(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I'm seriously considering to stop reading the books until the show is completely over.

I started reading the books after season 2, but as much as I enjoyed reading the books... The show wasn't AS good knowing what was coming next.

I've got years to make up my mind considering I've read them all...I'm just trying to decide which platform is more effective.

My mind was BLOWN when I watched Ned get his head chopped... But I was equally shook after I read the RW.

I'll prob cave and read TWOW when it drops, but I think it's worth discussing which way you would like to experience the ending

If you read the book the show will obviously lose some of its dopeness. You gotta choose which you prefer really, but the show is based on the books so you'd be choosing an interpretation over the full original.

Now that I've read all the books, I think the show is less shocking, but also cool in a different way because I think they are doing a pretty good job bringing this world to life. But I enjoy it too much to not want to know more, and the books contain far more information and plot.
If you read the book the show will obviously lose some of its dopeness. You gotta choose which you prefer really, but the show is based on the books so you'd be choosing an interpretation over the full original.

Now that I've read all the books, I think the show is less shocking, but also cool in a different way because I think they are doing a pretty good job bringing this world to life. But I enjoy it too much to not want to know more, and the books contain far more information and plot.

Word. All the crazy theories out there makes it that much better.
started book 1 again, and just reading the prologue, It was already much different than the shows, (ofcourse to save time) but reading the book and then watching the showyou just kind of wonder how they are goign to do everything which makes it still interesting to watch imo
started book 1 again, and just reading the prologue, It was already much different than the shows, (ofcourse to save time) but reading the book and then watching the showyou just kind of wonder how they are goign to do everything which makes it still interesting to watch imo

I was talking to a friend about this earlier, Shae seems to have genuin feelings for Tyrion in the show. How are the writers going to explain the eventual fate of their relationship?

I mean she seemed to really care for him in the book too. They could totally change her fate for the show. If they keep it the same then it won'y be too hard to believe. She is a lady of the night and originally got with Tyrion to improve her situation. Her moving on to Tywin greatly improved her situation.

I really hated how the show portrayed the beginning of Drogo and Dani's relationship. Yeah he is a brutal savage but he didn't rape his wife on their wedding night. He looked her in the eye and asked for consent/permission. How the show did it really irked me.
the drogo dani thing in the book. I thought he took her to the shore and just kind of took it from behind while she was crying. she still never really wanted to do it. but knew she had to. but the show didnt really disrupt that too much.

as far as shae goes yea even in the book she seemed to really Love tyrion. and to be honest we don't know why she did what she did with tywin. I almost felt she may of done it to save tyrion and herself. the way she pleaded.
if I had to guess on how they may change it in the show. I think tywin will end up killing her which will enrage tryrion to kill tywin...that scenario would flow with the shows story more imo.
the book never gave a reason for shae doing what she did.. no excuse of just being a prostitute, or wanting to kill tywin herself, or wanting to attenpt to see or save tyrion...
my scenario sort of doesn't change the outcome of what happens ultimately but still makes sense.

I think that the whole shae storyline is being set up just fine. In the book, it's basically inferred that she turned on Tyrion for self preservation.
I mean she is a prostitute that wasn't supposed to be there anyway. She would be killed if she didn't cooperate.

The show seems to be twisting it a little to make it more convenient. In the book she was all good with the Sansa marriage. On the the show she's jealous. So they'll prob play that up a little bit. Make her seem like a woman scorned instead of trifling *****

Also... No way they take the shae killing scene from Tyrion. Probably his most bawse moment to date
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Not bawse moment over him killing tywin and being like yo, you dont crap gold. lol

There are some storylines in the show that imo is way better than the book.
Tywin being in harrenhall over roose bolton , for the arya / tywin interaction.
Tywin and Lady Olena
heck Olena in general has been epic

and also the shae story line... all the running around they had her doing in the book was borderline unnecessary

I dont think they will have her die by tyrions hand.
same way i feel like Ygrette may possibly not die and they may replace Valerie with her. (wild theory but could be true)
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Show Tyrion didn't even have The Hand Chain made like he did in the book,

what's he going to choke Shae with?
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Show Tyrion didn't even have The Hand Chain made like he did in the book,

what's he going to choke Shae with?
based on all the set up they've been doing...
pod's schlong?

I mean she seemed to really care for him in the book too. They could totally change her fate for the show. If they keep it the same then it won'y be too hard to believe. She is a lady of the night and originally got with Tyrion to improve her situation. Her moving on to Tywin greatly improved her situation.

I really hated how the show portrayed the beginning of Drogo and Dani's relationship. Yeah he is a brutal savage but he didn't rape his wife on their wedding night. He looked her in the eye and asked for consent/permission. How the show did it really irked me.

My biggest beef with the show is not including the "Bloody Mummers", it would've been so much better with them rather than Bolton men chopping off Jamie's hands. My dude Vargo and his goons were just straight up crazy.
the drogo dani thing in the book. I thought he took her to the shore and just kind of took it from behind while she was crying. she still never really wanted to do it. but knew she had to. but the show didnt really disrupt that too much.


Nah, that's how it was in the show. In the book he asks her and says he know what the word "no" means. Then she says yes and initiates. It matches up better with how their relationship was.

taj gibson, I thought those guys in the show were the Bloody Mummers, they just weren't called that officially? And them looking crazy was toned down. Qyburn was with them so I just assumed.
the drogo dani thing in the book. I thought he took her to the shore and just kind of took it from behind while she was crying. she still never really wanted to do it. but knew she had to. but the show didnt really disrupt that too much.


Nah, that's how it was in the show. In the book he asks her and says he know what the word "no" means. Then she says yes and initiates. It matches up better with how their relationship was.

taj gibson, I thought those guys in the show were the Bloody Mummers, they just weren't called that officially? And them looking crazy was toned down. Qyburn was with them so I just assumed.

They were supposed to be the Mummers but they were actually Roose Bolton's men rather than a bunch of sellswords.
I'm a little confused with the messed up quoting going on.

What are we trying to separate?

I wish the show had included the bloody mummers. Vargo Hoat was laugh and a half. Without the Mummers there was no chance to explain why "Locke," cut off Jaime's hand and why he was happy to feed Brienne to a Bear. Hoat was not some populist who wanted to see rich people suffer (he wanted to see people of all socio-economic groups suffer). He cut off Jaime's hand because Vargo and his sell sword company had switched sides and joined with Roose Bolton and the Northmen. The Nort hwas lossing the war and Vargo Hoat did not realize, until he had already switched sides, that Tywin Lannister does not forgive turnclocks within his own ranks.

Hoat realized that the North was losing the war and he would never get to posses Harrenhall after the war ended. Instead Hoat wanted to capture Jaime Lannister and give him back to Robb Stark and Rickard Karstark, who had promised the his daughter's had in marriage to which ever man captured the Kingslayer.

Hoat was actually savvy enough to know that Bolton would send Jaime back to Tywin and in exchange buy good will so that if and when the North lost the War, Bolton would get a full pardon from the victorious Tywin Lannister. Hoat cut off Jaime's hand so that Bolton would be afraid to send Jaime back to Tywin crippled and Bolton would be forced to allow hi mand his small band of sell swords return Jaime to lord Rickard. Hoat could marry Alys Kartark and with every son of Karstark dead, Hoat hoped to one day become lord of Karhold which was smaller and poorer than Harrenhall but Hoat would have a lordship and a lordship and castle far from Lord Tywin's wrath.

Before the Red Wedding, in the books, King Robb planned to leave the Riverlands behind and instead of attacking Casterly Rock, he was planning to dislodge the Iron Born from Moat Cailin. No host had every taken Moat Cailin from the South but Robb planned to use guides from his bannerman, Howland Reed, Lord of the Marshlands, to use local guides to move most of his army through the swamps and around Moat Cailin and be positioned to attack it from three different sides. Once the Northmen had taken Moat cailin, they could easily drive the Ironborn from the coastal areas of the North and garrison Moat Cailin and allow the impending Winter to make a Lannister Tyrell invasion of the North all but impossible.

That is why Hoat wanted to travel with Roose Bolton and the rest of the Northmen, in order to put a well garrisoned Moat Cailin and two thousand miles of ocean, swamp and tundra between himself and Lord Tywin's forces. That was al la moor point because Roose Bolton had his sit down with Ser Jaime. Ser Jaime swears to Lord Bolton that he will plan his maiming entirely on Vargo Hoat. Vargo Hoat, even before the Red Wedding happened, had his hopes of salvation dashed. With Lord Bolton and his forces heading up the Twins, Harrenhall is now entirely undermanned by the bloody mummers and awaiting a traitor's fate as the Lannister-Tyrell forces advance up into the undefended RIverlands.
Thank you for that, I completely forgot thats how it went down.

ive been wondering how do people feel about robs wife dying.. (not that shes a different person from the book, but the fact that they killed her and the baby)

I felt the book had a plan for her and the baby.
Mark Gatiss as Tycho Nestoris, emissary from the Iron Bank of Braavos

Rupert Vansittart as Bronze Yohn Royce, a lord of the Vale of Arryn


Hoji Fortuna as Brown Ben Plumm

Joseph Gatt as Styr, Styr, the Magnar of Thenn
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Show Tyrion didn't even have The Hand Chain made like he did in the book,

what's he going to choke Shae with?

There's one scene with him wearing it. I think it was when they sent Marcella to Dorne
I do know they were outside looking at something far off and Bronn was there. I remember it being long and not as thick as the picture above
I was wrong about the length and it was during the battle
Finally finished reading the books

I also read this whole thread

Theories in here are crazy

Sorry for grave digging
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