Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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I refuse to believe that you are this simple.

You think he plowed through those bikers because they brake-checked him?

You and ninja deserve each other :lol:

They don't wanna hear the 30 seconds when traffic was at a standstill after the initial tap....Shirley they didn't trigger the response they got from the SUV driver at that point.
Going off the little bit we saw on the video, I'm siding with the driver of the SUV, primarily because I think its human instinct to (try and) protect your wife and child.

I've brake checked many a MF'er in my day (not that aggressively though) and if any one of them would have hit me, I'd have felt like the idiot for testing someone I shouldn't have tested. I'd be mad at myself at that point and take the L. You brake check, you better be ready to get hit. Bottom line.
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this is why i never bought a bike......way back when i could've copped a CBR instead of my cuban link, glad i copped da chain..

you can never under estimate da stupidity of *** holes on da road....

Dude in a bike trying to break check an SUV ...


How stupid can dude get ... 
paralyzed and in a coma damn

So he was just suppose to sit there and take a near fatal beating or now some bikers down to get the f away to safety if he can?

Which one would u choose near fatal beat down or run like heck to safety with your family in the car

I'm not saying the bikers were in anyway right for break checking, damaging dude's car (if they did while he was stopped) or for the beatdown/stabbing that took place after the chase, HOWEVER, running over the bikers was about the dumbest thing that dude could have done.

He was surrounded by a gang of bikers... BIKERS... :lol: :smh: and he didn't think that at least one of them if not all of them that survived the mow down would give chase? What did he think would happen then? That the cops would swoop down and save him?

The truth that no one wants to hear is he got what was coming to him.

You don't get to play tough guy and outrun the danger that you brought upon yourself. Since he wasn't about that life, he should've saved his *** instead of trying to save face. HE put his family in danger by escalating the beef.

In a situation like that, if you aren't ready to die for your beliefs or feelings, then you gotta bow down and back out.

Both parties were wrong, but that idiot in the Rover doesn't get a pass for stupidity. His pride did him in.
When you're surrounded by 30+ degenerates screaming and damaging your car because of something that was their fault to begin with, please come back here and tell me that you did not feel as if you or your family was in danger.
In a highway? this a serious question?...that can potentially cause a God damb pile up with a lot of possible casualties....are you typing in your sleep or something?

So you've never brake checked someone before?

A pile up? They weren't going that fast. Which was the problem in the first place...they were in the way.

So try again with the his family was in danger bit.

Nah fam. Not everyone is out to prove that they're a tough guy. Leave that immature **** off the road.

same here.

I'm trying to avoid idiots... not meet and greet or "get even"

hate people that want to "prove a point" to complete strangers... wtf :lol:

If I'm the DA - I would hit the dude that break check the SUV with

Reckless Driving

Endangering the wealth-fare of a child

Man Slaughter (if anyone died)

Accessory to Attempted Murder

at the very minimum!

He caused all of this! Whether is right or wrong - he was the root of all this BS!
I refuse to believe that you are this simple.

You think he plowed through those bikers because they brake-checked him?

You and ninja deserve each other :lol:

I refuse to believe that you are so simple you think shoulda woulda coulda is a proper excuse.

And I also think you must have a extremely low level of comprehension, because I've said several times both parties had a part in what happen.

He could have easily been brake checked, swerved to avoid contact and flipped his SUV.

Brake checking him was dangerous, PERIOD.

Your bus analogy doesn't hold up unless you as the pedestrian are playing "chicken" and trolling the driver. Then the bus driver clips you. 200 of your homies surround the driver. Yes, if he feels threatened, he can steam roll you clowns if he feels endangered after already being screwed with.

Ummmm, what about flipping his SUV when he was running over them? Oh that's right, he didn't try to avoid any of them.

They were going at a low rate of speed. Try again.
Going off the little bit we saw on the video, I'm siding with the driver of the SUV, primarily because I think its human instinct to (try and) protect your wife and child.

I've break checked many a MF'er in my day (not that aggressively though) and if any one of them would have hit me, I'd have felt like the idiot for testing someone I shouldn't have tested. I'd be mad at myself at that point and taken the L.

Exactly, dudes are trying to make it in to something it's not. Playing this woulda, shoulda, coulda game.

He acted, they reacted...both suffered the repercussions of what happen...bottom line. It wasn't worth it and both lost.

Life is about actions and consequences. Both of them could have avoided the situation. Because I bet you if you talked to them today, both would say they wouldn't react in the same way.
That's why I'm confused why dudes are acting like the guy in the SUV was more in danger from brake checking. The danger of brake checking is the person might not be able to slam on brakes in time and hit the car in front...they're on bikes. They were more in danger from brake checking.

That's why I say both parties played a part in what happen.
Because the traffic was slowing down. They were trying to stop the SUV driver. They were going no more than 15mph.... The guy in  the SUV had to stop at first. Than he seen how deep they were n he was trapped and was thinking life or death. 
Exactly, dudes are trying to make it in to something it's not. Playing this woulda, shoulda, coulda game.

He acted, they reacted...both suffered the repercussions of what happen...bottom line. It wasn't worth it and both lost.

Life is about actions and consequences. Both of them could have avoided the situation. Because I bet you if you talked to them today, both would say they wouldn't react in the same way.

Agreed, yet NH over here is completely ignoring one side of the coin.

It goes both ways; this entire thread wouldn't exist of NH wasn't such a troll.
all i know is if i see a biker gang, i ain't running over them regardless of what traffic they cause...i seen that stuff on gangland and they don't play

i'd either wait it out a little or call the cops and have them break that up

guy in the range is an idiot, thought he was all too macho and ran over a bunch of bikes when 100 of these crazy dudes are there, he's the one who caused this dispute by trying to get by them and running them over, i get the fact that these bikers were wrong causing this commotion and blocking off the road

part 2 of his idiocy is not calling the cops while he was driving / not locking his door either
You obviously can't read.  Dude did call 911.  Once again it's speculation all around but with the biker break checking in front of him and everyone stopping around him, I've got a feeling those cats weren't walking up to him all friendly whether he bumped into the first guy by accident or not.

Some of you need to watch that other video too, it's obvious those dudes have no problem attack people in broad daylight in traffic, this isn't some isolated incident.
Exactly, dudes are trying to make it in to something it's not. Playing this woulda, shoulda, coulda game.

He acted, they reacted...both suffered the repercussions of what happen...bottom line. It wasn't worth it and both lost.

Life is about actions and consequences. Both of them could have avoided the situation. Because I bet you if you talked to them today, both would say they wouldn't react in the same way.
that's all folks...

The end of the video sheesh. This was a cool video though. Love watching people drive on youtube

I see a bunch of followers though
When you're surrounded by 30+ degenerates screaming and damaging your car because of something that was their fault to begin with, please come back here and tell me that you did not feel as if you or your family was in danger.
Serious question and let's just go off the report that BEFORE the driver ran any bikes/person over they were attacking his car, do you think just calmly talking to them would've kept him and his family safe?  Do you really believe that?

I'm not even arguing that running them over escalated it further because it did but I just can't rock with the idea that he wasn't in any danger before that.  Dude might've panicked but being surrounded by them and no doubt they were being aggressive triggered his fight or flight reflex and he decided he needed to try to get out of there by any means necessary to protect his family and himself.
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how come no one has pointed out that we dont know what that suv might have done before that video started.... be clear we all seen ppl in there nice expensive cars drive like a##holes because they feel entitled i dont buy the whole innocent in the suv with my family crap the news is spreading.

Since when did the news report the truth
You sound poor.  
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