Source: Vick will be suspended first 4 games


finally official
^ I don't think so. He still has to get into football shape (which won't take long), and whatever team he signs for he has tolearn the playbook, and really just re dedicate himself. When yoou've been away from football for 2 seasons, that's a long time for anyone. Vickincluded.

With his talent, and if I were a GM, I would sign him. What he can do with the football can not be taught by any coach. Believe that. I think we are going tobe really surprised to see just in fact how many teams are "interested" in Vick's services.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

so is goodell still racist?

we will know if this roethlisberger's situation is as serious as it seems. i hope big ben didn't do it and its all lies, but if he did and settles or is found guilty, he better have a lengthy suspension coming his way.

man he didn't touch that ugly broad

if he did touch her and it was consensual he should be suspended indefinitely for having 2 rings and touching that disgusting woman, lookin like she got ssmelly {()}
welcome back...

about the UFL is a threat. they set it up this year with the intentions of being prepared for any fallout that happens next year with the CBA agreement withthe owners and playrs. definitely a strategic move.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

so is goodell still racist?

we will know if this roethlisberger's situation is as serious as it seems. i hope big ben didn't do it and its all lies, but if he did and settles or is found guilty, he better have a lengthy suspension coming his way.

man he didn't touch that ugly broad

if he did touch her and it was consensual he should be suspended indefinitely for having 2 rings and touching that disgusting woman, lookin like she got s smelly {()}
Realtalk if he so much as breathed in the vicinity of that poor excuse for a woman he deserves to be suspended a game. Ben what were you thinking.

He definitely didnt rape her, she out for that paper. Hoping he will just pay up to make the whole thing just go away.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

im surprised yall thought it would be longer. Yall think Goodell would actually let him become the face of a potential rival to the NFL?
UFL is in no way, shape, or form a rival to the NFL.....if Vick is the "face" then so be it....

NFL doesn't need Vick as much as some of you all may think.

In what I do know about the UFL, they are setting it up to be almost a minor-league TO the NFL....they will allow their players (if they sign a contract before August 1) to leave for a NFL team if they get that opportunity. Other than that, their season ends in November which is plenty of time for someone to catch on w. a NFL roster before their season ends.
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