Sprained Ankle Question

Apr 21, 2005
This is pathetic but here it goes. If I sprained my ankle earlier today and I've been icing it and all that and it still hurts, should I go to the hospitalto check it out?
that's funny because i just sprained mine this last Saturday after stepping on some dork's foot in the paint... it swole up and was red and looked likei had a golf ball on the side. i iced it and put peppermint oil on it everyday and i was walking since yesterday and i am good now with just a little bit ofpain and will be back hoopin this wknd.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

This is pathetic but here it goes. If I sprained my ankle earlier today and I've been icing it and all that and it still hurts, should I go to the hospital to check it out?
Why would you go to the hospital for it. It doesn't sound severe.
Damn. The swelling is like a golf ball and it's realllllly purple. I can't even walk. My boy keeps insisting that I should go to the hospital butwhat's the most they can do with my sprained ankle?
Nah. Just wrap it/brace it, ice it, and dont put too much pressure on it. I sprained my ankles so many times from soccer and just chilled for a week, then wasgood to go again.
No doctor necessary. But, TAKE IT EASY on your ankle or you'll be screwed for life.

And the most a doctor will do is give you some asprin and tell you to buy an ankle brace.
Actually a sprained ankle can be worse than a break. You should ice it for a hour, put some heat on it for a hour, and repeat all the while keeping itelevated. You should rotate the ice and heat in hour intervals for the first 24 hours and then just keep ice on it after that. Try to stay off of it as much aspossible and if it's still bothering you after a week, then is the time to seek medical attention.
If you wake up and its still swollen, then yes go see a doctor or a specialist. I sprained my ankle almost a month ago landing on someone's foot. Tried toice it and elevate my foot as much as possible. Woke up the next morning and my ankle looked like an empanada. I ended up going to the doctor and she diagnosedit as a severe high ankle sprain. She prescribed me some naproxen(similar to Aleve, but stronger) and sent me to get an xray. Luckily no fracture, so I justhad to stay off of my foot until the swelling went away. My ankle is still pretty sore, but its getting better as the days pass. Hope this helps.
I figured I didn't need to go. But I need to go to work and school and I can't even walk right now. Is there a quick way to heal this sucker?

Damnit, valentines day is coming and my plan was to take my girl to eat and to ice skate. Throw those plans out the window, huh?
how long ago did you injure it? try putting some peppermint oil on it...i use it all the time for aches n pains, it works but then again you don't have totake my word
I feel like going to the hospital but I have no insurance at the moment.

Oh, and I sprained it today.
^ peppermint oil would be great if he had funny bowel movements. but since its his ankle that's sprained he should consider taking a non-steroidalanti-inflammatory such as advil or tylenol.
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

Actually a sprained ankle can be worse than a break. You should ice it for a hour, put some heat on it for a hour, and repeat all the while keeping it
elevated. You should rotate the ice and heat in hour intervals for the first 24 hours and then just keep ice on it after that. Try to stay off of it as much as
possible and if it's still bothering you after a week, then is the time to seek medical attention.

Naw don't ice it in hour long intervals. More like 15-20 minutes. And unless you're trying to loosen it up because you're going to be active, Ithink it's to early for heat.
I just need to be able to walk as quick as possible. Can't miss work or school.

Soni should just keep icing it? And how long should I not walk for?
@ most dudes in this thread.


Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

Rest it as much as possible. As lame as it'll probably feel, you might want to use crutches for a few days just to give it a bit of extra time. You can tryto just walk it off, but it might result in prolonging the healing time, and it could lead to permanent damage if you're not careful.

Ice it 15-30 minute intervals. I hate the feeling of ice, even when it's in a bag and wrapped in a towel, on my skin, so I change it every 15 minutes. But,you might be able to stand it for 30. 30 is kind of easier, because then you can just go along with TV shows.

Compressing it is almost as important as icing it. Compressing it will keep the swelling down, and it can relieve pain in some cases. Just make sure that thebandage isn't so tight that it makes a throbbing feeling. It should be snug.

Elevation also keeps swelling down. Try to keep your ankle above your heart whenever possible. (So, whenever you're laying down, put a couple of pillowsunder it.)

That's everything a doctor will tell you, only for free. You might want to invest in some ibuprofen as well, but it won't accelerate things too wildlyand it might not be worth the trip to the store.

EDIT: Skating on Saturday might not be the best idea. Follow everything that's been said so far and test it out on Friday night. If you can jog comfortablyon it, then you should try skating on it. Just be sure to wrap it up well before you hit the ice.

As for walking, you should try to apply a slight bit of pressure every so often, whenever you feel courageous enough to, really. You'll probably have alittle bit of pain in it for at least a month, and you'll be more susceptible to re-injury if you're not careful. Just go by your comfort level.Don't force anything, though. You'll end up with clicking ankles for life.
Rice Method


if you do this and its still golf ball size in 5 days plus you cant put pressure on it
then I'd go to the hospital and look for bone and ligament damage
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

That was some good info there. Where can I get crutches?
Just borrow some from your friends. Most, if not all of them, are adjustable for different heights. Ask people who are around the same height asyou to borrow theirs. If none of them have any, you'll probably have to go to the hospital for them. But you might not need any. It's all about yourcomfort level with it.

If you can't find crutches, a cane would work as a quick fix as well. It's just about trying to put the least amount of pressure on it as possible.
My iish still isn't right and I hurt it like 2months ago still hooped today but I'm like 75%
Get some Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM. That stuff works wonders for joints.

And going to the hospital is not a bad idea. Back in 2005, I rolled my ankle pretty bad. I waited about 4 hours, and when I still had pain when I appliedpressure on my foot, I decided to go to the ER. I had a 3 mm fracture on my talus.

Getting an X-Ray taken does more good than harm. Go do it.
My ankle cracks on command

and I sometimes get a bothersome feeling on it

Just follow posted advice and you will be good
just sleep it off and hit up the urgent care or something tomorrow if it still hurts. ER is way expensive unless you have the greatest insurance in the worldso dont go unless the pain is unbearable
I recently sprained my ankle too, it was bad to the point where I couldn't walk so I had went to the doctor instead of the hospital a few days after theinjury. I tore some ligaments in my ankle and was put in an aircast. It helps you walk without feeling the pain and I also used crutches since I had to walkhella for school. If you can't go to the doctor, hit up one of your homies to borrow an aircast or crutches or even both. And just ice it on the regularand elevate it when you're sitting. After about a few days or a week you should be able to walk or limp, but it will still hurt. Take advil. I wasn'table to get back on the court til 6 weeks after the injury, then I found out I have an aggravated tendon so I have to sit out again.

Just go to the doctor only if you need an aircast or crutches. They'll probably hook you up with an ankle brace too. But I recommend borrowing them if youcould since you don't have insurance or to save money. Hope this helps.
Thanks guys. I really wanna go the hospital to get x rays done just incase there's something wrong.

While sleeping last night, I iced it and kept it elevated. Woke up this morning And the pain is still there but the swelling went down a bit.

Not having insurance FTL
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