Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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:lol: at diplomacy working amongst a group of riders who already have established that they care very little for what the laws and common courtesy guidelines of the road are...

This thread has turn into comedy.

Da bike was hit..OBVIOUSLY doing it ya way didn't

Work. Apologizing & talking

It over would've been ALOT smarter.



That's What kind of grown man would type something like this?
The people saying it's the Range driver's fault are assuming dude knew that according to the bikers rules he needs to let them pass.  If he stays in his lane and maintains his speed he's not really doing anything wrong.

Some of you make it seem like he needs to know their laws and not the actual laws of the road.  The bikers brake checking him isn't his fault and if they tried to pull him outta the Range, I don't blame him for gunning it to try to protect his family.  He called 911 probably thinking the police would help.  You also assume he knew every route outta the city on the West Side or where all the police precincts are, he could've been following his navigation then when his tires got slashed the game changed and he got off.

All it comes down to is it's easy to say what he should've done.  Dude was most likely just trying to get his family away from a bunch of knuckleheads.  Bikers were clearly at fault and they don't own the road.
End game is still LET IT cant win against

A mobb of bikers.
What video did you watch???

After he hit him, he stopped! The bikers started surrounding him! How was he supposed to let it go?

He was forced to leave the scene...
forced....once da motorcycle & truck tapped

He had to stick around.. Leaving made it worse.
I like how you think the Range driver has to follow laws and the bikers don't.
But if you test a man with his wife and kid, you should expect the worst.
It would appear to me based upon the video and images afterwards that the DRIVER got the worse out of the situation, thus failing the test. 
Yes, but it's fair for me to assume that.

Judging on what's in the video, how could you NOT assume that?

The way the bike gets in front and hits his brakes. After the tap, a bunch of bikers start heading toward the RR and the way he hit the gas to get away...

It's a very fair assumption that they were going to beat him.
It's an assumption but to me it isn't a fair assumption.  Reason being, watch the video again :37-:50 and you will see that once the initial biker gets taps all the bikers pull over or stop in the middle of the highway.  You can CLEARLY see that all of the bikers except for 1 of the bikers stay on their bikes.  Out of the group of 100 or some bikers, based upon video evidence the vast majority stay positioned on their bike not approaching the Ranger Rover.  The bikers appear to be calm to me at that particular point in time to me.  That's a totally different reaction than at the conclusion of the video when the bikers approach the Ranger Rover in the middle of the street when a few bikers quickly jumped off of their bike and rushed the vehicle swinging their helmets at the window wouldn't you say champ?? 
How do you know they didn't try? You can't see what's going on with the driver when they come to a stop. He stops, they approach, he takes off. All we can go off of is the rest of the video. He took off the same way when they tried to open his door..

To me, they were trying to get him out the first time and he smashed the gas. He didn't take off for no reason. He wasn't drunk with no license and registration with a warrant. Any of us would have did the same...
That's why I said I base my statements strictly off of the video that was posted and what is seen.  Again, the driver compounded the situation by mashing on the gas and running over the bikes.  This entire situation might not have been his fault but it quickly became his problem.  Now he has to suffer with those consequences. 
Ninjahood's mom worked as a prostitute when she first moved to America that's how she met ninjas dad. That's why ninja never talks about his father he was just some customer

c'mon man, as ignorant as this dude is or as much of a loudmouth he is, that's totally unnecessary man


gotta let these packs of bikers just pass you by and try not to make the situation worse by resisting them in any way. even honking one's horn can trigger people like this to do something stupid

who knows what was exchanged out of camera view or before the dude with the camera on his helmet started focusing on the range rover. could've been some back and forth honking - stop - go stuff that quickly deteriorated, but ain't no reasoning with a mob mentality. the situation is bound to go south super quick

that being said, these mobs of bikers are a real threat to motorists, pedestrians, etc. can't be having that in the middle of a big city
there are plenty of bike crews who are generally respectful, but you can't have that goin on in a place like nyc
Strike 2 was leaving da scene of da accident...

You NEVER do that cuz it implies guilt.
I'll just say it again.

After he hit him, he stopped! The bikers started surrounding him! How was he supposed to let it go? He was forced to leave the scene....
He wasnt forced to leave da scene at

all.."surrounding me!" Sounds like a situation

happened & instead of seeing out you would have

Sped off & make it worse...

Some of ya lack BASIC common sense...
Da Irony.
If I was in the Range I would've stayed on the highway and called the cops. If they tried to come at my family I would be knocking few of them off the bike till they backed off. Back off or die it's their chose.
He did though.
Yeah these bikers in the NJ-NY area are out control. I've seen them run red lights and surround random cars but nothing like this. These dudes are so damn corny :smh:

Glad I never encountered those fools. Already have enough close calls with idiot car drivers.
Da bike was hit..OBVIOUSLY doing it ya way didn't

Work. Apologizing & talking

It over would've been ALOT smarter.

Doing it what way? Did you see how much stopping distance the range had to operate within? The biker should've never stopped so close in front of him, period. It's OBVIOUS that that is the reason he got hit.

The driver chose the best course of action by peeling off when he's got a hunnuh motorcycle dudes revving engines and surrounding his car at all angles. Then you've got some advancing towards your vehicle where your family is in? Do you really think dude drove off and hit dudes to be "macho"? Like, is that what you honestly believe?

It's clear fight or flight kicked in and dude evaded, which was most logical. Because I guarantee you, once a guy hops off a motorcycle with every member of his crew watching and he starts walking towards your car... Dude isn't coming to talk.
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It would appear to me based upon the video and images afterwards that the DRIVER got the worse out of the situation, thus failing the test. 
Tell that to the dude whose skin still lodged in the wheels of the Rover.
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Da bike was hit..OBVIOUSLY doing it ya way didn't

Work. Apologizing & talking

It over would've been ALOT smarter.

Doing it what way? Did you see how much stopping distance the range had to operate within? The biker should've never stopped so close in front of him, period. It's OBVIOUS that that is the reason he got hit.

The driver chose the best course of action by peeling off when he's got a hunnuh motorcycle dudes revving engines and surrounding his car at all angles. Then you've got some advancing towards your vehicle where your family is in? Do you really think dude drove off and hit dudes to be "macho"? Like, is that what you honestly believe?

It's clear fight or flight kicked in and dude evaded, which was most logical. Because I guarantee you, once a guy hops off a motorcycle with every member of his crew watching and he starts walking towards your car... Dude isn't coming to talk.

How did he do da right thing when he got his ****

Split? :lol:

Leaving da scene of an accident = escalated da

situation and made what would've been worse case

Scenario a shouting match into a physical

confrontation. Taking a small L and having a

Motorcycle gang test your Patience >>>>> speeding

Away from a collision and getting your window

cracked along with your skull & catching a BIG L...
The dude's screw up came from getting off the highway without a police escort. Not from him evading. :lol:

He took the L because he should've:

Called the police and inform them he was being chased by bikers and let him know where he was.

Waited for the responding officers to diffuse the situation, not take it in his own hands to do so while he has his family in da whip.
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The dude's ****up came from getting off the highway without a police escort. Not from him evading. :lol:

He took the L because he should've:

Called the police and inform them he was being chased by bikers and let him know where he was.

Waited for the responding officers to diffuse the situation, not take it in his own hands to do so while he has his family in da whip.

Oh so hitting and running was smarter then talking

It over & letting cooler heads prevail? :lol: :smh: got it..

Those bikes would've never let him gotten that far...

They can weave on and outta traffic and homie

Was on borrowed time until da next red light or traffic

Cooler heads my ***. If you've ever ridden a bike you know how high you can get off that adrenaline sometimes.
dude could of been clearing them out, going lane to lane side to side on the freeway. you dont even have to run them over just smack them and they lose control. wtfeezy?? dude deserved to get mopped at the end.
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It would appear to me based upon the video and images afterwards that the DRIVER got the worse out of the situation, thus failing the test. 

Tell that to the dude whose skin still lodged in the wheels of the Rover.

Lets ask the wife and child of the driver who passed the test and who didn't champ. We might have to wait awhile though, I heard his family is currently busy by his bedside helping to feed him threw a straw as he lays up in the hospital. We'll ask them at a later date......when their minds are more clear.
Oh so hitting and running was smarter then talking

It over & letting cooler heads prevail? :lol: :smh: got it..

Those bikes would've never let him gotten that far...

They can weave on and outta traffic and homie

Was on borrowed time until da next red light or traffic


My man, have you ever ridden a bike? If so, have you ever ridden in a large group?

That cooler heads prevailing stuff you kicking sounds great in theory. But come on, b. That "we own the roads, ride or die, stop drop open up shop" group think mentality is what those dudes were riding with. Evidences by all of them coming to a dead stop on the freeway and the front runner hopping off the bike and walking up to the SUV. Dude saw a threat to himself, his family, and his property. No way would anyone stick around to talk to dudes that're already being irrational... Word to home stopping his bike three feet in front of an SUV and expecting not to get hit at all.
^^^Yeah......some people can't handle situations right. Most all people can't stay calm in situations like that. We see girls (or even guys for that matter) screaming over hysteria over absolutely nothing. Instinct sometimes tells you to panic and that is what people do. Again....I don't think there would have been any right solution here but maybe he could have been prevented from getting TKO'd. At most, the biker could have yelled at him or just messed up his ride. Instead....his ride got messed up and he got mopped.
^^^Yeah......some people can't handle situations right. Most all people can't stay calm in situations like that. We see girls (or even guys for that matter) screaming over hysteria over absolutely nothing. Instinct sometimes tells you to panic and that is what people do. Again....I don't think there would have been any right solution here but maybe he could have been prevented from getting TKO'd. At most, the biker could have yelled at him or just messed up his ride. Instead....his ride got messed up and he got mopped.

Exactly.. We know how da story ended doing it

Irrationally... Talking it over would've yielded HIGHER

Percentages of not getting your ride ****** up or

Your head crushed into a bloody pulp.
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