(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I'm taking this as expensive fan fiction. This is far from what the books will be if they ever drop.

Part of me thinks he's having issues closing up most of what he introduced, which makes sense considering what the show's been so far this season.
I agree with you. and like i said earlier it's taking me 5 years to think of it like that (season 4) I was way too heavy in trying to compare book stuff to show stuff. then I realized, Grrm backed away 5 years ago. this is fan fiction.

I think GRRMs problem right now is does he keep on track with what he had already planned..
or does he try to appease new fans that the show conditioned them with certain expectations.
I think that's his issues.
for example him saying he didn't expect people to like Asha as much now he plans on making a POV for her
It took GRRM like 5 years to figure out the Meereense Knot in ADWD, so i'm not surprised its taking him 10+ years to figure out how to wrap up the whole story

tdogg2k tdogg2k I'm surprised it actually took you that long to come to that conclusion about the show. I gave up on it like 3 episodes into Season 5 and was prepared to skip the show the rest of the way, but my friends kept bugging me to catch up when season 6 began so I ended up continuing on. For me the show, is just a fun thing to live comment on and talk **** about now.
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Anybody believe the rumor that the books are done and waiting until after the season ends to drop? Seems like a reach but would be great news
D&D are getting roasted for how they're handling the season, but I still stand on the fact that if they had the books they could've executed a better story.

Then again, maybe they're just ready to wrap this up and move on to other things
i've been saying in here for over a year now. Winds is done. it's just a matter of finishing this season out and keeping it around to clean up a dream of spring stuff.
If it is done we still wont see it til almost October/November. they going to ride the summer con wave before releasing it.

I actually can't blame D&D anymore eitherr.
it's a different story when you're purposefully changing/ignoring source material.
but when you're going off essentially notes, you have to do the best you can with what you got.
so wrapping it up with the 6 eps they have is kinda what they can do.
and as I said in the show thread. im actually really liking this season. if you're not butt hurt from the jon not being the savior this entire plot makes sense with the time constraints.
I hope he doesn’t go that stupid mad queen route. He should do something better.

D&D said that GRRM told them three “shocks” when they met up. Shireen, Hodor, and the end. Maybe there’s something else coming up, but for now I’m assuming it’s mad queen.
shireen and hodor? I can’t remember what shireen is up to and maybe something will happen to Hodor where his mind isn’t messed up anymore.
shireen and hodor? I can’t remember what shireen is up to and maybe something will happen to Hodor where his mind isn’t messed up anymore.

This was their meeting before season 5 :lol:

So shireens burning, Hodors backstory, and one more “shock” at the end.
i've been saying in here for over a year now. Winds is done. it's just a matter of finishing this season out and keeping it around to clean up a dream of spring stuff.
If it is done we still wont see it til almost October/November. they going to ride the summer con wave before releasing it.

I actually can't blame D&D anymore eitherr.
it's a different story when you're purposefully changing/ignoring source material.
but when you're going off essentially notes, you have to do the best you can with what you got.
so wrapping it up with the 6 eps they have is kinda what they can do.
and as I said in the show thread. im actually really liking this season. if you're not butt hurt from the jon not being the savior this entire plot makes sense with the time constraints.

Not to bring the show talk in here but to condense all of the problems that this season has had into Jon not being the savior is idiotic.

I legit don’t see how GRRM wraps this up in 2 books also. Gotta bring Dany to Westeros, Jon is dead , still have to play out the Stannis storyline as well as round out the WW angle
Not to bring the show talk in here but to condense all of the problems that this season has had into Jon not being the savior is idiotic.

I legit don’t see how GRRM wraps this up in 2 books also. Gotta bring Dany to Westeros, Jon is dead , still have to play out the Stannis storyline as well as round out the WW angle
Ep 1, no complaints
Ep 2, no complaints
Ep 3. internet is on fire complaining.
Ep 4./5 now all the nit picking comes from not only this season but others as well.

Not having Jon Vs nightking is exactly what brought a lot of people down on this show.
other than that.
Take away the time constraints with 6 episodes. what has really been wrong with this season? the minimal details as to some motivations........

He can finish in 2 books. people forget how much stuff is stored in each book.. it's a ton.
Ep 1, no complaints
Ep 2, no complaints
Ep 3. internet is on fire complaining.
Ep 4./5 now all the nit picking comes from not only this season but others as well.

Not having Jon Vs nightking is exactly what brought a lot of people down on this show.
other than that.
Take away the time constraints with 6 episodes. what has really been wrong with this season? the minimal details as to some motivations........

He can finish in 2 books. people forget how much stuff is stored in each book.. it's a ton.
Nah people thought ep 1 was wack too.
Also the time constraints is the root cause for a lot of issues this season so we can't just take that away.
Which is why it is what it is to me. I can see the validness of the complaints if it was 10 eps. Its 6 and only 7 last season.
Look its still f.k. d&d. But ive been saying that for 5 years now.
I just dont think this season is the worst
Wasn't it D & D's decision to make it only 6 eps? If you're going to make it shorter than you have to write it properly.
It visually looks great (I had no issue with ep3 lighting) and music is always good. However, I can't give them a pass on some plot issues because they decided to make the season shorter.

As far as book release. WoW has to come out this year and both books have to be at least ADWD long

This post kinda sums it up. I'll cut D&D slack if they took the condensed approach as a means to wrap it up whereas GRRM would have enough for 3 more seasons.

10 years is already a long time to work on one show

And GRRM confirms the rumors aren't true. Maybe we'll get Winds in 2020. Might have to reread at this point
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But what are the plot issues in this season. That hasnt been going on since season 4/5.....
Thats my only complaint with peoples complaints now. There BEEN plot issues. But because most have to have a hot take on social media these days people pointing out everything.

But since this si the book thread and less crowded. Someone point out all the plot issues you notice for this season.

This post kinda sums it up. I'll cut D&D slack if they took the condensed approach as a means to wrap it up whereas GRRM would have enough for 3 more seasons.

10 years is already a long time to work on one show

And GRRM confirms the rumors aren't true. Maybe we'll get Winds in 2020. Might have to reread at this point

HBO wanted to stretch the show for more seasons andeven offered them 10 episodes this season. They chose to shorten the last two seasons.

That's on D&D
Which is why it is what it is to me. I can see the validness of the complaints if it was 10 eps. Its 6 and only 7 last season.
Look its still f.k. d&d. But ive been saying that for 5 years now.
I just dont think this season is the worst
Nah Tdogg, I rock with you but this season was the worst. In the past you could excuse bad eps bc there was always the promise of a greater payoff and we figured we just couldn't see a clear view of the destination. Now we can. and it's no good.
Yo GRRM is out here upset about people saying the books are done. :lol:
We're not getting WoW for a while. The longer it takes the more I think he really doesn't know how to finish the story.
Game of Thrones Shock: George RR Martin 'Has FINISHED Winds of Winter AND Dream of Spring'
A GAME OF THRONES actor has claimed that George RR Martin has already finished BOTH of the remaining books in his series.



Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire saga is what initially formed the inspiration for the Game of Thrones TV show, but the latter eventually overtook the former’s storylines.

The Winds of Winter, the sixth of a planned seven books in the series, has been anticipated by fans since 2011 - when Martin released its predecessor, A Dance with Dragons.

The author has maintained that he is still hard at work on it, but now Ian McElhinney - who played Barristan Selmy - has claimed Martin has already finished not only that, but the saga finale A Dream of Spring as well.

He also alleged that Martin agreed not to publish the books until David Benioff and DB Weiss had completed the TV show.

“George has already written Books 6 and 7, and as far as he’s concerned there only are seven books,” he said at Epic Con last month, according to Collider.

“But he struck an agreement with David and Dan, the showrunners on the series, that he would not publish the final two books until the series has completed.

“So if all goes well, in another month or two we might get Books 6 and 7, and I’m intrigued to know how Barristan, for instance, ends up going through those final two books.

“George, I talked to him during Season 1 and he did say to me that Barristan had a very interesting journey.


George RR Martin is responsible for the Game of Thrones phenomenon (Image: GETTY • HBO)


The author has been busy readying the novels (Image: GETTY)

“But unfortunately I didn’t get to play all of that, so we’ll have to wait and see.”

This would be huge news if it is true, although it’s possible that wires have been crossed in terms of whether it was plot outlines or early drafts of manuscript that Martin previously completed, rather than finished products.

The writer has been maintaining for several years, for one thing, that he is still working on The Winds of Winter.

In fact, last year he said in an interview that he was “struggling” with it.


Ian McElhinney made the surprise claim (Image: HBO)


Game of Thrones ends for good this weekend (Image: HBO)

“I’ve been struggling with it for a few years,” he told the Guardian in November 2018.

“The Winds of Winter is not so much a novel as a dozen novels, each with a different protagonist, each having a different cast of supporting players, antagonists, allies and lovers around them, and all of these weaving together against the march of time in an extremely complex fashion.

“So it’s very, very challenging. Fire and Blood [companion book] by contrast was very simple. Not that it’s easy – it still took me years to put together – but it is easier.”

We’ll have to wait and see once the TV series ends just how ready Martin is for publication.
But what are the plot issues in this season. That hasnt been going on since season 4/5.....
Thats my only complaint with peoples complaints now. There BEEN plot issues. But because most have to have a hot take on social media these days people pointing out everything.

But since this si the book thread and less crowded. Someone point out all the plot issues you notice for this season.
Ive been saying the show dropped in quality after s4.

All of last season was filled with fanservice which is why none of them complained.

Their a to b plotting has been poor.

Its not plot holes. Its poor quality.
Thats all hearsay. I mean i believe winds been done. But not the dreams.

A+ marketing tho....the show only watchers wont care. Book people been waiting. Now the show watchers who go online for spoilers and theories want the books now. He just tripled his profits.

Nah Tdogg, I rock with you but this season was the worst. In the past you could excuse bad eps bc there was always the promise of a greater payoff and we figured we just couldn't see a clear view of the destination. Now we can. and it's no good.

I personally think battle of winterfell was great. Only complaint was not seeing the white walker generals fight.
I dont care about NK not fighting i considered him the mage/wizard that stays in the back and offers support
Last ep was great. I think the motivation for dany was clear. I dont think it was just a switch. In mereen the people came to her....in KL. The people trusted cersei. She knew no one was hers...and she snapped.
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