Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Oh so NT gonna disregard da fact that duke in da

Range originally clip someone with his mirror

Which set da WHOLE thing off? :lol: of course

And you will

Ignore da fact

Da RR stopped after it was brake checked and

He was attacked and tires

Were slashed which triggered his fear

Reaction? a driver da 1st thing you're posed to do

Is drive DEFENSIVELY.. That means you YIELD

For your safety as well as da safety of

Riders arent protected like motorist are, so to act

Ya share "equal" space is turd talk.

You let them go ahead to prevent accidents because

It's da right thing to do.

So the rule is I drive defensive and motorcycles ride aggressive? that what we gettin at? that the law?
When I'm in my truck and see a group of riders I'm extra careful and let them go, I know they aren't out to hurt anyone what's the harm in me being careful and letting them go, if anything they will just hurt themselves
Traffic laws are placed for one purpose! control the flow and safely set guidelines!!!!!.....can someone explain to me why bikers feel they are exempt from traffic laws?
Oh so NT gonna disregard da fact that duke in da

Range originally clip someone with his mirror

Which set da WHOLE thing off? :lol: of course

And you will

Ignore da fact

Da RR stopped after it was brake checked and

He was attacked and tires

Were slashed which triggered his fear


If you had to be brake checked then you WASN'T

Trying to stop.

Da mirror clip happened before it happened on film,

Mentioned by thunderchunk, and confirmed by that

Hot97 interview.

He literally tried to get away THEN da video starts

With them brake checking him forcing him to stop

Then he decides to run over more folks who weren't

ANY WHERE CLOSE to that rover.
When I'm in my truck and see a group of riders I'm extra careful and let them go, I know they aren't out to hurt anyone what's the harm in me being careful and letting them go, if anything they will just hurt themselves

Yeah that's good for you....but if you decide to not let them go, you are well within your rights....CORRECT?...

Seems like this boils down to a case of angry bikers who met a person in an SUV that perhaps didn't see them as an authority figure on the road, so they were out to teach dude a lesson...
Traffic laws are placed for one purpose! control the flow and safely set guidelines!!!!!.....can someone explain to me why bikers feel they are exempt from traffic laws? a driver da 1st thing you're posed to do

Is drive DEFENSIVELY.. That means you YIELD

For your safety as well as da safety of

Riders arent protected like motorist are, so to act

Ya share "equal" space is turd talk.

You let them go ahead to prevent accidents because

It's da right thing to do.

So the rule is I drive defensive and motorcycles ride aggressive? that what we gettin at? that the law?

Monkey see monkey do doesnt apply in da court

Of law or in traffic... "But everyone else is speeding

Why i got a ticket?" Has never worked :lol: hush...
Now, the driver might get hit with something, because he did run over the guy and caused him to be a paraplegic, but he won't be doing some hard time.
This is the exact point that I raised earlier that some people are overlooking I think.  As far as legal matters go, Lien is not out of the woods yet. 
If you had to be brake checked then you WASN'T

Trying to stop.

Da mirror clip happened before it happened on film,

Mentioned by thunderchunk, and confirmed by that

Hot97 interview.

He literally tried to get away THEN da video starts

With them brake checking him forcing him to stop

Then he decides to run over more folks who weren't

ANY WHERE CLOSE to that rover.

He got brake checked and DID STOP!...say that biased interview was correct and he had previously "clipped" two other bikers....the dude that brake checked him is a hero, got him to stop, PERHAPS CALL THE COPS!!!!!???...are there ANY calls to the police about a range clipping two bikers? when they finally got him to stop, they decided to act like animals and take matters into their own hands, at which point the SUV driver did what he had to do to defend his family at that point.....bottom line, they didn't want a legal solution, quit being so Closed minded fam.
Monkey see monkey do doesnt apply in da court

Of law or in traffic... "But everyone else is speeding

Why i got a ticket?" Has never worked :lol: hush...

Huh? silly, I never said I was out to break traffic laws, what you and the other dude are saying is BIKERS GOT THE RIGHT TO BREAK THE LAW AND MAKE THEIR OWN RULES WHICH I MUST OBEY BY...OTHERWISE ME AND MY FAMILY WILL BE HUNT DOWN BY THEM...
Like I said, I don't want to base judgement and/or my opinion on assumptions, and of emotion. I'll wait till the actual facts come out.

Glad we share at least a base level of common sense- too bad we are out numbered!

Thread is getting silly- i keep thinking we have new info but its the same back and forth

Over/under on 100pages?
Don't know if this was posted earlier in here, but here is a link showing them getting into another confrontation back in 2011. This one was much more minor (at least from what is shown in the video)

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

It happens around 1:15-1:20 mark. 
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how in the hell can a range rover clip a bike with it's mirrors...

View media item 600246
look at the height of the mirrors....

Ninjahood, you are making a fool of yourself by quoting the same guy who was trying to say they only wanted to open the door to take his keys away so he couldn't hurt anybody else.
When I see Bike's and motorcycles, I'M EXTRA careful because of the size difference and for the most part the entitledmet, or wreckless these drivers are. If your on a bike and wanna speed, I'll slow down as much as possible and let you just speed right past men. Too much at risk man. Like Ninjahood said, you gotta drive defensively, especially when you see somebody driving reckless on their Bike. 

The RR was just really nervous as most people would be if they saw 15-20 all in unision in a square like shape right beside and behind them

EDIT: Though the RR was scared, he OD with driving THROUGH  the motorcycles, dude was on some GTA stuff, both sides

BUT why the hell would you brake check a RR if your on a motorcycle? Thats just foolish
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Steezy doesn't understand da driver already fled

Da scene of an accident BEFORE da film started.

Why you think da plot hole thus far was "hey

Why did that one bike brake check da truck outta

No where"..... :lol: :smh: no comprende nada...
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Don't know if this was posted earlier in here, but here is a link showing them getting into another confrontation back in 2011. This one was much more minor (at least from what is shown in the video)

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

It happens around 1:15-1:20 mark. 

That's not the same group, everyone is grouping the name Hollywood together, this was the Hollywood block party ride that's happens at the end of every year, most stunt riders from all east coast go
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Steezy doesn't understand da driver already fled

Da scene of an accident BEFORE da film started.

Why you think da plot hole thus far was "hey

Why did that one bike brake check da truck outta

No where"..... :lol: :smh: no comprende nada...

First off there is 0 proof of that, except for a biased testimony.

Second, say is true, he fled the scene of an accident, he's a criminal, at the beginning of the video one biker with an amazing maneuver (brake check) gets him to finally stop....explain to me, WHY SLASH HIS TIRES?..,WHY BRAKE HIS PASSENGER SIDE WINDOW?...WHY ESCALATE TE SITUATION AND NOT JUSTT KEEP THE CRIMINAL (RR DRIVER) STUCK UNTIL POLICE ARRIVED? if their story is true, they still lose because they acted as a vigilante group and recorded te whole thing and in the process got treated as such by the RR driver.
That's not the same group, everyone is grouping the name Hollywood together, this was the Hollywood block party ride that's happens at the end of every year, most stunt riders from all east coast go
Sorry, didn't realize.  These website just lump them all together. I just posted it as news to the story. 
i dont know maybe im not as ***** as some of you are but i'm not gonna run over a bunch of people just because there's a bunch of people. it's a simple "accident" with one person, i can get out and talk man-to-man. you can tell by looking at them they're not 1%ers(i think. don't they all wear the same sh*t in that case? anyway...) ergo nothing to be scared of off the bat. Hell just stepping out to even face them alone might help him in that regard. it takes a sick ************* to run over multiple people with a damn car. then again he is asian 

Bruh you sound like that dude in the conversation who just says something because everyone's talking.

People have real thoughts and opinions and things to say, and you're just like "Yea, here's words from my mouth. I'm saying things."

Then you look around like "Am I right? C'mon, ya'll know I'm right!"
Steezy doesn't understand da driver already fled

Da scene of an accident BEFORE da film started.

Why you think da plot hole thus far was "hey

Why did that one bike brake light da truck outta

No where"..... :lol: :smh: no comprende nada...

Couldn't find the law for here's the texas laws regarding accidents and leaving the scene

Sec. 550.022. ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO VEHICLE. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by a person shall:
(1) immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or as close as possible to the scene of the accident without obstructing traffic more than is necessary;
(2) immediately return to the scene of the accident if the vehicle is not stopped at the scene of the accident; and
(3) remain at the scene of the accident until the operator complies with the requirements of Section 550.023.
(b) If an accident occurs on a main lane, ramp, shoulder, median, or adjacent area of a freeway in a metropolitan area and each vehicle involved can be normally and safely driven, each operator shall move the operator's vehicle as soon as possible to a designated accident investigation site, if available, a location on the frontage road, the nearest suitable cross street, or other suitable location to complete the requirements of Section 550.023 and minimize interference with freeway traffic.
(c) A person commits an offense if the person does not stop or does not comply with the requirements of Subsection (a). An offense under this subsection is:
(1) a Class C misdemeanor, if the damage to all vehicles is less than $200; or
(2) a Class B misdemeanor, if the damage to all vehicles is $200 or more.

(c-1) A person commits an offense if the person does not comply with the requirements of Subsection (b). An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor.
(d) In this section, a vehicle can be normally and safely driven only if the vehicle:
(1) does not require towing; and
(2) can be operated under its own power and in its usual manner, without additional damage or hazard to the vehicle, other traffic, or the roadway.

According to this (and NY may be different) the range driver didn't total a bike or injure a biker...merely "clipped" them with his mirror (however true that can be with the RR mirror being higher than a bike) and this is only a misdemeanor

What the bikers did by surrounding, slashing tires, hitting car, threatening the driver = felonies

Their response which escalated the situation to the point where the driver of the range FEARED for his family's safety and ran over one member of the same group in his escape....

He's not doing time... if he is punished it will be a fine for the misdemeanor clipping and driving away.
Steezy doesn't understand da driver already fled

Da scene of an accident BEFORE da film started.

Why you think da plot hole thus far was "hey

Why did that one bike brake check da truck outta

No where".....
no comprende nada...
You don't understand that this group of motorcyclists were already breaking laws all over the place which placed the driver of the RR in extenuating circumstances which probably led to him accidentally (you said yourself scene of an accident) clipping/hitting one of them. But once that happened they brake checked him to pull him over, he did pull over, and they started assaulting his vehicle with his family inside. <-- THIS is where the problems really started. Malicious intent. I don't know how you can't comprehend this but you're severely lacking critical thinking skills and the basic cognition required to form a coherent sentence so I guess it is not that surprising.
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i dont know maybe im not as ***** as some of you are but i'm not gonna run over a bunch of people just because there's a bunch of people. it's a simple "accident" with one person, i can get out and talk man-to-man. you can tell by looking at them they're not 1%ers(i think. don't they all wear the same sh*t in that case? anyway...) ergo nothing to be scared of off the bat. Hell just stepping out to even face them alone might help him in that regard. it takes a sick ************* to run over multiple people with a damn car. then again he is asian 

Please watch and read, he stopped....perhaps he would have gotten out if dudes didn't decide to act like hot heads and slash his tires, damage his car and threaten the livelihood of his family....

lol @ insinuating a man who's not willing to fight 100+ men by himself is a coward.
i dont know maybe im not as ***** as some of you are but i'm not gonna run over a bunch of people just because there's a bunch of people. it's a simple "accident" with one person, i can get out and talk man-to-man. you can tell by looking at them they're not 1%ers(i think. don't they all wear the same sh*t in that case? anyway...) ergo nothing to be scared of off the bat. Hell just stepping out to even face them alone might help him in that regard. it takes a sick ************* to run over multiple people with a damn car. then again he is asian 
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