Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Disclaimer: this isn't fact and just ideas that I was left with to ponder after.

Through out my trip I felt like there was some type of evil force moving in the background trying to steal anything that was ever good and of love so It could benefit itself. Examples being stealing concepts of free energy, stealing ideas of religion, etc.

Concerning the all seeing eye, In my trip there was a point in time that souls knew when they incarnated to this dimension that they would lose their memories. The eye represented looking for the truth, and true source of enlightment during this lifetime. If any time a soul felt like it was lost all simply had to do was look for its path, hence the eye.

Well the evil force I spoke of earlier, basically took the symbolism of the eye and distorted it in a way that meant no matter where you look for the truth you have to go through them and the "truth" they provided us with would always relate to enlightment dealing with money and materialistic things thus never being able to find the real truth and always looking up to them for the next answer.

I know it was just a hallucination, but I look around and see a lot of my peers who feel inadequate cause they're not celebrities, they don't possess the fame and fortune etc.

This is pretty deep and makes total sense.... crazy

I just read about this yesterday and coincidently had a crazy trip myself

So flashback to a couple months back. There's this one time when I burned it with the homies, and we were chillin in his room playing some GTA. I was just chillin on a chair when all of a sudden I felt like I was choking. Like my breathing pattern got all messed up. I thought to myself that it was just the high that was causing a tingling/numbing sensation around my throat. So I lightweight start panicking and my high was just making things worse. The tingling/numbing sensation was starting to make me feel like I was actually choking on my own spit. So i head to the bathroom to see if i was really choking; my eyes were slightly red but i wasn't blue or anything. So I head back to the room and sat back down and just said to myself that i was just trippin. I start to munch on cheeze-its to get my mind off choking. I told my homies a week later and we laughed it off :lol:

Cliffs: lightweight bad trip

Flash forward to lastnight. I was taking huge rips out of a bong :pimp: . I even withheld the rips for a few seconds then exhaled. This was actually the first time where I didn't cough during my initial hit. So a minute goes by, and my friend is just coughing up a storm and Im just standing there laughing. Then i get that tingling/numbing sensation on my throat again. I think none of it and joked to my friends by saying "hey, this is that weed that makes me choke :lol:." We go to chill in the TV room watching F1 races. Now this is where things are turned up a notch . The tingling/numbing sensation gets worse and i actually can feel two breathing intervals within my body: the ideal breathing interval and my actual breathing interval (This is where you guys might lose me, I'll try to explain this is clearly as I can). The ideal breathing interval felt like the normal 60 heartbeats/ sec. However, my actual breathing interval was almost double, so i sat still for a while just trying to calm down and match my breathing interval back to 60 hb/s. While doing this, I start to snore and my eyes are glued on to the screen like I'm sleeping with my eyes open.
NOW THIS IS WHERE THINGS GET SERIOUSLY F***ED UP. If you don't have the patience to read anymore or don't understand the story, just scroll past this post. So now I'm focused on the F1 racing. I hear my friends just chatting it up and I see the red and green car hitting turns and constantly driving. I begin to think again, and really weird thoughts are running through my head. I started picturing how each of my friends laugh and thought to myself that these were things that really differentiate us as people and no two humans are alike. So i asked my friends:

Me: "Do you guys ever talk about who laughs funny?"

My firends: (Confused and cracking up) what?!?! what're saying?

So i shook it off and focused on the racing. I see the same red and green car htting turns and constantly driving, I hear my friends chatting it up, and things are constantly looping. And now it's starts to freak me out because I'm getting the biggest Deja vu. It's like i was in that exact same position before watching that race and hearing my friends talk. I blink my eyes hard to see if I'm actually seeing this (I should've acknowledged at the time that it was a race and it will always look like things are constantly looping :lol:). Now I'm stuck in this loop where I keep seeing the same exact car doing the same exact turns and my friends are saying the same exact thing. So I'm was terribly scared :wow: and was worrying if this will be the rest of my life- Stuck in the couch watching the same car and listening to the same conversation. And then the endless loop broke when my firend rewinded the race. Now i distorted my vision to find out what was happening (I didn't know he was rewinding it). Then he plays the race again and then I see a barred window on a wall, similarly to a prison window (keep in mind my vision was still distorted). And i was just trying to make out what was that window? I had enough and was fed up with this insane trip, so i walk to the kitchen.

When I head to the kitchen the breathing pattern problem comes back. I move my hand over my chest to feel my heartbeat, and it's seriously pounding fast. I must've been in a state of panic. So I stand and breathe rhthymically hoping to match my breathing interval back to the ideal breathing pattern. I head back to the couch, and now my breathing interval gets all messed up cause i had to exert energy to walk over. Then I start to panic and my breathing interval gets all messed up again. One of my friends leave to pickup his older bro and asked if I wanted to come along, but I stayed hoping everything will go back to normal. So i continue to watch and focus on the F1 racing. I wondered why was F1 racing so popular and considered a sport for the riches? Why is watching cars go in endless circles entertaining? I asked my friend this, and he just shrugged it aside. I began to think more deeply and thought why aren't racetracks just circles? Why does it all have to be circles contorted in unusual shapes? Then I started theorizing that these racetracks were higher dimensional shapes that us humans were not familiar with and only higher beings were able to see these things. I start theorinzing how the sport was something way more complex and ideal for the illuminati and other secret-powerful-rich societies. And this is the point where the ideas in my mind go completely out of human context. I start to think why I'm here and what was my purpose of living. It was weird because I felt like i was in the mind of my creator. The rest, i cannot even put into words because they were to complex and outside the elements of human. I don't even know how i thought of it, but it made total sense I wish i could remember it all. I seriously had a glimpse of life from a different angle.

I woke up today looking at things differenlty. I kinda hope i forget about this trip, but then again, no it was truely a one-of-a-kind experience.
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Disclaimer: this isn't fact and just ideas that I was left with to ponder after.

Through out my trip I felt like there was some type of evil force moving in the background trying to steal anything that was ever good and of love so It could benefit itself. Examples being stealing concepts of free energy, stealing ideas of religion, etc.

Concerning the all seeing eye, In my trip there was a point in time that souls knew when they incarnated to this dimension that they would lose their memories. The eye represented looking for the truth, and true source of enlightment during this lifetime. If any time a soul felt like it was lost all simply had to do was look for its path, hence the eye.

Well the evil force I spoke of earlier, basically took the symbolism of the eye and distorted it in a way that meant no matter where you look for the truth you have to go through them and the "truth" they provided us with would always relate to enlightment dealing with money and materialistic things thus never being able to find the real truth and always looking up to them for the next answer.

I know it was just a hallucination, but I look around and see a lot of my peers who feel inadequate cause they're not celebrities, they don't possess the fame and fortune etc.

This is pretty deep and makes total sense.... crazy

I just read about this yesterday and coincidently had a crazy trip myself

So flashback to a couple months back. There's this one time when I burned it with the homies, and we were chillin in his room playing some GTA. I was just chillin on a chair when all of a sudden I felt like I was choking. Like my breathing pattern got all messed up. I thought to myself that it was just the high that was causing a tingling/numbing sensation around my throat. So I lightweight start panicking and my high was just making things worse. The tingling/numbing sensation was starting to make me feel like I was actually choking on my own spit. So i head to the bathroom to see if i was really choking; my eyes were slightly red but i wasn't blue or anything. So I head back to the room and sat back down and just said to myself that i was just trippin. I start to munch on cheeze-its to get my mind off choking. I told my homies a week later and we laughed it off :lol:

Cliffs: lightweight bad trip

Flash forward to lastnight. I was taking huge rips out of a bong :pimp: . I even withheld the rips for a few seconds then exhaled. This was actually the first time where I didn't cough during my initial hit. So a minute goes by, and my friend is just coughing up a storm and Im just standing there laughing. Then i get that tingling/numbing sensation on my throat again. I think none of it and joked to my friends by saying "hey, this is that weed that makes me choke :lol:." We go to chill in the TV room watching F1 races. Now this is where things are turned up a notch . The tingling/numbing sensation gets worse and i actually can feel two breathing intervals within my body: the ideal breathing interval and my actual breathing interval (This is where you guys might lose me, I'll try to explain this is clearly as I can). The ideal breathing interval felt like the normal 60 heartbeats/ sec. However, my actual breathing interval was almost double, so i sat still for a while just trying to calm down and match my breathing interval back to 60 hb/s. While doing this, I start to snore and my eyes are glued on to the screen like I'm sleeping with my eyes open.
NOW THIS IS WHERE THINGS GET SERIOUSLY F***ED UP. If you don't have the patience to read anymore or don't understand the story, just scroll past this post. So now I'm focused on the F1 racing. I hear my friends just chatting it up and I see the red and green car hitting turns and constantly driving. I begin to think again, and really weird thoughts are running through my head. I started picturing how each of my friends laugh and thought to myself that these were things that really differentiate us as people and no two humans are alike. So i asked my friends:

Me: "Do you guys ever talk about who laughs funny?"

My firends: (Confused and cracking up) what?!?! what're saying?

So i shook it off and focused on the racing. I see the same red and green car htting turns and constantly driving, I hear my friends chatting it up, and things are constantly looping. And now it's starts to freak me out because I'm getting the biggest Deja vu. It's like i was in that exact same position before watching that race and hearing my friends talk. I blink my eyes hard to see if I'm actually seeing this (I should've acknowledged at the time that it was a race and it will always look like things are constantly looping :lol:). Now I'm stuck in this loop where I keep seeing the same exact car doing the same exact turns and my friends are saying the same exact thing. So I'm was terribly scared :wow: and was worrying if this will be the rest of my life- Stuck in the couch watching the same car and listening to the same conversation. And then the endless loop broke when my firend rewinded the race. Now i distorted my vision to find out what was happening (I didn't know he was rewinding it). Then he plays the race again and then I see a barred window on a wall, similarly to a prison window (keep in mind my vision was still distorted). And i was just trying to make out what was that window? I had enough and was fed up with this insane trip, so i walk to the kitchen.

When I head to the kitchen the breathing pattern problem comes back. I move my hand over my chest to feel my heartbeat, and it's seriously pounding fast. I must've been in a state of panic. So I stand and breathe rhthymically hoping to match my breathing interval back to the ideal breathing pattern. I head back to the couch, and now my breathing interval gets all messed up cause i had to exert energy to walk over. Then I start to panic and my breathing interval gets all messed up again. One of my friends leave to pickup his older bro and asked if I wanted to come along, but I stayed hoping everything will go back to normal. So i continue to watch and focus on the F1 racing. I wondered why was F1 racing so popular and considered a sport for the riches? Why is watching cars go in endless circles entertaining? I asked my friend this, and he just shrugged it aside. I began to think more deeply and thought why aren't racetracks just circles? Why does it all have to be circles contorted in unusual shapes? Then I started theorizing that these racetracks were higher dimensional shapes that us humans were not familiar with and only higher beings were able to see these things. I start theorinzing how the sport was something way more complex and ideal for the illuminati and other secret-powerful-rich societies. And this is the point where the ideas in my mind go completely out of human context. I start to think why I'm here and what was my purpose of living. It was weird because I felt like i was in the mind of my creator. The rest, i cannot even put into words because they were to complex and outside the elements of human. I don't even know how i thought of it, but it made total sense I wish i could remember it all. I seriously had a glimpse of life from a different angle.

I woke up today looking at things differenlty. I kinda hope i forget about this trip, but then again, no it was truely a one-of-a-kind experience.

Thought this was pretty interesting.

AllStarDope-Care to share anything else you experienced?

DCAA-Gonna address that in my post, again not fact just something I took from it

In the spoiler contains what I experienced through my trip in its relation to human history and our spiritual evolution. I added 2 short videos to try and explain some of the thoughts i was trying to convey.
My trip more or less started out at the beginning of the universe as we know it. To orient myself, the trip explained time to me in ways that I could understand (for the record I think trips will tailor to your subconscious that way they're easier for you to understand, this will make more sense as i talk about it more)

Time is like a track. If you're running the lap everything seems to come in chronolgical events, however if you're in the middle of the track you can simply walk to any point of the track you want and experience that era.

The universe started out with two dimensions merging for lack of  better words. One dimension being the spirits that humans are composed of, and the other dimension being physical matter. This physical dimension was the evil force i spoke of earlier. Since the beginning of everything, dimensions have merged to gain experience as a common practice.

Our spiritual dimension was able to think things into existence but it required constant thinking to maintain existence. The physcial dimension was able to exist, but didn't have consciousness therefore it lacked love that was required to maintain it's existence. The two dimensions decided to merge so that they help each other and gain the experience. Since the beginning of the merger the physical dimension has been dependent on the spiritual to exist. The spiritual dimension was fine with this, but both parties knew everything that has a beginning has an end and eventually their merger would dissolve. 

The video above should help explain this next point. Physical reality exist when humans observe it. The physical dimension knew that it eventually it was going to cease to exist with out human observation. Since it was aware of that and in charge of the matter that humans manuevered through life with, it started wiping their memories to prolong it's existence. Furthermore, it started hi-jacking high visible ideas to garnish human observation to preserve its existence.

I know this an abstract idea, but imagine Willy Wonka as the spirits, and Charlie and as Grandpa as the physical dimension.

This violated the law of free will, and thats when spirits from other dimensions started visiting (UFO's) in attempt to remind us of our true origins.

The physical dimension had hendered our growth though and we didnt possess the physical tools to process the message they were trying to relay. Therefore, we started to worship these UFO's as gods. Realizing their mistake, UFO's left the planet. Another race of UFO's perhaps the annunaki or nephilim manipulated our DNA so that we became the modern human and had the tools to remember our true origins. The physical dimension saw how naive we were in this time and hi-jacked the concept of religion which essentially guaranteed constant human oberservation and infinite existence.

Since then they're have been many attempts to try and remind humans of their true origin. One example being the egyptian era. The pyramids were thought into existence, and used as a temple to shield the physical dimension from the tainting of the mind. This experiment was ultimately pretty successful, however the more simpler minded people started worshipping the ones that were enlightened as gods and thats why you see so many gods in that culture. The UFO's/Spiritual dimension concluded that they couldn't interfere on a mass level cause the physical dimension would always latch on to the idea and corrupt it.

Therefore, they passed on their knowledge to a select few and basically said those who want the truth just have to look for it. Reference the all seeing eye post i had from earlier. As usual the physical dimension latched on to the knowledge and put its on twist on it.

The most recognizable concept being godvsevil jesusvsthedevil. It started out as spirits vs matter. Building on the concept of religion, the idea of a jealous biblical god was created. A jealous god requires attention which in turn yields human observation again guaranteeing the pyhsical dimensions existance.

Jesus incarnated from another dimension(immaculate conception). His intentions were to show us the lifestyle that we were destined to live, remind us of our true origins. Hence christ like consciousness. It was an idea and a lifestyle much like buddhism. Buddhism and Christ like consciousness differ in their approach of trying to defeat this physical relam. Jesus tried by sacrificing his physical matter to the physical dimension so that people no longer had to suffer and essentially setting us free. Buddhist tried to defeat it by turning inward and disconnecting from the matrix so to speak.

From this i gathered true happiness only exists from inside and through serving others. At some point we will have to be crucified for something we believe in.

At any rate Jesus's sacrifice didnt work which is why he was born again to relay the message, that the only way the physical dimension can be defeated is to turn inside and stop observing it.

The physical dimension latched itself to the concept of jesus though, and turned him into a deity that humans will never be able to duplicate. Hence him being sinless, perfect, and all the other adjective that make us feel inferior. However, to reach this jealous God you can observe this fake jesus we've created and try to be like him. Again, constant human observation that guarantees the physical existence.

This point in the trip im convinced we live in the matrix, and much like an algorithm in a computer we've reached a repeating loop that we cant get out of.

Then i start understanding the matrix exist only cause we think it does, however the spiritual dimension has developed this thing called antimatter and its trying to fight back. Furthermore scientist will never figure the theory of everything because of the disregard for human consciousness.

My trip started to wind down at this point and i started thinking about current events, like 9/11 boston massacre aurora shooting. What the trip told me was things like this will start happening more often because it feels the shift in consciousness and it wants to draw our attention from within.

Main point I took from this trip is that true happiness and enlightment only comes from within. Anywhere else you look for it, you will come up short and have to seek something from the physical dimension whether it be religion,materialistic, etc thus ensuring the existence of the physical dimension. In attempt to keep us from going within, disasters, inferior celebrity complexes, diseases, ignorance have been generated to stunt our spiritual growth.

Whew.... that was all over the place but i hope it helps at least one person on this journey we call life.

I like you man your a cool dude 
 ill try recollect and post my experience when im sober and have time but in short it was a massive 3rd person perspective on life, the way we live it, the way we think about it and the way we let emotions rule our life and the dummed down consumer sheep society that we live in today, a new conciousness of my soul and to be at peace with myself and to stop letting negativity and previous bad experiences carry on through and continue to plague my life and drag me down, realize there is more to this life and our human shell and never stop questioning and losing our illusions of this reality 
 each to his own live and let live you know
I got to look into that Ra material posted before... is that a book or can I find it online?

but also... a classic.
UFO's - It Has Begun: Rare Documentary

Timely documentary about the UFO ,or really extraterrestrial and intelligently manned space craft, debate that has been baffling military men scientists and astronomers, as well as the public, since the end of WWII. Released about the same time that the Roswell Crash of 1947 became public the film "UFO's :It Has Begun" has gone from being just another one of many UFO films or documentaries to a forerunner to the real facts that came out of the Roswell Crash. The evidence that has been made public, released due to the Public Freedom of Information Act, make the point that there's a real possibility that were being visited by beings or spacemen from outer space not just over the last 50 years or so but since the dawn of human history.

Here's the video
UFO's - It Has Begun: Rare Documentary

Timely documentary about the UFO ,or really extraterrestrial and intelligently manned space craft, debate that has been baffling military men scientists and astronomers, as well as the public, since the end of WWII. Released about the same time that the Roswell Crash of 1947 became public the film "UFO's :It Has Begun" has gone from being just another one of many UFO films or documentaries to a forerunner to the real facts that came out of the Roswell Crash. The evidence that has been made public, released due to the Public Freedom of Information Act, make the point that there's a real possibility that were being visited by beings or spacemen from outer space not just over the last 50 years or so but since the dawn of human history.

Here's the video

boooorrrriiiinggg video good lord 
Something about that rubbed me wrong. Dude seemed generic, dismissive and for alternative knowledge very generic in his description. The Law of One and Ra stuff resonates with me a lot more. They're parts in it mathematically that I couldn't fathom someone creating in hopes of a hoax or something. OAN, I thought this doc was pretty cool. Kinda long but if you're bored a good way to kill some time on a Friday night.
'Deathbed Testimony' About UFOs Given By Former CIA Official 2013

UFO author and historian Richard Dolan interviewed "Anonymous" on March 5, 2013. Facing impending kidney failure, this individual felt compelled to disclose secret information he feels is too important to keep secret.

"Anonymous" alleges that, after an invasion threat from President Dwight Eisenhower, he and his superior at the CIA were allowed inside the secretive Area 51 in Nevada to gather intel and report back to the president. There, "Anonymous" describes seeing several alien spacecraft, including the craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Then, he and his superior were taken to the S-4 facility southwest of Area 51 where they observed live extraterrestrials.

Just finished it up. Some mind blowing stuff. Can't remember what the book was called but it was something about an interview with an alien. At any rate a lot of stuff they said in the book are being discussed. Ex: Some alien bodies more so vehicles as opposed to biological entities.
Just finished it up. Some mind blowing stuff. Can't remember what the book was called but it was something about an interview with an alien. At any rate a lot of stuff they said in the book are being discussed. Ex: Some alien bodies more so vehicles as opposed to biological entities.

the book i recommended to you perhaps? "a day with an extraterrestrial"?
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