Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Online, where everyone is perfect.

Naw, beta males troll message boards and are brave men online. In the real world you face the repercussions of your comments.

Talks this mess:

In the real world you face the repercussions of your comments

Then says this:

Funny how quickly dudes switch up...didn't you just tell me to grow up

I'm offering you a face to face meet up like an adult and you'd rather post emoticons. Grow up.
I'm offering you a face to face meet up like an adult and you'd rather post emoticons. Grow up.

And I proved you're full of it.

Do as I say, and not as I do.

Grow up? The irony. Right about now I think you're not feeling too bright.

Besides you went about it the wrong way [shrug]
Range driver may have an ivy league degree but NO street smarts. When u see a bike club riding like that you let them pass you period. When me and my ****** are rolling in the Range on a trip to Laughlin and it's been times where the Mongols, Heshins, Hells Angels etc. riding we let them by even tho we all strapped and I ain't talking bout seatbelts. It ain't about right and wrong, this is real life and it's bout consequences of your actions and thinking about if it's worth it.

All yall talking about how you would run over 50 bikers lets be serious and quit your gta fantasies. Best case scenario when you go that route is what happened to dude in this situation and he's lucky this is nyc where guns are rare. You do that to cocky ridaz in LA which is the club Ben Baller was in and they'd light your Range up like a christmas tree pulling that **** with your wife and daughter in it. This thread easily exposed who came up from the streets here and who came up sheltered and are now naive to how handle ****
That's why I'm confused why dudes are acting like the guy in the SUV was more in danger from brake checking. The danger of brake checking is the person might not be able to slam on brakes in time and hit the car in front...they're on bikes. They were more in danger from brake checking.

That's why I say both parties played a part in what happen.
What other video? please respond
Hold on, breake checking is a common practice from biker dudes?
They were trying to get him to stop. I wouldnt consider that a dangerous Brake Check going 10mph... 
Should've mowed over every one of them en route to the nearest police station.
I would.

Its your goddamn FAMILY in your car. How can dudes even argue that this guy didnt have the right to plow them through? Mob mentality is what this is, everyones with their boys so everyone wants to act extra tough.

You woudnt even be able to think RATIONALLY in that situation if you were in the RR. All you would want to do is get out of that situation, PERIOD.

Dont care how tough or well spoken you are, you would be shook if 50+ bikers surrounded your car. Not to mention theres also the mental effect that these A. bikers are perceived as "tough" and B. they have helmets on, it adds to the nature of fear that someone with a mask (helmet in this case) is coming at you in a menacing way.

In a perfect world, you would keep cool and diffuse the situation, in a perfect world the bikers would have talked about it with the RR, but its far from a perfect world. Guarantee if RR just stayed there they would have messed with him or his car HEAVY. Why even think about what may happen? Get out of there.

I would have just taken the Henry Hudson and dipsetted out of there. Have a cop meet you or go to the nearest precinct, if bikes were still trying to stop me I would tap them, you wanna play tough? I'll play tough too.
No sympathy for buddy in a coma.  None whatsoever.  

Oh, you want to act like you own the road?  You might just come across someone that isn't going to back down from you.  Not saying that not backing down is smart, but it is what it is.  

Honestly, all bets are off when it's 100 on 1.  That's just common sense, which some of those bikers clearly are lacking.  Back someone in a corner and you never know how they're going to react.  

The fact that dudes on BIKES tried to check a dude in a SUV by getting in the way of the 3000 lb vehicle is hilarious to me though.  All those dudes need to be ran over for being that simple.  
This story is excactly how it plays out in real life for those that don't wanna let the bikers pass. Lol yall think it's one way but it's gonna be the other way
This story is excactly how it plays out in real life for those that don't wanna let the bikers pass. Lol yall think it's one way but it's gonna be the other way
What part though?  The SUV driver getting beat with black eyes and stitches to show for it, or the biker in a coma who won't walk again?

Doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff at all for attempting to be a tough guy on a bike.  That's just me though I guess.  
What part though?  The SUV driver getting beat with black eyes and stitches to show for it, or the biker in a coma who won't walk again?

Doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff at all for attempting to be a tough guy on a bike.  That's just me though I guess.  

Biker break check cause all of this point blank no matter how fast how slow how many how less people, he bracked check which caused this incident and now he gonna have yo love with being in a coma and paralyzed.

And to the told saying just let them pass wtf are up talking about

Biker actions caused this point blank and I can't see how some here can comprehend otherwise is beyond belief
unreal that it would get to that ... it's meek meels fault ....

I know you are probably just joking but they have been running around nyc for a longgggg time as far as i can remember. I usually don't have a problem with them running the streets the way they do but to attack a man like that is crazy. If he didnt want to stop and let yall group up them cool let him go stop the next person. :smh:

yeah i'm joking but to be real for a minute, the dirt bikes are out of control now. all the hood boogers around my way are falling off of em. one dude a couple weeks ago lost control of one "12 o'clockin" it and it ran into a group of people.

just sayin .....

Hey hey hey - I lowkey take that personal :lol: ...

...all the hustlers back on my block had dirt bikes - they'd rip through my hood like nobody's business - loud pipes :pimp: .

Have you any idea how hard I hard to work, save, get good grades, and beg my pop to go 1/2 on a KX 80 with me?

We rode around in the hood too, but we weren't on no obnoxious **** - just kids...

...but as for the guy in the Range in the vid - if I've got family in the car - all bets are off, I'm runnin over all you mutha **** s - let the judge sort that **** out.
Serious question and let's just go off the report that BEFORE the driver ran any bikes/person over they were attacking his car, do you think just calmly talking to them would've kept him and his family safe?  Do you really believe that?

I'm not even arguing that running them over escalated it further because it did but I just can't rock with the idea that he wasn't in any danger before that.  Dude might've panicked but being surrounded by them and no doubt they were being aggressive triggered his fight or flight reflex and he decided he needed to try to get out of there by any means necessary to protect his family and himself.

Exactly! Same people saying George Zimmerman was in the right cause he was in threat by one person

But the driver is surrounded by 100 angry bikers trying to rip his door open and yaw say he should stay put and take the fatal beating?

I don't get yaw logic someone please explain
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