• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
Those are sort of my points.

The Nolan Trilogy was GREAT, work. Acted, scored, casted, cut, storylines, Comic origins, tone. Just really great.

But there were..."leaps of faith".

Like Tempo said, magic rope lost him. He was ok with dude dressed as a Bat fighting crime, but naw, not the rope.

Kid gets bit by a spider and now can jump off skyscrapers without his heart stopping, no prob. Crowd forms to watch police in action blagghhghghg this film. :lol:

God damn folks. At some point you have to take stuff in, remember these are comics brought to life, and flow with that.

My uncle was a cop for 30+ years. Used his gun 2, maybe 3 times.

Mel Gibson killed 108 people in 4 movies for Lethal Weapon. Maybe I should knock those films down a notch. :lol:

Iono, people's complaints now are just getting crazier and crazier. Winter Soldier had like 7 words of dialogue, he's beloved. Electro doesn't say much more than that, people clowning his dialogue, backstory, short fight time, etc etc.
Basically MOS, correct.

And like I said, not many, but certainly there are some. Such as the plane, missing scenes from previews, maybe Rhino (tho it didn't bother me at all)

Even the "audience" ones don't bother me. It's New York, there's 13 million people, crowds everywhere. Even if it is "stupid" to have as background, it's just as stupid to complain about.

If the Dark Knight came out this week, we'd be reading how the school bus pull out the bank no questions? Why Joker have no backstory? Lame the prisoners v civilians on the boats, Batman's ears are too pointy. Bruce Wayne wrecked his car for no reason. The new actress playin Rachel gets called beautiful but clearly she's not.

Yet that film is REVERED. MOS, ASM2, same kinda complaints, and folks railing the movie. :lol: :lol:

Theres a difference with Joker, he had no background really, no one is suppose to know who and where he came from. They explained it clearly, he just wanted to see the world burn.

With Harry, you were treated to him being Peters best friend and you wanted him to be there for longer tham he was GG. Payoff of knowing the character, to set up the next film. With Max, they made you somewhat care for him and then drop the ball. With Rhino, fine he was just what he was used for and knew that coming to the film but again, sounding like a broken record, the romance and parents thing just dragged. Seriously cut one or both in falt screen time and give Harry a bit more time as GG and the movie will be better received. Another wasted scene was Gwen looking up Max on the cou and she was being chased and after that, she got away and nothing. Absolutely nothing! They didnt pursue further and felt like a waste of time. Peter and Gwen in the closet really gave nothing either, could have been squeezed in to a different scene or executed better.

I mean this is coming from a dude who bought a Venom mask and Spidey shirt so I wanted this film to be really, really great and it just wasnt. Good but not great.
Cut the romance, and you cut the impact of her death

Not true. I am not saying to cut all but some of the back and forth could be cut. I mean they already teased it at the end of ASM, hell they were already together and broke up then kind of got back together in ASM1, no need to do it over and over again in this film. Everyone knew he loved her, there was no doubt in that. Cutting some scenes would have had the same impact, plus that death scene was shot well enough that even if they didnt get back together youd still feel real bad once she dies, really hard to take anything away from that powerful scene.

And Winter Soldier got lots of love because he was a bada**, GG was cool but he wasnt that memorable outside of people reminiscing from the comic books. Maybe others could be tired of him as well since this the third iteration of him and they really didnt show enough GG for them to care? I agree with not making Norman be GG first because he has been done before but you kind of have to showcase your new version other than just laughing and killing Gwen.

And Winter Soldier didnt exactly get a pass here though, there was a discussion that dude was just a thug and really wasnt the main villain of the film, he was simply a cool pawn and nothing more. It wasnt til the end when he realized he was Steves friend that his development started.
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RFX, I hear ya on Harry/Goblin, but lemme ask you somethin.

What was knock in ASM1? Why do same storyline? Why show uncle Ben death again? We already saw this, etc etc.

Well, we seen Harry become Goblin before. On screen. You don't even have to be a comic reader to know that part of the equation. So for this film, why delve into it, more?

What more was needed? 5 minutes? That elevates the entire movie with 5 more minutes, as who? As Goblin, or as Harry getting angrier?

I seen that story done before. So I didn't feel the need to see it again. I liked Peter and Harry seeing each other for the first time in 10 years. (Diff approach than Raimi 3). I liked seeing Harry meet Gwen, also new.

Could the fight have been longer? Sure. But Gwen happened, and sorry, but that was one of the most unexpected scenes I've seen in any Comic movies. Mary Jane fell like that 43 times in Raimi flicks, Spidey always grabbed her.

Even tho I knew Gwen would die at some point, I never saw that scene coming. I couldn't believe it. To me, it rendered Goblin irrelevant for the rest of this film. (Knowing he'll be back later).

Peter hanging it up, visiting a grave, that's more powerful than 3 more minutes of action with Goblin.

Seeing her speech, getting him back out there, the boy with Spidey dreams and beliefs, that was better than more action in a 2 hour and 20 minute film.
Basically MOS, correct.

And like I said, not many, but certainly there are some. Such as the plane, missing scenes from previews, maybe Rhino (tho it didn't bother me at all)

Even the "audience" ones don't bother me. It's New York, there's 13 million people, crowds everywhere. Even if it is "stupid" to have as background, it's just as stupid to complain about.

If the Dark Knight came out this week, we'd be reading how the school bus pull out the bank no questions? Why Joker have no backstory? Lame the prisoners v civilians on the boats, Batman's ears are too pointy. Bruce Wayne wrecked his car for no reason. The new actress playin Rachel gets called beautiful but clearly she's not.

Yet that film is REVERED. MOS, ASM2, same kinda complaints, and folks railing the movie. :lol: :lol:

Theres a difference with Joker, he had no background really, no one is suppose to know who and where he came from. They explained it clearly, he just wanted to see the world burn.

With Harry, you were treated to him being Peters best friend and you wanted him to be there for longer tham he was GG. Payoff of knowing the character, to set up the next film. With Max, they made you somewhat care for him and then drop the ball. With Rhino, fine he was just what he was used for and knew that coming to the film but again, sounding like a broken record, the romance and parents thing just dragged. Seriously cut one or both in falt screen time and give Harry a bit more time as GG and the movie will be better received. Another wasted scene was Gwen looking up Max on the cou and she was being chased and after that, she got away and nothing. Absolutely nothing! They didnt pursue further and felt like a waste of time. Peter and Gwen in the closet really gave nothing either, could have been squeezed in to a different scene or executed better.

I mean this is coming from a dude who bought a Venom mask and Spidey shirt so I wanted this film to be really, really great and it just wasnt. Good but not great.

I can accept that trade off with parents or closet scene, that's a fair request to shuffle a little more time elsewhere.

That's a valid point.
That was the main complaint when AsM was being made, why reboot it? We know how hpit all happens, just like people complaining at a Batman reboot and I am with you.

But if you remember, I liked SM1 better so its not like I am head over heels in love with ASM. I really would have preferred they just start him as Spidey already and just show new adventures.

With that said, i see the directors reason, its still enough to be a reimagining. Thats why they avoided the famous quote. They changed it enough that you woudlnt mind seeing it again. They wanted people to care for the new actor and it worked and thats why plenty loves Garfield. If he didnt get a reboot, people may not like him as much. They also had to introduce Gwen and its the same situation, they want you to care and forget about snaggletooth. So while i did not care for the reboot and reintroduction, it was done for a purpose and it worked.

As for why do it again with Harry in this one, because their origins are different as well. In Raimis version, they were best friend so you feel when they fight. In this, they were friends who got acclimated again and that was it really. Everything about GG was rushed, the way he turned and his fight and again it just made you care less. Again its like Max, they try to make you invest in the character but had no or very little payoff, you have to watch the next film to see. Same situation too, you want to like this guy to be better liked than Franco and again they got you with it but you also want to see him as a better GG and that takes a few more scenes and interactions to get people to care.

So its weird but for a movie that felt like it dragged, it also felt rushed and left too many things unresolved. So you arent quite satisfied, does that make sense? Im bad at typing and explaining stuff sometimes, i. Also on my ipad running on a treadmill so my thoughts are a bit jumbled right now. :lol: ill touch up on the other points later if i missed anything when im done.
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Also I did not read all the other **** in the page but I skimmed a couple lines. I will not be supporting another reboot. Is spider-man so ****** that they can't find more than 5 ******* stories to tell? Marvel is plotting 14 years in advance and you can't keep 1 ******* story going.

Those are sort of my points.

The Nolan Trilogy was GREAT, work. Acted, scored, casted, cut, storylines, Comic origins, tone. Just really great.

But there were..."leaps of faith".

Like Tempo said, magic rope lost him. He was ok with dude dressed as a Bat fighting crime, but naw, not the rope.

Kid gets bit by a spider and now can jump off skyscrapers without his heart stopping, no prob. Crowd forms to watch police in action blagghhghghg this film. :lol:

God damn folks. At some point you have to take stuff in, remember these are comics brought to life, and flow with that.

My uncle was a cop for 30+ years. Used his gun 2, maybe 3 times.

Mel Gibson killed 108 people in 4 movies for Lethal Weapon. Maybe I should knock those films down a notch. :lol:

Iono, people's complaints now are just getting crazier and crazier. Winter Soldier had like 7 words of dialogue, he's beloved. Electro doesn't say much more than that, people clowning his dialogue, backstory, short fight time, etc etc.

The rope was ******* stupid. If the existence of Batman and the villains they use in the Nolanverse was the only change to real life, then the rope doesnt make sense. You can't bend all rules because a man wearing a cape is real.

But what really irked me is how fox didnt just flood the chamber before bane took the bomb when he couldve done that all along. What got me even more is that Batman and the only person rich enough to be Batman died on the same day, no questions asked.
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Wait who was complaining they wanted more Rhino :lol: After I seen how they were using Giammatti I just laughed and thought he's probably having a lot of fun with the role. Besides that dudes like Rhino and Electro aint bad choices to stack up on if you want multiple villains. That's the difference with the Raimi movies and why they ****** up SM3. You can dedicate a whole movie to Norman and Doc Ock but you don't share Venom with the ******* Sandman. Had they cast Venom right and made him he main villain with maybe Harry being the GG in the background that could've worked.

As for this Goblin talk, to me they didn't HAVE to do this storyline at all. If you really wanted to remove yourself from the Raimi flicks with a reboot happening not so long after. Goblin aint the only Spidey villain you can use to build an ongoing plot in multiple movies but hey they decided to use that UC as source material hard.

The whole reboot thing kinda had to happen. However, they could've rebooted without retelling the origin. To me there's no way Webb makes it work following SM3. He has to reintroduce MJ at some point, and explain how Gwen is the main love interest, plus the rehash of the Green Goblin with his own version. If he did the movie trying to make that surf work threads would be more complaints about that ****.
Could the fight have been longer? Sure. But Gwen happened, and sorry, but that was one of the most unexpected scenes I've seen in any Comic movies. Mary Jane fell like that 43 times in Raimi flicks, Spidey always grabbed her.

Even tho I knew Gwen would die at some point, I never saw that scene coming. I couldn't believe it. To me, it rendered Goblin irrelevant for the rest of this film. (Knowing he'll be back later).

Peter hanging it up, visiting a grave, that's more powerful than 3 more minutes of action with Goblin.

Seeing her speech, getting him back out there, the boy with Spidey dreams and beliefs, that was better than more action in a 2 hour and 20 minute film.

Alright I can touch up on these now. I agree with Gwens death, completely. Though not unexpected on my end, I just knew she was going to die but if you read my initial review, it was show so well that it felt like Gwen was still going to open her eyes. It was shot and done so well that the back and forth between Peter and Gwen could be cut and that scene will have the same impact. Again, people knew both loved each other w/o a shadow of a doubt, they didn't didn't need to show too much of it. It also helps that their chemistry was on another level so you just knew the two belonged together. Again as I mentioned they already danced around in ASM1, got together, broke up and then kind of got together. To begin ASM2, they are together and then they break up but that break up, Gwen specifically said he has done it so many times to her already so you knew it was a recurring thing. That right there kind of tells you already what the two have been through.

I'm not saying remove the cemetery scene and replace it with more GG screentime, I say cut the parents stuff and Gwen and Peter interactions. The Oxford audition and closet scene could have been condensed into one scene, Peter didn't have to be a comic relief by helping Gwen escape and really, not many laughed in the packed theater I was in because that part felt forced and unnatural, it didn't hit the mark. Now nitpicking would be if I point out that Peter used his webslingers in the Oscorp building and its hard to believe that there would be no camera to catch that and that Harry couldn't find out Peter was Spidey that way. Same way dude snuck in the Spiders lab by solving a complicated security matrix where he got bit and no one had knowledge of it, those are nitpicking.

And yes, 5 minutes more of action with GG could have made this film better, you anticipate his transformation the whole film and they pay it off with a quick glimpse of him. It'll be like you wait and wait for Banner to transform into the Hulk and then he smashes things for a minute and then he becomes forgotten, the same way you felt after Gwens death, GG was an after thought. Honestly, making GG fight more/longer could accomplish two things, make GG more bad*ss thus have people like him more and provides you with more Spidey action (that plenty felt the movie lacked). Would it have affected or impacted Gwens death? Chances are no. Would it have made him a better overall villain, I say yes. Sony can't fall to the same pitfalls Marvel is in now, having less memorable villains that people might not care for in the end of the film, like you admitted. I mean that was Peters friend that killed Gwen and people did not care. They needed to make a Loki not a Killian. Rhino, I could live with his small part but Harry being less of a GG, they should have highlighted it more.

Again the airplane scene and him finding out his parents secret (including that montage of his wall with some electronic, folk music?) could have been cut or condensed and even Aunt May working as a nurse felt unnecessary because it accomplished nothing. Peter obviously gives his share of money from his Spidey pics. It didn't elevate her scene with Peter where she says he is her kid, her acting and seeing Peters wall was enough of an explanation. Scene spoke for itself. That washing machine scene where she had to hide her nurse scrubs felt like forever and it wasn't utilized during the power outage.

And I already went through the little boy scene in the end, the overall scene could have been shot better.

I loved MoS and it definitely suffered from those type of scenes too, like going to the church and telling the priest he was the alien who Zod was looking for, all the lesson and sacrifice of his two dads (they literally killed themselves for him) and dude had to ask a stranger for advice and clarification?

Again, overall I enjoyed the film despite those but it definitely affected why I won't rank ASM2 as the best Spidey film to date and I could also see why the critics would rate it lower.
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Andrew Garfield is super cool in real life also. I met him about 3 months ago at the airport. I yelled out spiderman when I saw him and he smiled and bumped fist with me and said he appreciated the love...

...I shoulda asked him what Emma tastes like :evil:
dude on ktt ran into him at the gym.. long story short Andrew got him an role as an extra, tickets to a special cast screening and the after party..

Dude is cool as hell.. some of it is in the OP of this thread http://www.kanyetothe.com/forum/index.php?topic=301086.0
Just by the stories you read, like him practically sobbing at comic con for getting the part to him accompanying batboy at Disneyland for the whole day, you just knew dude is a very nice man. I'd play ball with him. :lol:
The romantic parts of the movie were appreciated. This wasn't your typical superhero movie where the hero's gf seems like she's just there to cheerlead and has no depth, REAL substance, complexity or usefulness. Gwen was Peter's anchor in this movie. Even though he was Spider-Man and she knew that, she kept him in check in a way, because he was always thinking of her.

They seemed to be saying without saying it, that he never just fully dives into his role of a hero because he has an obligation to her. On the surface it was stated as he has to keep all of these appointments with her, but on a deeper level they were saying that he never fully risks his life or takes on huge tasks because he has to be around or alive for her. Well, now she's gone and what I expect to see in the next film is Peter getting much darker and losing his concern for himself to the point that another anchor has to be established.

They set that up a little with Aunt May breaking down because she thought that Peter didn't see her as important as his dead parents. Hopefully just like in the comics and the old cartoons, Aunt May is going to become sort of senile and he has to be there for her. And of course, later there will be Mary Jane, but I hope they don't rush that and let the next movie be Spider-Man going full hero and kicking *** to the point that he almost becomes a threat to good. Not a villain, but someone that maybe goes a little too hard.

I enjoyed the romance. It was definitely different for a superhero movie, but that doesn't mean that it was bad. It is all part of Peter's development and I'm glad that they did not rush it and just glaze over it.
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Those are sort of my points.

The Nolan Trilogy was GREAT, work. Acted, scored, casted, cut, storylines, Comic origins, tone. Just really great.

But there were..."leaps of faith".

Like Tempo said, magic rope lost him. He was ok with dude dressed as a Bat fighting crime, but naw, not the rope.

I'm sorry but everything in that series was bounded by some kind of reality. A man in a suit fashioned after a bat can happen in real life. I mean a couple years ago we had dudes like Phoenix Jones walking the streets so yea I was ok with that but slim gets his back broken, is told he has 3 vertebrae poking out his back and gets prison surgery that was just him being tugged on by a ROPE. Maybe if they had him get REAL surgery, I would believe it.

I let the robo-knee slide. I even let the fact that he made that jump in the prison without the robo-knee. The movie was just too inconsistent from the rest of the series for me. I still find it hard to believe that a man broke into the stock exchange, people see him mess with the computers and stuff, whole thing is broadcasted to the people and they accept the Bruce Wayne lost all his money randomly? At least if they broke in stealthily and no one knew that they did something, I'd believe it.

So let down from TDKR :smh:
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The movie was just a such a Peter Parker movie as it was a Spiderman movie. I appreciated that. It's not very often we're immersed into a superhero' personal life like that. You really get the sense that he's more than a hero, he's a teenager with parents and girlfriend issues and abandonment issues like anyone else. From the comments it seems people just want it to be more of a Spider man movie.
Haven't seen it yet, but I've been readying some of the back and forth..

Technically, the winter soldier had 3+ villains: crossbones, batroc the leaper, the winter soldier, arnim Zola, hydra guys and Von strucker

The only mistake Nolan made with TDK was Maggie gyllenhaal.. And plenty of people we're let down by TDKR, extremely high expectations after TDK but the movie just didn't get there.. Felt like could have easily been better, because you had the pieces
Two of those villains were no more important to the story than the average shield agent tho. When 3 villains are central to the movie, that is when the problems occur
The movie was just a such a Peter Parker movie as it was a Spiderman movie. I appreciated that. It's not very often we're immersed into a superhero' personal life like that. You really get the sense that he's more than a hero, he's a teenager with parents and girlfriend issues and abandonment issues like anyone else. From the comments it seems people just want it to be more of a Spider man movie.

SM2 did everything you just said better then ASM2. Peter was very normal in that movie struggling with everything!.
Tobey's Peter was very corny and he got more corny as the trilogy went on.

Also, the chemistry between Garfield and Stone > Tobey and Kirsten Dunst by a landslide.

I enjoyed Raimi's trilogy back in the day but no way do I agree with anything you just posted.
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8) glad you guys are finally warming up to the movie. I saw some of my initial comments reinterpreted like how dope and twisted Harry's laugh was. Or how were their complaints about Harry's transformation into the goblin when Nolan's Joker is heavily praised with no back story...

Top 3 Comic Book films : Avengers, The Dark Knight and Amazing Spiderman 2.

Everything else is just in the discussion
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