Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Thread | EP. 13 "Papa's Goods" 12/9 SERIES FINALE

so im still wondering about one thing. im not a die hard soa fan so excuse me i should know the answer

What was the deal about jax asking gemma if she still had JT's manuscript? Has he read it before? I only ask cause of the episode where Jury talks about how JT kept a book or diary about the truth or something. I was wondering if that was it. Some of you were saying that it sucked that gemma died without telling the whole story about JT's death. Maybe itll all be explained with the manuscript??

or maybe im just way off
serious question but do MC really have that much juice when it comes to living that life? I don't know any personally so do any of you guys know any dudes in any MCs putting work like they show in SOA?

I know a couple around my way. It's not like TV makes it seem at all, or the media. Do things pop off? Yea, but it's once in a great while. For the most part it's just brothers riding together taking care of their families and neighbors.
sounds like something gemma would say :lol:

:lol: take it for what it is. The local MC in my area kind of lays low with their stuff. Most of the guys hold city jobs. My friend's mom lives a couple houses down from the clubhouse and when the recession hit and she got laid off, they bought her her groceries til she got back on her feet.

Manson played his role real good imo.
why? what would be the reason? he knows Jax done ****** up but still dont ant him to meet mayhem. What would be the motive?
I got the feeling from Robert Patricks character that Jax is gonna die. 

Also, in the previews Chibs tell Tick that "we have to do it"

Might be editing but I dunno...just got the feeling.

Does anyone know the by-law that he wants stricken?
Because people have thrown around the idea that chibs has been undermining jax this whole time.
so what exactly does "mayhem has to land" mean? ya'll talking about it like its happened before and i really dont remember. jax seemed pretty optimistic about it thoough?

Death at the hands of the Club; e.g. Clay.

Does anyone know the by-law that he wants stricken?

It has not been confirmed since we'll find out next week at the finale but the majority conjecture here is the no blacks being allowed to be patched in.


The only thing that will make it out alive but VVVNDS.

The club probably sets aside money just for buying him fresh af1's every week.

Knew they were going to do something with his shoes when they did a close up of them being clean.
I know it's TV, but this has always been my pet peeve....Why doesn't Jax ever shower! 

Dude wakes up and goes on a 24 hour ride. Hair all perfect, but never showers.
jax has showered in like s2 s3 or s4

i think he smashed tara in the shower in that ep, or got out the shower and smashed
Whatever brand of pomade he uses is way better than mine.

I heard Murrays is basically grease though.
He probably does shower but why would they feel the need to show that? I'm sure he eats and uses the bathroom as well but we don't need to see it
Unser a simp and a damn fool. Should have just walked out and left that chapter of his life in that room.

Juice :smh: He was my main ***** until he started taking angus jabs. "Have at it" :x Not a good season for him at all :smh:

Jax so far deep and over his head at the same damn time. At least he beat them yambs. She been begging for a pounding. She deserved it. :smokin

Gemma.... Just.... :smh:

That ending hit me in a way. Killing his own moms, b. I know its fiction, but damn... I was caught in the feels through the entire scene. And that song :smh: took me to a whole other place. Like I was there or something. Great ending.

He probably does shower but why would they feel the need to show that? I'm sure he eats and uses the bathroom as well but we don't need to see it
take last episode...he woke up, and went on his day, killing his moms, unser and then went home to yambs. The man didn't shower all day!

But, since it is YOU, I guess you purposely looked over when I said "I KNOW ITS TV"

It's my pet peeve...YOU don't have to share it.
I'm about to watch this weeks episode..I've managed to avoid all news and all spoilers..Let's do this..
Layrite and Suavecito >

Thank me later.

+1 for that Suavecito..That stuff is the truth..

Just got done with the last episode and I don't eem know what to think..

-Unser's a gawdamned moron..Shoulda let Jax do that work on Gemma and then went back to get his booby touch in..

-Seems like Nero and Wendy have been getting pretty friendly lately and I could see them 2 living together up on the farm..

-Didn't even realize til the end of the episode that this season has 2 of the great robot warriors of all time in it..T1000 needs to shoot Robocop in the face..

-I think Jax is going to find out something about JT when he goes to the storage shed to get that last copy of his manifesto..

-Also think it's going to be Chibbs that introduces Jax to Mr. Mayhem..Only seems right that it would be him since he's been his closest friend since Ope died..

-I noticed a couple people in here think that the by-law thing is about letting blacks into the club..But Jax said it was an "un-written by-law" and I'm pretty sure it's known that it's a rule that blacks can't be in the club..So I'm thinking it'll be about something else..At least I hope it's something else..Allowing the Grimm B's in just seems out of place..It's not like they're even that significant part of the show..But I kinda remember Jax bringing it up to the GB's Pres., so I guess we'll just see next week..

-I desperately hope they give Chucky a job at Red-Woody..Dude has more than earned it..

-And last, but not least, I hope this is the song playing as the final scenes cross the screen...

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