Soooo, has LeBron surpassed Kobe as the most hated? Vol. Dan Gilbert

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by Big J 33

The bottomline is people would find a way to hate on the guy anyway.

Stays in Cleveland... afraid of leaving Ohio, can't handle the spotlight of a big city, giving up titles for loyalty
Goes to Chicago... he's chasing Jordan, he can never be Mike, he has to win 7 titles now
Goes to NYC... he's just after the fame and money, he doesn't care about winning, he'll never win and the Knicks will suck forever
Goes to Miami... his legacy will be changed, he can never be Jordan now, he's a ring chaser, he can't do it alone

We've already seen most of that said before the decision was even made. Because of the moves this offseason, the hype, the meetings, the rumors, etc. FROM EVERYONE... the way he and his camp handled it, the way ESPN handled it, the way reporters handled it, the way WE as the consumers ate it up... no matter what happened, it was a lose-lose scenario.

To me, the "best" case scenario would have been reupping in Cleveland for 3 years, try to win one last time, then bolt to BK or NYC or Mia in a few years. Cleveland wouldn't be devastated and he would have given himself an out after a short time... but that didn't happen.

Lebron chose arguably the best chance to win... he gave up his personal numbers, potential MVPs, he knew how Cleveland would react, he knew how people would view this... but he did it anyway.

To win championships, and to win a lot of them.

Totally agree!

And what difference would 3 yrs make? They still would be a 1st maybe 2nd round team. They still wouldnt have a championship. And he would have more miles on him and he wouldve made far less money with this collective bargin plus the offer would be far less cause those max contracts wouldve been used up. I mean lets see it for what it is if you worked at a lackluster job for 7-8 yrs, you was overworked and underpaid. Then a better employer comes along with more opportunities and better work conditions, you are gonna say nah ill pass let me see where the next 3 or 4 yrs with this job takes me... lol

Actually it would have been worse cause by then chi,nyc,mia would have been more polished and established. Then everyone wouldve been treating him like malone and the glove when they jumped ship to be on the lakers. Lets face it haters and b made dudes can find a reason to hate in any scenario/situation. They are very resourceful with the hate.

Cleveland is an above average team. Point blank (With LeBron on the court OBVIOUSLY). They are a top 5 team in the league. (With LeBron) They HAD a chance to win it all with more playoff experience and a growing & primed LeBron.
Man, i find it HILARIOUS that people who complain about him ruining his legacy aren't even FANS or supporters of Lebron.  These dudes were just itching for ANY "new" excuse to hate him some more.  Y'all hated him before the the 2009-2010 season even started and y'all hate him now.  Stop the fronting and just say "i don't like Lebron because he's taking away from my favorite player's shine."  Y'all talking bout him ruining his legacy as if you guys were EVER supporters OF his legacy.  Y'all act like you guys were rooting for him to get a ring and *!%%. 

The ONLY reason y'all should be mad is the self promoting hour long special he had.  That was straight up stupid and unnecessary but don't hate on the guy because he wants to win.  Everyone trying to compare Kobe's situation and Bron's as if it were even the same thing.  Kobe stayed because that fool was THIRSTING to be the man.  Lebron is okay with being a TEAM player.  If Kobe started off as the man, never won a thing, and the future of his team's flexibility looked dim as hell, please believe that fool would've bolted T.I.P ASAP.  Hell, he was already demanding a trade until he got lucky and his team stole Pau Gasol from the dumb *+* Grizzlies.

I don't get how you can hate on a athlete that wants to go to the best situation to WIN.  Isn't that what EVERY athlete wants?  Is to win??  This is probably the most UNSELFISH thing he's ever done.  He took waaaaay less money, as did the other guys, because their MAIN focus is to win.  So where's the crime in that?  Oh, because you guys feel he should do it on his "own" right?  How funny that everyone always cries about basketball being a TEAM game yet when someone does do something that is ALL about THE team, you guys want to rip his head off.

Seriously, stop the frontin and BS excuses and just say "we would've hated Lebron REGARDLESS of what he did."
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Man, i find it HILARIOUS that people who complain about him ruining his legacy aren't even FANS or supporters of Lebron.  These dudes were just itching for ANY "new" excuse to hate him some more.  Y'all hated him before the the 2009-2010 season even started and y'all hate him now.  Stop the fronting and just say "i don't like Lebron because he's taking away from my favorite player's shine."  Y'all talking bout him ruining his legacy as if you guys were EVER supporters OF his legacy.  Y'all act like you guys were rooting for him to get a ring and *!%%. 

The ONLY reason y'all should be mad is the self promoting hour long special he had.  That was straight up stupid and unnecessary but don't hate on the guy because he wants to win.  Everyone trying to compare Kobe's situation and Bron's as if it were even the same thing.  Kobe stayed because that fool was THIRSTING to be the man.  Lebron is okay with being a TEAM player.  If Kobe started off as the man, never won a thing, and the future of his team's flexibility looked dim as hell, please believe that fool would've bolted T.I.P ASAP.  Hell, he was already demanding a trade until he got lucky and his team stole Pau Gasol from the dumb *+* Grizzlies.

I don't get how you can hate on a athlete that wants to go to the best situation to WIN.  Isn't that what EVERY athlete wants?  Is to win??  This is probably the most UNSELFISH thing he's ever done.  He took waaaaay less money, as did the other guys, because their MAIN focus is to win.  So where's the crime in that?  Oh, because you guys feel he should do it on his "own" right?  How funny that everyone always cries about basketball being a TEAM game yet when someone does do something that is ALL about THE team, you guys want to rip his head off.

Seriously, stop the frontin and BS excuses and just say "we would've hated Lebron REGARDLESS of what he did."
except I dont think people hated him before 09. I think they're upset because they expected him to save thier team and he didn't. To a small extent I understand, after the Superbowl, everyone thought the 49ers had a shot at Kurt Warner  but he used  the team  to get more  $$.   Maybe we didn't wait   for years  but  it's slightly similar.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

LeBron is defitnely the most hated athlete RIGHT NOW. I don't see this boiling down overtime either...

I mean, PERSONALLY I THOUGHT he would stay with Cleveland because of his upbringing in the city + the organization busted their chops to sign formidable players to help LeBron win a ring.

I do agree with the people saying he is taking "The easy route" because Dwade is an automatic double/triple team type of player and Chris Bosh commands a double team, no doubt about it. He is playing with 2 other SUPERSTARS who would be come the #1 option anywhere else, they were to sign to in the league.

LeBron's legacy DEFITNELY took a plumit because he is playing with more than sufficient talent.

Woulda been sweeter to win a ring, VIRTUALLY by himself...
and who in history has won a ring VIRTUALLY all by himself?

but you're right, his legacy did take a hit.

however, he can salvage that. IF lebron can average a triple double or win an MVP with 2 superstars on his team, all this will be for naught and his legacy will even elevate higer.

who in history have won an MVP with 2 players in their prime of this caliber playing with them? kobe only won one MVP and none with just shaq.

and lebron has a great chance at the MVP next yr, or every year. we ALL know lebron > wade and bosh. so if he does his part and get the heat to the best or top 2 record (you know wade and bosh will get injured at some point), and get more MVPs,

trust me, lebron's legacy will be just fine.

he's gonna do something historic individually again. win an MVP with a top 3 player + top 2 PF on your team.

You have some great points.

All in all. Miami is WADE COUNTY! This is Dwayne Wade's team.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

LeBron is defitnely the most hated athlete RIGHT NOW. I don't see this boiling down overtime either...

I mean, PERSONALLY I THOUGHT he would stay with Cleveland because of his upbringing in the city + the organization busted their chops to sign formidable players to help LeBron win a ring.

I do agree with the people saying he is taking "The easy route" because Dwade is an automatic double/triple team type of player and Chris Bosh commands a double team, no doubt about it. He is playing with 2 other SUPERSTARS who would be come the #1 option anywhere else, they were to sign to in the league.

LeBron's legacy DEFITNELY took a plumit because he is playing with more than sufficient talent.

Woulda been sweeter to win a ring, VIRTUALLY by himself...
and who in history has won a ring VIRTUALLY all by himself?

but you're right, his legacy did take a hit.

however, he can salvage that. IF lebron can average a triple double or win an MVP with 2 superstars on his team, all this will be for naught and his legacy will even elevate higer.

who in history have won an MVP with 2 players in their prime of this caliber playing with them? kobe only won one MVP and none with just shaq.

and lebron has a great chance at the MVP next yr, or every year. we ALL know lebron > wade and bosh. so if he does his part and get the heat to the best or top 2 record (you know wade and bosh will get injured at some point), and get more MVPs,

trust me, lebron's legacy will be just fine.

he's gonna do something historic individually again. win an MVP with a top 3 player + top 2 PF on your team.

You have some great points.

All in all. Miami is WADE COUNTY! This is Dwayne Wade's team.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Man, i find it HILARIOUS that people who complain about him ruining his legacy aren't even FANS or supporters of Lebron.  These dudes were just itching for ANY "new" excuse to hate him some more.  Y'all hated him before the the 2009-2010 season even started and y'all hate him now.  Stop the fronting and just say "i don't like Lebron because he's taking away from my favorite player's shine."  Y'all talking bout him ruining his legacy as if you guys were EVER supporters OF his legacy.  Y'all act like you guys were rooting for him to get a ring and *!%%. 

The ONLY reason y'all should be mad is the self promoting hour long special he had.  That was straight up stupid and unnecessary but don't hate on the guy because he wants to win.  Everyone trying to compare Kobe's situation and Bron's as if it were even the same thing.  Kobe stayed because that fool was THIRSTING to be the man.  Lebron is okay with being a TEAM player.  If Kobe started off as the man, never won a thing, and the future of his team's flexibility looked dim as hell, please believe that fool would've bolted T.I.P ASAP.  Hell, he was already demanding a trade until he got lucky and his team stole Pau Gasol from the dumb *+* Grizzlies.

I don't get how you can hate on a athlete that wants to go to the best situation to WIN.  Isn't that what EVERY athlete wants?  Is to win??  This is probably the most UNSELFISH thing he's ever done.  He took waaaaay less money, as did the other guys, because their MAIN focus is to win.  So where's the crime in that?  Oh, because you guys feel he should do it on his "own" right?  How funny that everyone always cries about basketball being a TEAM game yet when someone does do something that is ALL about THE team, you guys want to rip his head off.

Seriously, stop the frontin and BS excuses and just say "we would've hated Lebron REGARDLESS of what he did."
except I dont think people hated him before 09. I think they're upset because they expected him to save thier team and he didn't. To a small extent I understand, after the Superbowl, everyone thought the 49ers had a shot at Kurt Warner  but he used  the team  to get more  $$.   Maybe we didn't wait   for years  but  it's slightly similar.
according to kobe supporters, kobe is better because of his will to win. lbj just showed everyone his will to win, while taking a paycut, while 'ruining his legacy', while destroying his brand...and hes still the most hated. buncha dan gilberts everywhere
according to kobe supporters, kobe is better because of his will to win. lbj just showed everyone his will to win, while taking a paycut, while 'ruining his legacy', while destroying his brand...and hes still the most hated. buncha dan gilberts everywhere
anybody who's hating is probably a kobe stan or just an idiot.

this is the greatest thing to happen to the nba in awhile

we've never seen anything like this.

when was the last time the 3 best free agents joined the same team?

3 of the top ten players in the league.

2 of the top three players in the league

this is what its all about.

all my life nba players have been about the money and im tired of it.

do you know how much good basketball we have been robbed of,just because players play for money and not to win.

imagine if players had BEEN makin moves like this,the nba would have had some epic battles.

the nba in the 90's and 00's has already been great,but it would have been ten times better if players would sacrifice a lil money.

i cant wait to see more superstar loaded teams.

and on another note,i didnt want to see lebron waste his whole career like K.G.

K.G. could have 3 or 4 rings now instead of one

and he'd probably be hailed as the greatest power forward ever not duncan

im glad lebron left early and didnt stick around
anybody who's hating is probably a kobe stan or just an idiot.

this is the greatest thing to happen to the nba in awhile

we've never seen anything like this.

when was the last time the 3 best free agents joined the same team?

3 of the top ten players in the league.

2 of the top three players in the league

this is what its all about.

all my life nba players have been about the money and im tired of it.

do you know how much good basketball we have been robbed of,just because players play for money and not to win.

imagine if players had BEEN makin moves like this,the nba would have had some epic battles.

the nba in the 90's and 00's has already been great,but it would have been ten times better if players would sacrifice a lil money.

i cant wait to see more superstar loaded teams.

and on another note,i didnt want to see lebron waste his whole career like K.G.

K.G. could have 3 or 4 rings now instead of one

and he'd probably be hailed as the greatest power forward ever not duncan

im glad lebron left early and didnt stick around
It all depends on how you look at it, what kind of biases you have.

It's still shocking to me LeBron really chose Miami, but if you think about it, he really is trying to win a title, and that really is what he's going for. I just don't really get why you don't choose Chicago in that situation, but maybe he thought Rose/Noah would have to be extended soon and the cap space may not have all really been there. He would have fit perfectly right in.

In Miami it's gonna be pretty crazy, I know it's Wade's team but I'm sure as the season goes on and if LeBron plays well, he could become 1B real fast.

The horrible part is just the one-hour special, which was extremely arrogant and way over-the-top. I'm sure if he didn't announce it the way he did people wouldn't react like that.
It all depends on how you look at it, what kind of biases you have.

It's still shocking to me LeBron really chose Miami, but if you think about it, he really is trying to win a title, and that really is what he's going for. I just don't really get why you don't choose Chicago in that situation, but maybe he thought Rose/Noah would have to be extended soon and the cap space may not have all really been there. He would have fit perfectly right in.

In Miami it's gonna be pretty crazy, I know it's Wade's team but I'm sure as the season goes on and if LeBron plays well, he could become 1B real fast.

The horrible part is just the one-hour special, which was extremely arrogant and way over-the-top. I'm sure if he didn't announce it the way he did people wouldn't react like that.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

BrandonL32 wrote:

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Why the King Will Forever Be a Prince

Good Article

Leadership became an issue during James' time in Cleveland, and his decision to become one of the guys in Miami may mean he is not ready to lead a franchise to the promised land.

Los Angeles Lakers' guard Kobe Bryant is familiar with that perception because it dogged him since the time Shaquille O'Neal decided to pack his bags and vacate the premises.

But Bryant was able to find redemption a few seasons later, and instead of trying to find which superstar could best help him win a ring without Shaq, he made a decision to continue his legacy in Los Angeles.

To be fair, the Lakers did land Pau Gasol, who ended up being a perfect complement for Bryant, but that deal was made out of necessity and was not nearly as orchestrated as the formation of the Miami super team.

Exactly! that article clarifies my point...

@ comparing their situations.

Unlike Kobe who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and started his career in a franchise that won about 10 championships and been to the finals about 500 times, and had the luxury of playing with the most dominant player in the league in Shaquille O'Neal, not to mention Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel early on as well and being coached by arguably the greatest coach in history, LeBron was drafted into a franchise whose best result was a single Eastern Conference Finals appearance prior to LeBron's arrival. He had to be a leader of a team two years before he was allowed to drink a beer.

@ them portraying Kobe as a hero for deciding to stay with the Lakers without them mentioning how Kobe demanded a trade in 2007 and how at one point "nothing could change his mind" about him wanting a trade.

@ how somehow according to the article trading Kwame for Gasol was a legit squeaky clean move but joining a team of your choice as a free frickin agent is a dirty move. That writer is scaaaared.

And by the way, how is joining a team that is a first round dropout for the previous 2 seasons and a team that had by far the worst record in the whole league just 3 seasons ago considered as a coward move and a cheap way to win a ring?

30 teams in the league.
30 different hate strategies from haters, no matter which team LeBron chose to sign with. What we're witnessing is just one of them.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

BrandonL32 wrote:

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Why the King Will Forever Be a Prince

Good Article

Leadership became an issue during James' time in Cleveland, and his decision to become one of the guys in Miami may mean he is not ready to lead a franchise to the promised land.

Los Angeles Lakers' guard Kobe Bryant is familiar with that perception because it dogged him since the time Shaquille O'Neal decided to pack his bags and vacate the premises.

But Bryant was able to find redemption a few seasons later, and instead of trying to find which superstar could best help him win a ring without Shaq, he made a decision to continue his legacy in Los Angeles.

To be fair, the Lakers did land Pau Gasol, who ended up being a perfect complement for Bryant, but that deal was made out of necessity and was not nearly as orchestrated as the formation of the Miami super team.

Exactly! that article clarifies my point...

@ comparing their situations.

Unlike Kobe who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and started his career in a franchise that won about 10 championships and been to the finals about 500 times, and had the luxury of playing with the most dominant player in the league in Shaquille O'Neal, not to mention Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel early on as well and being coached by arguably the greatest coach in history, LeBron was drafted into a franchise whose best result was a single Eastern Conference Finals appearance prior to LeBron's arrival. He had to be a leader of a team two years before he was allowed to drink a beer.

@ them portraying Kobe as a hero for deciding to stay with the Lakers without them mentioning how Kobe demanded a trade in 2007 and how at one point "nothing could change his mind" about him wanting a trade.

@ how somehow according to the article trading Kwame for Gasol was a legit squeaky clean move but joining a team of your choice as a free frickin agent is a dirty move. That writer is scaaaared.

And by the way, how is joining a team that is a first round dropout for the previous 2 seasons and a team that had by far the worst record in the whole league just 3 seasons ago considered as a coward move and a cheap way to win a ring?

30 teams in the league.
30 different hate strategies from haters, no matter which team LeBron chose to sign with. What we're witnessing is just one of them.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

do you know how much good basketball we have been robbed of,just because players play for money and not to win.

the one thing i agree with you on.  but i think lebron coulda been better off going to chicago or new york and making that attempt to win and be on a decent team and attempt to beat the other superstar players. but seriously there's alot of teams that coulda done so much more over the years if it wasn't for greed and money.

for the most part the hate isn't about the "decision" while lebron not committing to cleveland left the cavs hostage they shoulda had a plan B for a worse case scenario like this, it's how lebron handled this entire free agency thing.  had he just signed with the heat and not made a huge spectacle of it it wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal.  he was a free agent and he had the right to go wherever he wanted but the way cleveland got did was pretty foul to me.

all in all with that big 3 if/when they win  in the long run i don't think that big of a deal will be made about them teaming up if they do just that,  win multiple titles but being realistic i think they need to win 1 within the next 2 seasons otherwise the potential for all those egos to implode is there after the honeymoon stage and the grace period ends.   they should be able to win though because players will want to play there and i can see guys willing to go to miami for less money to be a part of that team.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

do you know how much good basketball we have been robbed of,just because players play for money and not to win.

the one thing i agree with you on.  but i think lebron coulda been better off going to chicago or new york and making that attempt to win and be on a decent team and attempt to beat the other superstar players. but seriously there's alot of teams that coulda done so much more over the years if it wasn't for greed and money.

for the most part the hate isn't about the "decision" while lebron not committing to cleveland left the cavs hostage they shoulda had a plan B for a worse case scenario like this, it's how lebron handled this entire free agency thing.  had he just signed with the heat and not made a huge spectacle of it it wouldn't be nearly as big of a deal.  he was a free agent and he had the right to go wherever he wanted but the way cleveland got did was pretty foul to me.

all in all with that big 3 if/when they win  in the long run i don't think that big of a deal will be made about them teaming up if they do just that,  win multiple titles but being realistic i think they need to win 1 within the next 2 seasons otherwise the potential for all those egos to implode is there after the honeymoon stage and the grace period ends.   they should be able to win though because players will want to play there and i can see guys willing to go to miami for less money to be a part of that team.
@ lebron getting an mvp award with this team

he will not average a triple double either because he couldnt do it when he had the ball 100% of the time



I don't know how people like nyc buck and popocatepl can not be disgusted by those comments
@ lebron getting an mvp award with this team

he will not average a triple double either because he couldnt do it when he had the ball 100% of the time



I don't know how people like nyc buck and popocatepl can not be disgusted by those comments
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

this is the greatest thing to happen to the nba in awhile

we've never seen anything like this.

when was the last time the 3 best free agents joined the same team?

3 of the top ten players in the league.

2 of the top three players in the league

this is what its all about.
I don't want to see Miami winning all the time.

I do not want to have to wait until the NBA Championship to see a real NBA game.

This isn't "what it's all about"
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

this is the greatest thing to happen to the nba in awhile

we've never seen anything like this.

when was the last time the 3 best free agents joined the same team?

3 of the top ten players in the league.

2 of the top three players in the league

this is what its all about.
I don't want to see Miami winning all the time.

I do not want to have to wait until the NBA Championship to see a real NBA game.

This isn't "what it's all about"
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

do you know how much good basketball we have been robbed of,just because players play for money and not to win.

Easily one of the BEST points in the entire thread....
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