Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 

I'm not taking about a hypothetical, Deuce. I'm going off of what I saw in the video. By all accounts, the dude who is in the hospital was one of the guys who was blocking the range. If you notice, there are a bunch other riders hanging off on the side of the road. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in that group, and he made an awful decision that may ultimately cost him the ability to walk.
I'm not really talking about hypotheticals either champ.  The biker who parked his bike in front of the Range is no different from when there is a two car accident/or bumper tap and two cars line up in front of each other either in the middle of the road or on the side of the road.   If the biker who is in the hospital decides to say he was going up to the Range to get his insurance information (yes that is an excuse the biker can use, be it the truth or not) then he can use that in his civil case for his injuries.  That why I said if the others bikers decided to bash Lien's back window UNBEKNOWN to the biker who got ran over than his case against Lien would be even stronger.  We'll just have to see how this plays out. 


The only appropriate and legal place to stop a motor vehicle on a roadway is the righthand shoulder with your hazards illuminated.

Anything that happens to someone while stopped blocking the middle of the freeway is their own damn fault and any court of law will agree.

These bikers may have had a case if they were lines up in an orderly fashion on the shoulder of the road but at the video shows they have absolutely no claim.
I agree with that point but I never said or tried to say it was legal for the biker or bikers to just stop in the middle of traffic. 
Like I said before, he COULD have had good intentions...but the actions of his club screwed him. I'm sure there are guys who weren't acting stupid on this day, but he was one of the guys who put themselves in harms way, and thus, I believe he was trying to block the SUV.
True the actions of the some of the bikers might screw him over.  I just wanted to get folks to understand or see the difference between criminal and civil charges. 
Aight, swap out KKK with unruly mob, champ.
Now we're talking hypotheticals.....
.  Everything is situational champ.  Depends on what is being done, to what degree, everything would have to be looked at and broken down. 
those bikers could somewhat be seen as a hate group as well
Come champ be for real.  I recognize and realize that a large portion of the group was acting and driving recklessly but to say they can be seen or equated as a "hate group" which would include groups such as the KKK is a bit extreme wouldn't you say??
im just pointing out a group that with any members involved would get a strong reaction....if im hanging out with u and you are seen as a member of group X...which has stereotypes of drama and beef or whatever...and some dude you are around is scared and u, me, your boys all look alike and are acting alike, and dude decides to run me over cause i was infront of his complaint is that "i chose deuce king to chill with today..knowin he rides with them biker boys...and now im in the hospital cause he scared the bejesus out of some dude in a car and i was just riding with deuce n his squad....well i need to choose better friends or more responsible bikers to ride with"
I'll tell you what champ, find me a hate crime law on the books that would specifically apply to this particular situation or this particular group and maybe just maybe I might agree with you.  We have hate crime laws in effect because certain groups or certain acts which are very specific in nature are committed. 
Now we're talking hypotheticals...... Everything is situational champ. Depends on what is being done, to what degree, everything would have to be looked at and broken down.

Is there a problem with hypotheticals? I mean, that is what I intended.

Same thing that happened in the video, happens in my hypothetical. One of the members of the unruly mob that is off to the side can file a civil suit against me?
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those guys uploaded mad vids of them breaking the law.....and now are asking the law to help....lmao i hope dude dies in the hospital to show people that doin dumb stuff gets u in places like that. i been around goons who robbed people before and i got looked at like i had something to do with it...knowing damn well i didnt, i knew i would be guilty by association when something happens so i left them cats alone and move on with my life. same could be said for those bikers...they all wanna be like "yooo lets go ride with meezee and them boys from BX! they gonna ride around and i think i can look cool with them!!....brag about "running the streets" ... stopping traffic.....even if im wayyyy in the back of the bike line and im actually obeying traffic laws while they are out doing that stuff..the fact that im with them makes me guilty by association. so, no. i dont feel bad for the bikers. ninjahood is the ultimate troll. and i hope dude cant ride a bike no more...oh wait he cant. hes paralyzed. i hope the RR driver actually sues all of them and makes even more money. how bout that one for yaw

Is there a problem with hypotheticals? I mean, that is what I intended.

Same thing that happened in the video, happens in my hypothetical. One of the members of the unruly mob that is off to the side can file a civil suit against me?
The "hypothetical" comment was just a playback on DoubleJs07 comments from earlier, it wasn't a slight toward you just to let you know, or him for that matter
.  As for your scenario, like I said it would depend but in all likelihood yes the person on the side can file a civil suit against you if they sustain injuries or personal damage depending on their actions during the incident. 
After seeing more video evidence, dude in the RR was in the wrong. He lucky that all he did was get stomped out.
get out and take an *** whooping?.....fam this is not the school yard, an *** whooping is the last thing in my mind, i see dudes trying to open my door and im outnumbered 100 to 1 with my family in the car im fearing for my life and will use ANY MEANS nessesary to get me and my family out that situation, if that means kill or be killed, then be it....keep my head low and tell my wife to jump in the back with my child and ill seriously bump each and every single one of these a-holes off the speeds of 60mph+ all it takes is a light tap for them to lose control....judging by the second video just posted, this club is like many ny clubs, bunch of road bullies.
we know how you get down. No point in arguing with you. Pull that **** in a open carry state (head south with me). ****** won't stop, chase you around the city. You'll be a memory. Right there. Don't throw the cape on cuzz.

brake check the dude in the range so he hits, then fight him like he ****** up...where they do that ? sounds like some **** the boondocks documented well in season 2...
Can you file a civil suit against message board posters for making you read nonsense??

Also quick question regarding the "innocent" rider who is paralyzed now-

Is there better video that I missed showing where he was? It was my understanding he was one of the few that were blocking the range in while others attacked it-

Blocking a car on a hgwy while other riding buddies did what they did? The bikers on the side of the road or behind the incident didnt get ran over....

Again maybe theres video I didnt see but if thats the case I dont see the innocence - not like dude mowed down a biker the next day cause he was angry

If you stand at a door while a group of your friends attack someone then somehow that person gets free and goes thru you to escape- are you an innocent bystander?

Again this might not have been the case but its an assumption based on that video i saw - if its true than that lil facebook fund is all homie will see from this incident

And lol @ the wildboy who was punching the back window- seems like he went right to the station to drop off names, plates, bike descriptions, twitter handles and all that to avoid any charges
IF homie who is in the hospital was indeed one of the riders blocking the Range, I don't see how he has any grounds to win his civil case. He and his family can file, but they are wasting their time.

Again, this goes back to my example from earlier, if me, you and ksteezy are out riding our bikes, you DoubleJs07 brake check a vehicle, that vehicle taps/hits you........all 3 of us stop because of the hit to you, if you walk up towards the front of the vehicle, but me and ksteezy for whatever reason decide to go to the rear of the vehicle and bash in the window with our actions unbeknown to you DoubleJs07, that wouldn't necessarily give the driver the right to run over you causing you injuries and sending you to the hospital.  In which case you could sue the driver in a civil suit. 
And the judge will tell you to sue your two idiot friends who caused the driver to drive off, because them smashing the windows is the reason.
If you stand at a door while a group of your friends attack someone then somehow that person gets free and goes thru you to escape- are you an innocent bystander?

Can you post a screenshot that explicitly show the bikers attacking the RR at the initial traffic accident? :40 into the clip? All I see is a bunch of bikers looking at an accident?

Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show.

Rest of Article in Link

This is dude who is currently in the hospital after being run over by the RR.

Can you post a screenshot that explicitly show the bikers attacking the RR at the initial traffic accident? :40 into the clip? All I see is a bunch of bikers looking at an accident?

His tires were slashed and car was being repeatedly hit before he hit the gas. It's been confirmed.
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Rest of Article in Link

This is dude who is currently in the hospital after being run over by the RR.
His tires were slashed and car was being repeatedly hit before he hit the gas. It's been confirmed.

Confirmed meaning based on this quote?
"They take their helmets and start to dent his car, and apparently his tires are slashed there with a knife," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

I'll wait to make a final judgement until the 911 call is released and/or final Police investigations.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records

Confirmed meaning based on this quote?
I'll wait to make a final judgement until the 911 call is released and/or final Police investigations.

Off the commish's quote and the aftermath pic - you can clearly see that he's riding on a rim. For a reason.
Can you post a screenshot that explicitly show the bikers attacking the RR at the initial traffic accident? :40 into the clip? All I see is a bunch of bikers looking at an accident?

Can I? Nope... Maybe someone in here can. I'm going off the same assumption that was made earlier that something was happening that was not "innocent" but the particular rider who got ran over was

I've read a couple articles and alot of them ,including biker accounts , say that the tires were slashed and people were banging on the range when he stopped after the brake check - i think thats official report from the police commish too

More will come out about this part tho- theres more video and eye witness accounts that we dont know about yet

If your trying to troll me into a debate where neither one of us can prove our side is right you got the wrong person -
If your trying to troll me into a debate where neither one of us can prove our side is right you got the wrong person -

I don't waste time trolling. I was just wondering if there were other footage that I didn't see that showed these bikers attacking the RR at the initial confrontation.

I am also wondering if the tires were slashed or his tires were damaged due to running over those bikes.

Like I said, I don't want to base judgement and/or my opinion on assumptions, and of emotion. I'll wait till the actual facts come out.
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You can see clearly in photos taken from apartment residents that the passenger window was already spider-glassed and the tire was completely off the rim as soon as the driver was pulled from his car. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the only opportunity the bikers had to do this was when the RR stopped immediately following the first impact with the guy on the white bike.

Its obvious the RR DID stop in an attempt to handle the first collision legally and the bikers weren't having any part of it.
Comparing bike group to hate crime...seems legit


Bikers that were ran over that had nothing to do

With it definitely got a case against da driver.
Comparing bike group to hate crime...seems legit


Bikers that were ran over that had nothing to do

With it definitely got a case against da driver.

Bikers blocking the RR had nothing to do with it? Durrrrrrr
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