Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I have mentioned in some of my past posts, although in a ostentatious way, the absolute fact of government agencies, (conjoined with mainstream media, entertainment agencies, and other prominent influential institutions) and their public relations divisions taking advantage of the instantaneous information flow propelled by the internet.

Disseminating propaganda is and has been since 1915 their main tool of controlling the minds of the masses. They have teams that manage and sift through the data of sub-divisions of sub-divisions of sub divisions of our many interests. Think tanks of some of the most intelligent scholars on the planet cornering all of the major industries that shape our society. Well thought out plans and strategies. And the internet, the most important invention of our life time, shouldn't be overlooked as a potential tool for propaganda. If you've ever thought for one second that they haven't' been ahead of the curve when it comes to disseminating propaganda by way of the internet, then I'm afraid you may be a victim of this propaganda already. Conspiracy theories are most definitely no exception due to it's nature to capture imagination and emotion.

These same folks we're ecstatic when the radio became wildly popular back in the 20's because they could quickly disseminate and promulgate an idea into the consciousness of the public instantaneously and pervade throughout America. The internet by far trumps the radio these days. Infinite amount of date is instantaneously in the palm of your hands in rectangular form at any time of the day if you so choose to reach in your pocket and use it. This, in my opinion; and theirs, is their perfect tool.

This thread does a good job of mirroring the debate you two are having frankmatthews frankmatthews @green rhino123. There are posters who post information thinking it's providing enlightening information, however unbeknownst to them, it is more confusion and bewilderment than it is enlightenment. If brought to a critical analysis, using reason and logic, we'd see that these are nothing more than a compendium of fanciful fallacies. Flat earth, reptilians, aliens, holograms. celebrity cloning, illuminati etc. etc. These narratives have a pernicious effect. To claim that any of those things are truth would be disingenuous. They provide the illusion of truth and "thinking outside of the box" yet they are just another box hiding inside another box, inside another box. Another form of entertainment to keep you in fear and distracted.

***I cant stress enough to pick up the 2 books "Propaganda" By Edward Bernays | and "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky wayniac211 wayniac211 here's is the first lines in the opening chapter of Propaganda. This pertains exactly to what it is you have been feeling about our consciousness being manipulated "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society". ***

And this is where the stress comes in. This is where the dis-empowerment comes in. The helpless feeling like there's nothing we can do. Which is understandable because if you follow the narrative of spooky men performing witch craft underground drafting up evil policies and sacrificing little black babies in the name of Satan, then no wonder you feel disempowered and helpless.

I can't say what the answer is because I don't know it, but if "truth" leaves one angry, sad and alone, then that is no truth I want any part of. Ignorance is not bliss, contrary to modern terminology. Ignorance is Evil ( Amazon product ASIN B00ABLJ5M2 ) . We must keep searching for each of our own individual truths. The ones that lead to fulfillment and happiness for not only yourself but the people you effect directly and indirectly through your actions.

I promise you knowledge is the key. It will help you get out of that stage of hopelessness, exhaustion and stress. I was once there, and I still have to battle it day by day. But freedom, happiness, love, brotherhood and unity comes about through understanding, and understanding is created through education. I have fully committed myself to my re-education and it has brought me a sense of confidence and hope on my own path.

I hope I didn't come off as pertentious. That is not my intent. I'm simply honing the skills of my creative writing work in a place where I am grateful for everything each and every one of you have taught me about life and myself and I'm just hoping what I am learning can be of some help to some of you.

Hope all is well my brothers. One love.
Well said regarding edu. I'm a believer of history repeating itself. I feel that answers to our questions lies in the past. It seems the history of our universe is tainted and hidden on purpose. Idk.. Glad I have my kids and culture to keep my head level from turning a nutt.
There's no way that video was posted back in DEC. :wow: Mindblown. Now check this out. Denver won and their mascot is a horse. Check out the statue that's located at the Denver airport.


We all should now the story surrounding the Denver airport. So I wonder if there's any connection here. Then hes spot on about the Panthers and Beyonce's black panther performance. :wow:. Im Also now curious to see what scandal hes talking about. Could it be some dirt on Manning?

Perfect example of what I was just bringing up in regards to a conversation being had a couple pages back.

This guy makes some wild claims in that video. All of which can be refuted simply by asking the question of where's the evidence? We can't take information for face value. If we are interested in it we have to analyze these things and think critically about it. Everything he says is very romanticized. The ideas are very sexy to think about. But how much of it is true? How much of makes any logical sense? And also where is his evidence to support his claims?

Let me say that I do agree with him that there is a mass media manipulated narrative of a race war agenda. With that said, the media and their puppeteers never miss an opportunity to impose their agenda on the public, especially at the highest stage of the Super Bowl (115 million eyes glued to the television this year). So when Cam Newton made it to the super bowl, of course they seized the opportunity to bring up race every chance they got. And I think that's what we're really looking at here.

He's also right when he says sports is the biggest distraction tool they currently have in their bag of tricks. I agree with that entirely and their are documents to prove that statement to be true.

On to the video.

- "Sports is a complete hoax. It's all planned out. Your NFL owners get together with the bilderberg corporation before the season starts and decide what particular team they're going to have win the super bowl in order to control a certain portion of the masses."

- In order for the NFL to planned out and completely fixed to the point where they decide who is going to win the super bowl from jump street, you'd have to have entirely way too many people involved in this big of a secret. Players, coaches, referees, staff, owners etc. You'd be putting trust into thousands and thousands of people to keep this a secret well into their retirement days. Players who go bankrupt wouldn't make a tell all book about one of the biggest conspiracies of our generation to captalise and make a quick buck? I'm sorry but whenever there's this many people involved in a conspiracy, especially a lot of unintelligent young men coming from poverty, you have to look at this and say this is an impossible lie to keep up.

- There is absolutely zero evidence showing that the NFL has any involvement with the bilderberg meetings. Bilderberg's website publicly displays it's year by year attendees and I've never seen anyone representing the NFL being a guest in those meetings.

- I think we can all agree, and viewing statistics show this to be true, that it doesn't matter who makes it to the Super Bowl, everyone is going to watch it. So to say they need a specific team to be there and win it doesn't make any sense at all. The spectacle is already in play. People don't need any more incentive to watch the super bowl. It's the biggest even in American culture. Probably gets more views than the presidential election.

Year by year super bowl viewing statistics:

"Their plan this year is to have the Carolina Panthers and cam newton to go to the Super Bowl and face the Denver Broncos"

- At the time he predicted this Super Bowl match up the panthers were 12-0 and dominating every team they faced. The Broncos were 10-2 and defensively dominating the teams they face. They were both number 1 seeds at the time and clearly 2 of the best teams in the NFL. Not a very bold prediction.

"For the last 3 years it's been a white quarterback vs a black quarterback.

- The NFL has 32 teams. 32 starting QB's. 8 of which are black quarterbacks. So he chances of their being a black quarterback aren't that low and they aren't that high. But the ones he mentions happen to be really good quarterbacks so it isn't that far fetched that they would make it to the Super Bowl. Again there's zero proof that these black vs white super bowl qb match ups are decided before seasons kick off and logically it doesn't make any sense. Does the media captalise on this to further their racial divide agenda? Absolutley.

"2 years ago they were promoting the marijuana agenda."

- What marijuana agenda? Seems to be merely coincidence that the two states that legalized marijuana, a schedule 1 drug btw, met in the Super Bowl. Not representing any esoteric agenda.

"The casinos are in cahoots with the broadcasting networks".

- This is his most plausible claim. Yet again he doesn't provide any proof. His evidence is the scandals that release around the time of the super bowl. That doesn't necessarily represent a cue between the betting ring and broadcasting networks but what it does represent is how the media dessiminates information around the time of an event to capture more views because people seem to love any type of scandal. This is just basic public relations and marketing. And he brings it up when he mentions a future scandal coming about but if you analyze the data, it's simply just seeing a pattern in the media.

He then brings up the Richard Sherman incident that had white america in an uproar but instead of stating that it's the media running with the incident to perpetuate the race war agenda he goes on to say it was a planned incident and Richard Seymour, as well as all NFL players, are just actors. Again he provides zero evidence for any of these claims.

"Cam newton and Peyton manning are low level free masons that already know the outcome of the super bowl".

- As this video goes on, his claims get more outrageous and more ridiculous. I think most of my rebuttals speak true for this statement as well but one that comes to mind is that I think he is putting too much stock in the players involvement in such a conspiracy. These guys make millions not because they swore an oath to the occult Satan worshippers but because the NFL makes big big money, pays little taxes and the nflpa fought for them to earn these big money pay checks.

I could continue with the rest of the video but it's very clear to me that this guy has lost his marbles on the journey down the rabbit hole. Which is why I can't stress enough that you have to have caution for your consciousnesses when embarking down the road of seeking truth. Without the proper subconscious tools, you can very easily be manipulated into externalizing your power by way of fear programming. And this is very much so a great example of fear based programming because this entire video is basically about that spooky secret illuminati occultist group I spoke of a few days ago. I'm not saying their isn't a group of people that manipulate the minds of the masses and make important decisions that decide the direction of humanity, I'm just saying those guys are walking around in Washington wearing suits, not underground sacrificing children for cam newton and Peyton manning.

Some will feel me, some won't. I'm not judging anyone for believing in that video or not believing in what I said. In fact I'm not asking anyone to believe anything that I say, all I'm asking is that you go out and do the research yourself and not take things for face value. This goes for any information you come across.
Yo Ben, not sure how I missed your previous post but thanks for that. I agree with all that 100%.

I did find myself falling into that superbowl video lol. Calling the superbowl match ups before the playoffs even started was pretty impressive and I find it hard to believe it was a lucky guess. Add to that the scandal with the winning team right before the game, seems implausible that you could guess that. 3 years in a row at that. Now all that builderberg and freemason stuff idk about all that. Like you said, there's really no proof of that. But isn't that how it always goes,there's just enough to peak your interest but never enough solid proof to draw factual conclusions. 9/11 was too big and would seemingly need all kinds of people cooperating to the point it doesn't seem plausible that it was a conspiracy. But we know it was more to the story than we were told. I think if a single ref could fix a game, or if the mob can pay a single player to throw a game or give them better betting odds I don't think fixing the SB would.need to involve as many people as you think it would.

I looked at some of his other vid's and dude has entirely too much info rattling around in his head. He's on that black islealite, moorish knowledge tip. I tried to verify some of his other claims cause I know some of that moorish stuff is kinda out there but I could neither confirm or deny what he was saying. Makes me wonder if this type of info is gonna be on the first few pages of a Google search. Doubtful. Maybe I need to go to the library, seems like finding a needle in a haystack though.

He predicted that the two teams that were the number one seeds at week 12 would make the super bowl. I'm sure most people figured it would be patriots, Broncos, panthers or cardinals in the super bowl by that time. I think that prediction is just a good guess based off of simple football knowledge than it is from some guy claiming to get his predictions from visions, which is exactly where he claims to get his information from.

the scandal prediction is just simply following the pattern of the media. Stories placed to gain a peak interest in the leading up to the spectacle. I don't really see the esoteric knowledge here. If you watch his very first video this guy constantly reaches and reaches for information that isn't really there. He said when the colts and bears met in the Super Bowl that it was a planned event to have 2 black coaches meeting in the Super Bowl to subconsciously program the mass mind in preparation for a black president. If I could post a stone face right now I would post a hundred of them.

I agree that a single ref or player could throw a game and I'm not even doubting that referees and odds makers work hand in hand or at the very least the referees throw the game based on bets they have riding on the games themselves. But what this guy is saying is that every NFL owner is in on it and the players are all in on it as well. That's beyond nonsense to me. This guy just seems like a disillusioned sports fanatic that lost a few bets and started convincing himself it's all a charade to make himself feel better about allowing himself to get caught up in gambling.

In the beginning I was caught up in the illuminati and David icke Alex jones propaganda myself. But after years of research I realized that most of that was fear based mind control as well. i know base my perspective on what can be proven. Historical evidence allows us to see that the same tactics are still being used today as they were 100-2,000 years ago because they work so flawlessly. I mean, people are sitting around discussing Beyoncé, Stacy dash, cam newton and Peyton while the real powers at be are passing draconian laws and committing more war crimes on the daily right under our noses. Like the TPP Trans Pacific Partnership.
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I hear you man, I really do. I know you don't wanna go back and forth about the details of this, lol, that's exactly the type of distraction you were speaking of. Like I said all this builderberg, freemason, esotericism and visions he's talking about is speculative. I don't necessarily buy that anymore than I buy the planes were holograms. That all 32 owners were in on it or if all Congresspeople and senators are in on every govt. Conspiracy. Doesn't have to be something you think about fearfully or hopelessly. Just something to consider, a piece of the puzzle that may make more sense once the bigger picture begins to unfold. Or maybe it is just a large amount of coincidences strung together. That usually seems to be pretty common whether it's something with some truth to it or complete bs.
Stoned Kids: A Beginners Dose

The next big thing in medical marijuana might be cancer therapy. But with little hard evidence, families whose children have life-threatening cancer are taking matters into their own hands, and getting their kids super stoned—to save their lives.

The century of the self:

This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, changed the perception of the human mind and its workings profoundly.

His influence on the 20th century is widely regarded as massive. The documentary describes the impact of Freud's theories on the perception of the human mind, and the ways public relations agencies and politicians have used this during the last 100 years for theirengineering of consent. Among the main characters are Freud himself and his nephew Edward Bernays, who was the first to use psychological techniques in advertising. He is often seen as the father of the public relations industry.

Freud's daughter Anna Freud, a pioneer of child psychology, is mentioned in the second part, as well as Wilhelm Reich, one of the main opponents of Freud's theories. Along these general themes, The Century of the Self asks deeper questions about the roots and methods of modern consumerism, representative democracy and its implications. It also questions the modern way we see ourselves, the attitude to fashion and superficiality.

Happiness Machines. Part one documents the story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays who invented Public Relations in the 1920s, being the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.

The Engineering of Consent. Part two explores how those in power in post-war America used Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses. Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise that deep within all human beings were dangerous and irrational desires.

There is a Policeman Inside All of Our Heads, He Must Be Destroyed. In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the influence of Freudian ideas, which lead to the creation of a new political movement that sought to create new people, free of the psychological conformity that had been implanted in people's minds by business and politics.

Eight People Sipping Wine In Kettering. This episode explains how politicians turned to the same techniques used by business in order to read and manipulate the inner desires of the masses. Both New Labor with Tony Blair and the Democrats led by Bill Clinton, used the focus group which had been invented by psychoanalysts in order to regain power.

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