• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
Bruhh Dane dehaan as Harry Osborn amazing to be honest I had no idea how they'd play him after franco but I like this version better

Franco's Harry can't even hold a flame next to DeHaan's in this film. DeHaan's Harry was Richie Rich with daddy issues and a temper. Franco's Harry was a jock that let Peter have his sloppy seconds after he was done with Mary Jane
I just felt like the film wasn't cohesive and jumped all over the place. Also the overbearing of the romanticism

I thought that Electro was cool tho
Alright some thoughts on the film after I've had a day to digest

-Peter and Gwens story was on point. I know people aren't into the romantic comedy shtick but Andrew and Emma's chemistry was so good that i completely bought into it. The ground rules scene wasn't even cringy, I mean I've experienced the Anakin/Padme "No it's because I'm so in love with you!" scene, So this was nothing compared to that :lol:

-The villains definitely took a back seat in the movie. This was basically a Peter/Gwen movie with some action scenes tacked on. Electro was such a scrub in the movie... in the beginning I was kinda worried that they made him too overpowered cause dude was getting his Mr. Manhattan on turning himself into pure energy (How did he reform his battle suit over and over again though? :lol:). I thought he was set up to be too strong for Peter ...but he ended up getting beat without putting up much of a fight :smh:

-They focused a lot more on Harry's story then Electro which made sense but hurt the movie overall because it set up a weird dynamic where the secondary villain, Electro, had the main fights in the movie but the main villain barely showed himself. The goblin fight was so fast that I honestly forgot what happened...how did he even get beat again? Maybe its because I was too focused on Gwen but that whole fight was very forgettable.

-The Richard Parker story was crap as usual...it sucked in the first movie and it was even worse in this one. I hope this is the last we see out of that cause no one cares about that angle

-That Aunt May scene gave me the feels, even more than Gwen's death. "You're my boy!" :frown:

Same happened with WS where people complained that WS was too comic booky

This is what we have to deal with in a post-TDK world. The complaints are either gonna be that the movies are too dark and serious or a true comic book movie comes out and people call it corny/campy crap
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So far all the characters that have been in Raimis and ASM were done better in ASM imo.

Anyway these mixed reactions are hilarious. :lol:

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Alright some thoughts on the film after I've had a day to digest

-The villains definitely took a back seat in the movie. This was basically a Peter/Gwen movie with some action scenes tacked on. Electro was such a scrub in the movie... in the beginning I was kinda worried that they made him too overpowered cause dude was getting his Mr. Manhattan on turning himself into pure energy (How did he reform his battle suit over and over again though?
). I thought he was set up to be too strong for Peter but he ended up getting beat without putting much of a fight

-They focused a lot more on Harry's story then Electro which made sense but hurt the movie overall because it set up a weird dynamic where the secondary villain, Electro, had the main fights in the movie but the main villain barely showed himself. The goblin fight was so fast that I honestly forgot what happened...how did he even get beat again? Maybe its because I was too focused on Gwen but that whole fight was very forgettable.
This, when i first saw him forming in to pure energy, i thought he would be a force to reckoned with. But that's how most superhero movies are these days
the joke about jamie foxxxs hair in the trailer for the movie Annie was HILARIOUS

tasm2 aint touchin Cap 2.

all the action was in the trailers. ima stop watchin trailers for movies now.

the spiderweb "hand" scene

peter standing thru the seasons

so sad man, cuz i know how that feels
Will be watching this movie for a 3rd time sometime next week. Definitely want to support this movie.
Spoilers ahead!!!!
I admit that I'm easy to please, but man I love this movie. In all of the Superhero movies I've watched I've hated every love interest but this one and cat woman in  Nolan's Batman, but the chemistry between the to just gets me 
.  And then she dies. Like man, I had forgotten how Gwen Stacy dies in almost every Spiderman adaption but even If I had remembered I still wouldn't have believe it would happen.  the way her body bounced of the ground 
. Maybe It's cause the film is fresh in my mind but it brought back all of the memories why Spiderman was my favorite Super Hero. The Humor, the sadness, all of it. 
I'm rooting for you spidey, I'm rooting for you.
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I looked on RT, then on this thread and figured I wasn't going to see this movie then.

It was a good movie, not sure why so critical. There was good acting, action scenes were dope, good cinematography(spidey flying through the city, and electro), lots of personable scenes. 

too much lovey dovey, I agree. I hated what they did with Rhino

Overall, worth a watch. Cmon now.
Reply liked the film my only problem with it was rhino hope he gets a better suit and smarter cuz the i kill people Russian thing won't work for me liked the edm/electro scenes it blended well also loved that when Norman "died" (I say died cause we never actually saw him pass he could be mr.fearce for all we know) he was already a goblin and that the green skin is a genetic defect .
I can't lie. I didn't like the first one but this one was pretty good. They have Spidey down to a science now. And I was surprised at the cgi for Electro. I did kinda expected him to pull some imfamous 1 types moves but hey. I felt like some of the Peter parts dragged a little. I understand its a Peter Parker/Spider-man but tighten that up b. They need to drop the Peter's parents thing too. That felt like the most useless thing in the movie. I also wish Oscorp wasn't the villain's R us in this universe. I hated that about Ultimate SM and I kinda hate it here. It would be nice to see JJ next movie. Maybe have his hand in creating a villain or bring in Kraven. I really think Kraven could carry a movie or pull a Ultimate Spider-man with Kraven.

Also did anyone else notice... when garfield was spider-man HE BARELY TOOK OFF THE MASK... LIKE SERIOUSLY. Either us whining or Karl Urban doing it for Dredd must have worked.

I give it an 8 out of 10.

sorry I just left the movie and my mind is in a jumble

EDIT: Anyone else noticed they said Amazing a lot in this movie? I was so happy to hear Harry say Spectacular after they said Amazing 23589t720934572y08 times
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This movie is not a masterpiece, far from it. It isn't even great, it is good and entertaining but had too many flaws.

First the good things.

Acting was superb. Garfield was very good and so was Stone. Their chemistry oozes off the screen but.

Dehaan was good too, surprisingly. I expected him to be good but not that good.

Foxx was good to a certain point, once he became Electro it was all downhill for him. Electro did look cool, his whole see-through skin with electricity runing through his body was great and unique.

The action, it was amazing (pun intended). Spidey utilized his webbing so well int he film and his body contortions and the way he moved was very, very good. I wish there were more of it but what they delivered was impressive. You can screen cap those poses and they're practically ripped out of the comic books. The way he free falls and then pulls himself out in the last second, the rippling costume as the wind hits him, the way he pulls himself in his web as he swing to get momentum and runs on walls at times, I could go on and on. They were great.

Felicia! They really had me convinced that chick was going to be someone else and when Harry called he Felicia, I just wanted to see her in her skintight cat suit.

That ending was probably best executed in the whole film. I knew her death was coming but the way it was done was both brutal and beautiful at the same time, difficult to explain. Just how she slammed the ground and how Spidey caught her at the same time. It's eerie but just very well done. I knew in the back of my head that she was going to die but the way it was done, you still hoped she opened her eyes. Very moving indeed.

Now for the bad.

The movie just dragged and dragged. I think there was a moment there where I yawned and I went to an 8pm showing. It's Peter and Gwens time together, their chemistry is right on but there was just too much in a 2 hour and 20 min film and they just flipped flopped too much for my liking. Break up or not, friends or not, back together or not, it just dragged to me. Look, I love Emma Stone and I'd marry he if she'd let me but even I kind of wanted her to be out of my screen for a second there. There were a few unnecessary scenes and one that sticks out like a sore thumb is the airplane scene. If there was a least necessary scene in all of movie history, that was it. Spidey wasn't affected (he had no knowledge of it), you did not care for anyone in the planes or the airport and you cut it out and it takes nothing away from the film. It would have made more sense if Aunt May had saved someone life via the power getting back, instead you had an event that Spidey wasn't even aware of.

Not only that but the villains wasn't utilized well. When I found out the movie was going to have 3 villains, I though it'll be a clusterf*ck then in the beginning of the movie the usher said the movie was going to be 2 hours and 20 minutes so I was like "yeah!" They can fit those 3 villains and it isn't going to be SM3 again. And I was wrong, dead wrong! Rhino and GG had a total of what, 5 minutes?

Speaking of villains, while Harry was done well by Dehaan acting-wise, his development as a villain was too brief. They rushed making him GG for the sake of making him GG and he was defeated as quick as he turned to GG. He was Vanko in IM2 really except he didn't hate the protagonist from the get go. Venom had more screentime in SM3 than GG and Rhino combined in this film and I think that's a travesty. They really could have cut some Peter and Gwen stuff and gave more screen time for the villains. GG was simply there to kill Gwen and while that was ok, I guess, I can't help but feel it is just a set-up for Sinister 6 or ASM3 and nothing else. Electro was kind of bland too once he got his powers, he became just another powered dude who had no purpose really but to kill Spidey and really learned nothing. You kind of felt for him in the beginning but after that, you kind of lost interest and then there was no pay-off. YOu kind of went, eh ok, he kind of deserves what happens to him now. His effects were cool though.

The movie also felt too goofy at times with terrible dialogue, only half of the jokes were executed well the others were just corny. Then some of the lines, "It's my birthday so it's time to light my candles", my god that is almost as bad as Halle saying, "Do you know what happens to toads when he is struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else!" :x I know people will go "well that's how it is in the comics" and I'll argue that different formats works in different ways. Some jokes could have been taken out because it just fell flat and took you out of the film. RDJ does this well (Marvel does actually) and no one does it better but it didn't work in some scenes in this film. There is Spidey jokes and sarcasms then there's this movie that cranked that up a few notches too much and not in a good way. There were times that dude already cracked jokes and he still kept doing it even in peril. I just didn't buy too much jokes there.

An example, when he was juggling the plutoniom, ok he collected them and he says some funny lines then theres a bump and he fumlbes and collects em again with more "funny" lines and then theres a third time with more quips and that third time was too much. Once was fine, twice as acceptable but the third time was just way, way too much. I know it was like 10-20 seconds long but it felt like 2 minutes long especially int he middle of an action scene.

Movie also felt like it could have been organized/paced better. His parents thing dragged on too, felt like it could have been done quicker and he should have figured it out faster? Resolution was that Oscorp was bad? Little gripe but it could have helped with the movie drag. I guess it gave Peter closure about why his parents left but it felt like a weak pay-off because it was too obvious and how much it dragged on. He also kept grabbing his dads bag and then hate it and then grab it and then hate and it just wasn't edited well. Small things that could make a difference.

Action was sporadic but like I said when there was action, it was great but it just lacked Spidey action. There could have been more, a lot more. Maybe it was just so good when they do it that I wanted more? SO take it as a compliment if you want?

Music was also mediocre at best, soundtrack could have been better.

Overall movie was good, entertaining with amazing visuals. For a comic book film, it lacked action and it also dragged a bit with unnecessary scenes that could be condensed or cut. I know I went into details of negatives but I did enjoy this film despite it.
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I felt his parents sub-plot could have worked way better in the first movie.

Plane scene was very unnecessary and the aunt may nurse plot.

Villains rarely got any shine and very underpowered.

A little too much Gwen and Pete.
People were so surprised on Gwen's death, while some comicbook readers weren't surprised because of ASM # 121-122. 
Lol the reviews for this movie is literly everywhere. Besides lamekilla its either meh or trash. I thought it was pretty entertaining. I wont touch on rhino, dialouge, etc because everyone has said what I have thought
Here's my long *** review.

So when I first saw it a couple days or maybe a week ago, I saw a bootleg stream, now I saw it in theatres, in Imax. And I all I can say is wow. I loved it even more. I'm gonna give a detailed review so yeah.

One of the many problems in the first film was that so many plot threads were introduced and none were resolved. One of those plots were the mystery of his parents disappearance and death. My opinion on this is that they thought this would work well and that they could stretch that out for maybe the first trilogy. But fans didn't react so well, so they pretty much fixed it in the intro to this first film. Right off the bat, they tell us what happens to his parents. To many, it wasn't needed, but if it wasn't there, people would've complained that they still haven't answered the question that the first film asked so I don't see the problem. Is it a super great scene? Maybe not. Is it bad? Definitely not. Simply tying up loose ends.

Now the film begins. Right off the bad, the visuals were amazing. This is the best Spidey has ever looked onscreen. From his motions, to how he's swinging around the city, to how they handled his spider sense. Phenomenal. Seeing this film in Imax was highly worth it.

Next follows Aleksei running from the cops after stealing Plutonium. This scene and what follows is classic Spidey material. Villain steals something, cop chase ensues, and Spidey webs them all up and goes on with his day. This was ripped straight out of the books, and I could totally see that happening from the humor used to when he pulled his pants down with his webbing. An absolute classic opening imo.

Only problem I had with Peter was the moment when he kissed Gwen at their graduation. That's not something Peter would do so it slightly bothered me, but wasn't a major deal.

In that chase with Aleksei, we first get a glimpse of Jamie Foxx as Max. On the first viewing, he was a little wierd to me, but with the second watch it wasn't as nearly as bad as I first thought it was. The only scene where I cringed was when he and Gwen was on the elevator and she leaves, he says "wait, she remembered my name" in this soft voice, and it was just ugh. C'mon Jamie. But other than that, I wasn't bothered with this character at all. Jamie as Electro was great on both viewings, even better in Imax of course because I get to see all the effects and how he looks. Jamie really does great in this role. Max with his new powers gets angry as police are shooting at him, and he believes Spiderman set him up. This leads to their first confrontation , and Electro is sent to Ravencroft afterwards.

I believe we see Harry a little earlier before Jamie and Electro duke it out, but either way Deehan kills it as Harry. Franco is meh in everything to me, and I just never liked him as Harry. The scene between him and Chris Cooper was powerful. A perfect introduction to Harry and shows how great of a Goblin Chris Cooper could've been if he was younger, or if he's currently able to pull of the stuff required to be the Goblin. Even close to death, he was menacing as Norman. Many people feel that he's wasted, but he's not done. I'm 100% confident he'll be back at some point. He still may be the Goblin as Harry was never given any name. Which could be something cool to see.

Emma Stone is just perfect as Gwen Stacy. I've seen Easy A and liked the film, but I never thought she would have a long or lasting career in Hollywood, but I think she will. The chemistry between Andrew & Emma is outstanding. Easily in the top romances of all cbm's to date, and easily outbeats whatever it is you want to call what was between Tobey & Kirsten's Peter & MJ. People complain that this was a romance movie which is a BS complaint imo. Peter Parker is equally as interesting as Spiderman. You can't have a Spiderman film without all of the women in his life. Were there a few scenes that could've been cut? Maybe, but not anything that drastic.

I forget exactly where but there's a scene between Aunt May and Peter and it is definitely one of the highlights. Sally Field is a great Aunt May and I hope she sticks around for a little while longer.

Harry eventually shows signs of his eventual death due to a genetic disease. In a desperate manner, he thinks that Spiderman's blood is the cure. So he makes a partnership with Electro to try to bring him down. Not long after, we witness his transformation. I liked Harry as the Goblin (or Hobgoblin), and I thought he looked great. He looked scary, instead of the power ranger looking like thing I saw in SM1. His laugh was menacing, and Deehan played it perfectly. People throw around the fact that his dad lived so long, so why is Harry rushing to find a cure? That's flawed logic imo. If I know I'm gonna die, why will I wait to try to figure something out? I'm gonna treat everyday as if it's my last and look for a cure.

Gwen tells Peter a little earlier that she's going to London. Right before so, he professes his love for her, and makes the decision that he wants to be with her and all that. What follows is a fight between him and Electro. Like I said earlier, the film looks beautiful, and the fight was great. There's nothing more I can really say about it.

Eventually he's defeated, and here comes Harry. Seeing Gwen, he deduces that Spiderman is Peter, and this makes him angrier. As a result he grabs Gwen and throws her trough the clock tower, where Peter & Harry fight. Now If I do have one major negative, it's the short fight scene between him and Harry. I would've liked to see more, but I'm positive the Blu Ray will have an extended version so whatever. Anway, I would've liked to see something more physical like Peter not wanting to hurt his friend, but dealing with the fact that Gwen is in danger so he has to do what he has to do. During their fight, Gwen is in a terrible position, and she ultimately pays the price. After Peter chokes out Harry, gears are shifting and Gwen ultimate ends ups falling. Peter leaps for her and does the best he can to try and save her but he's too late.

Holy hell (we can say hell right?) her death scene was powerful. Hands down my favorite CBM death scene at the moment. Nothing tops that for me. I already knew way ahead of time that she would die, but it still affected me heavily. I didn't know Sony would allow it to happen like it did. Not only do you hear her back snap, you hear her head hit the ground also. What follows immediately is shock and silence throughout the theatre. Garfield perfectly acted out the grief he had.

What comes next is Peter dealing with what happened. He quits being Spiderman for a while. It is then we hear Gwen's graduation speech which is placed well in this film and is the right words needed for Peter to suit back up. Something along the line: "There will be dark days, days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed the most...no matter what happens, you must always keep hope."What comes after is Harry and The Man In The Shadow discussing that now Spiderman has been inactive for 5 months, more trials need to be held and the first is Aleksei. On first viewing, I thought the Rhino was a bit too wierd, but that's mainly because I couldn't understand him due to watching the cam version. On second watch, he wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed Giamati's performance. What follows is the scene with the boy. People who react so strongly to scenes like that are just looking for something to dislike. It's not that big of a deal. We see the crowd cheering on Spidey as he returns and dukes it out with the Rhino.

Conclusion: I'll just sum it up by saying I love this film. This beats the last one in every way. Visuals, tone, story, whatever. All the actors did a great job in their roles, especially Andrew, Emma, Dane, and Jamie. Andrew is Spiderman for me. He has both Peter and Spiderman down perfectly, and I can't imagine it being done any better. One of my favorite elements of the movie was probably the humor as Peter and as Spiderman. Especially as Spiderman. My god, I finally get to see a goofy, wise-cracking Spidey. It's about time. My only real complaints are the fact that there isn't a central plot. It's not a BIG issue with me as the story flows smoothly for me, and I had no issues with keeping up. I feel for the sequel, they should tell a focused story. My other complaint is the final battle with Harry. Like I said earlier, it should've been longer and more physical, but I believe the bluray will make up for this. The death scene was the absolute highlight. I can't think of any way they could've done it better. Sucks to see Emma is gone now. Whoever follows her shoes whether it be Felicia Hardy, or MJ will have to pull off a tough performance. This film could've went a couple different ways. They could've just focused on Electro or the Goblin, they could've left out the Rhino. There could've been a lot of things that could've been changed. But that can be said for every movie. I enjoyed what they gave me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Before seeing this film again, I let all the critics reviews and negative one's from here bring me down a bit, and I shouldn't have. I loved this film. I know I'm gonna get a we must've had watched two different films type of comment, but I was respectful of the negative reviews, and I hope you all respect mines at least. To end this review, again I will say that I loved this film, I enjoyed The Winter Soldier more so I can't give it a 5 / 5. This is what SM2 is for others, so this film easily gets a 4.5 / 5 out of me.
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