Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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About to check out the Bob Marley documentary/movie that came out last year. From what I heard about it, some of you may be interested in it as well
coasttocoast a.m.

Tue 02-12

Author and journalist Jim Marrs will discuss archeological discoveries and geological data that not only support the notion that human civilization originated from ETs, but that advanced civilizations have made Earth their home long before the recorded dates in our history books. He'll also address how mainstream science and institutions have worked to hide our possible true heritage.

Lighting strikes Dome of St. Peter's same day Pope Benedict XVI announces resignatio

The image of the day is Alessandro Di Meo, photographer agency Ansa. The photographer was able to capture a lightning strike on the dome of St. Peter on the day the announcement of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.

Prophecy of the Popes : Petrus Romanus the False Prophet

Great watch/listen.
GHIMS. Good posts my dude. You a believer?

ET's? Yes, i 100% believe they are real and have been visiting this planet since before man.

Bible or Biblical prophecies? I am always interested in it, but I don't believe in all of it.
ET's? Yes, i 100% believe they are real and have been visiting this planet since before man.

Bible or Biblical prophecies? I am always interested in it, but I don't believe in all of it.

I was asking about the bible end of things. Its very interesting isn't it? Especially with all the craziness we have going on.
Juilia Pastrana Comes Home To Be Buried In Mexico After Being On Display For 150 Years



Most of you have heard & seen cases of hypertrichosis or 'wolf man syndrome,' but...usually they do not have such
grotesque features or look as much like apes as this woman did. She looks like a gorilla straight up.

So the report says she was missing some dna & that she had some extra dna chromosomes too.
If science says we humans have dna only 3% different than chimps, was Julia's missing dna within that 3%?

Good to see she is no longer on display & received a proper, albeit overdue, burial. RIP
She had a child with the circus rangler who discovered her...but the offspring died as a young child.
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RP: I noticed you mentioned this woman was to be groomed at a high-level within the Illuminati. What's your perspective or insight into this nefarious organization?

MK: The Illuminati is a Luciferian religion that is counterfeit to the church of Jesus Christ [not the Mormon one]. Illuminati means, "Light Bearers" or "Enlightened Ones". The Illuminati belief system says that freedom is only obtained through the entrance of true or pure light (sodomy) and life (sacrifice) is only obtained through death. They tell their people that nothing can ever penetrate that power because the [unholy] trinity of Cain, Nimrod, and Joseph seals it in. The core religion of their belief system comes from the Cabala, a book containing mysticism, and written by a sect of the Pharisees who went into Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem. As a matter of fact, the holy language of the Illuminati is Hebrew... As history records, the official birth of the Illuminati was in 1776 and started by a trained Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt and financed by the House of Rothschild. The idea was to get together 13 powerful families or bloodlines; with the Rothschilds being the most influential, to rule the world.

-- cliffs...gets slightly graphic about why all these child sex crimes/abductions happen ...especially at high levels ex penn'll never hear about why sex crimes happen to kids in the media ...maybe their sick or they believe that performing certain "rituals" will etc...whatever
Check out this amazing 30 minute animated film about our fraudulent monetary system. I can't recommend this enough for everyone as it is just so accessible, relevant, humorous and inspiring. Can you imagine if the content of your typical half-hour television show was this enlightening?

The American Dream shows how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard-hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have today.

coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday 2/17/13

Bigfoot DNA/ Phoenix Lights

1st Half: Joining George Knapp, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum discusses the official release of her DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples.

2nd Half: Primary investigator of the Phoenix Lights phenomenon, Dr. Lynne Kitei, will discuss new evidence that demonstrates the lights were seen days before the mass sighting.

Russian Meteor shot down by UFO's?

Author of Best Seller The Harbinger speaks at National Inaugural Breakfast
Talks about the signs that show America is currently under judgment, what has come to pass already.
Discusses biblical prophecy that have happened and prophecies that have recently been fulfilled.
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Interesting theory circulating that the meteor was actually shot down...

Not sure I whole heartedly believe it, but I find it highly improbable that a meteor that has been traveling across the universe at that speed through space for that long just happens to break up before certain impact....
Interesting theory circulating that the meteor was actually shot down...

Not sure I whole heartedly believe it, but I find it highly improbable that a meteor that has been traveling across the universe at that speed through space for that long just happens to break up before certain impact....
A meteorite traveling at almost 70,000MPH hitting our atmosphere is like a car traveling at 100MPH driving through a brick wall. It's not going to just zip right on through in one piece.
Interesting theory circulating that the meteor was actually shot down...

Not sure I whole heartedly believe it, but I find it highly improbable that a meteor that has been traveling across the universe at that speed through space for that long just happens to break up before certain impact....
A meteorite traveling at almost 70,000MPH hitting our atmosphere is like a car traveling at 100MPH driving through a brick wall. It's not going to just zip right on through in one piece.
I heard the fragments of the meteorite are going for huge amounts of $$$$. 10 times the price of gold. 
A meteorite traveling at almost 70,000MPH hitting our atmosphere is like a car traveling at 100MPH driving through a brick wall. It's not going to just zip right on through in one piece.

thats understood, but literally hundreds of feet from the surface its just going to completely combust? Sure there were large fragments AFTER the initial flash....but it looked hell bent on smashing into the ground before the "flash", I mean what the hell was the flash anyway? It had been entered the atmosphere and broken the sound barrier multiple times already.....

Not saying I wanted it to smash into the earth, but cant help raise some questions about this whole cant take anything for face value these days
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