Feb 20, 2012
i sold a pair of shoes through ebay.guy paid,and a week later(today) he draws a chargeback,when i already sent his shoes,so paypal holds on to my money...i provided with both online tracking info,and a receipt of the postal,which is proof of shipment.I also contacted ebay and notify about the situation.funny thing is the guy has around 400 fedback 100% positive.anyone knows what happens next?anything else i can do?stupid me i should have withdrew all my money and see then when the case goes...any help much appreciated.
Contact the buyer and see what they say if you haven't already. Outside of that, I can't think of anything. Seems like you've done what you can. Just keep in contact with ebay and paypal...
Did you ship with signature confirmation?
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yes i did.registered there a chance i lose both my money and the item?
That should help then. If they've been delivered already, email ebay and paypal the proof of delivery (signature).
i sold a pair of shoes through ebay.guy paid,and a week later(today) he draws a chargeback,when i already sent his shoes,so paypal holds on to my money...i provided with both online tracking info,and a receipt of the postal,which is proof of shipment.I also contacted ebay and notify about the situation.funny thing is the guy has around 400 fedback 100% positive.anyone knows what happens next?anything else i can do?stupid me i should have withdrew all my money and see then when the case goes...any help much appreciated.
I'm assuming you shipped to a different country?

Also if you shipped and provided paypal with the tracking information, they should have instantly reversed the charge. Even if your shipping overseas where it may take more time for the item to arrive, fact is it was paid for and tracking was provided.
i have provided with tracking info, instantly after i shipped, on ebay.i provided the tracking info on paypal now after chargeback,and the item still hasnt arrived.but how can i provide the signature?hes in america and im in info will show up online though,on the usps site.So you think i ll get my money back?anyone with a similar experience?thanks for the support everybody...
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scumbagsteve got you

when money comes into the paypal account ...spend it fast or get that check asap
scumbagsteve got you
when money comes into the paypal account ...spend it fast or get that check asap

so its final?has it happened to you?i lose both the money and the item?no ebay or paypal protection at all?even though i did everything right?
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scumbagsteve got you
when money comes into the paypal account ...spend it fast or get that check asap
If your bank account is connected, cant they still chargeback anyway?

OP def keep up with paypal and eBay. I believe you will be okay, but it might be a couple weeks of your money being in Limbo
so its final?has it happened to you?i lose both the money and the item?no ebay or paypal protection at all?even though i did everything right?
For the time being, the item doesn't show it has arrived so maybe he understood the loop hole. Paypal SHOULD protect you, however you may not be able to recieve your money until the item arrives.
...waiting in agony...thats 196 we re talking its not about the money(it is a little) but mostly about the scam.if anyone had the same situation happened to him please inform...thanks everybody
...waiting in agony...thats 196 we re talking its not about the money(it is a little) but mostly about the scam.if anyone had the same situation happened to him please inform...thanks everybody
You did ship Express international right?
i shipped intarnational (not express-expedited though) via my national carrier(elta) and then its taken from usa national carrier(usps).the buyer has to sign to get the there someway i can contact the company and cancel or put on hold the item?
i shipped intarnational (not express-expedited though) via my national carrier(elta) and then its taken from usa national carrier(usps).the buyer has to sign to get the there someway i can contact the company and cancel or put on hold the item?
You messed up. Any international shipping is BEST to have Express shipping to GURANTEE signature confirmation. More than likely the tracking won't show here that the item was delievered. I had it happen to me once with somebody I sold some IV to in Asia.
Hate dealing with International scumbags rather keep it domestic. Charge back def a new scam now smh
You messed up. Any international shipping is BEST to have Express shipping to GURANTEE signature confirmation. More than likely the tracking won't show here that the item was delievered. I had it happen to me once with somebody I sold some IV to in Asia.
my friend the delivery is signed for.the tracking shows when it is re wrong.i have checked with my us customers.every one signed for the item the way i send it.
Documentation beats conversation everyday and twice on Sundays.

Always take the necessary precautions to prepare yourself for a potential event like this.

Hope you get your money back, but these risk are very well when using Ebay and other online selling sites.

With this current economy, it is unfortunate that this is happening more and more.
my friend the delivery is signed for.the tracking shows when it is re wrong.i have checked with my us customers.every one signed for the item the way i send it.

I think the problem is gonna be that PayPal wants proof of delivery - more specifically a signature
I think the problem is gonna be that PayPal wants proof of delivery - more specifically a signature

but how can someone provide the signature if he s in another country?doesnt the tracking which says delivered and signed for suffice?there is no way someone can get the signature of a buyer...
Dealt with this a handful of years ago. Lost the item and the money, even when I provided paypal with tracking. Biggest load of crap I ever dealt with in terms of selling items online. It is best to pay for the shipping directly through paypal so your tracking numbers are automatically stored. Since you are in Europe, i'm not sure if this is an option for you, however.

Also, taking the money from your paypal account ASAP does not do anything. A chargeback can still occur with $0 in your account, then you will have a negative balance.. If the negative balance goes unpaid, Paypal sends a collections agency after you.
Dealt with this a handful of years ago. Lost the item and the money, even when I provided paypal with tracking. Biggest load of crap I ever dealt with in terms of selling items online. It is best to pay for the shipping directly through paypal so your tracking numbers are automatically stored. Since you are in Europe, i'm not sure if this is an option for you, however.
Also, taking the money from your paypal account ASAP does not do anything. A chargeback can still occur with $0 in your account, then you will have a negative balance.. If the negative balance goes unpaid, Paypal sends a collections agency after you.

ouch...why didnt the paypal asked for the item to be send back?
but how can someone provide the signature if he s in another country?doesnt the tracking which says delivered and signed for suffice?there is no way someone can get the signature of a buyer...
Thats what I'm trying to explain. Based on the method you stated you used to ship, the tracking will ONLY show it arrived here in America, but it wont show it arrived at his house. The ONLY WAY for international shipping to confirm it ACTUALLY arrived at his house is to use Express International which would require SIGNATURE confirmation.

It happened to me once with this guy in asia. Sold him the shoes, used basic international shipping method, he lies and says item never arrived(it was scheduled to take a month to arrive and he files a claim in 2 weeks) I lose the item and my money, HOWEVER, fast foward like a 2 months later, dude sends the shoes back after wearing them(scum) but paypal refuses to give me back my money because he tracking still doesn't confirm the item arrived in his country based on the method of shipping I used.

I eventually flipped the shoe for more money, but since then I've made sure to ship International shipping with the Express method and get insurance.
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