Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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[quote="Rollinwithangel, post: 18838311"][quote="Kiiing, post: 18838290"][/quote]

Lol at her being shaken cause a group of bikers were weaving in and out of traffic, stop it[/quote]

you're getting more annoying by each post[/quote]

Woah, weaving through oncoming traffic, how can that not be scary.
Naw we are wrong, and it is illegal and braking the law,

I'm Just saying the rr chose to put himself in that position, that's all
She said weaving in and out of traffic, not oncoming traffic, he chose to put that particular gif up


son how many times have you fallen off your bike?....your responses cant be formulated by someone with normal thought process.
Listen up youtube rider....

A license doesn't make you a good rider, it makes you a legal one... and that helps if you ever get yourself run over and paralyzed and want to pursue litigation
explain to me what a youtube rider is? 
I bought a motorcycle and got it towed home without knowing how to ride one either, I just watched several YouTube vids and taught myself,. I still don't have a license

I wrecked my f4i now it's in the process of becoming a full stunt bike

Naw we are wrong, and it is illegal and braking the law,

I'm Just saying the rr chose to put himself in that position, that's all

When you choose to engage in illegal activities and break the law, YOU CHOSE to put the RR in a position to choose what he will do to deal with it. In this case, he had no choice but to drive straight to evade the unlawful imprisonment he was under and too bad the bikers were still in his way.

Like I've been saying through this whole thread. You wanna break the law? Be prepared to deal with the consequences.

This would have NEVER happened if the bikers didn't initially break the law.
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Naw we are wrong, and it is illegal and braking the law,

I'm Just saying the rr chose to put himself in that position, that's all
dude was right a few pages back, what the hell was rr driver thinking leaving his house without the daily biker on road forecast

he should have just stayed home that day

That dude basically just laid out the origins of this entire ordeal, which up to this point, has not been discussed by any of the bikers.  It was also conveniently missing from the video.

1.  Bikers were taking over the road and expected folks to slow down or stop for their group.  In the process, they delayed the Range and maybe made him miss an exit.
2.  Range driver wasn't having it and gave in to his "road rage" (which is laughable considering that what the bikers were doing was illegal) by not stopping for the bikers.
3.  Biker brake checks the Range at close range, causing a minor collision.
4.  Range stops after the minor collision, at which point some bikers approach the vehicle and then kick it/bash windows/slash tires.  
5.  Range driver feels threatened and dips out.
Which means the situation could have and should have been avoided, but his temper probably got the best of him.

And the brake check makes me wonder, if he really didn't want to stop in time, because I'm sure dude didn't want a 3,000 vehicle to hit his bike. For some reason people assume it was an accident, because of their preconceived notions about bike riders.

This was a moment of when keeping it real goes wrong, on both parts.

How would you feel if Range Rover deliberately bumped the dude, because he was frustrated?
IT COULD'VE BEEN AVOIDED IF THE BIKERS DIDN'T ACT LIKE THEY RULED THE ROAD THAT DAY.  Why is the Range driver being held to a higher standard of cool-headedness than the bikers?  Here's an idea bikers:  don't be dickbag, Billy Badasses who act like you run **** on the road.  Maybe taking that approach could've helped avoid this whole ordeal.  

I'm not even arguing whether or not it was smart to not let the bikers pass.  Could he have?  Sure.  Should he have?  That's not really my call.  Maybe he had somewhere he needed to be.  Maybe he didn't know the unwritten rules of biking.  All I'm saying is that the Range driver was well within his LEGAL rights to be where he was and to continue traveling on the road he was on.  If the bikers were indeed stopping traffic, well, that's illegal.  If the bikers impeded the Range driver's progress, well, that's illegal.  

All that matters is that the Range was legally driving.  The bikers allegedly were illegally stopping/slowing traffic for their group to pass.  Also, note the unlawful imprisonment charge brought against buddy who brake checked.  Do you not have the right to get out of a situation where you're unlawfully imprisoned?  
If I see a group of bikers and my wife and 2 year old are in the car they can pass me and do their thing, no need for me to point out they're breaking the law and try to be macho

The difference between this situation and "every other clown that don't wanna wait in traffic" is that he wasn't waiting in traffic and had an epiphany to run people over. They surrounded him so he has no where to go and then started to kick his car and so..

Are people watching a different video or reading something different?
They aren't watching a different video or reading something different.

They have different thought process on this matter because they are selfish, ignorant, and have no respect for the law.

Think about it. These guys are justifying stunt rides and don't think there's anything wrong with shutting down a whole bridge or section of the highway so they can do their stunts.

You will not be able to convince these guys that the bikers were wrong and breaking laws when they can't comprehend this themselves.

Their views on this matter are incredibly skewed and they can't be reasoned with. Just ignore them. I don't care about their worthless opinions any more. I'm just waiting for the verdicts from court.

It's astonishing how one can't distinguish right from wrong even when everything is right in front of their eyes.
Former NYPD Lieutenant, Michael Ciravolo, said, the reality is, it’s difficult to protect the public from groups like this because its dangerous to deploy forces when there are so many people on bikes.

So why wouldnt bank robbers or other real criminals just do crimes on bikes in large numbers.. It seems like they are saying that they can do absolutely nothing. They are really giving ideas out to people who want to do real harm.
If I see a group of bikers and my wife and 2 year old are in the car they can pass me and do their thing, no need for me to point out they're breaking the law and try to be macho

Or else the bikers have all the rights in the world to vandalize your vehicle and threaten your life and the life of your family.
So why wouldnt bank robbers or other real criminals just do crimes on bikes in large numbers.. It seems like they are saying that they can do absolutely nothing. They are really giving ideas out to people who want to do real harm.

Are you comparing popping wheelies to robbing banks?
Not agreeing with you and having a diff point of view doesn't mean I'm a troll
It's that you're blatantly ignoring video evidence and 1st person accounts by some of the bikers via social media. That's trolling.

You're creating this notion that RR did something to provoke the bikers with no evidence, just assumption that bikers only react when SOMEONE ELSE does something. However, again, there's no evidence of that.
If I see a group of bikers and my wife and 2 year old are in the car they can pass me and do their thing, no need for me to point out they're breaking the law and try to be macho
No need to break the law in the first place. You'll never get it man. You really think you're above the law. Another worthless member of society right here.
If I see a group of bikers and my wife and 2 year old are in the car they can pass me and do their thing, no need for me to point out they're breaking the law and try to be macho
please keep posting...

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