as an heirloom. Other medieval European traditions linked being born with the caul to the ability to defend fertility and the harvest against the forces of evil, particularly witches and sorcerers.[1]

Over the course of European history, a popular legend developed suggesting that possession of a baby's caul would give its bearer good luck and protect that person from death by drowning. Cauls were therefore highly prized by sailors. Medieval women often sold these cauls to sailors for large sums of money; a caul was regarded as a valuable talisman.

I was born with a caul, which was advertised for sale, in the newspapers, at the low price of fifteen guineas. Whether sea-going people were short of money about that time, or were short of faith and preferred cork jackets, I don't know; all I know is, that there was but one solitary bidding, and that was from an attorney connected with the bill-broking business, who offered two pounds in cash, and the balance in sherry, but declined to be guaranteed from drowning on any higher bargain. Consequently the advertisement was withdrawn at a dead loss ... and ten years afterwards, the caul was put up in a raffle down in our part of the country, to fifty members at half-a-crown a head, the winner to spend five shillings. I was present myself, and I remember to have felt quite uncomfortable and confused, at a part of myself being disposed of in that way. The caul was won, I recollect, by an old lady with a hand-basket.... It is a fact which will be long remembered as remarkable down there, that she was never drowned, but died triumphantly in bed, at ninety-two. (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield)

In the film Oscar and Lucinda, Oscar is presented, by his estranged father, with the caul that was upon his head at birth. Oscar has a phobia of the ocean and of water in general, linked to the death of his mother when he was a child. He carries this caul with him until he dies, ironically, by drowning.

Other legends also developed. One popular legend went that a caulbearer would be able to see the future or have dreams that come to pass.

Negative associations with the birth caul are rare, but in several European countries a child being born with a caul was a sign that the child may become a vampire. As a preventative measure, the caul was removed before the child was able to eat any of it, and then it was destroyed.

The most common portent of good luck in recent centuries is that the baby born with a caul will never drown, the second most common myth is from Scotland and that believes the child will be fey, or psychic. Another British meaning is that the child will travel its entire life and never tire.

Also an important myth hails from ancient Egypt, and that story claims the newborn baby is destined for the cult of Isis, again a mystically inclined fate.

Also if twins are both born with cauls it meant that they are marked by a demon and their souls are already damned.

I was born like this and its kinda a pain in the butt sometimes when random people want to talk aat 3 in the morning
Dude WTH is a Caul?
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Holy **** bruh, I've been planning on making the exact same move. I'm looking at New Zealand pretty heavy. There's a few things I'd like to get in order before I do. I want to be more saavy living off the land. Also, the disconnect between you and everyone you care about in the rat race is a difficult one to adjust to. I dropped out of a top ten college to start towards the path. The back lash from friends and family has been hard at times. Nonetheless, happiness isn't easy to obtain, and I think that's for a reason.
I was discussing with a friend of mine how happiness comes from the word happenstance, therefore it's an idea that is obtainable but also always fleeting therefore it's more practical to pursue contentness and comfortability. Best of luck to you on the path to simplicity and moving closer to what we were originally intended for.
much respect. cant wait til the day i get out of the rat race.

i got too far in especially with college and unfortunately now feel that the rat race is the only thing that can pull me out at this point. i went to a school i couldnt afford thinking it would give me a leg up and open a path to a better world. racked over 90k+ from loans (graduated in 2010), down to 70k as of now, and will hopefully be at 38k or so by years end (gonna be emptying savings and investments to pay off one). only goal is to become debt free and try to stay that way. i have no desire to own bull **** like big houses, multiple cars, 50k watches, or work some crazy high powered job. i hope i can pick up my limited amount of ****
one day and move somewhere thats cheaper to live but easy to get around (thinking Eastern Europe). one day hopefully, one day...
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