Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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^short answer, no

long answer & semi-rant
: I believe that war is outdated or more or less "we're tired of this/we've outgrown this" attitude when it comes to the bigger nations, the G8, G20 for the most part. there are always factors leading to war historically. usually it was land, newly discovered or not, religion, and geographical luxuries such as oil or steel. starting as far back as I choose to, religion caused most of the "international" wars in early history. I emphasis 'international" because USA is the first nation/country in the world. of course their have been Kingdoms and empires but never really documented "We declare this piece of land on this paper to be ours and we call ourselves ____" with specific border marked on the land and when they declared this, it was to the known high powering kingdoms and empires like England, France, Spain etc. If england did this decades or centuries earlier no one would give a damn. England is this powerful and holds this amount of militaristic power. Now compare that empire to the Zulu empire, which don't know each other at the time (idk much about the Zulu empire just using it as a frame of reference in this case dont burn me). If they met and Zulu want to fight England back in the middle ages, England would say "you can't take our land look at this document" Zulu would say "well we didn't hear about it" and would kill on. back then they didn't know who was in charge of the world because we didn't discover it all, we do now so nothing is new or surprising

since nations only knew so much about the world and what it offers like steel and coal they can only do one thing which is get more land and they'll fight for it. the new world was discovered, and they all jump ship, Portugal, France, England, Spain etc aka the heavy hitters then and the heavy hitters now, the G8, G20's. but for the first time a certain peoples did something extraordinary. The Dutch didnt want land or deal with fighting away from home and decided to do business. they traded goods and thats amazing. Scholars have traded information about maths and sciences for generations but they never thought of trading mass goods through each other. the savage man in our ancestors would rather kill to get your iron source then trade to get it.

economic systems and ways of life have gotten us into wars before but those were in smaller "not that important" nations. not putting down other countries at all. the world will notice if the USSR and USA go at it. Nipping it in the bud before it spreads was probably the main reason for Nam Korea Cuba etc. both knew that its probably wasn't worth it in the end because of the effects it'll leave for the smaller nations just like mommy and daddy fighting in front of the kids. kids can fight in front of the parents and will be over and forgotten. a divorce has a lasting effect on the family or in this case the world. communication is solving most of the issues the world because people have looked past their background of if their communist and a certain religion. Business is taking place of where religion used to be as in strength in the world. head leaders of a nation are becoming less and less religious because they realized it doesn't change the trading table if you have "catholic" in your profile. money is money and you can't argue that. (plus no country was or has ever been truly communism because Men have greed in them, Kim Jong Ill didn't become the biggest buyer of Hennessy Cognac in '08 or '09 for a reason)

Men are Men so we sin. greed will lead people to go above and beyond to get more. more land, more people, more weapons. there is no more land, borders are established so war can only come from within. we realized that we have more people than the earth can supply. yes I believe its important to have self defense but making more weapons to be put to no use is dumb. weapons are a made by companies and its all a business. Hitler supplied Franco with help for the Spanish civil war to test things and make a profit, Russia is doing the same thing by giving terrorists AK-47's. and they know the US is fighting terrorism but its all business for them. Plus we probably know that Russia is telling the US what they're selling. rather know what they have against us then not knowing anything at all.

Cliffs: No because

-religion isn't as important as it used to be

-we know what the world has to offer, nothings unknown

-we learned to trade everything for once in our sad histories

-Money is the motive now, you don't have to kill to get money

my opinion, I didn't do research, just from memory of what I learned throughout life, correct me on historic facts if you want
coasttocoast a.m.

Monday April 22, 2013

First Hour: Col. David Hunt talks about his new novel, a military/political thriller called Terror Red.

Second Hour: UFO and paranormal researcher Len Kasten will discuss the alleged secret government exchange program with ETs from the planet Serpo. He says he's chronicled the complete journey of the Serpo team using the expedition commander's diary and his communications with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency's directors in charge of the program, and their contact with a race called the Ebens.
does anybody know where all the "aliens only want to help us before we kill ourselves" talk came from?

everytime you hear a testimony of people who have come in contact with um on military terms always tells a tale of these aliens being straight jerks and bullying humans. :lol: dude said them tall aliens murked dudes just because they annoyed them :lol: left him to die. what the hell man... i thought nordics were supposed to eb good guys? lol
Imagine how many moments there have been since this planet came into existence. Makes me think about the matrix being rebooted when necessary (how are we only at year 2013?) Imagine minotaurs, giants and other freakish creatures roaming the planet. It's not so far fetched to think these beings existed when thinking about the life history of our earth. Why/when were we put here?

Its very humbling to think about
does anybody know where all the "aliens only want to help us before we kill ourselves" talk came from?

everytime you hear a testimony of people who have come in contact with um on military terms always tells a tale of these aliens being straight jerks and bullying humans. :lol: dude said them tall aliens murked dudes just because they annoyed them :lol: left him to die. what the hell man... i thought nordics were supposed to eb good guys? lol

There are approximately 57 species known.

Ebens, Greys, Nordics, and others are here to protect the planet, not necessarily help us. They would only intervene if they see nuclear weapons would be used. They have been known to kill ppl because they want to escape or are provoked. This is from a few vids links i saw/read.

There are others called "The Watchers". Watchers are not a “race” or a “species”, they are merely a “job specification”. According to Zecharia Sitchin.
Thanks for sharing that video xsour. I'm going to download to computer when I get home. I repped.
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Here is last night's show on coasttocoast a.m

Coast To Coast Am - April 22 2013 - The Serpo Exchange -***3dgA

Tonight will be a good one too.

coasttocoast a.m

Tuesday April 23, 2013

First Half: Authors Paola Harris and Steven Greer will discuss how their research has shown that ET civilizations have been visiting Earth for centuries, and that the implications are huge.

2nd Half: Remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, talks about current cases his agency is working on, and his predictions that North Korea would use a nuclear weapon in anger, and a global economic collapse would happen concurrently with a pandemic.
Yea no prob fam

its mad crazy tho
I was talking to my boy to put me on the vid and asked whats if the middle and lower class got money
not millions but a decent amount to atleast start living a decent life /lifestyle
would the poor and homeless eventually return the to their economic class or would things change for the good
then I asked what would happen to the power/control if more people started making millions and billions
the SIRIUS documentary is one of the most well put together pieces of fact/data/information I have seen to date.
I haven't seen the doc yet, but I've seen the "alien" several times. I still think its a fossilized fetus, but can't wait to see the "new evidence" Greer talked about.
they had greer on coast to coast last night...its not a fetus...that joint was 6-8 years old apparently...but everythings still up in the air i guess..
The sirius movie was pretty good it had alot of valid points and raised a lot of interesting questions. I ain't even into conspiraicies and ufos but there was a lot of solid evidence in the documentary.
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