Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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another one of the bikers
Dat sense of entitlement.  

" common courtesy"   :lol:  

 how stupid are you?

According to everyone in this thread im very stupid plus whole bunch of other things y'all have called me,
It's okay tho, I take all negative comments towards me very light that's why I've never responded with insults and personal attacks

This is a screenshot of one comment, how about asking him why they punched his window?
They didt punch his window or kick his tire for no reason
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AFTER he had already rammed in to a biker to begin with. That is when they started to attack. It wasn't random dude.

Thank you, people in this thread think that the bikers saw a random car and decided to mess with him, obviously the dude in the rr provoked them
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Yall sensitive dudes over here crying it was the bikers. True they may have been childish but this guy RAN OVER people AFTER he had already bumped another rider.
At yall saying its the Bikers fault.
Pretty much all that needs to be said. Everything happened as a direct result of their childish actions.
AFTER he had already rammed in to a biker to begin with. That is when they started to attack. It wasn't random dude.
did you watch the video?  he didnt "ram" the biker.  the biker STOPPED SHORT two feet right in front of the RR while he was looking back at him!  the biker knew what he was doing.

and even then, why did the others feel the need to damage the RR after the incident?  i'm sure that was their was of "getting his insurance info"
After seeing so many responses...
You can really tell who owns a car and truely drives AND knows how to drive.

I can tell most these ppl dont have cars or evem drive anywhere except from school and to work.
I have 11k miles on my 3 month old new m5.....
Im a road runner, i see a lot happen and thankfully never involved.

Point of the matter, the problem with people driving is their lack of responsibility as an adult.

A lot of time you have to put your pride in your back pocket while on the road.
If you are a true driver, you can tell off break that the RR was only in that situation bc he put himself in it.
As a driver, especially in nyc, that is not new to see that many bikes all at once.
Im sure he had opportunities to get off the westside, slowly pass the bikers, or cruise the slow lane til the said "stunts" finished.

You can tell he lost his cool bc he hit the biker.
No one in their right mind is "accidentally" tapping a driver who brake checked you.
Everyone knows he did that with intent to show them he wasnt playing and not gonna back down.

Him tapping that bike was his message to them, "move or get moved on."
Typical of nyc drivers.

The bikers obviously provoked him from the jump, we may never know truely why
But you can tell bc they are literally surrounding the RR from the 1st sec of the clip.

IMO.... The driver did the most damage.
Screw that man, his wife and kid.
He wasnt thinking about them when he tapped the biker orrr drove over the bikers either.
BUT its hard to believe them bikers aint see his kid in the backseat when they started beating on his whip.
The bikers did what any group of friends would do for a friend, it just so happened to be 200 friends there. Lol

Final words....

Had the bikers been courteous from the jump and not acting typical, none of this would have happen.
I just think the driver shouldnt have driven over them in his efforts to escape.
They actually didn't. I wouldn't post anything, but they didn't directly incriminate themselves other than what is already known.

And the bottom describes what I was saying probably happen earlier.

They actually did because the whole problem is determining if the driver had a right to drive off out of fear. In the video you can't clearly see what caused him to drive off, we just ASSUMED the bikers had to be antagonizing him and trying to attack him to drive off. This guy confirms that they were kicking his car, bashing his window, etc.

Btw that guy deleted his instagram so he must think he said the wrong thing too :lol:
After seeing so many responses...
You can really tell who owns a car and truely drives AND knows how to drive.

I can tell most these ppl dont have cars or evem drive anywhere except from school and to work.
I have 11k miles on my 3 month old new m5.....
Im a road runner, i see a lot happen and thankfully never involved.

Point of the matter, the problem with people driving is their lack of responsibility as an adult.

A lot of time you have to put your pride in your back pocket while on the road.
If you are a true driver, you can tell off break that the RR was only in that situation bc he put himself in it.
As a driver, especially in nyc, that is not new to see that many bikes all at once.
Im sure he had opportunities to get off the westside, slowly pass the bikers, or cruise the slow lane til the said "stunts" finished.

You can tell he lost his cool bc he hit the biker.
No one in their right mind is "accidentally" tapping a driver who brake checked you.
Everyone knows he did that with intent to show them he wasnt playing and not gonna back down.

Him tapping that bike was his message to them, "move or get moved on."
Typical of nyc drivers.

The bikers obviously provoked him from the jump, we may never know truely why
But you can tell bc they are literally surrounding the RR from the 1st sec of the clip.

IMO.... The driver did the most damage.
Screw that man, his wife and kid.
He wasnt thinking about them when he tapped the biker orrr drove over the bikers either.
BUT its hard to believe them bikers aint see his kid in the backseat when they started beating on his whip.
The bikers did what any group of friends would do for a friend, it just so happened to be 200 friends there. Lol

Final words....

Had the bikers been courteous from the jump and not acting typical, none of this would have happen.
I just think the driver shouldnt have driven over them in his efforts to escape.
You can tell he lost his cool bc he hit the biker.
No one in their right mind is "accidentally" tapping a driver who brake checked you.
Everyone knows he did that with intent to show them he wasnt playing and not gonna back down.

Him tapping that bike was his message to them, "move or get moved on."
Typical of nyc drivers.

The bikers obviously provoked him from the jump, we may never know truely why
But you can tell bc they are literally surrounding the RR from the 1st sec of the clip.

IMO.... The driver did the most damage.
Screw that man, his wife and kid.
He wasnt thinking about them when he tapped the biker orrr drove over the bikers either.
BUT its hard to believe them bikers aint see his kid in the backseat when they started beating on his whip.
The bikers did what any group of friends would do for a friend, it just so happened to be 200 friends there. Lol

Final words....

Had the bikers been courteous from the jump and not acting typical, none of this would have happen.
I just think the driver shouldnt have driven over them in his efforts to escape.

If you live in NY then you know the speed limit on the West Side Hwy right? So going 40/50/60 mph and getting brake checked 1 foot in front of you doesn't leave a lot of room to come to a complete stop. Don't you think so? You really think you can't accidentally hit someone that brake checks you? Keep in mind there was bikers in back of his SUV too so he was either tapping someone in front of him or in back of him.

The problem you're having is thinking this driver had to do anything to satisfy these bikers wants of taking over the highway, he didn't have to do any of the suggestions you're mentioning :lol: if the bikers weren't BREAKING THE LAW this wouldn't happen and if you're attacking my car I'm driving off, tf I'm suppose to do stay there and pray you just stop? :lol:
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If you live in NY then you know the speed limit on the West Side Hwy right? So going 40/50/60 mph and getting brake checked 1 foot in front of you doesn't leave a lot of room to come to a complete stop. Don't you think so? You really think you can't accidentally hit someone that brake checks you? Keep in mind there was bikers in back of his SUV too so he was either tapping someone in front of him or in back of him.

The problem you're having is thinking this driver had to do anything to satisfy these bikers wants of taking over the highway, he didn't have to do any of the suggestions you're mentioning
if the bikers weren't BREAKING THE LAW this wouldn't happen and if you're attacking my car I'm driving off, tf I'm suppose to do stay there and pray you just stop?
Christopher Cruz, 28, of Passaic, N.J., was charged with unlawful imprisonment in the second degree and reckless driving, according to the complaint filed against him, which was released by the office of District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.
Second degree unlawful imprisonment is when a person illegally restrains another person knowingly (notice how the biker turns his head and looks back as he's brake checking). This infraction is a class A misdemeanour. Restraining in this sense means restricting other person's movements intentionally and unlawfully thus interfering with their freedom on movement.
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They actually did because the whole problem is determining if the driver had a right to drive off out of fear. In the video you can't clearly see what caused him to drive off, we just ASSUMED the bikers had to be antagonizing him and trying to attack him to drive off. This guy confirms that they were kicking his car, bashing his window, etc.

Btw that guy deleted his instagram so he must think he said the wrong thing too :lol:

He said they kicked his car and attacked his mirror. That's all he said.

I would delete it, because I wouldn't want to go through dealing with the police period...questioned or appearing in court. Plus you could be all over the news and have to take time off from work.

Right now the police are looking for witnesses.

:rofl: @ those IG posts, wonder how NH is gonna make sense of that, these clowns just keep digging a deeper hole.
They actually didn't. I wouldn't post anything, but they didn't directly incriminate themselves other than what is already known.

And the bottom describes what I was saying probably happen earlier.
They actually did because the whole problem is determining if the driver had a right to drive off out of fear. In the video you can't clearly see what caused him to drive off, we just ASSUMED the bikers had to be antagonizing him and trying to attack him to drive off. This guy confirms that they were kicking his car, bashing his window, etc.

Btw that guy deleted his instagram so he must think he said the wrong thing too

That dude basically just laid out the origins of this entire ordeal, which up to this point, has not been discussed by any of the bikers.  It was also conveniently missing from the video.

1.  Bikers were taking over the road and expected folks to slow down or stop for their group.  In the process, they delayed the Range and maybe made him miss an exit.

2.  Range driver wasn't having it and gave in to his "road rage" (which is laughable considering that what the bikers were doing was illegal) by not stopping for the bikers.

3.  Biker brake checks the Range at close range, causing a minor collision.

4.  Range stops after the minor collision, at which point some bikers approach the vehicle and then kick it/bash windows/slash tires.  

5.  Range driver feels threatened and dips out.

That dude basically just laid out the origins of this entire ordeal, which up to this point, has not been discussed by any of the bikers.  It was also conveniently missing from the video.

1.  Bikers were taking over the road and expected folks to slow down or stop for their group.  In the process, they delayed the Range and maybe made him miss an exit.
2.  Range driver wasn't having it and gave in to his "road rage" (which is laughable considering that what the bikers were doing was illegal) by not stopping for the bikers.
3.  Biker brake checks the Range at close range, causing a minor collision.
4.  Range stops after the minor collision, at which point some bikers approach the vehicle and then kick it/bash windows/slash tires.  
5.  Range driver feels threatened and dips out.

Which means the situation could have and should have been avoided, but his temper probably got the best of him.

And the brake check makes me wonder, if he really didn't want to stop in time, because I'm sure dude didn't want a 3,000 vehicle to hit his bike. For some reason people assume it was an accident, because of their preconceived notions about bike riders.

This was a moment of when keeping it real goes wrong, on both parts.

How would you feel if Range Rover deliberately bumped the dude, because he was frustrated?
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