Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Is there a powerful group that fights the Illuminati?

Ala Templars vs Assassins like in Assassin's Creed?
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A meteorite traveling at almost 70,000MPH hitting our atmosphere is like a car traveling at 100MPH driving through a brick wall. It's not going to just zip right on through in one piece.

I've seen stuff fall into the atmosphere and it broke up. This rock just simply fell apart as it should have.
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just a film over the face of some newborns it prevents them from drowning in the amniotic fluid.
we have HIGH deja vu dreams and lucid ones.
330 in the morning is my alltime worst of the day always something with people in the after life.
I read somewhere that there are 4 Great Comets coming our way. I know about ISON but that's it. 

Anybody got more info?
dont know if this has been posted....

Lost Continent Discovered Beneath Indian Ocean

24 February 2013

The beaches of Mauritius contain fragments of a type of rock typical of ancient continental crust — rock which could have been brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions.

The drowned remnants of an ancient microcontinent may lie scattered beneath the waters between Madagascar and India, a new study suggests.

Evidence for the long-lost land comes from Mauritius, a volcanic island about 900 kilometres east of Madagascar. The oldest basalts on the island date to about 8.9 million years ago, says Bjørn Jamtveit, a geologist at the University of Oslo. Yet grain-by-grain analyses of beach sand that Jamtveit and his colleagues collected at two sites on the Mauritian coast revealed around 20 zircons — tiny crystals of zirconium silicate that are exceedingly resistant to erosion or chemical change — that were far older.....
Conspiracies- Titanic:The Ship That Never Sank

Gilgamesh Tomb Believed Found at Uruk

The Epic Of Gilgamesh - written by a Middle Eastern scholar 2,500 years before the birth of Christ - commemorated the life of the ruler of the city of Uruk, from which Iraq gets its name.

Now, a German-led expedition has discovered what is thought to be the entire city of Uruk - including, where the Euphrates once flowed, the last resting place of its famous King.

"I don't want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic," Jorg Fassbinder, of the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, told the BBC World Service's Science in Action programme.

In the book - actually a set of inscribed clay tablets - Gilgamesh was described as having been buried under the Euphrates, in a tomb apparently constructed when the waters of the ancient river parted following his death.

"We found just outside the city an area in the middle of the former Euphrates river the remains of such a building which could be interpreted as a burial," Mr Fassbinder said.

"The most surprising thing was that we found structures already described by Gilgamesh," Mr Fassbinder stated.

Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary -- Full Uncut Version 2013 HD AMAZING, Speaks with AUTHORITY
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