Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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He wasnt forced to leave da scene at

all.."surrounding me!" Sounds like a situation

He DID stop.

He DID wait.

He hit him @ :27 and didn't take off until :51. That's plenty of time for 50 bikers to make someone fear for their life...

Obviously, something made him speed off out of fear. How do you not see that?

Made it worse :lol: Either way, they weren't happy and they were going to pull him out of the truck.

LOL @ the "Well honey, I'm just gonna go ahead and take the beat down now. If I take off, I'll just make it worse" logic.

So potentially "fear" is a an excuse and

justification to not use plain ol'

Common sense diplomacy? :lol: :smh:

According to you it was a good enough excuse for Zimmerman
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So did this all stat from the range tapping the motorcycle in front of him? I'm guessing dude on the bike was trying to keep it real trying to start something and the guy in the range wasn't having it. 

I would have done the same, if not more. No way I'm putting my family in jeopardy like that. 
So potentially "fear" is a an excuse and

justification to not use plain ol'

Common sense diplomacy?

A "im sorry" goes a LONG way......
Yes, fear IS an excuse. Even in the court of law.

Not to a bunch of guys that have a gang mentality and were just dumb enough to get in front of you and hit the brakes...

BTW, when he stopped, how do you KNOW he didn't apologize?
So potentially "fear" is a an excuse and

justification to not use plain ol'

Common sense diplomacy?

A "im sorry" goes a LONG way......
How do you know the exact details of what happened when the bikers approached their car. You have no idea what was said. You are just ASSUMING that dude lacked common sense and just drove off as soon as bikers started approaching. Somebody flashes something? Somebody says something mentioning a gun. Would you drive? Or still try to rationalize?
He wasnt forced to leave da scene at

all.."surrounding me!" Sounds like a situation

He DID stop.

He DID wait.

He hit him @ :27 and didn't take off until :51. That's plenty of time for 50 bikers to make someone fear for their life...

Obviously, something made him speed off out of fear. How do you not see that?

Made it worse :lol: Either way, they weren't happy and they were going to pull him out of the truck.

LOL @ the "Well honey, I'm just gonna go ahead and take the beat down now. If I take off, I'll just make it worse" logic.

So potentially "fear" is a an excuse and

justification to not use plain ol'

Common sense diplomacy? :lol: :smh:

According to you it was a good enough excuse for Zimmerman

Trayvon PICKED a fight after

Being followed..see da correlation?

You never know what da next guy's hand is so you

NEVER overplay yours.
I'd almost bet money that they tried to open his door after the tap just like after he stopped the second time.

Ninja would let them open his door, apologized to them, catch a beat down and then tell the officers: "But I didn't leave the scene"...
When dude in the Range ran over the biker, it looked like one of those Range Rover ads (not the Evoque) where the truck is in the mountains riding over boulders and such. it is good to know that wasn't just for show, and that they really do perform that way. Good job Range Rover, and driver. 
So did this all stat from the range tapping the motorcycle in front of him? I'm guessing dude on the bike was trying to keep it real trying to start something and the guy in the range wasn't having it. 

I would have done the same, if not more. No way I'm putting my family in jeopardy like that. 

Standing down and letting da whole thing blow over

Would've been da BEST option.

Fellas..escalating a situation to levels beyond your

Control is hazardous to one's health as shown by

Da pic of money face down on da street with his

**** split open..
but I do think he quickly made the situation worse but slamming on the gas and riding threw the bikers the way he did. 
Of course it made it worse, but you guys are assuming that the situation was all good until he hit the gas, then it became bad...

How do you know he wasn't going to get sent to the ER after the tap and had no other option but to take off?
Alot of people are playing the guessing game here.  Just like your assuming he was going to get sent to the ER after the tap.  All that any of us know or see if from the 6 minute plus video that was posted, and based upon that and strictly that, I personally think the driver made the situation worse by hitting the gas.  To me, if they were going to initially jump the dude or break out his window with their helmets they would have done so when they all slowed down. 

We don't know what happened before the video began to record.  We don't know if something was said by the driver of the Range, by the bikers or if any actions occurred before hand on either side prior.  All we do know if what was seen on the video.  Again, based upon the evidence in the video to me the driver made the situation worse and ended up getting his *** beat, be that justified or still happened.
I love that it's these idiots own video that's going to get them caught.
I love how Ninja speaks as if everything he says is a fact

dude always talks like he was an eye witness

hence he knows for a fact that Trayvon picked that fight and that these bikers wanted nothing more than a word with this good chap in the range :rofl:

I will say your commitment to the ******** you spew is admirable

I thought for the longest time it was genuine too

I've slowly started to realize tho that I'm watching a master at work
Ninjahood is all about victim-blaming in general. This guy, Trayvon, women as a whole...


Yeah, why dont u post da following tweet right after

Tuff wont cuz it would give it context..

And we dont want that now do we... :lol: :smh:
There are sometimes where taking matters into your own hands just will get you in more trouble. It's like a lose lose for the guy in the Range. If his car was tapped, just let it be tapped and take the L. Dude took it into his hands to do what he did and that is where actions will be taken place. There is never a justified thing when it comes to these things. Just because someone did this, doesn't mean they will get what they deserve.

Case in point, I actually got my gym bag jacked on the SF bus the other day. Didn't really think of anything but 6 kids got on the bus just acting a fool and I kind of mind my own business. Couple of stops down, door opens and one of the kids just grabs my stuff and they all run. I go out the bus and run about a couple of feet and just realize this wasn't going to be worth it with 6 kids running to an area that I am sure I won't be surrounded by the general public. Mind you when I say kids, they are all like 16 and am my height (5'8). I just took the loss and let them have my gym bag. Wasn't trying to get dealt over my sweaty shorts.
I love how Ninja speaks as if everything he says is a fact

dude always talks like he was an eye witness

hence he knows for a fact that Trayvon picked that fight and that these bikers wanted nothing more than a word with this good chap in the range :rofl:

I will say your commitment to the ******** you spew is admirable

I thought for the longest time it was genuine too

I've slowly started to realize tho that I'm watching a master at work

So you're denying Trayvon didnt engage in a brawl

With Zimmerman?

Like i said before...THINK before you can

NEVER control da actions of another man, but you

Can sure as hell control your own..driver should've

Cooled da situation down..EVEN if in his HEART he

Felt right, da numbers were against him and going

About it any other way lead to him kissing pavement

Wit his noggin leaking.
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Alot of people are playing the guessing game here.  Just like your assuming he was going to get sent to the ER after the tap.  All that any of us know or see if from the 6 minute plus video that was posted, and based upon that and strictly that, I personally think the driver made the situation worse by hitting the gas.  To me, if they were going to initially jump the dude or break out his window with their helmets they would have done so when they all slowed down. 
Yes, but it's fair for me to assume that.

Judging on what's in the video, how could you NOT assume that?

The way the bike gets in front and hits his brakes. After the tap, a bunch of bikers start heading toward the RR and the way he hit the gas to get away...

It's a very fair assumption that they were going to beat him..

How do you know they didn't try? You can't see what's going on with the driver when they come to a stop. He stops, they approach, he takes off. All we can go off of is the rest of the video. He took off the same way when they tried to open his door..

To me, they were trying to get him out the first time and he smashed the gas. He didn't take off for no reason. He wasn't drunk with no license and registration with a warrant. Any of us would have did the same...
Why are people posting that the driver initially hit the back of the motorcycle on purpose? Is that something people actually do? Thought never even crossed my mind that he would bump someone on purpose, brake check or not.
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Dude should have rolled through exactly like this:


As someone said earlier, those bikers clearly didn't want to exchange insurance info and keep it moving. They were reckless, and an avoidable mistake happened. But if you test a man with his wife and kid, you should expect the worst.
:lol: at diplomacy working amongst a group of riders who already have established that they care very little for what the laws and common courtesy guidelines of the road are...

This thread has turn into comedy.
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Do I need glasses or da dude did try to force rhe dooropen before he floored it
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